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/lit/ - Literature

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22022363 No.22022363 [Reply] [Original]

What would your syllabus look like if you were an university professor?

>> No.22022372
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I love her so much... I need a /lit/ english major gf

>> No.22022381

why dont you go study English Literature? 85% at my university if female. Moreover, they are rich as well because its an expensive city and they are internationals

>> No.22022397

Quixote. Odyssey. East of Eden or Lonesome Dove.

>> No.22022406

I would say Aeneid > Iliad > Odyssey in terms of relevance for a student.

>> No.22022643
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>> No.22022648

Have you made one of them your gf though?

>> No.22022650

she's getting creampie by her boyfriend now

>> No.22023065

>endorse by Eva Braun
Get the fuck outta here nazi chud

>> No.22023145

The biggest midwit trap

>> No.22023160

how so?

>> No.22023175

that'd be a failure on anon's part tho. If you live right next to a gold mine and you don't bother to mine it it's not an issue of rarity.

>> No.22023178

It's backwards.

>> No.22023457

and what have you contributed to OP's curriculum?

>> No.22024225

kek, it's actually Eva Brann

>> No.22024230

The Divine Comedy read 10 times

>> No.22024288

1. All of Shakespeare
2. Moby Dick
3. All of Woolf
4. All of Pynchon
5. Rupi Kaur

>> No.22024369

well no... but I could if I tried haha

>> No.22024377

I want to rape her, and hear her moans of agony mixed with a very light sob

>> No.22024385
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hits too close to home

>> No.22024389
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1. Brandon Sanderson
2. Robert Jordan
4. JRR Tolkien
5. Patrick Rothfuss
In this order.

>> No.22024459
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English 345: Apocalypse and Revelation in Contemporary American Literature

This will be a survey course exploring the themes of apocalypse and revelation in post-WWII American literature and how they reflect the specific social and cultural anxieties of their time.

Reading List
~A Canticle for Liebowitz - Walter M. Miller Jr. (1959)
~Silent Spring - Rachel Carson (1962)
~Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut (1963)
~Slouching Towards Bethlehem [essay] - Joan Didion (1967)
~The Stand - Stephen King (1978)
~The Road - Cormac McCarthy (2006)
~Lesser Apocalypses - Bayard Godsave (2012)

There are no prerequisites for this course.

>> No.22024530

wow, you look devastated. You gonna be alright?

>> No.22024537

submission by houellebecq

>> No.22024586

i am alright

>> No.22025272

Is that for a course on shit literature?

>> No.22025328

what do you need to learn english for?
you're already speaking it

however, a curriculum of the etymologies of most words (in various different registers) will give you a better command of this beautiful tongue than any author's bespoke attentionwhoring

after that, only poetry
maybe bowden speeches unironically

>> No.22025854

Looks interesting. I'll write my thoughts when I wake up.

>> No.22026998

As if.

>> No.22027016

Water by the spoonful.

>> No.22027027

It would be absolutely brutal and comprehensive.

It would be the opposite of an easy liberal arts course.

Lots of required reading, strict reading schedule, lots of papers.

Classics, criticisms, detailed exams. Reading lists and materials from Ivy League curriculum.

Basically, providing the greatest possible English education that can physically be provided.

Whether or not the students appreciate it at the time. The ones that do would excel.

>> No.22027597

So write it out and post it, you posturing pseud

>> No.22027610

Can you realistically accomplish that in a 16-week semester?

>> No.22027620

people are just going to come up with absolutely ridiculous course loads that will just end in every student failing or the only students who pass are Indian Student tier and nobody actually learns

>> No.22027622

Keeping in the parameters of English courses, I would do an author study of Don Delillo:
Week 1-2: Endzone
Week 3-4: Great Jones Street
Week 5-6: Ratner's Star
Week 7-8: The Names
Week 9-10: White Noise
Week 11-12: Libra
Week 13-14: Mao II
Week 15-16: excerpts of Underworld

It would be a chronological survey, but also clustered around different things in his work, like his essayist style or his return to certain themes over and over,

>> No.22027641

none of those are english lit lol

>> No.22027712
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The Foundations of Internet Racism: A Very Based and Red-Pilled Syllabus

New Division of the Earth by the Different Species or 'Races' of Man that Inhabit It; Francois Bernier

Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races; Arthur, Comte de Gobineau

The Passing of the Great Race; Madison Grant

Racial Science of the German People; Hans Gunther

The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy; Lothrop Stoddard

The Races of Europe; Carleton Coon

White Power; Cmdr. George Lincoln Rockwell

Race, Evolution, and Behavior; Phillipe Rushton

Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations; Richard Lynn

The Global Bell Curve: Race, IQ and Inequality Worldwide; Richard Lynn

The Turner Diaries; Dr William Luther Pierce

Bronze Age Mindset; Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.22027731

Two texts: The Crying of Lot 49, then Finnegans Wake. Any objectively useful course on western can be built on those.

>> No.22027789
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Here u go fren