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22021508 No.22021508 [Reply] [Original]

Any recs from anyone who's read up on either?

>> No.22021580
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It sounds like a waste of time.

>> No.22021593

The spiritual roots of the Third Reich were a racial awakening of the ethnic Germanic people, the native inhabitants of the land of Germany going back to ancient tribal days, before the coming of the light of Lord Jesus Christ.

Niche subjects such as Western esoteric mysticism, German mysticism, white racial identity, seem of particular interest and relevance to people who are white themselves.

Despite all of this, fuck hitler and everything he stood for. Völkisch ideals do not endorse absurd religious genocide, which is physically impossible regardless. I'll elaborate further.

>> No.22021597


The Physical Impossibility of Religious Genocide

Due to the nature of religion, it is physically impossible to genocide and eradicate all members of a world religion.

In times of persecution, individuals can be forced to conceal their faith to survive, such as the crypto-Christians or "secret Christians" of Japan. Feudal Japanese rulers saw the growth of Christianity, as brought by European traders, as a threat to their hegemony. The missionaries were martyred in brutal torture executions, including crucifixion, in their service to Christ. The native Japanese Christians were forced to hide their faith from the government, for fear of persecution, ensuring their survival.

Similarly, a group of Jewish people in Jerusalem have recently gained controversial access to Al-Aqsa Mosque. It's a holy site in Judaism, but only Muslims are allowed near or inside the Holy of Holies, as a result of historical Umayyad conquest. So, these worshippers pretend to be outwardly Muslim as crypto-Jews, successfully gaining access to the mosque, but were eventually found out.

These same scenarios are found throughout history, especially in times of religious violence and persecution, and have ensured the survival of said religions. Religion is an outward matter, faith is an inner matter, and so it is physically impossible to genocide or eradicated all the members of a religion. Not only is it evil to slaughter innocents for having a different religion, it is physically impossible to kill a belief or idea. It is both wrong and futile to persecute Christian minorities in Muslim nations, to persecute Jewish minorities in Christian nations, or to persecute Muslims in Jewish nations.

Communism, in its persecution of Christians with the goal of eliminating Christianity from the nation, is both immoral and a historical failure. Nazism, in its persecution of Jews with the goal of elminating Judaism from the nation, is both immoral and an irrational histotical failure. Zionism, in its persecution of Muslims with the goal of eliminating Islam from the nation, is both immoral and a historical failure.

>> No.22021599


>it is physically impossible to genocide or eradicated all the members of a religion

Making nazism, communism, and zionism fundamentally absurd and futile, not just hateful and genocidal extremist ideologies

>> No.22021601


>> No.22021617

who cares. its about results

>> No.22021629

Skip Nazism, go to intellectual Volkish thought. The German Romantic tradition. Herder, Humboldt, Wagner, Heidegger, etc. Nazism and theosophy are crass popularisations of their ideas.

>> No.22021643
File: 116 KB, 1244x700, AlexanderMoritzFrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Alexander Moritz Frey, a medic who disliked Apollo, and later became a science-fiction writer ((and fled Germany after Apollo came to power)) nonedheless wrote ov Apollo

>Yellow Lies, Golden Truths

>> No.22021653

Okay, but he mentioned the failure of all of them. Besides all immorality leads to failure in the end one way or the other, the notion of the amoral actor who sets aside sentiment in the name of the direct and actionable is a lie. Evil destroys within and without, its victories are fleeting and self-destructive.

>> No.22021655

Carthago lost

>> No.22021973

Black Sun by Goodrick-Clarke is the best academic history of the subject.