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22016900 No.22016900 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pregnant with a boy. I know nothing about boys. What are some books that will teach me how to grow this fetus into a responsible man?

>> No.22016905

Just don't talk to him and if he complains about a lack of love or lashes out against others then blame him for not properly suppressing his feelings.

>> No.22016910

Just read books to him and near him all the time. You don't need to worry about his morals because plenty of great writers are total degenerate scum; you need to worry about his prose.

>> No.22016994

Call your son an incel if he complains about that stuff

>> No.22017028

Don't assume your child's gender.

You should refer to them as them, first of all, until they decide if they're something else like male or female.

>> No.22017231

Stay with his father

>> No.22017271

How do you know your child is going to be a boy?
Stupid question, but just want to get things clear.

>> No.22017274

The lady of the stars prophesized such

>> No.22017450

None of you are grown men

>> No.22017455
File: 28 KB, 350x491, tomas-mother-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least one of those is a woman

>> No.22017500

post your fat greasy tits you sow

>> No.22017507

Raise your boy with honesty, engage them in conversation, and demonstrate your own fallibility as a person once they're old enough to handle it. Otherwise, people have been stumbling through childrearing for millennia, just try your best. Don't put money or drugs ahead of them in your priorities, and you're 80% of the way there. Make them try new things, get good at failure, etc. Mostly common sense.

>> No.22017513 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 299x464, Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 18-34-04 Read manga Yamima no Mamiya Chapter 16 (English) Precarious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, I'm not into straight shota

>> No.22017532

the boy should have a father

>> No.22017538

oh my science thanks for the gender neutrality !

>> No.22017542

We both know you're going to raise him according to feminist dogma and female platitudinal bullshit. You will spiritually neuter him and turn him into one of the weak and worthless males you despise.

>> No.22017545

Tell him every single day that women are equal to men until he starts resenting you.

>> No.22017623

You can see cock and balls on ultrasounds, anon.

>> No.22017631

Oh yeah I forgot

>> No.22017679

tits+timestamp or gtfo

>> No.22017741

I haven't read any books about parenting, but have accumulated some knowledge - mostly by reflecting on the way I was raised, identifying the errors and mistakes and researching ways to avoid them. I will try to give you the most important parts of it, but I'm a scatterbrain so bear with me.
First is unconditional love. This is the single most important factor in parenting. Do not EVER make your son feel as if he has to work for your love or figure out what strings to pull to get it. Love him unconditionally or you will end up raising a bitter, cynical and hateful man.
Secondly, accept the fact that he will suffer. Indeed, he MUST suffer, as we all do. Try as you might, you cannot protect him from it. You will have the overwhelming desire to shield him from all harm. Do this, and you will end up raising a man that never learned to fight his own battles and come out on top. You should obviously prevent him from committing insanely stupid acts like jamming a fork into the electric outlet, but if you are hovering over him ever-watchful to intervene as he gets older, it will make him reliant on others for most of his life, perhaps even all of it. It is one of the greatest disservices you could do him.
Nurture his will and teach him virtue. It is absolutely imperative that you lead by example, as children learn through imitating their parents and peers. If you tell him "do not steal" and proceed to steal a lot, your son will end up stealing a lot. Words are meaningless if they aren't backed by action - this holds true for life in general, but is especially important when raising a child. If you want to instill into him certain virtues and values, you must lead by example.
Natural consequences are the best teacher. Your son fucked something up? Don't punish him for it with physical force or mental abuse. Let him experience the consequences of messing up and guide him through the fallout. For example: your son decided it's time for art, took his crayons and unleashed his muse onto the living room wall. Sit him down, explain to him in a child-appropriate way why you do not approve of what he did. Make him help you remove the crayon masterpiece, and show him your appreciation for having taken part in fixing his mistake. Teach him that the next time he gets creative urges, he should follow through on a sheet of paper rather than the wall.

>> No.22017743

Lastly, teach him to be in touch with his emotions. For men specifically this is incredibly important. Don't be fooled by all the supposed hard-asses out there that act like men need to shut down their emotions to succeed, it is a load of hogwash and extremely counter-productive. A man that denies his emotions will forever be their slave. Ideally, a man should stay in control of his actions. For that to happen, he needs to master his emotions. To master his emotions, he needs to know them. If he destroys something in rage, ask him what he feels. Tell him that's a feeling called anger. Tell him that it is okay to be angry, then ask him why he is angry. Teach him ways to process anger that are productive, rather than destructive. If he cries, ask him why he cries. When he explains, in his incomplete, childish understanding of himself, tell him that he's feeling an emotion called sadness. Tell him that it is okay to be sad, and that everybody is sad sometimes, and that it will pass. Do the same for happiness, joy, and the positive range of emotions too. A man who knows himself and the inner workings of his heart and soul will have far better control over his actions than a man who was taught that boys don't cry, that he should just stop being dumb, that he needs to swallow his emotions and push through rather than understand where they come from and how to work with them rather than against them.
Ultimately, as a parent, you don't have control, but you have influence. Many parents seem to think themselves sculptors, and their progeny marble. This is patently false. You are a shepherd, and your progeny is your herd. Let go of pre-conceived notions of what your son will be or should be. He is the marble AND the sculptor. Give him the tools and teach him the trade. Support him developing in whatever direction he chooses to.

>> No.22017761

who said anything about shota you uppity bovine whore
just post your udders already

>> No.22017770

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

>> No.22018018

I'm glad my mom read the little prince to me, that's all I can say

>> No.22018039

no longer human was a book i resonated with idk if it will help you understand males in general but it was a good read. I dont know many books that have properly explored the difficulties and insecurities that you face as a boy or teen growing up but there are definitely some out there

>> No.22018267


>> No.22018278
File: 9 KB, 259x194, Lamalditanarnja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just show tits already!

>> No.22018325

Honestly, just take care of him as he grows up and show that you love him. He needs to know that his family will love and support him no matter what. No book will replace that.

>> No.22018345

Have fun accepting the fact that all moids would rape a woman if they could get away with it. I'm talking like if they were transferred to a pocket dimension for an hour with nothing but a defenseless girl and told that this is their one chance in life to violently rape and they would face no consequences for it, they would do it. Yes, even your precious little piss baby.

>> No.22018401

No. But I wouldv'e if it was you.

>> No.22018560
File: 358 KB, 1896x2560, 81vPXO120DL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get him this book as a young lad

>> No.22018571

Physically raping a woman isn't an attractive prospect to me but I have thought about how insistent I would be if we were trapped on a desert island and it was clear no rescue was coming in the near future. I'd be respectful but tell her frankly, come on lady, I'm doing most of the heavy lifting here, let me have something to look forward to when I come back to the lean-to. Doesn't have to be full sex, just let me jerk off to your ass or something. However, I wouldn't rape her even if she stonewalled me. I'd just be like wow you're a bitch, I collect five times as many coconuts as your lazy ass.

>> No.22018734

T. Never read the Iliad

>> No.22018762

You're quite the Virginia wow

>> No.22018771
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Most of these
Correct answer

>> No.22018790

Call him a fucking nigger

>> No.22019718

Who let this one out of the mines?

>> No.22019807

Don't divorce his father. This is literally all you can (not) do.

>> No.22019851
File: 762 KB, 1071x590, Screenshot from 2023-05-12 05-47-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22019876

Tex by SE Hinton (she nailed it)

>> No.22019887

>think about it logically
I laughed, solid pasta

>> No.22019943

Breastfeed for at least 18 months.
Never ever disrespect his father in front of him.
Never lie to him.
Don't send him to inner city public school. Teach him languages and advanced math and science from a young age.
Don't allow unrestricted internet access or social media or a smartphone.
Make sure he plays a sport.
Get his dad, hopefully your husband, to buy him a whore when he turns 15, or whatever the right age is in your country. Especially do this if he has a crush on a girl his age.

Congratulations, you just raised a gigachad.

>> No.22019958
File: 60 KB, 1000x800, 1649478076338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding on to what others have said, read lots of books and encourage him to do the same. He should end up with one or two "intellectual" hobbies.

>> No.22019966
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>one shot at life
>mother is a 4chan poster
>on /lit/ no less

>> No.22019971

sounds hot

>> No.22019976

unironically read ham on rye from bim bim, it gives you an idea what is it like to be a boy

>> No.22020038
File: 65 KB, 620x768, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be afraid to jerk him off from time to time when he's older. It's totally normal and anyone trying to shame you for it is a jew. A mother should be milking her teenaged (and adult) sons regularly to keep them from getting pent up and testy.

>> No.22020910

You can’t do anything to raise a man. You can raise a person and that’s about it. His father will raise the man

>> No.22020945
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>> No.22020951
File: 113 KB, 880x1360, circumcision the hidden trauma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22020954
File: 30 KB, 296x445, Unspeakable Mutilations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22020955

Second this

>> No.22020960
File: 29 KB, 270x406, circumcision scar book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22020997

I will never understand parents opting to cut upa baby's penis instead of teaching him to shower. Its not like the baby asks for it

>> No.22021021

Learn to tolerate his directness, don’t get in the way of his play. If he gets falsely accused of rape, beat the girl up who accused him.

>> No.22021023


>> No.22021026

My mother did that to me. I fuckin hate Calvinism and it’s why I’m a Marcionite nowadays

>> No.22021057

Does he not have a father?

A boy doesn't learn to become a good man through books. He learns from doing, from practical experience under the wise eye of another good man who sets the example.

>> No.22021231

Not even memeing this is a total fucking disaster for the kid, he's fucked lol.

>> No.22021245
File: 514 KB, 297x498, kaiji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are reborn and given the choice, you will not remember you took it:
>your future mom is a hooker
>your future mom is an e/lit/ist
>your future mom fulfills every fetish you currently have and you'll retain those into your next life

>> No.22021251

>your future mom fulfills every fetish you currently have and you'll retain those into your next life
this option sucks because i don't currently have an incest fetish in this life

>> No.22021346
File: 63 KB, 532x709, Sigmund_freud_um_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sense of confusion is overwhelming, I have absolutely no idea which option to go with.

>> No.22021492

Wind, Sand and Stars

>> No.22021769

I haven't kept up with the whole conversation but...
>your future mom fulfills every fetish you currently have and you'll retain those into your next life
>One of my fetishes is Teratophilia
Monster Mommy please!

>> No.22021773

Can they do a BPEL on the fetus?

>> No.22021928
File: 21 KB, 762x664, 20230511_215705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I completely understand and agree with the original but I see this gender swapped version is obviously just a woman who wants to fuck her son??

I don't want to fuck my daughter but I feel the emotional truth of how cultivating her for another man is humiliating. He's enjoying the fruits of MY labor. But.. the woman is talking about how she doesn't get to ride her son's cock...she wants to fuck her son. And that is wrong. But I agree with the original and I don't want to fuck my daughter..

>> No.22022352

e/lit/ist is by far the best option here, i'd go with her.

>> No.22022364

Women like to be raped, women more often search for simulated rape on porn sites then men

>> No.22022510

>His father will raise the man
The Jesuits, surely?

>> No.22023281
File: 2.67 MB, 1779x2184, 100NovelsByYoungMaleWriters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Hodgkinson's guide for parenting
>lit fic
pic related

>> No.22023283

We are all just human beings and the Holy Bible teaches us the way to raise a strong, stable, and loving family in the grace and protection of the Lord.

>> No.22023289

Honestly it is just to be loving and fair, not provoking to anger but still teaching discipline, hard work, honesty, and strength.

>> No.22023314

None of us grew into responsible men, why would you ask us lol

>> No.22023370

Men want power above all. There are many forms of power, so all that matters is which power he's chasing, how, and how intelligently. But it's all power. To matter, or to be rich, or to be influential, or to be physically strong, or to have desirable women. It's all power. Even love in the eyes of a man is about power.

>> No.22023615 [DELETED] 

Most of the advice in this thread is pretty good. The one thing I would add is that when he gets old enough to understand, get his father to sit him down and teach him that privately owned central banks are a conspiracy to enslave the population.

>> No.22024745


Not OP. Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the insights that you've shared. Growing up I was an only child to a bipolar mother. Halfway through life & have only recently begun processing my experiences growing up. Best of luck!

>> No.22024754

Teach him to punch bullies in the jaw and to not be a simp, and he'll become a Chad before high school.

>> No.22024991

Idk man I've fucked girls that use 4chan before and they were very odd. I feel like the last one is pretty avoidable, but all that means for a guy like be is that my mom would be hot and have nice feet.

>> No.22024996

No, it makes sense. Moms literally want their sons to get laid as it's proof that they didn't raise a fucking dork that can't talk to girls. There's nothing women dislike more than a guy that is too shy to talk to them.

>> No.22025030

Both that one and the original are delusional. Yes, your daughter will get fucked by another man. But thanks to that other man, she will be able to pass down your genes. If you raised her properly she will also be there for you when you need help. You won't have to rot in a retirement home if your kids like you, no matter their sex

>> No.22025047

Not him, but I have seen the ultrasound techs get two wrong in a row.

>> No.22025050

Only if you are really into accretions.

>> No.22025069

It should be a capital offense. Satanic ritual sexual mutilation is way worse than rape.

>> No.22026069

We The Animals
Great book about boyhood and growing up.

The movie Kings of Summer
Which may have been a book.

Best of luck with your pregnancy!

>> No.22026624

Sometimes a Great Notion, Song of Solomon

Both great novels about wrestling with masculinity, individuality, and independence.

>> No.22026684

she's calling him a child you tard

>> No.22027230

Don't let him become a faggot

>> No.22027239

Try raising him the same way you would a girl and you'll have a happy emotional child who will respect women.

>> No.22027284


Congrats on your son.

I had a son about 18 months ago now, wasn't planned. We love him so much its unreal.

Little boys need lots of love from their Mums. Make sure he's kind to animals and stands up for himself against other boys from an early age.

The difficult bit will creep up around age 8 or 9. Boys start to become steadipy more aggresive towards eachother and I think its difficult for women to understand that. If you have a male role model then let him lead there. If not, shower him with love and encourage himself to assert himself always. Its easier to reign it in at a later date then develop it.

I hope you have a cosy pregnancy, easy birth and enjoy motherhood.

>> No.22027478

if your first instinct is to ask around here you're fucking hopeless. terminate him if it's not too late already and spare the rest of us his burden

>> No.22027839

love him, but don't smother him. it's the husband's job to teach the child how to be a man, not the mother's