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File: 604 KB, 1125x893, 340D8E7A-FB5B-4999-BC28-FD45A0AB581A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22016610 No.22016610 [Reply] [Original]

I know this board likes to trivialize the impact of Rupi Kaur and Amanda Gorman, but genius is always treated as foolish and worthless in its time. What we are seeing is the birth of a new era of creative genius, the woman’s era. Women will dominate every creative field one day, from literature to poetry to painting to film. Why? Because women are more in touch with nature and vibrant energy

>> No.22016624
File: 231 KB, 1495x1490, 1976.10.xx Camille Paglia wall behind Barn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every smart woman think women are retarded?

>> No.22016632

One day they're going to paint over the Sistine chapel

>> No.22016641

>followed in the footsteps of the Renaissance greats
Imagine being able to render silk in a marble sculpture, and having your work compared to a couple of horizontal bands on a concave surface.
More work went into the statue of David's cock.

>> No.22016650

Nope. That's the pope's private property, and that old pedophile knows how much his shit is worth.
Guarantee you this is a public building. City council retards will vote for fucking anything if you make friends with them.

>> No.22016661

How the fuck do you people not just run into parliament and remove the fucking sheep from their positions?

why is society so fucking low T that there are no longer any coups.

>> No.22016672
File: 696 KB, 1125x1609, 27609F8E-2D43-4055-980A-C3DDCA16CCF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies run the military, not Napoleon

>> No.22016688

That looks like shit
I bet after the photo op they had a real artist paint over it

>> No.22016690

>It’s another episode of women with penis envy who fail to understand genius and think that their childish drawings compare
notice how they always compare their shit to something men already accomplished. Doesn’t matter if science or art. A true genius does not compare his work to someone else’s because to him it is the work that matters, not some superficial accomplishment to attention whore to society.

>> No.22016701

i cant take it anymore. I WILL overthrow my countries government. I will do it with 50 people, but probably less and fail.

the publicity will be good, and I don't mind doing the time.

>> No.22016704

fed, please. There are better boards than /lit/ to honeypot off of.

>> No.22016705

He could sell it and give the money to the poor but he won’t because of his greed

>> No.22016708

Okay Mishima

>> No.22016712

Nothing a color-field painter, minimalist or a Daniel Buren couldn't have done over half a century ago

>> No.22016715

>lets sell this invaluable piece of art to throw money at le poor so that they magically stop being le poor, what is inflation
you’re a dumb, underage, protestant burgerstani who has never left his desolate, cultureless country

>> No.22016718

I mean, a house painter could easily do it. Not a big deal.

>> No.22016722

a competent one would at least choose a decent color palette so that the place doesn’t look like a kindergarten

>> No.22016724

I’m not a Christian but I know what the Bible teaches

>> No.22016727

Refuted by Malthus and Ricardo

>> No.22016741

me neither
yet you are a fucking vandal who has never seen something like Il Duomo in Florence. The aesthetic value alone makes it all worth it because it is good for the spirit. Even if you’re not a christian. A protestant cuckshed has zero emotional appeal to eat which is why burgers treat churches as bars for muh community and not actual places for a private connection with God/the spiritual
What the other anon in this thread is saying is that there simply is no Il Duomo today. Everything is built with this soulless American pragmatism in mind with no humanity or aesthetics to speak of

>> No.22016744

if you told the kids in my school i tried that it none of them would be surprised. they would say 'yeah he told us he was going to do that'.
i have mixed feelings about mishima. at the one hand japan was completely humiliated. on the other hand the fight is not over, on the other hand suicide also looms over me. pretty much everyone opposes me.

>> No.22016749

>no humanity
stfu leftoid

>> No.22016758

fuck off with your politics, baiting poltard

>> No.22016774

>A protestant cuckshed has zero emotional appeal to eat which is why burgers treat churches as bars for muh community and not actual places for a private connection with God/the spiritual
Depends largely on the church.
Methodists and Baptists are real anal about not doing anything besides church stuff in the church, to the point where a particular Methodist church I know built an entirely different building a block away from the church for its potlucks and crap.
It is worth noting that Methodists are probably the branch of Protestantism that most closely resembles Catholicism.

That said, you know that you can use similar reductive descriptions for Vatican, yes? Because it's basically a giant fucking tourist attraction. Half of the pictures you'll find of the Sistine Chapel are filled with people with pretentious-looking cameras and turtlenecks. Saying that money, gold, and fancy artwork are how one communes with God, when the religion you're talking about is built around a bunch of hobos in the desert, beggars belief.

>> No.22016782

yes, Catholics are heretics. Not news to me.
t. from Orthodox country

>> No.22016791

who the fuck eats in the church? This is bizarre to someone who’s used to the Orthodox tradition. Wow, they’re so anal about people coming to a place of worship and doing muh communal things like a bunch of cultists. No fucking wonder the Thirty Years War was a thing.

>> No.22016792

If I trust Italy to do one thing right at least, it's being autistic and rabid about protecting stuff like that.
I know it's the Vatican and not Italy, but come on, Italy would threaten to cut off their water supply if they ever painted over that shit

>> No.22016799

>He thinks this age old take is 'le burger PROTTIE mutt'
You people are so out of touch it's hilarious lmao. "The rich Vatican should sell their stuff to feed the poor" is something you hear all across Latin America and Catholic Europe. You'll find that many MANY Italians and Spaniards and Frenchmen absolutely hate the Vatican and think it should be abolished and annexed into the secular Italian state.

>> No.22016801

they shouldnt say they’re Catholics then. They signed up for the Catholic pope to be their infallible authority, then they must follow it. No such thing in Orthodoxy btw, no Patriarch is infallible

>> No.22016805
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>implying christainity wasn't a political movement

>> No.22016807

>Retard thinks anyone in Europe treats churches as a divine house of God
They're treated as grandpa's treasure and nothing more. Nobody in Europe believes in jack shit nor do they feel any "divinity" from walking into a tourist filled Museum piece.
Americans are actually far more spiritual in that they genuinely think this stuff is real, they really do believe in Heaven and in Hell and they are literal God Fearing folk. "Shed" or "hut", an American Protestant church still has far more genuine believers inside of it than entire European countries do. Nobody prays in my city's cathedral anymore, it's a quiet stone monument now.

>> No.22016811

They don't eat in the church. That's what I was saying.
Before they built the rec center, they'd literally just bring folding table from home and set them up on the lawn like a bunch of goobers in suits.

>Wow, they’re so anal about people coming to a place of worship and doing muh communal things like a bunch of cultists.
I suspect it's a pagan remnant. Orthodoxy probably lacks them, or has different weirdness that it took on from whatever weird steppe people were converted.

>> No.22016816

>he thinks Europe is a monolithic religious block
how I know you’re a stupid mutt
The Netherlands treats it like that for instance. Greece, on the other hand, isn’t a secular state, requires you to be Orthodox to be Greek, and has a ton of people praying on the regular. Seeing someone do a crucifix before a plane takes off is normal. Telling people that you’re an atheist genuinely upsets Greeks and they try to help you thinking you’re in trouble.

>> No.22016818
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>Anon learns that 95% of Catholics in the 21st century are literally just Catholic "out of habit"
Yeah pretty much. Those dweebs you see online arguing over theology and
tradition are a minority of a minority now. Your average "born Catholic" (be it Quebecois, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, etc.) doesn't go to church and the Zoomers think the Pope is a pedophile rapist.
JP2GMD is a Polish internet meme which means "John Pavel 2 rapes little kids". That's the reverence and spiritual respect you get from what's left of Catholicism in Europe.

>> No.22016822

why the fuck would a church need a rec center? Again, why are you mixing spiritual and communal life together like some cult? Worship is deeply personal in Christianity, but Protestants make it into some pagan Jewish cult.

>> No.22016823

>why are you mixing spiritual and communal life together like some cult?
why is this wrong can u explain

>> No.22016827
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Well shit, that sucks for Greece, but yes I just assumed all of us in the EU were intelligent and rational folk. The whole Pedos raping kids thing really sealed the deal for religion in Poland (I live in Berlin and drop by to see my friend in Warsaw frequently). I've yet to meet a Pole under 30 who says he believes in God and Jesus Christ.

>> No.22016832

can you read my post? Church is a place for you to connect with God, not people.
go back to plebbit

>> No.22016837

Okay, why the fuck did trailblazer become a feminist term?
Glass ceiling... why do they have so many stupid sounding terms?

>> No.22016841

they’re women, anon
women are stupid in the most basic, childish way. They can be phds, they still act like dumb children

>> No.22016842
File: 45 KB, 630x487, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worship is deeply personal in Christianity, but Protestants make it into some pagan Jewish cult.
Are you high? It's literally the other way around, Protestants were obsessed with purging Christianity of anything "pagan" and hated the theatrics of the Roman Church in their countries. Protestants learned to read the bible themselves for a reason, the whole point is that you have a personal connection to God and don't need a gaudy shiny priest in a golden shrine to read it in Latin for you.
I'm constantly amazed that so many people online are obsessed with this idea that "the PROTTIES are not TRAD and they clap!" Have you fuckers literally never even heard of Scandinavia, Scotland, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, or about Huguenots, Puritans, etc.?
>pagan Jewish
Do I even need to clarify the stupidity of this sentence?

>> No.22016853

>can you read my post? Church is a place for you to connect with God, not people.
Worship typically involves other people, though. You don't throw a baby into the river and tell it to baptize itself, do you?

>> No.22016859

>muh sola scriptura
missing my point entirely. The priest in shiny clothes is someone who is also part of your community. And it is his job to preach to the mass and guide them, not the mass’. At least thats the case in Orthodoxy, I don’t care about all the bullshit Catholics invented after the schism.
and yes, Yahwe was a deity in the Jewish pantheon which eventually became monotheistic. Protestantism is Jewish precisely because there is no ecumenical church. A protestant priest is no different from a rabbi.

>> No.22016863

Children are baptized so that they connect with God. Other people are just there to assist him. Same with marriage. Same with any church event, at least in Orthodoxy. You go as a community but it is implicitly understood that people should shut the fuck up and just do all the necessary rituals in peace without talking to one another like its a bazaar.

>> No.22016866

>go back to plebbit
Ahahaha just how disconnected from society are you? This is (the relevant part of) Europe today man, nobody prays, that shit is for Arabs and Africans and Americans.

>> No.22016883

What about altar call?
At that Methodist church, everyone was quiet during service, but the preacher would call us down to the altar to pray to God and ask forgiveness. It was actually common for the older members of the church to walk around and take a knee next to these people to pray for them verbally.

>> No.22016884
File: 51 KB, 701x438, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The priest in shiny clothes is someone who is also part of your community
Keep a straight party line mate, first you say it's not about community then you say it's about him being part of the community. Just admit you're a typical 4chan nationalist who picks religions based on what is considered "Based" or "Nationalist" depending on your ethnicity lmao.
>and yes, Yahwe was a deity in the Jewish pantheon which eventually became monotheistic.
Yep, and Yahwe is also YOUR God. Jesus was a Jew and this whole thing is an offshoot of Jewish Messianic prophecies and the army of assorted schizos that were roaming Iudea in the 1st century. Give me a break, did you think you were worshipping the Aryan Dyeus Pater this whole time or something?

>> No.22016891

I have no fucking idea how that’s relevant at all. Stop shoving politics into religious discussion, you underage retard. And learn to address arguments themselves without resorting to inductive thinking for once.

>> No.22016909

What about it? The priest is doing his job. I don’t get where you’re going with this.

>> No.22016916

I was wondering if the thing I described in that last post was something orthodox Christians did, or if that was something else that's odd to you, on account of it being other people interfering with your personal prayer.
I'm not going anywhere with it. I'm asking a question.

>> No.22016932

I have addressed your points. You're the idiot who thought "Jewish pagan" actually meant anything, when even literal Medieval clergymen never resorted to accusing Jews of being "pagans" hahaha. This type of shit just unmasks you as the typical 4chan Christian, throwing "Jew" at anything he doesn't like or understand. Doubly hilarious that you'd accuse a practice of Christianity of being "Jewish", God forbid, Yeshua of Galilee, the son of Miriam, born in Judea, might have been a Heeb too!

>> No.22016935

the priest is like a conduit for your connection with God. He doesn’t talk to you really, it’s too ritualized for that in Orthodoxy. The person has to recite certain things by heart in response to the priest doing the same.
stfu and learn to debate

>> No.22016939

Conflating biblical heebs with fags like Jon Stewart or Ben Shapiro is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.22016943
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Tbh as I got older, I realised that women overall just have this nature in them to want to control things. The problem is, although they can get control very easily they more often than not aren't very responsible with it. Or they misuse it that it leads to destruction, most of the times without even meaning or intending to. Eg. Being accepting of things that are blatantly wrong to gain social favor, such as transgenderism and the covid vaccine

Seems to be why women are the more neurotic, anxiety ridden types. It all stems from wanting to control things, or not being able to control things. Once you come to this realisation you will notice this in basically ALL women in your life, from your coworkers, HR roasties, relatives, even your own mother and grandmother you love so much. Even if you ask them something that requires a simple yes or no, they will speak in tangents to control. Heck, what is makeup? Another thing they can use to control their appearance.

They all do it so some extent and just like that switch sides so easily to control the situation and keep life comfy for themselves if it becomes the social norm or to control others perception of them.

I think it's men's job to relieve them of this hell they live in. It's why despite what they say, they always want a man of higher status and more dominante than them. So they can finally relax and have them take control (the lead), because if they don't trust the man they're with, they go into their control overdrive and they destroy their man and impose their nature on the kids which continues the cycle. You'll notice it in any failed or failing relationship, it almost always stems from the man not being strong enough to lead the relationship/family properly that the woman ended up taking over covertly and brought it to it's destruction

>> No.22016961
File: 54 KB, 602x402, images (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immediately brings up [random American] and [random American #2] when Judaism is mentioned
Fucking Americans here should be range banned I swear.
Jews are Jews, if the people around them point and say "those people are called Yehuda/Iudeans/Zyd/Juif/etc." then they are Jews.
The Romans called Jesus and his people Jews. Jesus was from the province of Jew Land and was obsessed with the Jewish books and Jewish prophecies. He was baptized by another Jew called John and the Jewish king Herod thought they were both lunatics causing trouble in his neighborhood. Christianity is what happens when one (of many) insane Jewish guys in ancient Galilee actually gets a following.

>> No.22016969

>he is confusing Jewish ethnicity with Jewish religion
not surprised you can’t shut up about me being a nazi when you yourself can’t separate blood from spiritual beliefs, you fucking hypocrite

>> No.22016992

In other words they’re like jews

>> No.22016993

> The person has to recite certain things by heart in response to the priest doing the same.
That sounds occult, in a good way.

That's also something Pagans did, though. Culturally, doing that in America comes off as very cult-like, like you're brainwashed or hypnotized or something. Only parallel I can really think of is when they say
>He is risen.
>He is risen indeed!

>> No.22016999

? How does any of that matter? Jesus was a Jew from Judea, that's it.
>Jewish ethnicity
I see you did NOT notice that I posted a picture of Yemeni Jews here. So, what's the Jewish ethnicity exactly? There's like 5 of them, at least.

>> No.22017005

what I mean is that you learn a certain prayer or a set of responses to a priest. Catholics do it to. Nothing cult-like because everything is approved by the church. Cultism and paganism to me is the ”we have no such thing as THE church, everyone has their own little temple where they worship their own little deity sola scriptura and all that

>> No.22017006

> Fucking Americans here should be range banned I swear.
Rent free, huh?

>> No.22017014

All hoes know how to do is yap yap complain and shit on their boyfriends good time
>more in touch with nature
Nigga really think he did something, kindly leave the board and go to /mu/ or /pol/ with the other retards.
Also off topic post

>> No.22017019

Technically the definition of cult is "any group of people with shared beliefs."

In English, we use it to refer to a specific type of religious organization that's hyper controlling and dangerous. Jack Jones is the most infamous "cultist" in American history, as he convinced his entire congregation to commit mass suicide.

>> No.22017029

I know, maybe Im too loose with my terms. Anyways, you sort of get this idea that Orthodoxy is all about following a set of traditions and rituals together yet on a deeply individual level, which is what constitutes a community in a strict sense. You learn the rituals just by existing around people who practice the same rituals as you. Everything else like rec centers and all that is seen as superfluous, untraditional, and thus heretical. I get how that can be seen as cultish, but I guess Christianity is just a bug cult in a way.

>> No.22017033
File: 6 KB, 272x185, download (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the fuck eats in the church?
You know that part at the end with the bread and wine?

>> No.22017036

not sure if baiting, but it’s a ritual, not people pigging on food in a place of worship

>> No.22017044

>This is (the relevant part of) Europe
Lol you're polish you stupid fucking ape.

>> No.22017046

Sorry, do you not *eat* the bread? What do you do with it? I usually chew it and swallow it, which I believe to be the act of eating.

>> No.22017059

kek this is such blatant reductionism and materialism. Not sure you would understand any church ritual at all then.
>hahah look bruh angels are like so weird looking no way they were real

>> No.22017092

So you don't actually eat it? I prefer not to divorce ideas from the actions required to perform them. It sounds to me like you're a very foolish man more interested in ritualism and other vanities.

>> No.22017105

it sounds to me that you fail to understand what a ritual is. Or you’re either extremely dumb or autistic and fail to understand symbolism.

>> No.22017125

Don't you have a rock to pray to or a verse to repeat ad nauseam? A man who tries to divorce himself from his body like some kind of weepy platonist.

>> No.22017127

>in the footsteps of renaissance greats
kill me already

>> No.22017137

Italians never confiscated church property like the French did

>> No.22017152

By the way, it's possible no Italian was involved in this. She painted the ceiling of a chapel in the British School in Rome.
Just Anglos being Anglos

>> No.22017160

not sure where you’re going with that kek. Are you trying to insult me somehow? You’re too autistic to understand the difference between eating food to sate hunger and eating bread as a part of a symbolic ritual. And then you go on talking about muh body dissociation. Ok, and? Christianity does not claim to be a materialist religion. I don’t know of any non-Platonic religion for that matter. It wouldn’t be a religion then. Dont practice religion if you are so opposed to platonism, bro, its not the Middle Ages anymore.

I can sense by your idiotic inductive reasoning that you’re the same retard who sperged about muh Jew Jesus and all that. Seriously, learn to argue like an actual independent agent without resorting to the standard reddit bucket list of retorts

>> No.22017163

Actually, not the chapel, but the entrance foyer.
She just probably has a friend at this magazine and you got your ragebait of the day

>> No.22017199

>women are the jews of gender

>> No.22017246

>You’re too autistic to understand the difference between eating food to sate hunger and eating bread as a part of a symbolic ritual.
So people eat in church?
>I don't know a non-platonic religion
Holy shit are you polish or something? That's my only explanation for your profound mental retardation. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Norse Paganism, American Indian religions, etc. What an amazingly stupid thing to say. A perennial moron.

>> No.22017276

>the woman’s era.
Amazing how quickly the objective went from "equality" to "we will dominate all forms of culture and you're evil if you don't smile and cheer".

>> No.22017298

From the beginning it was never about equality - anyone who says a little bit of feminism is ok eg. women voting and stopping there is retarded

>> No.22017411

>The fear of inflation justifies enslavement and degradation

>> No.22017434

What you describe as women’s nature is Leviathan, there are women out there who are not controlled by such things

>> No.22017452

>doing the time
Pretty much every country on earth will fucking kill you for that, and they'll expedite the process. Only the United States will refuse to do so, because we've got so many deranged political movements that killing pretty much anyone will create a martyr and turn it into a massive movement.

>> No.22017793

>Baptists are real anal about not doing anything besides church stuff in the church
The black ones serve food.

>> No.22017816

I actually like that ceiling. It's neat !

>> No.22017847

Calm down, bro. It's okay, anon. I forgive you.

>> No.22017966
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>> No.22017979

OK so I get your point, but I don't really think it's fair to compare anything to Santa Maria del Fiore as it is quite literally the most beautiful building in the entire world, and while we can decry that we aren't bulding as beautifully anymore, putting that as the standard is like being angry that not every generation produces a Bach.

>> No.22017990

>Pretty much every country on earth will fucking kill you for that
it will take far too much time and be a complicated procedure. i have multiple citienships so I might face deportation. also I doubt I will be executed, everyone warms up to me eventually. plus i am cute!

>> No.22017997

You got the wrong board, glowster /pol/ and /k/ are two corridors further

>> No.22018014

>Europe is like uhm sooo complex and diverese maaaan
fucking pseud

>> No.22018023

Trying too hard.

>> No.22018061

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22018080

I think it was one of the italian sociologists of elite theory who said that revolutions are never about equalizing inequalities but rather about replacing the inequalities of the old system with new ones which are inequal in favor of those who managed to topple the old system.

>> No.22018084

My sure you have a twink on hand to cut your head off (the one on top) for when things go pearshaped.

>> No.22018103

>Modern = simple, meaningless, bright colors, inoffensive, historical amnesia, corporate, gay
I hate modern

>> No.22018119

Overdosing on testosterone in the womb is the only means for a woman to ascend to reason

>> No.22018130

As a frog, yeah, you're right.
At least, the quiet stone monument is a place I can always go, for free and without modern tedious bullshit, to have a quiet prayer in peace.

>> No.22018135

Faith is lived in community, that's why the peak of holy life is the monacal lifestyle. I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.22018154

You're wrong. Once the boomers die it's over. Until the early 2000s we were like 10 years behind the USA on getting pozzed by jews, but after smartphones the gap has shrunk every year. We're adopting every new disgusting thing that Americans cook up almost immediately. If you go to a major city it's literally all niggers in the ads. I fucking hate the USA and I hope that Putin hits the button when the war is over and nukes your fat fag nigger country full of retarded cattle into a parking lot. I fucking hate you all. You've destroyed humanity.

>> No.22018174

I never understood why there were so many black people in fashion advertisement even in places that don't have a whole lot of them outside of the big metropolises. I remember seeing this catalogue of women's fashion in rural Austria that was literally all black and indian women from beginning to end. Do they advertise fashion in Africa with white people, too?

>> No.22018187

>I never understood
kikes hate whites

>> No.22018249

Based. Women are cute. Female supremacy :3 keep seething, incels

>> No.22018265

You don’t really eat it. It’s very small and just dissolves on your tongue.

>> No.22018290

There's definitely a certain artistry to the way that women show up in a male space and just fucking ruin everything out of spite. I respect it in a strange way.

>> No.22018366

It's not women. Women are obedient by nature. They do what (((society))) tells them.

>> No.22018367

>I want the entire world to succumb in nuclear hellfire because I am angry about advertisements
I respect the autism, I really do.

>> No.22018388

It’s F. Gardner’s fault

>> No.22018394

What's the point in a world that celebrates ugliness and methodically seeks to destroy all beauty and ideals? We're becoming no different than insects. I say wipe it all out. Better to die than live in undignified squalor.

>> No.22018402

That this too shall pass. The Florence Cathedral still stands, the birds still sing, Bach's music is eternal, sunsets and moonlight cannot be robbed of their beauty, and that which is good in man shall prevail, as it always has.

>> No.22018405

You're wrong. I'd like to cope and tell this bullshit to myself as well but we're headed toward complete self-destruction in the name of a machine model of humanity. Every reminder of our past will be destroyed.

>> No.22018414

>sunsets and moonlight cannot be robbed of their beauty
Giant nigger ads in the sky will blot it all out.

>> No.22018415

this is what i hate about brainlet materialists

>> No.22018422

Then fight.

I'll have to be honest, the one time I seriously gave thought to going full Kazcynski was when I heard about a start-up that wanted to project ads onto the night-sky.
At that point I think a bit of light murder is not only reasonable, but required.

>> No.22018426

>Then fight.
You can't fight against a collective of governments in a crony alliance with megacorporations as well as billions of mindless drone subhumans. The only escape is suicide.

>> No.22018428

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we witnessed something of a western cultural revolution happening during our lifetimes. New times demand new idols, and new idols can only be created through the destruction of old ones.

As an oriental cartoon put it, the fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth. Though whose joy, that remains to be seen.

>> No.22018589

From a business perspective it's a win/win for the company cos they get to look woke and divert any blame for the lack of success of their ads etc onto racism. More broadly I'm guessing the shilling of black people is down to the types of people who populate these industries and their desire to look progressive or perhaps transgressive (even if it's the opposite of that now). I find it baffling as well though. Every online store seems to have an overrepresentation of minorities, even for clothes that don't really cater to that minority aesthetic (hiking, business wear etc). Might also be due to the number of these people who exist in the modelling sphere, idk. what gets to me more than this is the general degradation of the types of people they use. Shitty haircuts, neck tattoos and sleepovers on some dyel mutt. Who actually looks at these types and wants to emulate them?

>> No.22018596


>> No.22018602

You're naive. It's entirely planned social engineering. They're forcing them down your throat. Habituation is a thing, and media influence has proven time and time again that if you shove something in people's faces over and over again they will eventually like it. It's all a plan to turn all of the West into a buzzing hive of domesticated 70IQ slaves.

>> No.22018614
File: 36 KB, 543x540, 1680889487870116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trailblazers to hell.

>> No.22018646

You should be

>> No.22018654

What does overdosing on estrogen in the womb feel like. I think that happened to me.

>> No.22018852

Ah I don't necessarily disagree man. I was being generous with my analysis there, but there is certainly an indoctrination element to it as well. It finds it's most insidious manifestation in the race swapping being done to historical characters in film. I find it disgusting and off putting, and will actively avoid media and companies that do this shit, but I'd say I'm in a minority on that

>> No.22018901

>this wrongheadedness
>what is the bride of Christ
There's a clear difference between Christian fellowship and people not "shutting the fuck up" during Mass; I find it difficult to believe you could confuse the two.

>> No.22018996

Are you people not tired of this shit yet? I've lasted a couple years trying to believe in this kike schizo nonsense. I appreciate Christian heritage but God doesn't exist.

>> No.22019121

okay Judas

also Jesus in John 12:4-8

>> No.22019229


>> No.22019288

There are no coups because power has become too centralized due to technology. Everyone is completely brainwashed by social media and government agencies kill any hint of a coup before they can form. The powers that be make sure everything stays the same.

>> No.22019308
File: 1.00 MB, 691x1408, womemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, that's what I was thinking: we are singular cells in a body violently riddled with late-stage metastatic cancer.
There's a reason why every civilisation across every period in time and place individually decided to exclude women from public life.
>Dissimulation is innate in woman, and almost as much a quality of the stupid as of the clever.

>> No.22019508

I think the word your looking for is "chewing". Unless you're claiming that when the body is dissolved it's then drank, which I'm willing to consider as a possibility.

>> No.22019554

holy fucking shit, the sheer autism

>> No.22019560

I'm not going to claim unshakeable faith in the Church, but some sort of theism is perfectly logical.

>> No.22019829

>God please help me
>nothing happens
wow amazing

>> No.22020597

>be retarded
>have retarded thoughts