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22015287 No.22015287 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most surreal, ferver dreamish, hallucinogenic invoking, mind screwing, trippy, out of this world, book you ever read, bros? I want one hell of experience.

>> No.22015294

Finnegans Wake

>> No.22015300

The Turner Diaries

>> No.22015532

Naked Lunch

>> No.22015547

>ferver dream

>> No.22015553

Alcohol and white supremacy

>> No.22015555

Naked Lunch
Beckett’s Trilogy
Gravity’s Rainbow
The Journal of Albion Moonlight
Gerard de Nerval
Titus Andronicus
The Ghost Sonata
John of the Cross
The Third Policeman
The Wind Up Bird Chronicles

>> No.22015636

Daumal's writing and also a book calles Cancroregina.

>> No.22016359

Gravity's Rainbow.
Nothing trippy or feverish about it. It follows its own Jungian-Freudian logic. It's actually a highly structured novel.

>> No.22016367

It triggers my HPPD. If that isn't trippy, I don't know what is. No other books cause my perceptions to morph.

>> No.22016389


>> No.22017345

"Ubik" by Philip K. Dick

>> No.22017360

Ubik by dick

>> No.22017514

just take acid

>> No.22017606

yeah just like take acid or shrooms and read a calculus textbook kek

>> No.22017672

Red Book
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.22017695

The Stars my Destination is the closest a book has gotten to recreating the feeling of watching 2001 a Space Odyssey for the first time if that makes any sense

>> No.22017754

Checked and also anyone got any rec's for goos english volumes of works by john of the cross?

>> No.22017769

does a newspaper count

>> No.22017778

>Gerard de Nerval
Any specific title?

>> No.22017780

The book itself is not the fever dream, only the witness to it. The book is sober throughout. The account is pretty fucked up. Alan Harrington's ''The White Rainbow''.

>> No.22017789

The Magus

>> No.22017835
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Do you know what "trippy" means? Something can be highly structured and "trippy" at the same time. Pic related.

>> No.22018017

Project for a Revolution in New York

>> No.22018040

The infernal desire machines of Dr. Hoffman

>> No.22018065

Voyage to Arcturus

>> No.22018083

Reading Robert Anton Wilson always fucks with my head and turns me into a paranoid schizo for a few days

>> No.22018099
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>> No.22018307

I can recommend a very trippy worldbuilding book if you want. It's not a story, it's just lots of very interesting and isolated worldbuilding concepts/ideas, neat if you want some inspiration.

>> No.22018331
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John David Card's people mover. A psychosexual nightmare of a book by a serial rapist

>> No.22018462

Go ahead pls

>> No.22018467

Animal Money by Michael Cisco

>> No.22018472


>> No.22018491

Fire on the velvet horizon.
A true hidden gem of creative writing.The writing is decent but the artwork is more "hit or miss" though.

>> No.22018639

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch was pretty hectic

>> No.22018687
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>Red Book

Fucked me up so bad I had to own both

>> No.22018690

Imagine if taking a psychedelic and reading an advanced calculus textbook would enable you to instantly understand it as well as practically apply it.

>> No.22018964

What a vile jew meem
"Muh secret name of god"
God answers all prayers in his own way without the use of a secret name.

>> No.22019883

So much petty hate for someone who has all their prayers answered

>> No.22019906

Now kiss

>> No.22021065

Apathy and Other Small Victories was kind of a weird book. It was shilled on /v/ as some sort of hilarious satire, but it was just weird
>protagonist steals salt shakers, cucks his landlord, thinks his neighbor is fucking his hamster, and can't hold down a steady job

>> No.22021070

I have the Penguin edition called Selected Works

>> No.22021076

I have the New Directions edition. It’s the only one I’ve read so I can’t really compare unfortunately. It has a very Rimbaudesque mystic feel to it. The introduction is great as well and sheds a lot of light

>> No.22021428

I recommend Cosmic Trigger Volume 1 by RAW.

>> No.22021436

>It has a very Rimbaudesque mystic feel to it
I hate retards so much it’s unreal

>> No.22021538

good list and trips also
>The Journal of Albion Moonlight
Holy fuck someone else has read it. It's one of my favorites.

>> No.22022113

So you hate yourself?

>> No.22022128

Gravity's Rainbow, especially the last section

>> No.22022263

The New King James Bible

>> No.22022587

The Book of the New Sun has some weird moments.
I'd say it's even very "LSD-like", but i've never used that so I can't say for sure (I shouldn't post ITT at all in fact).