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/lit/ - Literature

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22015092 No.22015092 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read this book /lit/? I read most of Napoleon the Great (my girlfriend at the time threw the book in my dads pool after we got into a fight so I never read it) and really enjoyed it and wanted a more detailed biography of literally me TM.

>> No.22015102
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Also, the best thing I’ve read all year was The Anarchy by Darlyample (my boi Shah Alam II got done so dirty bros) so I was think of what you though of The Last Mughal and…

>> No.22015110
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Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan

I’m up for reading any period tho, give me all your recommendations

>> No.22015122

Anyone have a good book for American history? It didn't interest me as much growing up and I feel like I need to know the significant events and actors in order to better understand my country.

Also, not sure if on topic, buy a book on how the government and economy works would be cool

>> No.22015272

better reasd it quick before that fukcing movie comes out

>> No.22015281

As far as I know, the film only covers events leading up to the consulate. I heard it was primarily concerned with the 1796 italian campaign. It would be impossible to make a biopic of napoleon that covered more than a year or two

>> No.22015296

Do NOT read that book under any circumstances

>> No.22015383

Just finished it, found it a very fun read.

>> No.22015387

Why is a 50-something playing young Nappy? Phoenix shouldn't really be playing anything but a St Helena Napoleon.

>> No.22015399


>> No.22015416

I just want history, not (((history))).
What do I read that isn't corrupted?
Interested in anything really, but WWI, Rome, and this bro would be my current interests.

>> No.22015435

The only thing I remember form this book about this frogs life was that his wife was a toothless old syphilis ridden whore.

>> No.22015472

Truman by David Mccollugh is pretty good. Not only Truman's life and presidency being an important and interesting part of american history, it's also about america's transition from post civil war into a super power. The attitude and ideas of the country changing.

>> No.22015480

Napoleon hated jews, one playing the role as him is quite ironic.

>> No.22015488

Not the guy you're replying to, but I tried reading it myself and quit after a couple hundred pages. Bad writing style, and he praises Napoleon for not being a "bigot" because he put an openly gay man in an important military position. And this is supposedly written by a "conservative" author. I didn't read far enough to see how he would handle Napoleon reeling back women's rights once he got in power, but I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to make excuses there. Like forget the women as long as ONE gay man is treated humanely. I find it crazy 4chan and right wing Twitter will simp for this book.

Read J. Christopher Herold's book on Napoleon instead.

>> No.22015495

Napoleon basically converted to Islam I dont give a fuck what that camelfucker thought

>> No.22015607

Timothee chalamet would make a good young napoleon desu. He had long, curly hair and was a twink until the consulate

>> No.22015612

Napoleon cynically pandered to muslims while attempting to steal the colony of Egypt from the British. He was a republican who thought that religion was a convenient tool to manipulate the masses, the same reason he signed the Concordat. /pol/tards read a book 2023 challenge

>> No.22015700

any good books about medieval european lifestyle and culture?

>> No.22015902
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Probably because he’s famous and looks just like Napoleon


Hell nah, Timmy is already besmirching Bob Dylan in a biopic. Do we need him to besmirch a lesser, still-great figure like Napoleon?

>> No.22015914

I think A Great Discontent by Michael McGerr is pretty good. It's about the origins, collapse, and platform of the Progressive movement in America. It's a short book, but i think it gives a pretty interesting description of its subjects.

>> No.22015996
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>any good books about medieval european lifestyle and culture?

>> No.22016072
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Nope, incorrect. Go read a book and stop being retarded.

Full quote on this image.

>> No.22016174

First Principles: What America's Founders Learned from the Greeks and Romans and How That Shaped Our Country
The section on George Washington's journey had me in tears.

>> No.22016761

>Joaquin Phoenix is Napoleon
That is unfortunate, I was slightly interested upon learning about the movie from this thread (as much as I can be for a bigname modern day movie), now I am not. Joaquin is alright and kinda looks the part, but is still a miscasting.

>> No.22018617
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Great book about how America came out of WWII, what the end of the war meant to its military, how US doctrine was towards expanding Communism, the relationship between Truman and MacArthur and his command in Tokyo. And descriptions of newly Communist China, the triangle Mao-Stalin-il Sung.
Plus battle scenes from the eyes of individual soldiers.

>> No.22018974

Could Napoleon have been the second Alexander if the British didn’t cuck him in 1799?

>> No.22018997

>from the British
from the ottomans retard and it's called an eyalet. he wanted religious toleration because he was a romaboo

>> No.22019007

Jesus christ is a prophet in islam too

>> No.22019021

You'll learn that during the early years of the French Revolution, Nappo was at home in Corsica seething at a pomegranate orchard.

>> No.22019032

Ottoman possession of Egypt was only nominal, which is why they did fucking nothing when the French landed

>> No.22019521

he WAS the Western Alexander. Spengler talks about this

>> No.22019597
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picrel is enjoyable and informative

>> No.22019653
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it's nice to walk around history section in a bookstore and see all these books about events you never even heard of happening
I recently came across The Great Game about UK fighting with Russia over control of Asia which is something I never heard happening, unfortunately the book was gone when I went to get it

>> No.22019668

I mean his talk of “putting on the turban” and conquering India. I think it was Acre he was bullied back and the dream ended.

>> No.22019734

>muh history books
Stop with this fucking meme. Stop. JUST FUCKING STOP!
You cannot learn history from books. It's all lies. None of it ever happened and you can't prove that it did. If you didn't see it with your own eyes - you can't believe it.

>> No.22019901

how do I learn history then?

>> No.22020505
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You've read all of Robert Caro's books, right /lit/?

>> No.22020530

Guy needed an editor. His LBJ were the Ducks Newbury Port of history. Give me a break.

>> No.22020588

Will get to it after I finish Mason & Dixon

>> No.22020754

where should I start with history? I picked up the story of civilization as a general starting point, I don't know shit about history and didn't study it in school. I want to read about world wars and the like, only thing I read relating to it is Storm of Steel which was good. Any suggestions? I realize that's kind of broad..

>> No.22020787

I got into WW2 history by following TIK-History's recommendations
They were
1. Russia's War by Richard Overy
2. Ostkrieg by Stephen Fritz
3. When Titan's Clashed by David M. Glantz
The first one was excellent and very easy to read, if you have any interest in the Eastern Front then I highly recommend it
I'm about 1/3rd through Ostkrieg
It is a very dense narrative of the Nazi war effort focused on the Eastern Front and also focuses on the development of Nazi ideology as well as the organisation and structure of the Wehrmacht and Nazi party
One thing you have to decide for yourself is if you're going to be interested in reading pages of divisions moving from one place to another
It can be quite hard to keep track of it all mentally and requires referencing maps constantly
If you are interested in that then When Titan's Clashed is great but it might be tough diving into it in which case I recommend the above two
Other books you could check out are Blitzkrieg Legend which focuses on German military doctrine and the invasion of France as well as the books by Robert M. Citino and David Stahel although I haven't read either of these two's books

>> No.22020799

Tik history has Sargon of Akkad accent and I judge it as poor person. The fact he hates Hegel and doesn’t understand philosophy makes me write him off despite some good work compiling in depth sources

>> No.22020818

>Nappy thinks achievement is proof of divinity
honestly this tracks for a guy like him

>> No.22021061

History is just events and the space between
Events are caused by people who are between the people who don't cause events
Pick any point of interest and stretch out to other points from there 'till you have a web.
Start with Stalingrad for WWII:
Then go to whatever is interesting and new to you from there.
General overview books are ok to help in finding what people and events you want to read about, but you can just use an encyclopedia or something similar to find your way around surface-level.
Having a good surface level understanding makes digging deep have consequence.

Think of it like watching movies. Were you to start today, I'd just recommend picking up a bunch of cheap dvds, moving on to blu-rays only when you've established what movies are like and want fewer that are of greater quality to focus on. Pretty soon the few you've seen in BR replace the DVD ones in your memory. Same goes for detailed accounts replacing the vague view you fill in by them.

>> No.22021083

I know there are /lit/ charts for all sorts of shit, but has /his/ made any such charts? I fucking graduated with a history degree and still can't find any history books.

>> No.22021101

recommend books about the roman republic sirs

>> No.22021140
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De Bello Gallico
Ab Urbe Condita
Bellum Catilinae
Histories by Polybius
Lives by Plutarch

hope your latin and greek are brushed up. start with caesar.

>> No.22021998

option 1) time machine
option 2) accept that you cant

>> No.22022010
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>my girlfriend at the time threw the book in my dads pool after we got into a fight so I never read it
What's it like having a significant other, bros?

>> No.22022355

They've might've, but if they did, they haven't been posted in a long time and are probably lost to man. The current population of the board is too stupid to actually read.

>> No.22022370
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Any of these worth keeping and reading?

>> No.22022377
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This wasn't very academic but enjoyable. Reading about the history of beverages was more interesting than I expected.

>> No.22022422

don't know about the rest, but A People's History of the United States isn't worth reading.

>> No.22022563

Napoleon made Jews citizens in all territories of the French empire and eliminated official discriminations against them. Napoleon was a religious indifferentist who removed Christian legal privileges

>> No.22023112
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from books about having one it seems pretty nice

>> No.22023286

Read The Secret History of The Mongols!

>> No.22023305

anyone got a book for vedic age india or a history of hinduism?