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22011981 No.22011981 [Reply] [Original]

Himmler’s arcane Aryan esoteric library was systematically purged and destroyed by the Allies.
Knowledge was lost equivalent to the burning of the library of Alexandria

>> No.22011986


>> No.22011992
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There was no larping you utter mong. Just centuries of accumulated profound lore of ancient Aryandom. It’s so much higher than anything you can comprehend

>> No.22012008
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>centuries of accumulated profound lore of ancient Aryandom

>> No.22012020

You can check out the Richard Stanley documentary on Otto Rahn, pretty fun. But for God's sake don't be a tard and take it seriously

>> No.22012028

Lmao. Always makes me guffaw.

>> No.22012031

Your memes conveniently ignore the new evidence coming out of an Atlantean world empire ran by white gods before the Flood 12,000 years ago. Graham Hancock looks deep into that

>> No.22012032

Greeks and Romans were faggots and kiddy diddlers.

>> No.22012927

Sounds based

>> No.22012943


>> No.22013080

>ancient aryandom
Its basically Aryans fucking the entire world up.

>> No.22013208 [SPOILER] 
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>Knowledge was lost
but your blood remember
lol, no it doesnt dumbass

>> No.22013211


>> No.22013464

So much seethe

>> No.22013474
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Imagine thinking this unironically.

>> No.22013507

Something has to help him sleep at night.

>> No.22013691

The occult Himmler stuff is comically overblown as part of war propaganda to alienate Christians away from the nazi chuds. It was the equivalent of guenon posting as a secondary hobby.

>> No.22013765

you will NEVER be german

>> No.22013789

Well if a schizo netflix documentary maker says its true it must be!

>> No.22013796

>He doesn't know about the Thule society
>He doesn't know about the Jewish spiritualist that taught Hitler black magic and mysteriously disappeared
>He doesn't know about the quest for the Graal
This shit goes a lot deeper than you'd think.

>> No.22013799

witoids really do be likes this

>> No.22013813

Bunch of fake history. Same as the song of Achilles and "gay Alexander the great" books.... stop....its degenerate....

>> No.22013820

Which Graham Hancock book? Qrd? Manly P. Hall goes into this too but not in great detail.

>> No.22013943

You will never be a woman

>> No.22013960

Except that library is just some shit made up by a newspaper and never even existed. Himmler really wasn't as much a strong believer of any mysticism as many people believe. He was mostly interested in finding some ancient nordic civilization (which just fell under the popular catch all term of Atlantis) which could prove their superiority. He didn't have some weird occult believe of race and was even the one that promoted genetics over actual race mystics like Rosenberg. Most of the expeditions to ''find lost aryan civilizations'' also had different purposes at the centre. With the Tibetan expidition being both to try and get an ally against the brits and to increase the prestiege of the SS in the general public and thus in the party by investigating claims made by famous racialists

>> No.22013982

I know all about the quest for the Graal, I saw The Last Crusade

>> No.22014195
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>> No.22014202

>Most of the expeditions to ''find lost aryan civilizations'' also had different purposes
The brits also used the archeology excuse to find oil. It's funny how hard they tried to cover up shit when no one was really going to stop them and everyone who could knew what they were going for.

>> No.22014225
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>> No.22014228

we wuz atlanteans

>> No.22014240
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Not so sure about that one. His spiritual masters were a literal satanist homo and a lunatic who had been in an insane asylum.

>> No.22014301

>we wuz atlanteans

>> No.22014534


this guy dropping truth torpedoes

>> No.22014558

Stop being racist, it makes you look dumb

>> No.22014575

> get up
> remember that Himmler’s arcane Aryan esoteric library is no more
> day ruined

>> No.22014595
File: 153 KB, 1000x1250, 6794F3C2-E02B-4DB9-9D42-04A1E509D477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlantis was black

>> No.22014611

Apparently to libshits living in a country for 300 years magically turns you into an original countryman

>> No.22014629

Yup, whites were the literal negro slave equivalents of the Roman empire. You can almost hear the anger in the forum and agora when a G*ul or C*lt came near them. True barbarians in every sense (not much has changed desu).

>> No.22014667

white hoteps

>> No.22014699
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do they really?

>> No.22014716

germans weren't even seen as a race

>> No.22014722

You took the wrong bus colored person. Return to your people.

>> No.22015460

This, they were so subhuman they weren't (and shouldn't be) considered humans

>> No.22017192

which books are you missing? are you talking about the ahnenerbe? most of it is still there bro
is just folklore and general historic documents. weird to see so much seethe though. do you seethe about like gailic herritage archives also

>> No.22017213


>> No.22017649

Niggas see anything nazi related and that part in their brain actively triggers which causes them to go apeshit.

That being said, it would be interesting to see what books in the library existed which formed Himmler's worldview. I heard the theory that witch-burnings were specifically targeted on those of "aryan" beliefs.

>> No.22018076

>witch-burnings were specifically targeted on those of "aryan" beliefs.
pretty much accepted fact
> Under Charlemagne, for example, Christians who practiced witchcraft were enslaved by the Church, while those who worshiped the Devil (Germanic gods) were killed outright

>> No.22018110

The burning of the Library of Alexandria wasn't actually a great loss. There were many other libraries with the same books

>> No.22018111
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>shouldn't be) considered humans
Pure jealousy and malicious envy. I prescribe choking on some broken glass, sir.

>> No.22018113

You like the experience i presume.

>> No.22018115

>that pic
>ancient aryandom
the black sun was invented by the nazis

>> No.22018155

>muh invented
>ca. 800 BC

>> No.22018186

Europe under churodoxy/angoid rule has direct identifiable links to the current system and is also to blame for the last panel. Sorry your faggot grandfather bit a bullet for shlomo stopping a genuine European hegemony from rising.

>> No.22018214

Fucking roasted lol
KYS mutt idiot

>> No.22018233
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>hyperborea-kun? yeah it's mr. finn, i need somebody that needs to be taken out. he knows too much
>make it look like an accident

>> No.22018247
