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File: 375 KB, 810x450, Thomas-Pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22009783 No.22009783 [Reply] [Original]

If you think you "need" more, then you're either a midwit or European (which is practically a midwit anyway).

>> No.22009798

damm, americans are really retarded kek

>> No.22010403

this. i've been here for years and i don't even recognize some of these

>> No.22010413

>not recognizing the pattern
>falling behind on relevance
>somehow convinced of superiority
gotta be eurofag

>> No.22010463

>le redditsons
Go back

>> No.22010492

While I'm not a fan of the Simpsons (post 10th season that is), if you had read Pynchon and knew even a little about his life, then you'd know how much his appearance on that shows means to Pynchon fans

>> No.22010828

I am non midwit Indian third worder, how about that?

>> No.22010853


>> No.22010869

even tho India is not a good country to devote yourself to it, you shouldn't betray your own country

>> No.22010898

>CL49, GR, that's it
>b-but Bloom stans M&D
Pynchon doesn't have a readership, he has a fandom, and that's the problem. marginal and short lived discernible talent

>> No.22010900

Then all you “need,” is Pynchon, Satyajit Ray films, and test cricket (ODI or t20 absolutely do not count)

>> No.22010929

Wait a sec... these are all by the same author!

>> No.22011355

What would you suggest I read first?

>> No.22011662

I’d say start with The Crying of Lot 49, it’s the most well known for a reason and you can see if you even enjoy his style. After that I’d say read V. even though the temptation is going to be jumping into Gravity’s Rainbow. V actually introduces some characters that re-appear in GR so it’s a good primer, also V has The Confessions of Fausto Majistral in the middle of it which is one of my favorite things Pynchon ever wrote. After V you should give GR a shot, some people will recommend using a companion text and without one you’ll definitely miss a lot of the deeper elements but even on a more topical level it’s still excellent.

Then I guess read Vineland?

>> No.22011665

Is the American in your head right now?

>> No.22012006
File: 7 KB, 194x259, lfc1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le muted horn.jpg
Checks your path
Protip: it's unironically over

>> No.22012016

Poor bait

>> No.22012033

>i disagree therefore its bait
Good logic, mr. redditor

>> No.22012084

GR > M&D > TCoL49 > V > Inherent Vice > Vineland > Against the Day > Bleeding Edge

>> No.22012094

Cannot wait for every eurofag to be arrested for simply accessing this site

>> No.22012130

I think Bleeding Edge is one of his best works—almost up there with GR.

>> No.22012144

India is a better country to devote yourself to than any of your "1st world" shotholes. I wouldn't go to them even as a tourist. Even if I did, I will stay away from any human habitation and explore the local nature.

>> No.22012154

I read GR first and found it stunning - though I like big post-modern things so it wasn't totally alien for me. CoL49 is a concise slice of Pynchon and a good place to start

>> No.22012285

Just choose, it doesn’t matter. There are guides online if you get confused. I went through them chronologically and it was great seeing his style develop

>> No.22012312

Nah he just peaked early

>> No.22012501

Anyone else notice there’s been a marked increase in posts critical of Pynchon while simultaneously an even larger decrease in posts defending him? It honestly feels like we’re getting astroturfed.

>> No.22012516

The meme trilogy anons from 10 years ago largely left. Fiction isn’t too big here anymore. DFW, Pynchon, and Joyce are relics of the past at this point, just remnants of board culture

>> No.22012534

What the hell are you talking about? 1st-world shitholes lmao what?

>> No.22012543

Yeah but DFW and Joyce are memes. Pynchon is an actually talented genius par excellance. He’s closer to Mozart and Michelangelo than Joyce or DFW.

>> No.22012555
File: 690 KB, 1447x1665, Thomas_Pynchon,_high_school_senior_portrait,_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt worry about it

>> No.22012564

Just a suggestion, but if you're going to post pynchon's pic, why not post an actual relevant pynchon quote instead of making up your own? there are so many. I think in the context you posted about I would have said, "Keep cool, but care"

>> No.22012910

Read Pynchon's first published story, "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna."

>> No.22012915

not really, he's at the tip of my dick

>> No.22012917

That's neat. Thanks.

>> No.22012945

Small Rain was published in March. MaMiV first appeared in Epoch (Vol. 9, Spring 1959) which was published April (the other months being January and October that the magazine was published at that time) so it was his second story published.

>> No.22013223


>> No.22013531

Against the Day. I wish it had been my first one.

>> No.22013534

This is the ranking of someone who has read 2 Pynchon books at best, including CL49.

>> No.22013540

Reddit response

>> No.22013543

>reddit reddit reddit
Did your account got banned or something?

>> No.22013548

Nice one, mr. redditor.

>> No.22013553

>>22013548 (you)

>> No.22013556

mr. redditor coming out with the r/truelit insults!

>> No.22013561


>> No.22013565

Damn that was cruel, mr. redditor!

>> No.22013573

Only anons who came from Reddit use it as an insult these days

>> No.22013577

Nice one, mr. redditor!

>> No.22013579

Eat your rice pudding bookchemist.

>> No.22013598


>> No.22013630

that's called the Indian Pride, I'm a Indian myself and let me tell you, it's beyond shithole country. the government is running this country into the ground. the farmers which are the backbone of the country are suffering immensely but middle class Indians can't see that so they think India is a great country but they don't know the actual situation lol. if you look at the economy of India it's fucking shit. but still they say "east or west, India is the best" best in embarrassing itself in front of the whole world kek. fucking hate India, whish I was born in America so I can die in a school shooting rather than suffer here

>> No.22013635

Please don't pollute other lands.

>> No.22013645

I will not