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22007482 No.22007482 [Reply] [Original]

Resources to begin your trad journey. Post all you got

Jordan Peterson gives the big fifteen

>Here is a list of books that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development.

>Trigger warning: These are the most terrifying books I have encountered.

>1. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

>2. 1984 – George Orwell

>3. Road To Wigan Pier – George Orwell

>4. Crime And Punishment – Fyodor Dostoevsky

>5. Demons – Fyodor Dostoevsky

>6. Beyond Good And Evil – Friedrich Nietzsche

>7. Ordinary Men – Christopher Browning

>8. The Painted Bird – Jerzy Kosinski

>9. The Rape of Nanking – Iris Chang

>10. Gulag Archipelago (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, & Vol. 3) – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>11. Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

>12. Modern Man in Search of A Soul – Carl Jung

>13. Maps Of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief – Jordan B. Peterson

>14. A History of Religious Ideas (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3) – Mircea Eliade

>15. Affective Neuroscience – Jaak Panksepp


Here are 48 books recommended by Trump

>> No.22007491


>> No.22007500

OK, but what is trad about this books?

>> No.22007508

pick one and only one
If you want to be trad you would become a Traditional Catholic the one true faith. Which is where those traditions come from

>> No.22007509

It's not trad, it's just anti left.

>> No.22007539

I've never met a Moslem like that.
If anything they may complain about permits to build a mosque. In any case, I don't think the laws of any western country allows for government-built temples - except for those countries with an official religion, which can only build temples of the national church.
In any case, the problem with muslim immigrants is the same as with any other thirdie immigrant. They're often rude, chauvinistic, uneducated and poor.

>> No.22007640

They make arguments against modernity

>> No.22007769

>>Here is a list of books that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development.
>>Trigger warning: These are the most terrifying books I have encountered.
>lists a book that he wrote himself

>> No.22007799

Assumed Peterson was a prod.

>> No.22009080

>no Abolition of Man by CS Lewis

>> No.22009123

Westerners come to the Philippines and demand we depart from the Faith under threat of an economic walloping all the time. How is this any different?

You're all westerners btw, the only people I consider Oriental are the Japanese and some Guineans

>> No.22009127

Why would a pseud read a good book about the problems of modern education and it's disastrous effects?

>> No.22009164
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Ted Kaczynski - Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.22009215

Is this a joke?

>> No.22009476

>Tradtwitter faggot complaining about the precious gays being bullied
Western conservatives really are a joke. Also the Islamic world has more surviving pre-abrahamic religions than anywhere else. Especially Persia, where you can still find groups of people following Hermes Trismegistus as a prophet and groups of Zoroastrians in Azerbaijan. The only Islamic groups trying to oppress religious minorities are ones with links to western intelligence agencies.

>> No.22009481

They're trying to appeal to the authority of liberalism and progressivism without realizing that they are inherently undermining their own position by doing so and conceding to the whims of their opposition

>> No.22009519

have you looked at modern education lately?

>> No.22009522

I don't like queers personally

>> No.22009570

It really is pathetic. They plaster byzantine art all over their Twitter feed but the depths of their convictions amount to not wanting brown people to have a distinct history and singling out trans people as the black sheep they can blame their own historical and cultural alienation on.

If you're really confident in the superiority of western civilization you shouldn't need to paint every other civilization as a bunch of backwards savages. And your time horizon for "western civilization" should go beyond the 1990s. And if Hitler was really so based why are you eating up Zionist propaganda and worshiping French-Anglo imperialism? Immigrants bad but God forbid we stop carpet bombing their countries and stealing their natural resources.

>> No.22009579

You're not capable of thought.

>> No.22009623

You're not capable of walking past an immigrant without staring at your shoes

>> No.22009632

You may lugh, but all of that is more traditional than Guenon's orientalist mysticism.

>> No.22009635
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Unfortunately it was Western modernity and liberal colonialism that eradicated the beautiful native practice of homosexuality in the Middle East in the first place. They had more homosexual poetry than the Greeks and Romans! But the last of it was composed in the 19th century... Similarly, Western modernity CRUSHED the masculine homosexuality of the Conservative Revolutionaries and replaced it with rainbow flag nonsense...

>> No.22009640

>mmigrants bad but God forbid we stop carpet bombing their countries and stealing their natural resources.
You're seeing this as some sort of hypocrisy, but there's nothing contradictory in feeling that they should be treated the same way here as we treat them within the borders of their own country.

>> No.22009652

>Especially Persia, where you can still find groups of people following Hermes Trismegistus as a prophet

>> No.22009655

My insult relates to your posts. It predicts you would reply with some incoherent propaganda meme you've been fed that doesn't actually relate to anything or predict my behaviour and that's exactly what you did. You don't have a mind or if you do you never used it in your life.

>> No.22009901

Exactly, Lewis covered all of this 80 years ago before the end of World War 2

>> No.22009904

It was salafi influence in the Middle middle East

>> No.22009913

To be fair, you have to be pretty hardcore about your faiths when you live in a predominantly Muslim area. It's like how Copts still speak Egyptian as their liturgical tongue

>> No.22009916
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>Resources to begin your trad journey.

>1. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

>2. 1984 – George Orwell

Aldous Huxley, a man who rejected established trad relligion and dived into shrooms and mysticism, and his fellow writter George Orwell, known for his zealot socialist views and fighting facism.

Are all trads so retarded or only you? Is this a honey pot?

>> No.22009921

Why did you have to embarrass yourself like this. You didn't need to hit post.

>> No.22010059

>Here are 48 books recommended by Trump
why puncture your own tire like that?