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/lit/ - Literature

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22007326 No.22007326 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met anyone off /lit/ irl before? I feel like I would go to a meetup

>> No.22007459

Yellow tshit is laughing at legless faggot

>> No.22007468

sloppy makeout session with these twinks after a symposium on the greeks

>> No.22007484

I'm in a small server on discord with friends. Haven't met any irl but we read together.

>> No.22007537

Shitty shop, post the real version

>> No.22007548
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the real version

>> No.22007552


>> No.22007610


>> No.22007614

Bruh, you're seriously thinking of meeting up with a bunch of anonymous people from an online forum? You do realize that half the people on /lit/ are probably just edgy teenagers trying to sound smart, right? And the other half are probably socially awkward weirdos who can't function in real life.

I mean, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being into literature and wanting to talk about it with like-minded people, but do you really want to risk meeting up with a bunch of strangers who may or may not be total creeps?

And let's be real here, even if you do find some cool people to hang out with, what are you even going to do at a /lit/ meetup? Sit around and read books together? Have pretentious discussions about Derrida and Foucault? Get wasted and make fun of Stephenie Meyer?

Honestly, bro, I think you'd be better off just finding some local book clubs or literary events to attend. At least there you know you'll be around people who are actually interested in literature and aren't just anonymous trolls.

>> No.22007631

There's not enough blacks on this board for any of this to be an issue.

>> No.22007633
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Sure but only join if you intend on reading with us. You WILL be banned if you are retarded. Won't have the server shitted up by fake lit readers.


>> No.22007642

Well, well, well, looks like we've got a bit of a social justice warrior here, trying to play the diversity card. Newsflash, buddy: the color of someone's skin has nothing to do with whether or not they're interested in literature.

But you know what does matter? Having a brain and being able to hold a conversation without sounding like a complete idiot. And judging by your previous post, I'm not entirely convinced you meet those qualifications.

Sure, there are probably some edgy teenagers and socially awkward weirdos on /lit/, but there are also plenty of intelligent, thoughtful people who just happen to enjoy reading and discussing literature. And if you're not willing to take a risk and meet some of those people in real life, then you're missing out on a great opportunity.

As for what you'd do at a /lit/ meetup, I don't know, maybe actually talk about books and exchange ideas with other people who share your interests? Crazy concept, I know.

But hey, if you'd rather stick to your safe little book club where everyone looks and thinks exactly like you do, be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when you realize how boring and intellectually stagnant your life has become.

>> No.22007649

>ChatGPT and reddit spacing are the same
Really makes you think...

>> No.22007656

Take a trip to /his/ to see what happens when they try to pretend they can read.

>> No.22007663 [DELETED] 

Bruh, are you really gonna come at me with that weak sauce? Comparing me, the ultimate literary meme lord, to those Reddit plebs? Get outta here with that nonsense.

You think I care about Reddit spacing? That's some basic level stuff. I'm on a whole different level, dude. I'm on /lit/ dropping the hottest takes on literature and philosophy, making fun of all the normies who think they're smart because they read one book by Nietzsche.

And don't even get me started on the quality of discourse. Reddit is full of whiny kids and their circle-jerking echo chambers. But on /lit/, we actually have real discussions and debates about literature and philosophy. Sure, there are some trolls and shitposters, but at least they're creative and funny.

So next time you wanna come at me with some weak sauce like "ChatGPT and reddit spacing are the same," you better come correct. Cuz I'm on a whole different level, and I don't have time for your basic-ass comparisons.

>> No.22007668

/lit/ really isn’t that good

>> No.22007686

Which one of these was responsible for the most recent school shooting?

>> No.22007794

it is getting easier to spot

>> No.22007805

Some guys did a nyc meet up like 2 years ago and they looked pretty chill

>> No.22007814

what did it say?

>> No.22007878

it was a chat gpt post

>> No.22007892

I'll pass

>> No.22007906

Just recently, actually. Me and a guy met up and had Chinese food. We shot the shit for like 3 hours, then carried on our way. Would do again.

>> No.22007978

What does this mean?

>> No.22007988
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>> No.22008119

It's just a name you idiot

>> No.22008136

Fuck off hack to trooncord, loser

>> No.22008221

suck my dick faggot

>> No.22008237

>suck my dick
You do enough of that in your trooncord server

>> No.22008333

we don't want you anyway kek. you'd get banned in two minutes

>> No.22008632

I was today's days old when I learned the crutches guy really did not have a hitler mustache

>> No.22008795

No but I'm going to this local book club for in a few weeks. Probably going to be the quiet autist in the corner.

>> No.22008808

>local book club
What are you reading and how do you find a decent one? I live in a major city and all the ones I find are like 30s/40s women reading poplit trash

>> No.22008826

>Blade and animu clouds
>Pussy Nigga
>Skinny shinnys
>Mutt fivehead
>A head shorter than everyone else
Did I miss any changes? Yellow shirt guy, colored sunglasses guy, and ripped shirt guy are the same right?

>> No.22008879

I just use the meetup one, there's a few reading groups but the one I'm going to seems to prefer classics. They had a session for C&P, they just discuss the book or something together. Not going to say the title they're doing for the coming one obviously so I don't get doxxed.

>> No.22008885

I just use the MeetUp app*

>> No.22008918

What you guys do? Just talk? Right?

>> No.22008921

I feel bad for laughing at the given names.

>> No.22008922
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I met someone irl who happened to be a /lit/ browser. does that count

>> No.22009167

I hate teenagers like this so much. If I were in a position power, I would work in the background with other international leaders, orchestrating a global conflict, and more, so I can get these faggots blown to pieces in an artificially engineered world war. These faggots wouldn't have survived childbirth without modern medical intervention; with a lack of genetic winnowing, such cretinized dysgenic faggots are being born. Useless eaters, the lot of them. Immunological health correlates to neurological health fyi and high infant mortality was important for keeping population levels stable, healthy, and vigorous...
Or better yet, I would create a fake pandemic, where the "cure" slowly kills them off.
I'd feel worse for their pets dying than zoomers such as these having their skulls crushed and bodies caved in. All modern zoomers are the same shit, soulless and mechanized pieces of shit. They lack mannerisms and cultured behavior too.
None of those people have any qualia. Sentience is a prerequisite for moral consideration.
I'd rather join the WEF and join the Satanic elite than ever meet the cretinized fools from /lit/.

>> No.22009168

Real couple of winners here
Holy moly

>> No.22009171

10/10 satire

>> No.22009266

You missed the giraffe neck on the guy with the ripped shirt. Yellow shirt, and windsor glasses guy seem the same though.

>> No.22009289

Grampa, please don't forget your meds, you're larping again

>> No.22009291

You also missed the paki in the middle pissing himself

>> No.22009486

yea we organized a spicy lil get together at a motel 6 in san francisco

>> No.22009508

We fucked

>> No.22009518

Incredibly gay. Pussy fag behavior. Why exactly would you want to meet ""people"" from here?

Looking for connections cause you're lonely and think these people share your interests? You're such a faggot.

>> No.22009538

Its so weird when 4channers try to posture like they're above ever meeting each other in real life like they're the one guy whose not a 'dirty 4channer' but then they choose to spend their time discussing and debating with those exact people they arbitrarily scorned.
Its all such empty posturing

>> No.22009556

What should you do instead

also this

>> No.22009621

As far as I can tell, 4channers are more normal and tolerable to be around irl than the average (terminally online) person at this point. I'd much rather speak to another 4chan user than some zoomer who's on Twitter, YouTube, and Discord all day.

>> No.22009641

>Looking for connections cause you're lonely and think these people share your interests?
>You're such a faggot.
Someone's not invited :p

>> No.22009645

A lot of anons come across as very unlikeable people with poor social skills

>> No.22009676

I tried once. Wanted friends. Set up something to meet with someone cause they were from the same time. They called me a faggot, tried to dox me, then realised that it wasn't worth it.

>> No.22009679

*same town

>> No.22009892

I met someone claiming to be the Gassposter in a hostel in Japan in 2019. A group of us went out for dinner and I tried to get him to come with us but he refused and instead spent the night re-reading The Culture of Narcissism. Later he txt me asking me to buy some Shoju for him from the 7/11 as he had "agoraphobia" (his words). I pretended not to see the message. He later confronted me about it and we got into an argument in which he revealed that he has never actually read William Gass.

>> No.22010003
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I will definitely meet up with other /lit/ bros, imagine being some sort of shut in fag who is afraid of having a few pints with the lads

>> No.22010303

Yea I wouldn't mind fucking a few of you up the ass

>> No.22010777

I can't help but see the look on that guy in the middle and think to myself, "if only you knew how bad things really were."

>> No.22010889

>4chan started out being the armpit of the internet
>is now by comparison the most sane and wholesome place with the most well-adjusted userbase
kind of a feel

>> No.22011307

reek of normie

>> No.22011371
File: 111 KB, 700x700, 1660605381844943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have gone to a meet up prior to 2015 but nu-/lit/ isn't even into literature so I don't know what we would speak about. It would inevitably be cringe.

>> No.22011410

God /his/ is horrible. Whenever people say /lit/ is dumb i just wish they'd see that place

>> No.22011417

/his/ is a bunch of basement dwelling gaymers who payed age of empires and think they're a history expert now

>> No.22011468

Gross degenerate

>> No.22012064

Anyone who acknowledges they browse 4chan in the real world is a loser. If you're well adjusted enough you know to keep it a secret.

>> No.22012274

The funniest thing about this is that the blue glasses guy wasn't changed at all

>> No.22012428

I honestly thought this was the original