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/lit/ - Literature

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22003853 No.22003853 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become goofier and more fun when texting girls? I feel like I’m a complete bore whenever I do. I’m traditionally attractive in a cute way which gets me in but once I try to converse I default to complimenting their looks or asking mundane questions about their life or opinions which I definitely feel is holding me back especially with the college aged girls and sexy stoner girls I usually go for. I don’t think I’m unintelligent it I don’t think I’m quick witted or good at coming up with off the cuff jokes besides with my close friends of whom I have a repertoire of injokes from years of experiences to utilize at my disposal. That’s another thing, especially with the girls I really like I feel like I take way too long to respond because my brain’s cpu goes to 100% trying to think of what my next text will be which I think throws off the rhythm of the conversation.

It probably comes down to practice more then anything else but is there any kind of model I could use as guidance?

>texting is literature so thread is on topic

>> No.22003857

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.22003859

kill yourself

>> No.22003864 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22003871

Roman :)

>> No.22003875

I’ve programmed an ai to use tinder for me and have theoretically had sex with more women last week than I had my entire life up to that point

>> No.22003879

Texting is not literature, newfag. Are billboard signs /lit/, too?

>> No.22003881

Pls share

>> No.22003882

>traditionally attractive in a cute way which gets me in but once I try
It sounds to me like you have the curse of being a cute boy, the only solution is to /fit/ and /lit/ max until you become muscular and cute, which is the equivalent of being "hot"
Just lift bro. Be thankful that you were born with looks. Pray that your hair does not fall out while you are young.

>> No.22003883
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>> No.22003886

vary your personality
call them names, insult them in a light-hearted way (not all the time)
be direct and concise
don’t use emojis unless it’s absolutely necessary or you genuinely think it makes it funnier
never seem offended or emotionally triggered
you can be kind, but maintain a “cold” emotional style, they love that shit
only compliment them after they compliment you (unless you compliment something trivial, like their shoes or jewelry etc.)
Do NOT argue in a serious manner. Either you win, and you look desperate to look smart, or you lose, and you just look pathetic

>> No.22003887

Yes unironically, it’s another variety of poetry, just a low brow variety

>> No.22003897
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just randomly sprinle your messages with emoticons and shit like xoxo and lol.
Same as flirting face to face.

>> No.22003899
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>> No.22003905
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>trust no one

>> No.22003950

dont even try bud

>> No.22004478
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The chosen kind

>> No.22004523

Great now "what is actually literature?" will go up in my head for days

>> No.22004543

As femanon, wow, that's a lot of rule. Some are valid but most are downright "what?"

>be direct and concise

Only this one makes sense. The rest is showing that you take everything so seriously.

>Don't use emoji
>Maintain "cold" emotion
>Don't compliment
>Don't argue
>Better don't state opinion it could lead to one of the first four rule (or more!)
>It's 1984 in there

>> No.22004561

feel free to provide your own list so we can all shit on it

>> No.22004568

>we can all shit on it

>> No.22004585
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the CIA is trying to make me convert to islam
i won't do it!

>> No.22004604

Unironically thrown insulting jokes at them the way you’d do a guy friend. Then tell them you dont like texting and ask them out somewhere and make a move in person before they lose interest. Theres always competition and women are impatient. If you dont know how to make the first move in person it literally doesnt matter at all. If they like you you just grab them and kiss them and they like it if they dont they were only using you for boredom anyway.

>> No.22004610

This is pretty on point.

>> No.22004614

Most importantly OP, NEVER listen to a woman’s advice on women.

>> No.22004627

As a maleanon I hate women so much it's unreal.