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21994185 No.21994185 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been caught reading in public?

>> No.21994195
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>read book in public
>people keep saying "Now that's what I like to see!" "A book? Not a PHONE? Good for you, young man!"
>someone hangs a medal around my neck

>> No.21994197
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Nah nigga dont be seen dead reading in public baka that shit suicide in my hood.

>> No.21994200

I had something like this with a black coworker
>Yo anon what chu readin??
>It's uh.. about Rome
>Rome? Romans? You readin da bible???

>> No.21994202

Dis nigga reading secondary sources!

>> No.21994225
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Reading in public is acceptable.

>> No.21994226

I read my kindle on the bus today and in the short breaks I caught a very good looking teenage girl looking my way. Bear in mind I'm some average shmuck in my 30s riding the bus.

>> No.21994230


>> No.21994233

Should have gotten her number.

>> No.21994249

>uhhhh h-h-hi, i c-c-could help noticing you were g-g-glancing in my general direction, young m-m-mlady

>> No.21994253

literally happened to me today on the bus

>> No.21994258

One word: statutory

>> No.21994261

15 years ago I was carrying a book by a rather obscure playwright in my country (because we were studying him in university) and some old man congratulated me on reading that. He's most certainly dead by now.

>> No.21994267

Meh, I think 16+ is perfectly legal in most countries.

>> No.21994269

What did you to him?

>> No.21994270

So are you.

>> No.21994279

I don't remember, he said it just seconds before I got off the buss. I probably just politely smiled.

>> No.21994295

Blacks really embody crabs-in-a-bucket mentality

>> No.21994308


only at Miller Grove

>> No.21994464


>> No.21994758

I don't live around people who catch book readers.

>> No.21994780

Only black people would make fun of someone for reading.

>> No.21994875

I worked at an outback steakhouse. After my shifts I would read in my car in the back corner of the parking lot as a sweaty young man smelling like greasy food. I read thousands of pages reading in that car. One time, my coworker tapped on the window while I was reading and scared the fuck out of me. We had a laugh and then he asked for a ride home. Next day at work, Desean tells everyone I was trying to look smart reading in public. "This man was sitting here READING like we weren't gonna look at him." Luckily nobody else really understood his point and just chuckled along. And now everytime I see that only_at_miller_grove.jpg it reminds me of my coworker Desean who tried doing that exact shit to me.

>> No.21994884

Philosophy and Sunday night HBO?

>> No.21994909

should be lower

>> No.21994929

Where is he now?

>> No.21994952

i used to read the communist manifesto while waiting for my ferry
if the light went out i used to get up and walk around with my book open in hand to trigger the motion sensor
not a single alcoholic, schizo, or old person said a thing

>> No.21994991

Do you remember which play it was?

>> No.21994995

The scholar got shot because he failed to read the numbers on the door.

>> No.21995007

I was mocked at for reading in a public garden by a white guy. It's usually educated whites who are bitter about people reading because they know very well that they have the free time and leisure and all the background to do so as well. Poor black people don't give a fuck about reading because they grew up below the poverty line and haven't had much incentive to do anything but worry about not dying.

>> No.21995474

>on foe nem
What language is this?

>> No.21995662

I grew up around poor blacks

If you think they spend most of their time worrying about how to make ends meet, I have some news for you

>> No.21995730
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>> No.21995772
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>Poor black people don't give a fuck about reading because they grew up below the poverty line and haven't had much incentive to do anything but worry about not dying.
They spend their bountiful free time doing plenty of things which are, let’s just say, less edifying than cozying up with a copy of Crime and Punishment.

>> No.21995780


>> No.21995824

crime and punishment > crime and punishment

>> No.21996389

I was reading and the iliad on the bus and some fat faggot asked "are you reading Harry potter?"

>> No.21996464

For some reason when I was sixteen I thought it would be a good idea to sit on the steps of a shopfront in the middle of an bustling intersection at like 12am and read. It was near a train station and some
bars so there were always people walking back and forth. Nobody paid me any mine but after a little while I saw this woman stop dead in front of me and look me up and down.

She would’ve been middle aged, glasses, wearing business wear but I imagined she went out for the night for drinks after work or something along those lines.

She approached me and asked what I was doing. After giving a nervous answer she proceeded to sit beside me and converse for at least an hour. I think she assumed I was homeless or something.

I don’t really remember much specifically about what we talked about since it was so long ago but it was probably one of the only times in my life that a stranger showed any compassion towards me, and it’s something I’ve always remembered and kept in my mind since.

>> No.21996472

I keked hard

>> No.21996481

Damn, she wanted your junk. You should have taken the hint and gone for it.

>> No.21996487

You could have been tongue deep in that asshole

>> No.21997208
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I once had a mini-breakdown on a party and started reading a book in the bathroom. There were windows to look inside and my friend had seen me reading, people laughed and called me a socipath, dunno why

>> No.21997229
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It was a book with several plays. I'm certain 99% of people in my country wouldn't even know the writer.

>> No.21997481

Quentin had no friends

>> No.21997499

Windows to look inside the bathroom?

>> No.21997621

Idk about america, but many bathrooms in europe have little window at the top, it's on purpose extremely blurry, but it shows you someone's inside.

>> No.21997632

Blacks are really American to be honest. They have their own thing and culture going on separately from the mainstream.

>> No.21997634

why would you make up a story like this

>> No.21997683


>> No.21997691

underrated kek

>> No.21997692

>reading grapes of wrath during recess at school
>hip girl in class approaches me
>"hey anon, what are you reading?"
>"a book set in america during the great depression"
>"that doesn't sound fun"
>"it's not "fun", but i like it. i like john steinbeck in general"
>"the guy who wrote the book"
>"you're kind of a weird person, anon"

>> No.21997717
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Sorry anon but you did that to yourself

>> No.21997727

Having gone through the thread I'm more and more weirded out by Americans.
I live in Eastern Europe, I often go down to the park or to a local cafe to read for the nice atmosphere. Nobody has ever given me a look, except for those typical Adidas sporting, speaker carrying freakshows that nobody likes.

I read on the bus too, and since like 60% of those using public transport are old people commuting for family or really just for the sake of a change in scenery, they can often ask about classics or current reads if they're educated people, recalling their times from school or university. It's fun.

>> No.21997730

She was pretty cool though. Another time she told me that she had tried reading a book by "one of those famous russians" but that she couldn't get in to it because she didn't get the comedy. I think it was The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.21997798
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>why would you make up a story like this
What's unbelievable about it, anon? You never randomly got depressed due to internal issues when among people? Being around dozens of people but at the same feeling not part of the group really fucks you up. I just went to the bathroom to take a breather, but there were books inside (the owner of the building has a large collection) so I just sat and read for half an hour or so. To this day I question why my friends called me a sociopath for that, but oh well.

I understand that for a person that never leaves the house this story may sounds weird, but people who are social can still be unhappy, you know?

>> No.21997951
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different anon here

I get that people might have a rough time even during social occasions but this sounds retarded. Hope you go see a therapist!

>> No.21997994

This doo b gettin his read on

>> No.21998037
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>I get that people might have a rough time even during social occasions but this sounds retarded. Hope you go see a therapist!
Once I get my degree, I intend to find a job and use the money from that to get one, at least few visits for at minimum getting prescriptions for some meds that would stabilize my mood or allow me to function better.

At the moment I'm spending the fifth day of university break on just scrolling 4chan instead of working on my bachelor project because the intrusive thoughts and negative spiral brought me down to the bottom.

However, never before I was so acutely aware of this, and now I know the next I need to quickly leave the house and be among people, anywhere, or at least find drugs to take. I'm getting more experienced with this shit, maybe the next time I'll be better.

>> No.21998041
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i think babe you might need to realize that youre not the most important person in everyone else's lives. think about how self absorbed you sound from your previous post(s) and now put that exact same self fascination onto every other person you interact with. literally no one cares about muh first world depression and the "anxiety" you get from using a cashier instead of self checkout. it's all made up by the chemicals in your brain. just smile = )

>> No.21998080

idk what you're talking about mate, I never tell anyone about my problems or share my feelings, that's retarded and the best way to alienate the very few normie friends someone like me can get.

>> No.21998206

don't immediately resort to drugs let a professional judge if you need those. gl with your bachelor. stop browsing this mongolian plant irrigation forum already and start doing at least a little work!

>> No.21998277
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>gl with your bachelor. stop browsing this mongolian plant irrigation forum already and start doing at least a little work!
Thanks anon, you motivated me to finally close all 4chan tabs after 6 hours of trying. Going to write that sub-chapter now, or at least a few pages.

>> No.21998305

I know what I’m doing this weekend