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21993845 No.21993845 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explore the subject of modern life?

>> No.21993871

Imagine a world where women aren't allowed to have any important roles. Imagine a world where women are reasonably humble and know they are dumber and less worldly than men and will only muck things up if given an opportunity. Imagine what life could be like if the airwaves of society weren't clogged with the endless narcissistic prattle of women trying to pretend they're men.

>> No.21993873

>The Bible is falling out of favor
This is a good thing.

>> No.21993875
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>>The Bible is falling out of favor
>This is a good thing.

>> No.21993882
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Jews would never let that happen.

>> No.21993883

Anon, even in 1900 this would be considered misogyny.

>> No.21993884

not an argument

>> No.21993893

Yes, even before 1900, Jewish bankers were funding the feminist movement.

>> No.21993907
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when we finally get women's rights back to 1788, you're going to see some serious shit

>> No.21993916

Your personal failings are a perfectly good and valid argument in favour of disregarding your opinions THOUGH.

>> No.21993928

It’s an insult not an argument, all atheists deserve genocide

>> No.21993942

Did you know that the early feminist/womans' suffrage movement also was closely connected with the occult?
Almost all of them practiced seances and witchcraft.
Of course they don't teach this part in school, but it's true.

>> No.21993949

I unironically value "Pale Blue Dot" more than the jewish fairy tales book

>> No.21993960

What book would you choose to be sworn in with?

>> No.21993962 [DELETED] 

Such a view of history is not without grandeur, but what a pessimistic philosophy! Degeneration can not be avoided, as a constant influx of Aryan blood is impossi-ble. There were still relatively pure Aryans in sufficient numbers to save degenerate Europe in the fifth century, but this is not true at present. In fact the superior race, ever inferior in numbers and being continuously deci-mated by wars, will leave almost nothing of itself to show in the final hybrid, a uniform and very inferior product; one pictures straggling hordes of these, returned to primitive savagery, as the last inhabitants of the earth. It is a dark prospect!

>> No.21993964
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>he thinks Carl Sagan and other prophets of scientism are not jewish fairy tales
the irony is palpable

>> No.21993967

>posting a shitface jack is an insult
I always take it as a self portrait mfw.

>genocide people for heresy!
You are truly deranged. Hope you reconsider living in our world. We don’t like your kind

>> No.21993974

Summa Theologica

>> No.21993975
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>> No.21993979

The Bible duct taped to Mein Kampf duct taped to another copy of Mein Kampf and Hitler is handing it to me

>> No.21993980
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>You are truly deranged. Hope you reconsider living in our world. We don’t like your kind

>> No.21993985

As someone with 5 kids we should all be doing are duty and spreading the seed. If you're not then you have already betrayed your people and yourself.

>> No.21994001

The devout are schizophrenic madmen.
This quote is accurate, but he doesn’t understand that he is the madman.

Is when people abandon the pursuit of truth through gathered facts. Fauchi is a case of scientism set in a position of power, the way the church was in the past.
Ever notice how peaceful faiths get once they’re removed from power, and how evil and murderous they get once you do put them in power?
Scientists are no different of course. Regular men, lawyers etc. are also no different

>> No.21994005

Your glasses are comically large, laddie

>> No.21994008
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>The devout are schizophrenic madmen.

>> No.21994020

>be christfag
>get told
>2010: posts fat guys in hats
>2020: posts ugly jacks
Ahh, I see I see. The arguments are getting more cogent every year.

>> No.21994021
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Women's rights were actually more elaborate in before the victorian era, as with the fall of nobility and the power that land-owning people had (including women) the women progressively became disenfranchised in the period of 1800-1900 (looking from European/American perspective).

>> No.21994030


>> No.21994033
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>> No.21994052

Not playing your video, Jay.
Explain “tag” here or forget it

>> No.21994070

I can't take these people seriously. They tell you God is Good and the Word is his objective moral law, then proceed to gloss over the fact that others coming away with different interpretations of the "objective" text undercuts its claims to objectivity.

Then it becomes an endless hopscotch of "well YOU'RE wrong because a REAL _______ would/wouldn't __________!' blah blah.

>> No.21994073

Yes we would see the whole concept of rights for anyone removed and women would be treated with respect once more

>> No.21994082

You just ignored the part where you articulate how and why their interpretation is wrong and why the textual law is not the sole thing. Pretending this is their argument is just a strawman.

>> No.21994094

Only if more ancient texts are falling into favor

>> No.21994101

Literal sophistic word games, and debunked by the well known Atheist Liar's Paradox

>> No.21994164

That's true for pretty much every aspect of modernity. It's satanists all the way down. Early women's rights activists were also deeply involved in the eugenics movement, and that legacy continues today with Planned Parenthood which murders more poor children than any other group on the planet.

>> No.21994176

Dante’s Inferno

>> No.21994181

If you're a jew or a reddit atheist, sure.

>> No.21994188
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>> No.21994201


>> No.21994207

I'm sure you think lesbian black witches becoming generals in the air force is also a good thing.

>> No.21994216
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at least use an interesting book?? carl sagan is so fucking boring

>> No.21994217

The final redpill is that this is all the same metaphysical battle it's always been

>> No.21994240


>> No.21994246

Pagan or gaytheist?

>> No.21994358

>slur or slur?

>> No.21994625
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>Literal sophistic word games, and debunked by the well known Atheist Liar's Paradox

>> No.21994690

1. Theism is the only truth
2. By definition, any deviation from theism, no matter how slim, is a lie
3. By definition, atheists deviate from theism.
4. Therefore, all atheists are liars and always have been (3).
5. Therefore, it's impossible for an atheist to convert, since they're always lying (4).
6. Therefore, there are no theists, since those people are just atheists that are lying to themselves and others.
7. Therefore, proposition 1 is wrong.
8. Furthermore, proposition 1 is wrong if proposition 2 is wrong.
9. Furthermore, proposition 1 is wrong if proposition 3 is wrong (8).
10. Furthermore, proposition 1 is wrong if proposition 4 is false (3).
11. Furthermore, proposition 1 is wrong if proposition 5 is wrong (4).
12. Furthermore, proposition 1 is wrong if proposition 6 is wrong (5).
13. Therefore, proposition 7 is false.

>> No.21994707


>> No.21994712

That's not what the word "heresy" means. The word you're looking for was "apostasy"

>> No.21994733

Holy shit muricans are cringe. They killed whatever authentic culture christianity gave them and replaced it with commercial pop "culture"

>> No.21994749

You had me until the 6th clause. That came out of nowhere and isn't inferred from previous statements.