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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 773x1000, SUBMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21992135 No.21992135 [Reply] [Original]

Officially Accepting Submissions for Issue Sixteen. Do Not Delay.

PLEASE LOGIN TO VIEW YOUR SUBMISSION STATUS (it was discarded to the yeet pile):
user: anon
pw: god

>> No.21992231

is this original editor-sama or someone else?
if you're the original, how are the legal troubles going?

>> No.21992392


>> No.21992599


>> No.21992608

&amp did for /lit/ what the lit quarterly failed to do: Kept the tone, spirit, and shitpostery of it completely in line.
Editor is a flawed saint.

>> No.21992630

I am working on my submission rn :)

>> No.21992676

What’s it about???????????? :^)
Thank you based baker of the bread. You are in god’s country now.

To the anon who asked how long my review of Tales is, it’s roughly 6k words.

To the anon that asked if I moved, yes. And I will update my PO Box, and be sure to collect all of the mail from my old one. I get an email whenever I get mail. I know there is at least one book waiting for me in Vancouver.
My legal troubles are very stressful but it’s mostly because legal troubles have exacerbated my emotional troubles and my only way to deal with emotional troubles of this magnitude is to check into rural monkhood and bury myself in god. It’s very difficult but who cares. Also good lookin out, thanks. These threads become blogs sometimes so I’ll be careful not to sperg.
The anon behind LQ and I have rapped at length about it all and we enjoy mutual appreciation of eachother‘a contribution. I believe his fatal flaw was ever attempting to make money. &amp Magazine is actually my rehab so in a certain way, it cannot be destroyed, so long as I’m ever willing to learn to love myself again.

>> No.21992718

>My legal troubles are very stressful but it’s mostly because legal troubles have exacerbated my emotional troubles and my only way to deal with emotional troubles of this magnitude is to check into rural monkhood and bury myself in god.
The countryside can heal many ills. Best of luck out there, dude. Find a favorite tree to meditate under.

>> No.21992738

Road trip this summer... we must eat nachos, drink beer, and laugh about /lit/

>> No.21992805

I won’t put your advice to waste.
Based Jasonposter. I will go anywhere and do anything that literally anybody is willing to drag me along for. I’ve totally submitted myself to the wind.

>> No.21993479

I got a children’s/toddler literature review I need to finish. ***SPOILER ALERT*** go dog go is discussed.

>> No.21993609

Is 016 gonna be kino?

>> No.21993700

i think the greatest hits should still be completed (by god knows who) and now that a few more issues are out the best in those would only make it better. i feel left out of the discussions on the newer submissions but i also don't wanna sift through the bad. also if it is the original editor, you were very kind and encouraging to me and i appreciate the experience you've provided. it was sad to see you so down. hope things have flattened out a bit.

>> No.21993734

>a few more issues are out
you mean one single issue?

>the greatest hits should still be completed
who tf is going to complete the greatest hits now? the guy organizing it has fucked off, and his main helper turned out to be a jilted ex-lover who’s now having a mental health episode. all of the other people who helped with the best of seem to have disappeared and no wonder. the original editor should just take the list, reformat the old submissions, and release the best of as &amp issue 016.

>> No.21993762

>his main helper turned out to be a jilted ex-lover
who? what?

>> No.21993797

>he missed the last five threads of doxxing and drama

if I have time I’ll try to give you a tl;dr later but just search unreal or &amp in the archives and you can see it all for yourself

>> No.21993812

i don't remember anything about a jilted ex. i was present when best-of-anon was compiling the shortlist. i was part of the best-of threads. i don't remember anybody who could have been an ex of Ari's. none of the people involved knew each other before the first best-of threads.

>> No.21993831

remember atlas? the one who made a lot of the commentary in the google doc and posted the graphic design stuff? she and ari had some fucked up irl drama and then Unreal Press doxxed both of them

>> No.21994096


>> No.21994115

>just take the list, reformat the old submissions, and release the best of
thas what im sayin

>> No.21994204

The main editor should just do it himself. Doubt it would take that long, and rereleasing the greatest hits in an updated format could help bridge the gap before the next new &amp issue

>> No.21994484


>> No.21994587

when the hell was atlas doxxed?
messed up. shame on everyone involved.

>> No.21994596

Just last night. Some gay shit about how she was a nuisance in their discord.

>> No.21994606 [DELETED] 

Right now

>> No.21994671

yo wtf

>> No.21994686

post link

>> No.21994688

Why the fuck would you willingly enter tranny drama headquarters?

>> No.21994714
File: 118 KB, 828x600, WTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their discord is a cesspool. They’re in there giving instructions on how to comlit sex crimes as we speak. eachother on

>> No.21994783

I shared the first draft of a submission with a reader, hoping that will help me submit better short stories if I think about them more. It's way easier to edit flash fiction in comparison.

>> No.21994819

Just tried this and got the oldest wettest pussy you wouldn't believe

>> No.21994824

wait, Atlas was a girl?

>> No.21994834 [DELETED] 

yes. keep up.

>> No.21994878

she was a contributor to &amp for a while. just making it all make sense in my little head.

>> No.21994883
File: 365 KB, 569x606, oy vey BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digging up your mom's corpse, hitting her pelvis bone with a bucket of water and then rubbing one out does not count

>> No.21995078

It has to be someone else using the same username. I remember Atlas in the best of doc defending some chud lit story full of culture war bullshit and saying that straight white guys were oppressed in academia. No way that was this girl.

>> No.21995117

Middle tier black girls lusting over white cock is an epidemic. It cannot be contained.

>> No.21995132 [DELETED] 

>middle tier
That’s generous.

>> No.21995143

no no, my fantasy has already developed far beyond this mere reality. if she's not really a girl, my imagination can figure it out.

>> No.21995159 [DELETED] 

>simping over some bitch with a fivehead
kys cuck faggot

>> No.21995206 [DELETED] 

This nigga is out here jerking off to a Twitter tranny’s pfp, shameful behavior

>> No.21995293

Unreal only doxxed Ari, Ari doxxed atlas

>> No.21995302 [DELETED] 


>> No.21995320

Proof? Didn’t the Unreal guys just have a giant fight with her?

>> No.21995328

Okay, but who specifically did the doxing? That's the retard.

>> No.21995342 [DELETED] 

I’ve got a white cock hard and ready for her right here

>> No.21995376

Ari knew this girl IRL since he started uni. That was years of him not doxing her despite the apparent feud between them. Unreal has a fight with her and 2 weeks later her face is being posted around 4chan. Take a guess.

>> No.21995415 [DELETED] 

She claims he called the cops on her and did a bunch of other other mean shit and you think he’d draw the line at doxxing? He probably just got fed up and did it because he’s pissed that she was schizoing out about him and airing their dirty laundry in the Unreal thread last night.

>> No.21995439

We never fought with her. We talked over VC a month ago and she cleared everything up. We parted ways and haven’t thought about her since. Idek who would want to doxx her unless Ari is as much of an evil dude as she says he is. Just God’s most embarrassing lover’s quarrel between two people who never fucked

>> No.21995471

I can’t see Ari doxing anyone. That cop stuff is probably some hysteric overreaction.

>> No.21995554

He allegedly threatened to doxx multiple people in the Unreal Server and sent them death threats, and you can’t see him doing this shit?

>> No.21995578

I’ve known Ari since he started working with &amp. I know that he wouldn’t dox anyone. I also know that these Unreal people who will so happily throw him under the bus for things that he supposedly is capable of are the ones who doxed him.

>> No.21995588

What’s the max word count per submission?

>> No.21995590

No one doxed him. He had published shit in &amp under his full name before. If he didn’t want that information out there then he should’ve used a pseudonym. He derailed our server for months bitching about this girl, we were justified in fucking stuff him a little.

>> No.21995589

Then you don't know Ari like I do. I've known him for 13 years. Back when we were attending Cambridge (Canada). He kept a literal back fucking book on people. Their likes. Their hobbies. Whatever he could to swoon people. He was an information fetishist and eventually ghosted me when he realized I was lying to him about some of my personal history. Trust him like a chimp on coke.

>> No.21995595

Why the fuck does half of this board know Ari personally?

>> No.21995598

It was public information so you posted his face around 4chan?

>> No.21995601

idk i'd try to keep it under 5k. live your best life tho.

>> No.21995611

And Ari knows the whole board. There's probably a whole page of you in his little book.

>> No.21995615

The dude’s face is public information. It’s the first result that comes up if you Google his name. No one ripped photos from his private accounts or shared anything he hadn’t already made public.

>> No.21995623

But the reason you did it wasn’t because it was public information. You did it because you wanted to hurt him.

>> No.21995627

Is Ari jewish or something?

>> No.21995654

He deserved it after the bitch ass shit that he pulled. No one feels bad for him expect for you, and you’re clearly him.

>> No.21995661

No, that’s his gay lover, also Canadian. This entire drama is stirred by the love triangle of Ari, Andersen, and “Atlas”. Seriously. Once you understand this the 40 previous threads fall into place.

>> No.21995668

>all three people that Unreal doxed are now suddenly gay lovers
Can’t you just leave these 3 alone? I think you guys have done enough harm. Go focus on your writing.

>> No.21995680

Andersen is doing a solid astroturfing job but the female in this blows up their spot every time. She posts a wall of schizo text every chance she gets. Madly in love with Ari still, Andersen is thirsty for his attention, or any attention at all, his parents try to forget his existence and were the next best thing. He’ll come around.

>> No.21995682
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1633561574660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here writing anything for the next issue of &amp? My output in general has improved a lot for each project, I used to to take too many breaks but now compulsively writing everyday.

>> No.21995688

Does everything need to be this gay drama with you guys? Ari and Atlas did good work. They helped out a lot and they don’t deserve this shit. I don’t know what this third guy did but I can only assume you’re fucking with him for an equally petty reason.
Fuck off back to your discord.

>> No.21995697

I plan on making a comprehensive editorial on all of the drama

>> No.21995716
File: 53 KB, 602x709, banter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure that will get accepted?

>> No.21995721

>implying &amp has standards

>> No.21995738

>itt a bunch of catty 15 year old bitches act petty

How long will it continue?

>> No.21995741

Ari and Atlas started all of the gay drama in the first place. Look at this schizophrenic shit that she posted in the last Unreal thread. There’s more if you scroll. She’s completely lost her mind. It would be sad if it wasn’t so funny. >>21991404

>> No.21995755

I don’t care if she’s having a mental breakdown. Stop posting her face. You guys started the drama by doxing her and Ari. You’re perpetuating it now by not shutting the fuck up about it.

>> No.21995767

what’re you, her boyfriend? stop simping over this middle tier stupid psycho bitch and get a life

>> No.21995774

That “stupid psycho bitch” did more for this magazine than you ever will.

>> No.21995777

It isn't funny. Stop with your petty shit.

Be the bigger man and drop it. Even a psychopath like Jason Bryan knows when to be kind to the vulnerable when they're at their lowest. Holy fuck guys... can we at least try and be sympathetic and have enough honour to bury the hatchet? What the fuck is wrong with these people that they want to prolong the drama and attacks?

Clearly, some people simply want /lit/ to remain a shithole and attack any publication or organization intended to highlight authors and get /lit/'s writing out into the real world.

>> No.21995831

No, Ari started the drama by bitching about her repeatedly in the Unreal server for months and derailing everything. He deserves what he got. And the shit that she did is so unhinged that it’s a cognitohazard

>> No.21995843

Great, now everyone apologize and drop it.

>> No.21995853

Apologize for what? They all fucking deserved it. You apologize cuck.

>> No.21995862

She apologized to us but idgaf if she’s sorry, the bitch fucked us over and is batshit insane so she deserves everything she gets. He’s never apologized to us, so why should we apologize to him and drop it? He fractured Unreal Press and sabotaged our upcoming projects with his gay drama and then fucked off. He‘s an annoyance at best and a menace at worst. Fuck both of them, Unreal Army forever.

>> No.21995881

Just drop it dude. Be the bigger man.

Work on Unreal Press, revive the podcast, drop the drama and you'll have a ton of support this time. I will be your #1 fan for Unreal and &amp and contribute and help in any way I can.

Just be the bigger person here and say:
"I forgive all the people who fucked with us, let's bury the hatchet and get back to our projects"

That's it. That's all you have to do. If people come in the threads and still provoke people talking about doxxing, just ignore it and let it flame out. If you forgive and ignore it, I bet in a month or two there wouldn't be anyone spamming the Unreal threads with the drama, because if nobody reacts to the comments, the comments will simply stop. The entire point of whoever keeps attacking you guys is to sabotage anyone on /lit/ from being successful. If we all want to see each other successful and writing, which I certainly do, then just drop it and ignore it.

What's done is done, but the present and future we have control over. Let's all get back to writing, publishing, and supporting each other. Picking at the scab, it will never heal.

>> No.21995884

>just forgive the people you doxed
Why are you so fucking stupid Jason. Is it the drugs? Is the alcohol? Give me a reason.

>> No.21995897

Jason, your heart is in the right place man, but your efforts are misguided. None of the "people" you responded to are with unreal. It's all one dude obsessed with prolonging the most exciting thing to happen to him in years. Unreal's got a ton of projects on the way, with one dropping in literal weeks. All's good, and we'd love to work with ya on something.
See this. Who do you think posted this in response to your desperate plea to end this meaningless distraction and get back to work? Only way to really combat it is to ignore it, but as you can see it only takes a couple dozen people to keep these threads on page 1 in perpetuity. The other way is to just call out this sort of astroturfing spam when you see it.

Godspeed dude

>> No.21995914

Roger that. I will contact Unreal and work with you guys soon, I just need to finish the programming on my website, my mind is not in writing or creation at the moment.

The end of my replying to these posts.

>> No.21996055

Yes, this

>> No.21996197

He was just born that way. His mom drank a lot while she was pregnant with him, so he never really had a chance. His brain was damaged while he was still in utero.

>> No.21996665


>> No.21996670
File: 45 KB, 555x407, ED16F5E3-4233-4A39-84E8-D233CFF1CC6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. No cheesy pizza plz.
Issue Sixteen will hopefully be hyperkino, a substantially transcendent improvement on its former self, made in the image of its creator, and blessed by the internet.
Checked. I got an update recently regarding the Best Of and it’s rolling on schedule. Thanks for the support, &amp is only as strong as its contributing writers. Things have flattened alright. You could say steamrolled. Stay based, fren.
I’m glad to have his leadership on the project. I’m pretty busy here writing on my cave walk and trying not to cry. It’s nice to have a project with someone else’s touch. I admire the diversity in taste and style.
Would you (or anyone) be willing to painstakingly document the entire saga for 016? I’d love that. I’m pretty lost myself.
To be honest, I plan to make a “Director’s Cut”, a series of my own persy faves. Im glad to let the official Best Of be democratic, but I would like to make an issue of my favourites.
Not a bad idea. Alas, the wheels are in motion. Should take tooo long now.
Totally. The bigger it gets the more unwieldy it becomes, writing, sheesh
I’m so lonely kek
Checked. See >>21995661
Leafs ruin everything.
I’d like to do a really fucking gnarly letter from the editor however I have zero mystique left now that everyone knows I’m more degenerate than even Jason Bryan.
See >>21995721

>> No.21996751

Yes. Seethe about it

>> No.21997472

I kneel. You shall be raked last.

>> No.21997565

“Director’s Cut” will be sweet.

>> No.21998155


>> No.21998639

>the best of is rolling on schedule
last summer the dude said he'd release it by the end of september. there have been no updates from him since last year. what the fuck is taking so long? i'm calling it now, this shit is vaporware

>> No.21998757

Based Unrealchad.

>> No.21998910 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 807x796, COCKHUNGRYWHORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stupid psycho bitch has an insatiable lust for white cock.

>> No.21998920


>> No.21998931

What the fuck is wrong with you????

>> No.21998962

that cock's darker than her

>> No.21998965

It’s supposed to release in June, so you should probably try to get your shit in before then

>> No.21998999

BRB, I’m gonna take a break from writing my &amp submission and fap to this

>> No.21999037

lol, she privated her twitter account and removed her pfp

>> No.21999069

email the editor and ask him

>> No.21999084

Common Unreal Press W

>> No.21999224


Jannies removed it cause they’re tranny faggots but her cum covered face will be on Warosu forever. Unreal just can’t be stopped.

>> No.21999320

Is there a big crossover between &amp contributors and unreal contributors? Some threads I've read make it seems like people here pick one side to favor and oppose the other, but maybe that's only a vocal minority or maybe it's only readers and not contributors.

>> No.21999330

The unreal stuff started only recently. We got an influx of them and their drama after they did an interview with &amp editor. They've done nothing for the mag.

>> No.21999331

&amp and unreal collaborate because they’re basically the same people. Just a bunch of writers from /lit/. They did an interview together. It’s a small board man

>> No.21999336

Pretty much every author unreal interviewed and worked with also contributed to &amp.

>> No.21999362

And? Yeah, our authors advertise across different platforms. That has nothing to do with what I said. Unreal only showed up with their off topic tranny shit in the last month or so.

>> No.21999400

I feel like that's only played up more recently. I can only really think of Nesmer and Zulu; probably there's a couple more (or anonymously), but the two enterprises are quite distinct and have quint distinct styles and flavors.

>> No.21999438

Funny how the &amp threads were normal before the Unreal collab but lately there’s an influx of shitposters, shills, and doxxing. Most recently they’ve photoshopped pics of a former &amp contributor and posted them to sexually harass her. Despicable. Unreal are scum and &amp should disavow everything they’ve done.

>> No.21999441

Is Miles McNaughton the main man behind Unreal? I noticed it's his name on the latest Unreal ad banner, and iirc he's the one who interviewed the &amp editor for the podcast. I'm just curious about this stuff, is all. I like what I've read of Zulu Alitspa. Traffic Stop was alright and Oasis was excellent. Not him btw

>> No.21999455

Even if it is some third party troll fucking with everyone, like Unreal keeps suggesting, I don't care. I just want them gone at this point. These threads are supposed to be slow and comfy. Not whatever this is.

From what I've managed to glean of this drama, I believe that Miles is the only host left from unreal. Others got kicked or left on their own. Don't know about Zulu.

>> No.21999457
File: 3.32 MB, 828x1792, 88674932-0C82-48E2-8AFE-843C51C60802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is him. His real name is James Wisener. He studies dentistry at the University of Tennessee. He’s a little faggot and his writing sucks.

>> No.21999467

The person/s responsible for spamming these threads with drama are unaffiliated with Unreal and editor knows this, which is why he doesn’t participate in the likely astroturfed seething about them. Your mistake was getting in bed with 4channers who are liable to do embarrassing things like this

>> No.21999478


>> No.21999492 [SPOILER] 

even if the person doing it is a former unreal discord member and not someone officially affiliated with unreal, I still consider unreal press responsible. they tolerated drama bullshit, encouraged doxxing, and kept people in their circles who were involved in all kinds of stupid gay ops. all of this is embarrassing for unreal, but that’s their own fault for creating an environment in their server where drama could thrive. the &amp editor should make it clear he’s not involved in this.

>> No.21999493

Damn nice looking guy... might be another /lit/ cum tribute on the way.

>> No.21999500 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 400x400, DD6D3CED-12FA-4FFD-8CDC-ABE435665539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s the og since the jannies wanna be fags

>> No.21999512

Even if that is true, you guys are still fucking with him right back from what I can see. You're just encouraging it. Leave 4chan for a couple months if necessary. Come back with something to show for it that isn't another ruined &amp thread.
That's what you'd do if that were actually true, which I have my fair share of doubts on.

>> No.21999517
File: 446 KB, 640x480, 80B72DFE-DF11-4C92-9AFD-796C8D3A13CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump and seethe boys, bunp and seethe

>> No.21999535

Trandersen will not stop. He has nothing going on in his life, so he has all the time in the world to troll us. Even if we take a hiatus, that won’t stop him. So we might as well capitalize on the attention from what he’s doing.

>> No.21999548

So you're just going to ruin our threads to milk attention? Like the other thread where you were bragging about it making you famous and getting you sales? We just need to deal with it until this supposed troll, that you keep antagonizing, gives up?

>> No.21999558

>“our” threads
Stop pretending to be affiliated with &amp AnderSEN. We know it’s you samefagging to concern troll

>> No.21999588

Yes. This is our board now. Get used to it or fuck off. No apologies.

>> No.21999590

Do I need to break out the fucking resume of all the shit I've done for this mag? Two people, who I know, who have done a shitload of work for this mag, are now doxed because of you and your shitty halfassed rag. I gotta look at the face of someone who I respected covered in cum because you guys are trying to get "famous". How many more of us are gonna get doxed because of this? Call it concern trolling, call me whatever name of whatever discord tranny ex-friend you're mad at now. But when you're done, fuck off.

>> No.21999615

Boss, I’m gonna take you at your word that you’re just a bystander. Unreal is literally working right now. New release this month, another planned for the summer we’re already reviewing submissions for, and another collab in the planning stage. What you’re witnessing is a really sad guy who was banned from a discord server for derailing, he’s just gonna do this for years. He’s got nothing else going on. Sorry, but nobody wants this but him.

>> No.21999645

And I'll take you on your word that you didn't dox Ari and Atlas, as unlikely as that is. The reason this guy is fucking with you is because you are antagonizing him with this "you're making me famous" bullshit. Hell, just using this guys name is another example of you waving the red cape at him. This "TranderSEN" guy is another who you were accused of doxing right? Let's assume that he did dox everyone here in some form of retaliation. Ari, Atlas, that guy whose face was just posted. Is it such a wise idea to keep feeding this troll when this has been the result so far? And even if the answer is yes, why the fuck would I want to be around either of you. Take it back to discord.

>> No.21999715

They've already fully admitted to doxing Ari. I don't know why they're trying to walk that back now.

>> No.21999738

Honestly: shut the fuck up and crawl up your daddies ass. These threads are here to stay. Yes it is good publicity for Unreal. Yes we're antagonizing the trannies. Yes it's a power move. Take it or leave it, enter other threads whatever. They deserve it for the anti social nonsense they've pulled that is so exhaustive it's impossible to even begin to catalogue. There was a moment when reconciliation was possible. But now we're using them for exposure. Already book purchases are increasing (and it deserves to be read mind you, it's a good Weird Horror collection.

>> No.21999752

It's kind of impressive how all attempts to drag this crab down have failed and backfired hilariously. The eternal crab (Unreal) has grown jet fuel rocket boots and blasted into the atmosphere kek.

>> No.21999764

Fine, turn &amp into your tranny circus show. See if I'll be here when this explodes in your face like Unreal did. I look forward to reading your inevitable kiwifarms thread, if only to see what type of fucking ghoul is willing to do this to people for $15 in books sales.

>> No.21999815

The photoshopped cumshot pics are disgusting of you. I don’t give a fuck how much this girl pissed you off on discord, posting her face with a dick next to it is fucking vile. Doxxing is bad enough but this shit is beyond the pale. It isn’t any kind of justified revenge, it’s straight up sexual harassment. Even a psycho like Jason Bryan could recognize that she’s clearly having a mental breakdown and doesn’t need to be antagonized by you assholes. Call me a white knight or accuse me of being “Trandersen” if you want, but no one deserves that.

>> No.21999820

Shut up Jason.

>> No.21999847

I’m not Jason. I despise that arrogant fuck and his constant retarded shilling. I’m just pointing out that in the previous Unreal thread where she was freaking out, he was the only one of you who recognized that she was clearly unwell and wasn’t an asshole to her. When a douchebag like him has more decency than you you should recognize that you’ve sunk pretty fucking low.

>> No.21999848

Shut up Jason.

>> No.21999856

lol, seethe harder. keep bitching about it and i’ll repost the pic with a second cock added in. maybe have the cumshot on her forehead this time to cover up that hairline.

>> No.21999947

Lol dude I didn’t think you’d actually be triggered with the knowledge that your tear down threads literally gave us sales. I wasn’t even trying to taunt you, I was trying to inform you that it would benefit both you and unreal if you’d stop doing this. But your ego is so bruised with the knowledge that you’re literally signal boosting us that you’re doubling down. Fascinating psychology.
“Taunting” you, huh? I mean you made a dozen threads with the stated goal of destroying unreal. Showing that this maniacal behavior backfired on you isn’t a taunt.

>> No.21999964

More waving the red cape. Get those sales Unreal. Maybe Rhyme will be able to move out his mother's basement if you dox enough people.

>> No.21999967

put me in the magazinecap

>> No.21999971

And me! His steadfast companion!

>> No.21999994

She looks better with cum covering part of that face

>> No.22000144

Am I the only one who thinks that the woman involved in this shit is a qt?

>> No.22000145

Here’s hopin!

>> No.22000167

Rhyme isn’t affiliated with Unreal anymore, idiot.

>> No.22000289

Anybody who has actually interacted with Atlas & Ari would know that all this shit about Atlas being in love with Ari is untrue. That long Molly-Bloom-esque schizopost is simply not Atlas.
Now I'm not sure whether Atlas was male or female, but the fact is he'd abandoned the Atlas pseudonym (and &amp entirely) way back in December.
Even his email doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.22000292
File: 999 KB, 872x886, 1672911129470074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first thing I read is just this popular /pol/ post presented as an "article"

>> No.22000312
File: 471 KB, 440x1290, B32FE39D-5FF1-43A6-AAC7-8BA9119D02F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I found proof. some /lit/cel in the unreal thread posted a pic zooming in on that girl’s bookshelf, pointing out that she has the modern library proust collection visible on the bookshelf behind her. >>21995937
if you search “modern library proust” in the warosu archive, this post from an &amp thread from last august talking about helping with the best of is the very first result. it has to be this girl.

>> No.22000338
File: 170 KB, 530x429, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ari talked about all of this shit at length in the Unreal Press discord. I left after the doxxing drama so I can’t go back and screenshot any of it, but here’s the archived suicidal post she made in November, including references to multiple things that she mentioned in her Joycean rant. This is why she left &amp and why he never finished the best of.

>> No.22000348

Why would she say he wanted her to kill herself? This makes no sense and doesn’t prove anything.

>> No.22000379

whyd you crop it like that? you cut out like half the post and i had to look it up myself to read the rest

>> No.22000395

This is based though. Sorry it filtered you.

>> No.22000484 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 400x400, 42E0A547-EE75-4CCE-AC4C-5716AD8BDF9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22000594

Doxxchads btfo retards with no opsec

>> No.22000625

>amp submission thread
>entire thread is unreal press doxxing people and talking about retarded drama
>no one is actually talking about 016


>> No.22000829

sta I know this is you I’m so sorry I never got back to you after no vember or finished giving feedback on your story I had to delete my email in January because Ari was mad he hates me and is never going to forgive me because i made a really bad mistake I don’t know why and November he said he made fun of me with the new girl he was seeing abd they both were saying I’m stupid and laughing at me I just wanted to die because my heart was broken and I kept thinking a bout them laughing at me and in January the police said they would arrest me if i posted on any of the forums he uses becayse he wants nothing to do with me and would file a criminal charge and they come to my apartment with their guns and everything and they make me talk to them and I can’t breathe because I am so upset they’re making fun of me and saying Im crazy and should be in the hospital and I’m crying and trying to explain but they are telling me shut up right now stop talking because you are not in control here we are and they’re talking loud on purpose so my roommate will know and theyre saying he’s not going to give you closure and youonly get one warning snf I’m crying and then I made a mistake in February snfhe’s really mad and he said leave me the fuck alone and she is a smelly fuck but I’m not and he said he’s no t pussy footing around and he has no intention of talking to me ever because it won’t end well so now I have to be in jail or else be dead he said he had to speak to the police but he didn’t have to do that he never even tried to talk to me before he did that I never wanted it to be like this for everyone to lose respect for me and think I’m like Molly bloom I always valued our email conversations and now even you think I’m a schizo and everyone hates me a lot and said I look like schopenhauer and am middletear I can’t get calm anymore I’m sorry and I ruined the best of and ruined everything I just wanted to help I don’t know what’s wrong with me I never wanted it to be like this and i need to talk to Ari so I can get calm but Ari doesn’t want to talk to me anymore because he is mad abf he said I have delusions I wasnt crazy before like I can’t get calm I can’t get calm and they keep posting it and they’re not going to stop doing it ever I do t know why I’m sorry and now you hate me now too becayse I always ruin everything I’m only making it worse I’m so sorry I hope you keep writing and everything like I want you to have good luck I’m sorry please forgive me

>> No.22000832


>> No.22000869

so true

>> No.22000887

I hate when that happens, damn.

>> No.22000889

You’re telling me the post in this screenshot >>22000312 and this post >>22000829 were written by the same person? The mental deterioration here is absolutely /unreal/.

>> No.22000893

Pre and post white cock.

>> No.22000905

According to this guy >>21995439 they never fucked so dunno if we can blame white cock for this.

>> No.22000910

It's one schizo retard manipulating two mentally unwell individuals into posting about him, then pretending to be the victim.

See >>21995589
I remember this book, he put some teacher in there he hated.

>> No.22000916

who is the schizo retard? “Trandersen”?

>> No.22000919

Yes. Trandersen of LG2 in Quebec City.

>> No.22000922

No he employs Andersen and Atlas

>> No.22000928

whether or not she got dicked down by a big white cock isn't the crux of the issue here. she got it in her head that she could land a 6'+ white man as a weird mystery meat nigress spic thing, she built that headcanon and shot herself out of it, now she's crashing down to earth and it ain't cute.

>> No.22000934

Nah, she's not real, he only employs her. She probably has a family already.

>> No.22000954

just stop okay just stop just lea s me alone like he was the one who initiated things with me in the first place no one forced him to do that and lead me on i didn’t build anything in my head like he would talk to me for hours and acted like he was into me like why would he do that if he wasn’t even intereste d like he didn’t hVe to do that why are you blaming me for falling for him like should I just never trust anyone ever again just stop just leave me alone why are you doing this I’m not mystery meat just stop

>> No.22000956

what are you talking about what are you talking about no one employs me why did you say that i already have a family what are you talking about?????? what does this mean like what do you mean

>> No.22000958

How much does he pay you to post this shit. Relax.

>> No.22000965

You're employed by him, you're basically one of those paid shills on /pol/ but for some weird schizo. You should be permabanned from this board, also that cum tribute was obviously him. Fucking freaks.

>> No.22000968

no one pays me to do anything I can’t get calm why did you say that what are you talking about I’m not a spic thing I’m a human being fuck you

>> No.22000975

The spic thing wasn't me, you're talking to multiple anons, now stop posting.

>> No.22000980

why would you say that that’s so mean fuck you fuck you why would you say that is this Ari why would you say that haven’t I lost enough why would you say that what is wrong with you??????? what is wrong with you???? like why would you do this what is wrong with youuuu

>> No.22000993

it was him how do you know why would he do that why would he do that??????? why would he do that I can’t get calm why would he do that??????? how do you know it was him how do you know why would he post that why would he do that to me??????

>> No.22000998
File: 89 KB, 463x353, 1630675704922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro chill

>> No.22001021

i'm writing a horror story about you guys so keep giving me material. i need it

>> No.22001023

how do you know it was him how do you know it was him why would he do that????? why would he do that(???????

>> No.22001024


>> No.22001032

i know you are ari how else would you know his height like what the fuck is wrong with you why would you say that about me why would you do this are you a sociopath why would you do this to me why did you do it??????? why did you do it what is wrong with you

>> No.22001038

I am Ari Boon and Ari Boon only, My discord account has become inactive from too many stalkers, so I just post here under a trip.

>> No.22001040

the truth is i caught feelings for you but i didn't know how to handle it alright, the whole thing is a mess so just forget about it.

>> No.22001043

stop tricking me stop lying I know you’re not him is this melville becayse you sound like him and Ari does not type like you he has better grammar and punctuation and always capitalizes you’re not him why are you trying to trick me????? please stop

>> No.22001046

yeah it's melville and i wasn't pretending to be Ari, i meant what i said as myself. me, melville

>> No.22001054

I am Ari Boon and Ari Boon only, My discord account has become inactive from too many stalkers, so I just post here.

>> No.22001058 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 828x1792, 7574AB3A-4A87-464D-8E0C-5690F4FF0AC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you call me mystery meat and say this about me why would you do that????? why did you want to make me cry what is wrong with you,???,??,??

>> No.22001066

i'm just attracted to you and want to rape you as a white colonist sort of way. i have my own emotions i'm grappling with, did you ever think about that? i'm human too.

>> No.22001120

Glad you two have worked that out, now kiss (but wipe the cum off of her face first)

>> No.22001227


>> No.22001306

>some random woman kills herself over e-drama
... Is this reddit or something cunt? Who on earth gives a fuck. Why do you care?

>> No.22001324

He spent like 2 months talking about it in the server on a near daily basis, so he kind of forced everyone there to pay attention

>> No.22001428

this whole story is so fucked up. sad desu

>> No.22001434


>> No.22001438

This is now a Jesus thread. Pray for redemption. Jesus walks with the lepers and pariahs, Jesus forgave the forgotten, the criminals, the adulterers, he took in the prostitute who wanted more out of life. What more if not redemption shall we live for? Fear of hell is a road to hell, when you drive and you look in a certain direction your car will be steered in that direction unconsciously. Metaphorically speaking I beg of thee my fellow sinners, LET GOD TAKE THE WHEEL. LET HIM FREE YOU.



>> No.22001463
File: 885 KB, 1522x2000, 5E1EE611-28E9-494F-9008-15CB2257DCF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessings to you all. May the Holy Spirit find you

>> No.22001464

I don't hate anyone—I'm sorry all this is happening to you. Please find help. I know it's an empty platitude, but I mean it. I pray it gets better.
Ari: you too. Still don't want to believe those screenshots are real.

>> No.22001474


>> No.22001545

keep rolling bros

looking forward to the next issue

>> No.22001704 [DELETED] 

The guy who posts on discord under the handle 'Melville' spent 8 months impersonating some negress and a bunch of schozo alts, doctored screenshots to muddy the waters, collaberated with other freak accounts, and deliberately derailed the unreal servers into this doxxing mess for no other reason than he was bored and found it funny. I know because he told me what he doesn't know is I have his gym photos.

>> No.22001712 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder that this screenshot shows the user's time settings are set to 24 hour (UK) settings. It's not the girl. Discord sets Canadians to 12 hour am time.

>> No.22001781 [DELETED] 

wait, is that true?

>> No.22002413

Not true, it has to do with your language settings. If you set the Discord mobile app language to UK English it uses 24 hour time for the timestamps. If you set it to US English it uses 12 hour time. If you don’t believe me then try changing the app settings yourself and see. It makes sense that a Canadian would use UK English, since Canada is part of the commonwealth and they use British spelling conventions there

>> No.22002427

>5 years from now this drama will still be going on

>> No.22002480

And there will still be no issue 16.

>> No.22002518

do you have any evidence?

i checked and this is true so the screenshot was probably her. fucked up of ari to say that shit desu, dude seems like a cocky pos

>> No.22002592

Canadians default to English, US on all platforms. She would have needed to manually change it.

>> No.22002653

Not true. From the screenshot you can tell she has an iPhone. In iOS, the apps you install are automatically set to the preferred language selected in your device settings. If she has her phone set to English (UK) or English (Canada), then the Discord app would default to English (UK) once installed.

>> No.22002689

When I said all platforms, I meant all platforms. This is a common issue for leafs. If you do a fresh install of windows, macOS, Android or IOS, you will be defaulted to English, US. Most of us have just gotten used to ignoring the red line under the word flavour.

>> No.22002711

English (canada) on IOS setting gives me English (US) as default on a fresh discord account.

>> No.22002725

I’m Canadian, and I always make sure my iPhone settings are on English (UK) so that autocorrect will use my preferred spelling conventions. I would assume that a lot of other people would do the same. The 24 hour time stamp here proves nothing.

>> No.22002755

>I would assume that a lot of other people would do the same.
Let’s keep in mind that we’re talking about a black woman here. She likely doesn’t even know how to spell, let alone have a preferred region based around minute differences in spelling.

>> No.22002757

same. i think it’s pretty common for canadians to do that

>> No.22002782

Someone pointed out that the post in this screenshot >>22000312 was written by her. She clearly reads a lot and knows how to spell, and she correctly uses the Canadian spelling convention of “favourite” when talking about writers she likes. Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.22002786

Just tested this and it’s correct, though I still get my Canadian spelling in the auto correct. Seems the discord language only influences time/date format.

>> No.22002795

>She clearly reads a lot and knows how to spell
Just an act she’s putting on to scam her way onto a white cock. Many such cases.

>> No.22002850 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, F6222DED-1546-42BB-800D-A2C09FAAA13A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22002854 [DELETED] 
File: 2.46 MB, 4032x3024, B738DF2B-A4D2-47F0-B9C6-61B689FD9F9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22002870

What compels a man to take a shirtless photo of himself in a McDonald’s staff bathroom?

>> No.22002879
File: 157 KB, 597x577, BAS_203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually that's where they work, so why not?

>> No.22002889

I tested it with English (UK) in my device settings and a fresh Discord account defaulted to English (UK).

There are a lot of horny guys out there: any woman who isn’t ancient or hideously ugly can easily get cock. She’s at least a 5 in my opinion, that’s pretty clear based on the replies from horny dudes simping. Most of the white zoomer guys I know are retards who speak in ghetto dialect anyway. If she just wanted to get fucked by a white cock, why go to the effort of pretending to be smart? The strategy wouldn’t make sense. An interest in literature isn’t going to increase her appeal to the vast majority of men. It would make more sense to just wear something slutty and pretend to care about sports and goyslop TV shows.

>> No.22002904

looks like an angry lil manlet whose barber absolutely fucked his shit up

>> No.22002957

Judging from the height of the door hinges and the angle of the camera, I’m estimating a height of 5’4-5’6, assuming that is an 80 inch door.

>> No.22002987

Do I need to get groomed on discord and try to catch up on a bunch of faggot drama bullshit over who loves who for anybody to read my submission

>> No.22002990


>> No.22003004

Post a picture of your asshole and the &amp editor will throw a gaussian blur and neon blue filter over it. Perfect background image for your piece to be set upon. Very attention grabbing.

>> No.22003072

She’s a qt3.14

Someone please give me her contact info, she’s the femanon of my dreams and I know I can save her and restore her to what she was before

>> No.22003081 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 515x955, E547F986-B0A7-4D19-A236-EFC001C525CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked the archive and holy kek at the nude pics of that manlet. That guy was shit talking Ari and doxxing people all the time when I was there. Constantly making accounts to fuck with people. He looks exactly like the dead eyed chud manlet that I imagined would get so little pussy he'd resort to talking to himself all day.

>> No.22003090

it's called playing the game, anon

>> No.22003093
File: 1.10 MB, 729x729, epic logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one will see this but I'm one of the founding members of the Unreal Brotherhood. it began as a /lit/ NaNoWriMo group in 2019. Unreal Press didn't start until mid 2021. not everyone in Unreal Bros contributes to the Press but everyone in Press was once a Bro. recent drama is just from a few autists who started shit in Press.

>> No.22003097 [DELETED] 

Anyone got this jewboy's deets? Melville was an annoying faggot and the resident downie on the unreal server. Would like to send him some shit. Someone said NYC?

>> No.22003103

Sure what's your discord. Make a burner.

>> No.22003108

To be fair, everyone in Unreal is a terminally online loser. Discord is their only sense of human interaction. I never thought I'd see the day when anons are swearing revenge against one another for "disrupting a discord". I don't know if this is an election tourist issue or something new.

>> No.22003110

put some respect on atlas's name, faggot

>> No.22003113 [DELETED] 

Maybe if someone sends this middle school ass dough boy the pics of the heinous shit he said on his trannycord then Unreal will get the message that no one wants them here. Pretty sure his parents live in Binghamton.

>> No.22003114

nah this kike was especially bad and being a turbo manlet incel faggot just sets me off even further.

>> No.22003115

F. Gardner#9955

>> No.22003126

I have some deets, I'll make a burner. Add me.Burner#8536

>> No.22003132 [DELETED] 

herandusXX #7722

>> No.22003234

I have her on Discord. Post a burner account and DM me, I’ll give you her discord tag if you seem like a good guy.

>> No.22003243 [DELETED] 

Shoulda said if you post a burner account then I’ll DM you.

>> No.22003354

Has anyone heard from Ari I about all of this? I can’t imagine his best of will get a very positive reception after the info that’s come out.

>> No.22003691 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 70x124, 1672182300910247s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22003695 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 140x249, 1672182244433052s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22003703 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1170x658, 1587466353457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003728

is this heteronymic?

>> No.22003729 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 750x1334, 1672182244433052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22003736


>> No.22003743 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 750x1334, 1672182300910247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snapchat Melville sent me when I was talking to him.

>> No.22003749 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 750x1334, 1672182270266117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003759
File: 767 KB, 629x864, junglefever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are weird looking white dudes with jungle fever disproprtionately represented among /lit/ writers? the &amp editor has a negress ex wifey too.

>> No.22003768

This guy gets it

>> No.22003769 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 539x960, 1588798475744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Melville

>> No.22003777 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 2696x4048, 1681733251854571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003797


>> No.22003803

Can we just let these threads die? I haven’t cared to follow the saga but from what I’ve seen anons should be embarrassed. I’m getting so much second hand cringe. Stop being a pussy and let this shit go. It’s not that serious

>> No.22003817

Any press is good press. Unreal is still on its feet bitch. We sold 3 books yesterday.

>> No.22003818

No? &amp will continue and so will its contributors. Stop conflating off topic crabposting with &amp. Editor sama emailed me earlier this week about a submission I had made before. Things are moving.

>> No.22003828

You schizos buckbroke Frank so badly that he is now shilling on /pol/ kek

>> No.22003832

> we sold three copies of our shitass book and made the equivalent of $15! clearly doxxing and harassing multiple people and antagonizing a mentally ill girl was all worth it.


>> No.22003834

oy vey! post link

>> No.22003854

>we sold 3 books yesterday
Time to plan the parade
It’s too messy to support. No way it’s moving in the right direction when anons involved are acting like this

>> No.22003860


>> No.22003867

I am retarded and submitted too early

>> No.22003869

How do I know if you received my submission? ;_; I didn't get an auto reply.

>> No.22003877

You’ll know your submission has been received when your face gets posted in the thread.

>> No.22003933
File: 4 KB, 140x249, Melville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003938
File: 98 KB, 750x1334, Melville 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003947
File: 60 KB, 728x409, 1667354104540929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry crab, actual writers are still supporting &amp and concerntrolling isn't going to stop it.
Enjoy your free pdf this summer.

>> No.22003956
File: 87 KB, 1170x658, Heteronymic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22003960
File: 19 KB, 339x500, cover shot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold 8 books last month, face crab anon, some of us are making it, all your online rage won't change that

>> No.22003962

Whatever became of the lit quarterly anyway? I was a bit mad that I got a piece in the final issue, the editor actually printed it and mailed me a copy, but then never bothered to publish it. Maybe I'll scan it one of these days.

>> No.22003971

Do you support all of the doxing gong on in this thread Woolston? Or are you just too much of a dumb boomer to understand what is happening here?

>> No.22003981

I'm not involved, don't entirely know the back story and it all seems rather stupid and pointless to me. I'm hoping it will all settle down and be forgotten about soon.

>> No.22003985

And technically I'm Gen X not a Boomer

>> No.22003992
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1000, ED7D1715-EF79-409D-BD16-7015D6AD3DFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sold 8 books last month

I wouldn’t call that making it. Don’t quit your day job, Woolswine

>> No.22003993

Great taste, m8

>> No.22003998

acne-ridden manlet fuckboi with scraggly pubes on his chin

>> No.22004011

Kek, he really does look like a fat pink pig.

>> No.22004012

Unreal started a doxing war with 4chan. You might wanna keep your head down for a bit. I like you so I wouldn’t wanna see you get dragged into something you don’t understand. What you just said, that you sold 8 copies so we’re all gonna make it, is a bad look, mostly because someone from Unreal was just bragging that they got those sales because they are doxing and harassing anons here.

>> No.22004017

Ooooooooooo mommy, don't you eva take any big stinkahs on da John mommies?

Iza always readin' when I'm makin' stinkahs

>> No.22004018
File: 932 KB, 762x730, Melville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK if that's him, he'd always send me new pics. I think this was the real one.

>> No.22004030
File: 2.32 MB, 1244x1214, Tat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22004039

Jaw status: checked.

>> No.22004040

I am Ari Boon and Ari Boon only, My discord account has become inactive from too many stalkers, so I just post here.

>> No.22004048

i care about you too woolston, this post is good advice. >>22004012
it's best not to submit anything for now. unreal bit off more than it can chew and the people associated with it either need to change completely (which i don't see happening) or the mag in its current form will no longer exist. you didn't do anything wrong. save yourself

>> No.22004047
File: 378 KB, 1080x1440, 1682846118663507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all me, I'm secretly in love with Ari Boon and can't stop thinking about him. Please Please Please Ari Boon take me back. I'm a sad boy.

>> No.22004052

This is TranderSEN the pony fucker? kek

>> No.22004054

I like how this tranny looks. I want to fuck this tranny in the ass.

>> No.22004063 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 400x400, 5336FBC4-126C-4C5B-9B4C-097ACD1DC273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was his bitch, guess he must of left her for that tranny you posted. No wonder she went crazy

>> No.22004068
File: 310 KB, 828x1308, 1675652213540525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't even look like that anymore, weird angle.

>> No.22004069

That’s his GF. Can’t find any pictures of him. Too much of a hikki.

>> No.22004072

Nah that's him.

>> No.22004075

I’m not gonna ruin your fantasy. Get that tribute going.

>> No.22004077
File: 453 KB, 1080x1440, 1682846012975481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22004080

Who tf is this? These aren’t the same girl

>> No.22004083
File: 1.88 MB, 3024x4032, 1683088302854757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Ari

>> No.22004086

I think Unreal are just posting random people now in the hopes of throwing people off.

>> No.22004090

Yeah, half of these people don’t even look the same between pictures.

>> No.22004092

and maybe >>22004083

are all real

>> No.22004097

Are you including the pig as a real representation of Woolston?

>> No.22004103

Ari had much more wavy hair than that. Think that one is fake as well.

>> No.22004109


>> No.22004110

That's the fucking &amp guy? K.R. Hartley?

>> No.22004116
File: 2.64 MB, 3072x4080, Toot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22004128

compared to the photos on his college site he has lighter eyebrows and wavier hair then this pic. this guy is way too built, ari looks emaciated and has twig arms

>> No.22004133

Seems like Unreal are just trying to bury the legitimate doxes under a bunch of fakes while pushing this to bump limit.

>> No.22004138

Toot is a manlet twink spic? KEK

>> No.22004143

iPhone file names are fakes. Samsung file names are real. Not sure about named files but seem fake.

>> No.22004148

>ari looks emaciated and has twig arms

Ari bros… it’s over

>> No.22004167

other way around.
are real doxxes with iPhone file names, all the Samsung ones are fake. the named files, idk

>> No.22004176


>> No.22004180

I’m pretty sure those are Samsung names. iPhones are the long string of numbers generally starting with 1, if I’m not mistaken. I swear there was an infographic for this that I saw years ago. Have not seen it posted since.

>> No.22004182

Unreal Trannies: they can’t think. They can’t write. They have no discernible talent.

>> No.22004187

They can put your fucking face on this board. Front page. They can do it real fine.

>> No.22004192

The named were posted on my laptop.

>> No.22004201

MNMDR is the one doxing the unreallies btw. Go buy BAS to thank him.

>> No.22004205

That guy wants to be F Gardner so bad.

>> No.22004206

curse of the unreal

>> No.22004208

Who has Rhymenigger’s dox? I’m waiting for it

>> No.22004210

Typical tranny behavior. Their “writing” even reeks of almost OD’ing on HRT meds

>> No.22004216 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 750x1334, 37087F88-EE68-4A20-8EC4-3938CE5CB92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22004218

Thank you for your service Mr. Rapeface.

>> No.22004222

>attempting to change the file name to pass off the fakedox

>> No.22004226
File: 232 KB, 1591x905, IMG_1676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardner’s writing is unironically way more entertaining than anything from Unreal.

>> No.22004230

Melville is scared.

>> No.22004237

take a shot every time he says transgressive

>> No.22004238 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 1683479181280408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no different than changing this name

>> No.22004240

Sad how this has more soul than all the stories in “tales” of the unreal.

>> No.22004269

This. Why don’t these retards just ask Gardner for help? He’s rich and can shit out pulp fiction like no one else is capable of doing. They are trying to turn against him and getting owned so ridiculously hard it’s hilarious.

>> No.22004271

Onions Gardner on suicide watch after realizing even Unrealtards get more attention than him

>> No.22004273

One more and we delete the interview. Test us. Keep going and see what happens. Melville found your old place on that realtor site, you think he can’t triangulate your apartment just from the skyline?

>> No.22004274
File: 189 KB, 828x830, GOTTEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s wearing Polo Ralph Lauren boxers. Melville (now “Inactive”) posted in the Unreal Server months ago about liking Polo Ralph Lauren clothes. Gottem.

>> No.22004289

You wish you could. F Gardner made unreal, you wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for his genius

>> No.22004300

How do you not realize F Gardner doesn’t care about getting doxxed?
This is gold.

>> No.22004308

how many words is too many? i don't wanna submit something that's too lengthy for you to work in

>> No.22004312

This is actual proof. Now we know Melville is an ugly manlet with a bad haircut, a recessed chin, and permanent angryface. If I looked like him I’d kms.

>> No.22004318

>implying they even work on anything
They publish as is, bud

>> No.22004383

>seething about anything, ever
Literally go to reddit if you're bothered by doxxing. This is not the place for you.

>> No.22004417

and yet you seethe over seethe. curious

>> No.22004448

Seven whole dimensions of interlocking sneethe where no one can tell the beginning nor the end

>> No.22004463

How did he print and mail a copy without publishing it?

>> No.22004484
File: 231 KB, 1537x656, 17854226-1EC9-45DF-945D-1F141A399783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22004488

New thread: >>22004371

>> No.22004603

Um anon, this was a submit-to-&amp thread

>> No.22004612

Was it?

>> No.22004624


>> No.22004827 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 195x316, 51F833DF-3FBE-4B4D-9417-4DFB328587CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad for her that I found her on Facebook. Might fuck around and post the full photo later

>> No.22004841

Is that... my a PICTURE OF MY FACE??? and you're saying... People are going to... SEE MY FACE? NO ANON!! NOOOO! PLEASE YOU EVIL GENIUS NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo...

>> No.22004856

give it a rest man, nobody cares anymore.

>> No.22004862

Keep talking buddy, l’ll track you down too

>> No.22004871 [DELETED] 

Her mom’s Facebook privacy settings are lax, I could post pics of her whole family and their full names. Her parents also have a picture on the front steps of their house, and I found it on Google maps, so I could post their address. Up to you, though

>> No.22004878

so do it.

>> No.22004882

Why don’t you kill yourself instead, you psycho

>> No.22004885

He's Brazillian he can't help it.

>> No.22004903

I’m not a favela ape, but her buddy Incendia is. Bitch should’ve known better than to fuck with the Unreal Brotherhood

>> No.22004913

this faggot is just trying to provoke a response from her. if he was going to do it then he’d of done it already. this is probably the only female attention he can get so you’ve gotta feel bad for the guy

>> No.22004916

Incendia is a Melville alt

>> No.22004923

No, Melville and Incendia are both Ari Boon alts

>> No.22004928


>> No.22004947

Why do the useless jannies allow these shitshows to continue.

>> No.22004970

I am Ari Boon and Ari Boon only, My &amp thread has become inactive from too many jannies, so I just have my posts deleted here.

>> No.22005238

You mean... My FACE and my NAME??????? NOOOOOO! Nobody knows those things!!!! AHHH I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO SEE MY FACE NOOOOOO!

>> No.22005287


>> No.22005305

New thread

Let’s keep this one a doxxing-free zone, gang.

>> No.22005390

Melville is doing it because he has feelings for her. He’s attracted to her and wants to rape her in a white colonizer sort of way.