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21990801 No.21990801 [Reply] [Original]

What essay or book would you use to try and show someone that Christianity is true?

>> No.21990802

But it's not.

>> No.21990805

Jainism is the true religion, sorry

>> No.21990976

Screwtape Letters.

>> No.21990984

Tractatus logico Philosophicus and tolstoys notes on the gospel

>> No.21991005

It really depends on the person's background.
In Antiquity you have models of the kind like the Pedagogue of Clement of Alexandria or the Evangelic Demonstration of Eusebius. Pure greatness but it wouldn't work much today unless the person is some serious antiqueboo.

>> No.21991012

>Tractatus logico Philosophicus

I haven't read the Tractatus yet, but where does the Christianity fit in? Genuinely curious.

>> No.21991015

If I thought it was, like if I felt Christ's existence and hope for salvation was as real as my desk, I have no idea how I'd be able to contain myself.

I would basically be filming myself every hour, talking to everyone, telling them that its okay, you just have to believe and do as he says and its going to be okay. I don't even know how I would eat or sleep, I would be so happy.

Its weird that instead the true believers try to make as much money as possible, engage in endless nitpicky debates citing confusing philosophy, say shitty things about people instead of try to throw some of that assurance their way, that kind of thing.

I would be so overwhelmed with joy that you think it would be infectious, not chastising and academic.

>> No.21991021

Nowhere. The person is retard and just being a pseud

>> No.21991023

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.21991028


K ya that's what I thought

>> No.21991092
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Probably picrel. The globe earth model was created in an attempt to kill faith in God. If we're all spinning on a ball flying through nothingness and believing in macroevolution and dinosaurs then God can't exist. Except He does exist.
The sad fact of the matter is that the majority of people who read this will have a gut reaction to laugh and hand-wave it away as crazy. The few people who look into it will hop onto youtube and watch strawman arguments against flat earth.
This book is just a jumping off point.

>> No.21991120
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How come different Christians sometimes have complete opposite views on things?
For example, compare the pope in this picture to what this Orthodox guy says in this video.

>> No.21991173

Well some are that way.

>> No.21991177

You don't need to go to an orthodox guy, Bishops like Schneider or Sarah disagree with him.

>> No.21991188


(a) Because the Bible contradicts itself; (b) Because, like many texts, the Bible accepts multiple interpretations.

>> No.21991212

>How come Christians sometimes disagree with each other?
Only twice in the history of the Catholic Church has a pope made an infallible declaration. Catholics are not obligated to agree with every single thing he says. We are all still imperfect people with limited judgment and intellect. We turn to God for guidance, but it would seem that His will is not to give us the answers all at once.

>> No.21991218
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On the Masonic lie of evolution

>> No.21991230

On the Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ by Saint Maximus the Confessor

>> No.21991240
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On the "covid vaccine"

>> No.21991242


>> No.21991254
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On UFOs and aliens

>> No.21991466
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On transhumanism and how it is satanic

>> No.21991482

I am a theist and I think the most important thing to do is to try to convince someone that Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead
Of course you could be more sceptical and state that perhaps Jesus was not God but still rose from the dead or that some demonic force tricked the apostles into seeing a risen Jesus in order to spread Christianity but take the simplest case
Usually the above argument requires the establishment of a number of basic facts, for example that Jesus was executed by the Romans, that the tomb was empty, that his followers believed that he had been resurrected, etc you can find arguments like this on the internet
Either that or you use an emotional appeal to get them to take a leap of faith
Anything else is kind of pointless

>> No.21991487

Why do u say that?

>> No.21991492

Being and Time.

>> No.21991516

If dimwit, GK Chesterton's Orthodoxy
If midwit, Augustine's Confessions
If highwit, Augustine's City of God

>> No.21991524

Rationality can't even prove rationality.

I've been working on something like Christian koans. They're probably pretty bad.

When you can separate the signal from the noise, it flips a switch in you. What do you think is the noise? What do you think is the signal?

What is the root of all foolishness? What is the root of all wisdom?

When a person asks a question, is it to fulfill an emotional need or a rational need?

Is there any fear in perfect love?

>> No.21991526


>> No.21991530

What if STEMcel?

>> No.21991535

So The God Incarnate by Swinburne?

>> No.21991561

>Until now, argument has centred upon the veracity of explicit New Testament accounts of the events following Jesus's crucifixion, often ending in deadlock
Is the argument I think should be made
If the goodread's reviews are to be trust then this has to be an amazing book if it makes a convincing case that God, transcendent and timeless, had to become incarnate and raise Himself from the dead with no reference to the Bible or Biblical concepts only the facts of existence

>> No.21991575

Is a good example of what I meant
You go from this, accepting that Jesus was resurrected, to asking what is the message that Jesus preached and for that you read the New Testament
Since the New Testament sees Jesus as fulfilling the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament you go there and read it

>> No.21991645
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There are no books that prove that Christianity is true. An atheist will pick holes in all arguments made.

The best you can do is show them the lifestyle and make them crave it. Mormon life is notoriously enviable for instance, those people always seem happy.

>> No.21991650

Demonic looking woman

>> No.21991699
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>An atheist will pick holes in all arguments made.
literally the opposite actually

>> No.21991750

there is practically nothing a typical secular person wants from us
>no drugs
>no immoral sex
>sitting in church for 2-3 hours every week
>people holding you accountable
>being around people whose hobbies include READING THE BIBLE

I mean, theism is pretty boring from an outsider's perspective.
The only reason I think anyone "feels" like converting is like...
1. Sensuality isn't enough to give life meaning
2. The path that they're on is making them seriously unhappy
3. They can't forgive themselves for a moral failure

Not to mention once you join, you find a lot of church people are hypocritical and lack spirituality because culture is so pervasive. The marriage to conservativism is particular unpalatable. No, this is not for "lifestyle" shoppers. Anyone lukewarm to the ideas should stay away.

>> No.21991769

I don't think any book is going to convert someone alone. Tolstoy's Gospel in Brief is a bit of a more pragmatic take on things that might resonate with non-believers more.

>> No.21991782

What's up with that lil' fella on the right down corner?

>> No.21991816 [SPOILER] 
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Lol you hope it isn't...

>> No.21991830

The Book of Mormon

>> No.21992050

Impossible task, especially given the following logical problems: God's omniscience/foreknowledge is incompatible with our freedom, and the current extent of nonmoral natural evils trivializes God's omnibenevolence.

>> No.21992133

There are no logical problems. There are only emotional problems

>> No.21992145
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>> No.21992163

This only appears like a logical problem to you because this is what you think logic looks like. The truth is that things that appear illogical to you make you uncomfortable. The feeling you get isn't rational at all.

What would a purely rational animal look like? Would it still have instinct?

>> No.21992175
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Fantastic cope that addressed nothing about the argument.

>> No.21992189

God's knowledge of something happening does not cancel out our free will. His knowledge is based off our actions done in free will. God exists outside of time.

>> No.21992195

>This sentence is false
Oops I broke rhetoric. Looks like it's a crappy tool for understanding reality. Can we move on?

>> No.21992196
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While geocentrism lends credence to creationism it doesn't directly substantiate the idea that Jesus Christ was the son of God and savior of man who died on the cross and was resurrected three days later.

The reality is that the world has no shape. Quantum physics experiments have demonstrated that the physical world is entirely dependent on perception. Space, time, and matter have no standalone existence outside of perception. In other words each of us renders our own physical world internally, but space, time, and matter are not fundamental to reality. There really is a world out there beyond our own internal world of perceptions, but that world is not physical.

>> No.21992220

that's the exact problem.
people will think you're insane if you so joyfully start preaching.

it doesn't get through to them
that's exactly how it feels, you see the light but cannot force someone to see it.

>> No.21992235
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Suppose that God's knowledge of mortal actions occurs after the fact. If that were the case, then God is not immutable since He undergoes change with each new action. This also implies God could have wrong belief. However, even if this be granted, that God's knowledge follows from our mortal actions, our existence is grounded upon God's intentional act of creation. Therefore, everything is ultimately grounded in the will of God, and what occurs could not be otherwise.
Most pathetic cope I've ever seen.

>> No.21992256

fallacious argument, making a non sequitur conclusion.

there's no reason for God to "believe something will happen".

maybe the issue is time and seeing it as a line that God peeks into.
it's a continuum and He is in every moment, so God knows because He is there, not as some sort of predestined knowledge.
God knows because He is in the exact moment you made each choice, all at the same time.

you can freely choose.
the simplest way of saying this is that prescience does not equal predestination.

>> No.21992261

>God makes the rules
>God breaks the rules


>> No.21992270
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Would that be A-Theory of B-Theory?

>> No.21992279

again with a false conclusion. it's not necessary for God to have created what He did, nor to have done the actions He did.

what makes those so called intentional acts identical and merges them into one?

it doesn't occur after the fact, it occurs during the fact.
God knows since He is (in the absolute sense of "being") at all points. that does not make it so the choice is set, just that it is already known.

>> No.21992281

i'm unacquainted, what are those two theories?

>> No.21992284


>> No.21992290


>> No.21992294

I tried replying with the skull emoji but it wouldn't post here. Anyways what I meant to convey with that was the oddity of involving yourself in a theological argument without the relevant background knowledge.

>> No.21992303

I did not just read that first sentence. I didn't.

>> No.21992312
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>> No.21992323

Imagine believing this

>> No.21992346

now you're doing the ad hominem you've called an anon out on doing.
i'll try to reason from the brief skim i've done.
God's knowledge and omnipresence does not make reality be as eternal as He is.

again, it's a false conclusion. God being eternal does not make things eternal alongside by His knowledge of them.

it just means He is, was, and will forever be.
God is outside our sense of "existence", as He truly is (again with the complete sense of being; that is also the name God tells Moses to call Him to the people, "the one who is"
and, as Christ affirms, "before Abraham was, I AM".

God is the eternal creator and supporting framework of everything created and ephemeral.

so, i'd say that technically fills into A-theory, since God is the eternal, which excludes creation.
might be mistaken from the quick skim i've done.

there's two leaps of logic in that image.
reality does not equal existence, or creation.
secondly, why would knowledge of things somehow make them eternal aswell?

>> No.21992352

or, to put it better, reality is derived from God's being (not in the sense of exist, but of "being", again) but that does not make it inherit the same qualities God has.

>> No.21992359

This view was refuted by Duns Scotus. Being is univocal.

>> No.21992365

sure, i just want to avoid a very obvious "gotcha" of misinterpreting my use of the word being for an empty argument.

>> No.21992366

>reality does not equal existence, or creation

>> No.21992372

reality does not require your existence to be itself, nor is creation necessary, since God chose to create it at a point.

>> No.21992385

There is nothing as convincing as the direct experience of the Holy Spirit. Go to Divine Liturgy and be attentive with reverence.

>> No.21992386

>We do therefore not proceed on a forbidden path, if we comprehend the deed of God, as if it was a motivated act of volition, and consequently provisionally, merely for the judgement of the deed, assign will and mind to the essence of God.
>That we have to assign him will and mind, and not will alone, is clear, for God was in absolute solitude, and nothing existed beside him. He could not be motivated from outside, only by himself. In his self-consciousness his being alone was mirrored, nothing else
>From this follows with logical coercion, that the freedom of God (the liberum arbitrum indefferentia) could find application in one single choice: namely, either to remain, as he is, or to not be. He had indeed also the freedom, to be different, but for this being
something else the freedom must remain latent in all directions, for we can imagine no more perfected and better being, than the basic unity.
>Consequently only one deed was possible for God, and indeed a free deed, because he was under no coercion, because he could just as well have not executed it, as executing it, namely, going into absolute nothingness, in the nihil negativum , i.e. to completely annihilate himself, to stop existing.
>Because this was his only possible deed and we stand before a totally different deed, the world, whose being is a continual becoming, we are confronted with the question: why did God, if he wanted nonexistence, not immediately vanish into nothing?

The theologians of all times have without second thoughts assigned God the predicate of omnipotence, i.e. they gave him the might, to be able to do, everything, which he wanted. In doing so, not one of them had thought of possibility, that God could also want, to become nothing himself. This possibility, none of them had considered it. But if one considers it in all seriousness, then one sees, that this is the only case where God’s omnipotence, simply by itself, is limited, that it is no omnipotence towards itself.

>> No.21992409

because that is illogical.
it's the same as thinking God could make a stone that He could not lift.
that is illogical by the exact same notion of omnipotence that you're questioning it with.
omnipotence cannot overpower itself.

God, "being", cannot choose to "not be".

not to mention the nonsensical notion of God wanting to "not be", which has no logical basis besides being assumed for this fallacious argument.

>> No.21992414

>omnipotence cannot overpower itself
>notion of God wanting to "not be
typical religious cuck dodging the point and being snakey

>> No.21992421
File: 236 KB, 1213x856, compleat canticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I also hope sun worship isn't correct, as do you, because you're also burning in their hell
welcome to Pascal's Wager, there is nothing beyond good deeds, because there are several thousand different hells and only one heaven. Odds are poor for you just picking a faith, best to do actual good things and let God sort out the rest.
with that in mind, A Canticle for Liebowitz is by far the most persuasive religious text for skeptical/non-religious people. At least it provides a clear purpose for religion beyond simply navel-gazing about faith and the human spirit all day.

>> No.21992426
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God must believe for all things to happen, as Godhead is all things, and all consciousness.
At least, nominally so.
yes, that's a serious problem. Violation of the covenant voids it for both parties, why should humans worship a god that will not honor its half of the bargain?
I assume you have read Answer to Job?

>> No.21992432

God had three modes
>Creating everything
>Doing nothing and remaining by himself
>Destroying himself without creating anything thus there never being anything
How or why doesn't matter but he clearly chose the first.
To say God is omnipresent means the third mode would never have been possible, thus not only not omnipresent but not omnipotent
To say God is omnipotent is to say he had the means to create everything in the same instance as not creating everything
Such a thing can't be, it's not possible for God to create everything while not creating everything
To say God is omniscient disproves free will

>> No.21992442

answer to Job is fallacious, again taking for granted points like a misunderstanding of the temptation being "allowed".
indeed a notoriously difficult text to understand.

yes, but that happening is not forced by His belief, since it is freely allowed to be what it chose, and God believes since He knows and was there at the moment of choice.

i agree the notion of not being was unnecessary, but what have you about the first point?
it makes perfect sense.
omnipotence, by definition, is absolute. it cannot be "more absolute" than it is.

>> No.21992456

>literally doing the same thing again saying omnipotence not overpowering itself disproves it.

God cannot "destroy" Himself, since He is.
God could've chosen to not create anything else, no problem.
the third point is again trying to say that "because God cannot do something illogical, it can't be omnipotence".

>> No.21992461

or, to simplify it further, you're taking the absolute qualities of God and saying that because they, having logic derived from them, cannot be illogical, that it somehow disproves them.
that is simply nonsense.

>> No.21992464

>omnipotence, by definition, is absolute. it cannot be "more absolute" than it is.
this is sort of the problem with omnipotence as a concept in general. It's infinity represented as power, and humans really struggle with the concept of infinity anything.
anyone who is truly omnipotent has to be constantly dealing the the problem of suicide, especially if they're also omniscient and omnipresent.
but WHY must I assume God cannot destroy himself? I think, therefore I am, and I definitely have the ability to destroy myself. Am I in this one way more powerful than God? It doesn't make sense, of course an entity has the ability to take its own life.

>> No.21992471

>God cannot "destroy" Himself
not omnipotent then
>"because God cannot do something illogical, it can't be omnipotence".
but it's not illogical, it's logical

>> No.21992491

this is just going in circles with the same fallacious argument.

you can kill youself because you are not omnipresent and omnipotent. it, further, does not destroy you utterly, it simply kills your body, since you have a soul.
you're not exerting any power besides destroying created mass.
God cannot since He is being, which i could point out well as omnipresence.
there isn't a "non-being" state, since being derives from God being.
it's the metaphorical "impossible to lift stone"; it is simply something illogical.

second post is just repeating the same fallacy over and over.

>> No.21992495

The Nag Hammadi library

>> No.21992496

or, better put, it isn't something God cannot do, it simply isn't something at all.

>> No.21992517

>"impossible to lift stone"
the impossible to lift stone isn't nonsensical because it's already been solved, it's just an infinite loop with no end but time as God's creation would allow it to be such that it transpires eternally
God ending his existence isn't illogical because (1)unlike the stone question before answered, questions all 3 of the states of God(omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient) rather than only one (2) God as "being" only holds significance as a starter, as a catalyst, not a constant if he didn't choose it to be so, the non-being state exists so long as God created reality and time creating a point for God to exist and not exist should he choose to

It's not illogical, you're framing is missing the point

>> No.21992544

reality is derived from God being.
there is no "nothing" without him, it is an illogical proposition.

what God chose to create was creation itself, as in other things and time.

your "solution" to the impossible to lift stone problem makes no sense. as i've already said, omnipotence cannot overpower itself, since it is absolute.

there is no point at which God began existing, as you try to imply by framing creation as "reality".
God is since eternity. and, by consequence of his being, there is reality.

God's being is a constant, and is included in the same three states you mention.

God cannot do something impossible(illogical), due to it breaking the logic derived from the absolute constants.
that does not challenge omnipotence, since, again, it isn't something "God cannot do" but instead it isn't something at all.

God did not bring Himself into existence and reality; He is, His being is a constant, as much as the three modes, and that reality is a consequence of His being.

>> No.21992567

Anything will be sufficiently compelling, provided God has called them. I don't think a purely rational argument or particular arrangement of words will do the job.

>> No.21992575

the perfection of God.
in keeping to free will, there is but the slightest gap, that requires faith to be crossed over. once you do cross over by faith, God shows Himself in all His glory.

conversely, if you'd foolishly desire to, you could blow up that minuscule gap into an abyss, since forcing someone who would do so to believe would lead not to love of God, but to resentment and fear of punishment.

>> No.21992586

Mine is a more purely Calvinistic approach. However, regardless of the particular details, I think we can agree that pure rationality or a good argument will never be the path to a relationship with Christ.

Although, maybe the right book is the vessel through which God reveals himself to someone. I guess my point is that human agency isn't the essential component.

>> No.21992593
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>> No.21992600

i'd say agency is the pinnacle at which choosing salvation rests.

i do agree about the rationality and argument idea.
i'll add that it does, however, wonders in strengthening faith.

yeah, often something in apologetics, or anything else can help fill that last bit of the step you need before believing.

i think we're saying the same thing up to the point of you either being pulled to God with no free will, or being at the point where you choose belief and faith with your free will.

>> No.21992606

will also add that while not being the path to a relationship, it can very well be the first step towards it.
countless unbelievers i've met hold to it out of misunderstandings.

>> No.21992607

for the sake of the argument, how can God in the calvinist idea be good if He chooses people who will be saved, and by consequence also decides which face eternal torment?

>> No.21992618

and, as i might as well add, why did God, since there is no free will, allow Adam and Eve to sin, alongside every single sinner?

what point does Christ's sacrifice have, if nothing was chosen up to that point, and is merely a show of puppets?

>> No.21992625

You end yourself

>> No.21992627

God being the quintessential 'good' is axiomatic. Everything else is interpreted around that fact, in my eyes. Every single thing that happens would be for God's glorification, including the damnation of sinners (even if it's beyond their control, they are the embodiment of the sin). It's my desire that God saves everyone, regardless of their errors.

Fair points. I'm certainly sympathetic and open-minded to this view. Human's having a choice definitely sounds like a nicer system.

>> No.21992628


>> No.21992632


>> No.21992634

Human free will connects the Holy Ghost to Christ into God

>> No.21992639

Atheist genocide would work wonders for this world

>> No.21993100

You might want to go to a monastery or meet some Franciscans or nuns. This is, for Holy Orders and some laity, not terribly uncommon.

>> No.21993105

Honestly a good primer might be trying to show that supernatural things exist for Catholics. This is a scientific argument for the burial shroud of Jesus https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HAbuG-oVq1Q&pp=ygUXcGludHMgd2l0aCBhcXVuYXMgdHVyaW4%3D

>> No.21993109

Yeah I loved that one. One of my fav episodes ever. The Father is also STEM minded since he started in that field.

>> No.21993117

Yes definitely. It's basically pure science and once you are open to science and miracles being both one then you can make headway.

>> No.21993150

What I found creepy is the "point" quantizations that criminal sketch artists use to find suspects exceeding the minimal threshold for suspicion by a huge margin.

(Comparing the shroud to the classic byzantine paintings)

Like really?

>> No.21994175

If atheists were capable of being swayed by logic and reason, they wouldn't be atheists in the first place, and no amount of evidence or argument will change them.

That being said:
Mere Christianity,
Screwtape Letters,
Summa Theologica

>> No.21994402

Jesus Christ. Refuted 6 millionth times through history. Say Leibniz for definiteness but there are so many others it's hard to pick. How can someone be this confident spouting such bullshit? Knowledge is not a constraint and isn't (here) linked to necessity. You completely fail to assess contingency or spontaneity, not to mention conflating grounding, causation and deducibility. Should that non-argument be correct, there wouldn't be empirical knowledge.

>> No.21994438

Possible worlds aren't the magical bullet to the problem. If a possible world is a maximally complete world, then there are no indeterminate outcomes. If we aren't free to choose which world to make actual, since God alone has that power, then God alone is free in His actions.

>> No.21994778

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton are the big two I can recommend that I have personally read.

>> No.21994854
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>As part of the temple endowment ceremony each Mormon receives a new name which they are instructed that they "should always remember and which (they) must keep sacred and never reveal, except at a certain place..."
>Since January 1, 1965 each Mormon who goes through the temple on any given day receives the exact same new name, regardless of which temple they attend across the globe.
>These names are given to the temple workers each day during a special prayer meeting. Every temple has a set of placards with male and female names on them, in addition to a small number. The number is the day of the month. The choice of which new name a temple patron receives depends only on their gender and the day of the month.
>Fanny Stenhouse wrote that in 1860...
>>"A new name was then whispered into my ear, which I was told I must never mention to any living soul except my husband in the Endowment House... There was among our number a deaf woman; Mrs. Whitney had to tell her her name once or twice over, loud enough for me to hear, and thus I found that her new name, as well as mine, was Sarah. To make the matter worse, another sister whispered: 'Why that is my name too.' This entirely dispelled any enthusiasm which otherwise I might have felt. I could well understand that I might yet become a Sarah in Israel, but if we all were Sarahs, there would not be much distinction or honor in being called by that name. As a matter of course I supposed that the men would all become Abrahams."
>Hans P. Freece wrote to his son...
>>"Yes, I have been in the Endowment House more than once. In 1865 my first wife and I, with others of the faithful, went through ...we had received new names, and we had lost our identities. My new name was a secret until I heard some one yell into the ear of a deaf brother, 'Your new name is Abraham.' I gave a sudden start, for I thought that name was for me alone. Forty years have rolled by, and every man with whom I have had conversation has told me that his name was Abraham."

>> No.21994870

Why dont they just write it down, show it and then burn the note

>> No.21994903

Pope Francis isn't a Christian. Next question

>> No.21994977

>Mormon life is notoriously enviable for instance, those people always seem happy.
They are not.
I'd love for it to be so, but the core of Mormon life is constant lying and doublethink.
t. born and raised Mormon

>> No.21996365

The puritan sermon "Sinners in the hands of an angry god". Has the imagery of a spider dangling over hells fire.

>> No.21997351
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>> No.21997366

This is an accurate description of a manic episode.

>> No.21998742

Doesnt it say in the bible itself that some accused the apostles of bribing the guards to get acces to the tomb before dismising it as a lie? Something like that seems a reasonable explanation to me.

>> No.21998773

the other way around. they were bribed to keep quiet.
Matthew 28:11-15

>> No.21998853

>Ummmm geocentrism must be true be ummm the alternative disproves god I dunno how but just does ok
this just makes flat earth sound even more retarded

>> No.21998917

The Gospels. Either believe it or dont. The miles and miles of text written trying to rationally argue or prove that it’s true or not true amount to little more than low quality toilet paper.

>> No.21999404

Eriugena's Periphyseon.

>> No.21999479

Aquinas is logically autistic enough for that endgame I'd presume.

>> No.21999499

Why is Eriugena so fucking hard to find copies of. He seems like literally the only worthwhile Catholic writer to read in the centuries between Boethius and Dante.

I feel like I'd enjoy him but also feel like I need to fully read and understand Plato, Plotinus and Augustine before I even tried.

>> No.21999667

>putting words in my mouth
There's indisputable proof in the book. But please assume you know what you're talking about

>> No.21999673

>kek we got em nerds, i did le trollage of the century

>> No.21999802

You mainly need to read and understand Proclus' Elements of Theology and the complete works of Pseudo-Dionysius. For that, you may need to read and understand Plato, Plotinus and St. Augustine first, though. Origin and other patristic figures such as St. John Chrysostom are important too.

>> No.21999855

You’re literally asking people to believe that some guy from 2,000 years ago was God and that he rose from the dead.

I’ve tried to convert, but ultimately I cannot because believing such a thing to be literally true is patently ridiculous.

>> No.22000057
File: 98 KB, 800x1166, 7A2788F6-FC58-4048-A60E-DCC1066C7888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis, then the Bible, starting from Genesis up to the point where they feel they need to skip to Jesus. For me I got to Kings, but by the end of Judges it was a struggle not to skip, because the entire Old Testament is itself a prophecy and carries a potent sense of desperation. Without Christ, I am completely desolated and alone, but through Him I am rejuvenated, and bonded to all of you as fellow children of God.

>> No.22000206

I see
>‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’
What if this was actually the case and the writer just added 'they received bags of money to say this bro trust me'

>> No.22000230

You should check out Swinburne's The God Incarnate, at least the appendix.

>> No.22000286
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>> No.22000295

because the soldiers would've been sent to a far worse fate if that wasn't just a cover up and they had actually fucked up.

>> No.22000842

Confessions is what got to me, but its different for everyone

>> No.22000854


>> No.22000867

followed by Iraneus' Against Heresies

>> No.22000881
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>le family guy meme

>> No.22001357

By what logic and reason can virgins get pregnant and dead bodies get literally resurrected?

>> No.22001395

The Gospel According to St. Mark and Discourse on Metaphysics by Leibniz

>> No.22001404

By the same power that made any of this possible to begin with.

>> No.22001601

God did it