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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 600x439, slaman_rushdie_padma_lakshmi_BPE_20070115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2199022 No.2199022 [Reply] [Original]

>you should really read this book by: Joyce, Dickens, Hesse, Rushdie, Melville, King, Rowling, Kipling, Twain, Orwell, Fitzgerald, Capote, McCarthy blablabla...

sorry can't hear you over the sound of swords and sorcery, I'll just stick to books that won't put me to sleep.

>> No.2199029

look at that disgusting hook nosed kike.

>> No.2199032

mutha' fuckin' trooth, OP

>> No.2199036

For real. It's like these people hate themselves and read shitty old literature about people dying slowly as a punishment.

protip: your books suck, fuck off, no one cares about your pretentious shit.

>> No.2199037


couldn't have said it better ^

>> No.2199039
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>mfw "classics" are pretentious and irrelevant in the 21st century

>> No.2199041

itt: plebs

>> No.2199045


>hurr read shitty old books about unhappy people

>> No.2199060


ive read tons of "Classics"
never really enjoyed them...why would i continue to try them and risk being disappointed over and over..

>> No.2199063

itt: plebs and samefags.

>> No.2199072
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>mfw the most stimulating book I've read so far this year had virtually no plot

>> No.2199075


>what book?

>> No.2199081
File: 49 KB, 364x530, The-Rings-of-Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald

>> No.2199082

good fun (also not highbrow at all)
sucks (again, not exactly "literary")
haven't read any
awesome (have only read In Cold Blood)
good (not quite awesome)

>> No.2199086

Recommend some good sword and sorcery books instead of being a faggot, OP!

>> No.2199093

Sword of truth series by terry goodkind.

>> No.2199094


What? no.


>> No.2199127

Robert E. Howard - Conan

Gene Wolf's shit is good too, "the wizard knight"

>> No.2199134


>rings of saturn
>The Rings of Saturn is the account of the narrator, also named W. G. Sebald, on a walking tour of Suffolk. In addition to describing the places he sees and people he encounters, Sebald also discusses various episodes of history and literature, including the introduction of silkworm cultivation to Europe...

oh god...how fucken trivial

what exactly was stimulating about it?

>> No.2199148


It has numerous rhythmic patterns and seems to mock you for trying to figure them out.

The best way I could describe it is like a series of tapestries, each with a very simple image, like say, a lone quail, that progresses to a lone duck, that turns into a goose in a cage.

It's a book very much concerned with images, patterns, and rhythm. At least that's my reading. I found the discovery and rhythm of these patterns very stimulating.

>> No.2199154

wll it's easier than just waiting around to die

>> No.2199157

Robert E. Howard has some good sword and sorcery stuff. Brian Lumley's books set in H. P. Lovecrafts Dreamworlds are actually very S&S. Or you could go with some of the original stuff, like Edgar Rice Burrough's John Carter of Mars/Barsoom.

>> No.2199164

>a series of tapestries
>concerned with images, patterns, and rhythm

please shoot me in the face.

why are you pretending to like such superficial aspects of a book? It's like when people go crazy over graphics in a video game or whether a movie is in 3D or not...all of that is secondary to story and characters.

>> No.2199166

"Rushdie always looks like he's cut a fart and is trollfacing about it."- /lit/ anon

>> No.2199182


You should actually learn something about novels before talking about them.

>> No.2199186
File: 42 KB, 664x520, 1320207141019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literature is not like movies son, it doesn't have to be story or character driven. Also,

>comparing prose to graphics


0/10, I my jimmies ain't even rustled

>> No.2199191
File: 8 KB, 218x232, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not appreciating James Joyce

>> No.2199203

>implying that films have to be character and story driven.

>> No.2199210

It's funny because if one finds James Joyce boring it literally means that he is she is stupid and cannot appreciate a genius due to their lack of brain capacity and life experience.

>> No.2199215

>implying movies/books should be character & story driven

I guess you're one of those fans who loves avatar cuz of the pretty graphics?

no different than getting suckered in by pretty prose...

it's all junk food and no substance

>> No.2199219


>pretty prose

But that's not even what we're talking about.

>> No.2199225
File: 23 KB, 170x239, soundandfury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read "The Sound and the Fury" by Faulkner
>get about halfway through Quentin's section where he and Caddy are down by the branch contemplating double suicide

OP is illiterate and will never appreciate the the beauty of encountering a truly great book.

Herp derp dragons.

>> No.2199226

>implying the only substitute for story and characters is visual fidelity
I was actually thinking of something more along the lines of art films (Koyaanisqatsi, Atomic Cafe) and psychological horror films (The Shining, anything by David Lynch). These films are more focussed atmosphere and style than characters, story or visuals.
Avatar can go fuck a brick.

>> No.2199228

Fantasy is the retarded cousin of Sci-fi in literature. Wake the fuck up, philistines.

Read something worthwhile. Circle jerk about Kerouac or something. It'd be a start.

>> No.2199231
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 1320924640477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>herp derp how does I into subtext and literary techniques oh god oh god everything must be presented to be up front oh god

>> No.2199245

>itt hipsters mad once they realize they are the equivalent of Avatar fans and other spectators easily impressed by pretty colors and flowery language.

>> No.2199248


every time you post something you know you don't believe you chip away at your soul a little


>> No.2199252
File: 1.82 MB, 5000x5000, eatingdicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>implying souls exist

>> No.2199261

>come to /lit/
>expect an acedemic discussion on classic literature, modern classics and many subgenres as well as the dissection of what makes great literature great
>get dragons and flamed for liking anything that isn't fantasy/sci-fi

such is the life of a disconsolate 4chan browser

>> No.2199268
File: 118 KB, 1456x1955, alpaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow /lit/ is full of retards that fall for the most obvious trolling ever

Nice job guys, keep it up

>> No.2199310

goddamn padma what were you thinking

and i say this as a minor-league rushdie fanboy. no amount of witty conversation is worth having to fuck that and cede dvr space to entourage.

>> No.2199384


Any man or woman (or eunuch for that matter) that doesn't find joyce brilliant in every aspect of the word is an inept dolt!

>> No.2200175


Or someone with, you know, taste.

>> No.2200181


it's awesome that you can express such a bad opinion so smugly

like, you're dumb and wrong but your self esteem is inspiring

>> No.2200183


Joyce was a writer of purple prose who was badly in need of an editor to keep him in line. I'm sorry you enjoy bad writing, really, I am. Perhaps, in time, you will learn to see him for what he is.

>> No.2200185


I don't think you know what purple prose means.

>> No.2200189


I don't think YOU know what purple prose means.

>> No.2200190


I dont think you know what means means.

>> No.2200193


you magnificent rube

>> No.2200195


I don't think you know what what means.

>> No.2200244

Hi, OP, I'm a fantasy reader and I enjoyed many sword and sorcery novels/series, for example every Conan novel, Elric's series, Black Company, etc. Just you know that I love these books too.

However, did you even read all those authors you're talking about and calling 'boring'? I think you need to learn more about literature before ranting about it. True, I enjoy fantasy, but I also enjoy most of the people you listed, and if you find them 'dull' or 'boring', you're probably not used to reading books. Please stop posting about stuff you know nothing about. You're the kind of people that gives a bad image of fantasy readers, fuck you.

>> No.2200250

Rushdie is respected?

>> No.2200259 [DELETED] 

>saying good prose isn't vital to a good novel

nigga that's like saying good cinematography isn't need for a good movie, or good gameplay isn't vital for the vidyas

step ya game up! MARKUS PSP