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21989563 No.21989563 [Reply] [Original]

Based Chomsky
>When the Journal reached out to Chomsky for comment, the linguist had some choice words.
>"First response is that it is none of your business. Or anyone's. Second is that I knew him and we met occasionally," Chomsky, 94, told the Journal in an email.

>> No.21989588
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>> No.21989694



>> No.21989708

hebrew is greek, he is not a jew

>> No.21989723


>"Listen Noam, we got the tapes, you can keep doing what you're doing... but just keep the goys away from talking about 9/11, Tower 7 and Urban Moving Systems"

>> No.21989729

nobody died it wasn't illegal

>> No.21989733


They probably had long, deep conversations about linguistics.

I can't think of any other reason they'd hang together.

>> No.21989789

Hebrew is not Greek

>> No.21989797
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You lie.

>> No.21989853

And yet, you still don’t know who Alfreda Bikowsky is, very telling, almost like those kike Mossad agents were doing an obvious hangout to distract morons like you

>> No.21990490

Fucking teens or even pre-teens is not pedophilia according to Talmud as long as they are not Jewish, respect foreign cultures, chud.

>> No.21990530

Epstein was so hot bros

>> No.21990803

Epstein was probably entering into negotiations to whore out Nim Chimpsky, the world's first talking ape, in Jeffery's prostitution ring. Chomsky, still seething that a shit flinging chimp was named after him, was filling in for Richard Stallman who ran into computer trouble and couldn't attend. MIT has been struggling for years, Noam knows that, and as much as he questions the logic of pimping a chimp to humans who pump and dump animals, not to mention cutting deals with lazy capitalists. But even revolutionaries need to pay the bills and Chomsky knows if he doesn't get this done MIT will fold and stinky Stallman will end up camping out in his house and won't shut up about programming languages. My anonymous source, which I cannot name for condidentiality's sake, also claims that Epstein was interested in brokering some kind of peace between lazy capitalists and anarchists, who've been doing their best to kill each other for years. Whether these talks were fruitful I cannot say, however MIT got the money and that's all they would tell me.

>> No.21990815

What does the producer for Brace Beldens podcast have to do with /lit/?

>> No.21990821

So awesome. I wish I got an invite.

>> No.21990826

It wasn't a crime anywhere a few decades ago.

>> No.21990827

It's objectively not pedophilia. It was also the global norm until the late 19th century.

>> No.21990884

Well, 16 is still the age of consent so fucking teens is not against the global norm.

>> No.21991181

Epstein was based and did nothing wrong. People act like he was some sort of psychopath hunting twelve year old girls for sport and sacrificing babies to moloch, but really he was more like James Bond with a harem of sixteen year old whores and a private island.

Truly an underrated figure.

>> No.21991291
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>Intellectual brow
>Dominant jawline
>Masculine forearms
>Full head of hair
The man did nothing wrong

>> No.21991345

Wow I love international intelligence blackmail operations now

>> No.21991358

wow there's a global AOC?

>> No.21991374

In all seriousness, what ages and what acts was he accused of? If it was post pubescent girls and it was consensual, he really wasn't the biggest monster ever, just a dirty old man.

>> No.21991382

What a surprise, the Jew rat hung out with another Jew rat and together they fucked kids.

>> No.21991448

>Ephebophile/esptein apologists in this thread
kill yourselves

>> No.21991477

No u

>> No.21991582

This is what happens when you read too many fr*nch philosophers, they're gateway drugs to becoming a pedophile commie. Many such cases!

>> No.21991588

Almost all of them grew out of communism though

>> No.21991599

not wily nilly
and France i still controlled by leftists, both intellectually and very concretely in the brueacrcy

>> No.21991688

I'm going to go out on a limb and say being a pedophile isn't based and is actually a bad thing that should be punished violently.

>> No.21991703

You're so brave for zealously affirming the 90+% consensus of the present day against all of human history and civility itself.

>> No.21991708

>Are you sleeping with a sexually mature young woman who's above the age of consent in 90% of countries on the planet???
>You sick fuck

>> No.21991717


The point is that the assertion carries more weight on this forum, because this forum is notoriously and reflexively contrarian. And this particular sub-forum enjoys discussing stupid political systems like fascism and communism, all's good as long as it's extreme. But let someone come along in sincere defense of neoliberal governance, republican forms of government and the like and they lose their minds. Because the point is to hate what is popular, what is the case, what obtains.

>> No.21991721

>if nogs in 3rd world shitholes think something is ethical then it must be okay!

>> No.21991736

"3rd world shitholes" here meaning Eurasia.
And before you say something along the lines of "Exactly", kill yourself.

>> No.21991743

The point that we are making isn't hat Epstein wasn't a perv, but that he wasn't a monster. Is 16 creepy at 50? Yes. Is it demonically evil? Eh....

>> No.21991748

>Fucking niggers in Italy, France and Japan. Goddamn animals. Only thirty years old single mothers are capable of truly giving informed consent.

>> No.21991764

Is it really even that creepy? If he was an average 50 year old sure, but the guy was a jacked millionaire socialite with a full head of hair. I'm pretty sure half of all romance novels today are written about somebody resembling Jeffry Epstein and women eat that shit up.

I mean, when I first heard about it sure, I thought about all the MK ULTRA Boys Town USA Satanic Panic stuff I've heard about over the years, and I'll admit I even got pretty excited to hear about all the dirty shit that Jeff was getting into... But so far all that's come out of this is that some sixteen year old girls had sex for money (a lot of it) with some of the most desirable men on the planet and now feel taken advantage of. How much am I really expected to care?

>> No.21991786

Seething mongoloid

>> No.21991795

Some of the girls were as young as 12. The point is not the actual predation though, its that he was very obviously collecting blackmail for some organisation, and then his case was treated in an extremely suspicious manner.

>> No.21991805

Two MOSSAD contract players getting together, is all...

>> No.21991825

>Some of the girls were as young as 12.
Still most likely past the menarche

>> No.21991850


>Since our ill-starred 2008 email exchange I have leaned towards acknowledging the likelihood that Chomsky is a lying, gaslighting Zionist scumbag. But I wasn’t sure until a few days ago, when the news broke that Chomsky had repeatedly hobnobbed with then-convicted-sex-criminal Jeffrey Epstein, including meeting Epstein together with pervert and 9/11 suspect Ehud Barak, apparently even flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express. Characteristically, Chomsky dissembled: “If there was a flight (with Epstein), which I doubt…” If Chomsky hadn’t flown with Epstein, of course, he would just say so. His mealymouthed evasions of the truth, whether of JFK, 9/11, Israeli occupation of America, or his relations with Epstein and Barak, have a vacuously passive-aggressive tone that is inimitably Chomsky-esque, but jarringly incommensurate with his reputation as one of the world’s greatest linguists.

>Chomsky’s response to journalists’ questions about his relationship with Epstein began: “First response is that it is none of your business. Or anyone’s.” That is, of course, exactly what many people would say when questioned about their sexual activities with consenting adults. So why is Chomsky proffering a stock “don’t ask me about my sex life” response when questioned about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and his stable of underage prostitutes?

>Methinks the gnome doth protest too much.

>More troubling than whether Chomsky (statutorily) raped young girls is the question of why he was meeting with Israel’s top blackmailer of American leaders, Jeffrey Epstein, alongside the likely mastermind of 9/11, Ehud Barak. Barak resigned as Prime Minister of Israel in May of 2001 and disappeared from public view, presumably spending June through early September working on plans to demolish the World Trade Center, attack the Pentagon, and blame the carnage on Israel’s enemies. Barak’s work on the lead-up to 9/11 recalls Ben Gurion’s resignation as Israeli Prime Minister and disappearance from public view in June, 1963, after which he went underground and presumably orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November. The moral: When Israeli PMs resign in the spring, get ready for something big come fall.

>Ehud Barak was conveniently pre-placed in BBC’s London studios so he could go live an hour after 9/11, where he recited what would become the official story


>> No.21991858

I dont really care to debate the AOC with you, I'm just telling you what actually matters about this case. It's not the abuse itself, which is mundane and happens all the time at every level of society

>> No.21991890

Some of the new documents that were just released describe one example where he had a 13 year old girl who he threatened to "deal with like he did with [Still missing girl]" if the girl didn't have sex with him and his friends.

>> No.21991892

>are you actually using underage girls in an international conspiracy to blackmail the governmental, financial, and academic elites of the western world to unseen groups?
>this is totally okay!
I smell astroturfing in this thread

>> No.21991916

This premise seems pretty implausible.

>> No.21991919
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>Ehud Barak
>“In conversations between Israelis and Western diplomatic officials, there are deep concerns raised of the possibility that if the coup in Israel succeeds, a ***messianic dictatorship*** — that possesses nuclear weapons and fanatically wishes for a confrontation with Islam centered on the Temple Mount — will be established in the heart of the Middle East,” tweeted Barak in his latest criticism of the government’s judicial overhaul effort.
>messianic dictatorship
Pic related, you know things are fucked when even those calling out the endtime cultists are blackmailed

>> No.21991924
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Oh yeah, covert intelligence agencies that operate internationally would never want heavy blackmail their own allies and their enemies, right? Totally unfounded and paranoid, they would never, ever do anything like that. In fact, we should stop carrying about what Epstein was doing, and just eat our cheeseburgers and drink ourselves into a coma like good goyim do.

>> No.21991948

>Oh yeah, covert intelligence agencies that operate internationally would never want heavy blackmail their own allies and their enemies, right?
Intelligence agencies generally do not blackmail their allies, no. They do spy on them to make sure they don't get too friendly with their enemies but that's not what's happening here.
>In fact, we should stop carrying about what Epstein was doing, and just eat our cheeseburgers and drink ourselves into a coma like good goyim do.
Yes - even if you're right, why should I care? The trouble that random public figures find themselves in has nothing to do with me. Foucault fucked little boys in Tunisia and Arthur C Clarke fucked little boys in Sri Lanka, were those foreign subversions as well?

>> No.21991955

>Intelligence agencies generally do not blackmail their allies, no.

>> No.21991973
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>Intelligence agencies generally do not blackmail their allies, no.
>generally do not
Lol, lmao even. Are you even listening to yourself? You don't even have the means to disprove or prove your statement anyway, so its worthless. We do know however that Epstein was fucking kids with everyone ranging from Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Trump, Barak, Chomsky, the current head of the CIA, JPMorgan executives, the list goes on and on and on. You are acting like such a naive normie moron its actually laughable.
>why should I care? The trouble that random public figures find themselves in has nothing to do with me.
This effectively destroys your credibility, none of them are random. You might as bluntly rephrase this to say "it doesn't matter that the upper echelon of western society are blackmailed pedos/ephebos with leverage over them directing them towards policy ends not in my interest. It doesn't matter to me even though I don't even know what my own interests are in the first place because I'm a stupid fuckface."

If I had to guess, you have no kids, and have no plans to have kids, or you're a shill. Either way, you're as stupid as you are naive and come off as a massive r*dditor.

>> No.21992002

Give some examples.
>You don't even have the means to disprove or prove your statement anyway, so its worthless.
Neither can you, and the idea that Epstein was serving a foreign intelligence agency is the positive claim here.
>This effectively destroys your credibility, none of them are random.
What about Stephen Hawking? Woody Allen?
>directing them towards policy ends not in my interest
How do I know they're not in my interests (assuming they exist)? Do you even have candidate nations for who might be behind it in your narrative?

>> No.21992015
File: 39 KB, 759x420, Screen_Shot_2019-09-05_at_4.08.58_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally collecting videos of famous powerful people diddling underage girls
>meets with Israeli and us spooks
>get outed for some reason and is arrested
>""""kill himself""""" in jail while the cameras just happen to malfunction
>court prosecuting his friend Maxwell for her role in his sex ring refuses to publicize any of the names involved let alone arrest them
>fbi mysteriously allows the video footage he had to disappear
Read between the lines a bit lmfao

>> No.21992029
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>Neither can you, and the idea that Epstein was serving a foreign intelligence agency is the positive claim here.
Demonstrating your ignorance again. Epsteins relationship with G. Maxwell, whose father was a Mossad agent, makes it perfectly clear that they were tied into intelligence circles. Pretending otherwise is sophistry
>What about Stephen Hawking? Woody Allen?
Hawking was a high level academic, and Woody a petty celebrity fucking with forces he didn't understand. Pretending like either of these two disprove anything when Epstein was trafficking and raping kids with presidents, princes, prime ministers, and billionaires again reeks of sophistry/r*dditry
>How do I know they're not in my interests (assuming they exist)?
Its literally in nobody of the general publics interest to be governed by unaccountable, blackmailed politicians and internationalist billionaires whose levarage belongs to a billionaire interested in eugenics and cloning, in tandem with his unknown glowie handlers. This entirely goes against several of the key ideas and institutions of Western liberal-democratic society.
>How do I know they're not in my interests (assuming they exist)?
The CIA and Mossad. Try to keep up retard.

I honestly have better things to do that explain this to the most naive person on 4chan right now.

>> No.21992054

Epstein has always been a cunning linguist

>> No.21992097

I agree it's likely he was murdered, but the obvious explanation that he was murdered by someone connected to one of his clients because of the dirt he had on them doesn't require such a global conspiracy. Epstein was arrested for soliciting underage prostitutes long before he started taking clients.
Calm down.
>G. Maxwell, whose father was a Mossad agent
I didn't know that, but that's a fair point.
>Its literally in nobody of the general publics interest to be governed by unaccountable, blackmailed politicians
Deep states exist because they're stable and functional.
>The CIA and Mossad. Try to keep up retard.
This doesn't answer anything. Both of those agencies are mainly interested in national and international security, destabilising themselves and their allies would not be logical. Maybe in your mind they've gone rogue and serve their own ends now, but they're far too antifragile imo, any human elements that could lead to such a thing are temporary.

>> No.21992104

You know empires collapse right? Its a thing that happens, and people loot the corpse while it dies

>> No.21992119

It's usually more of a managed decline once the cost/benefit equations get unfavorable than a collapse.

>> No.21992127

Perhaps reddit is more your speed

>> No.21992130

>Deep states exist because they're stable and functional.
This is completely beside my point. Their methods and actions are anti-thesis of transparent, open democratic society, and as time goes on they will continue to subvert all the institutions we take for granted on multiple fronts. Their influence combined with conglomerated international capitalism is a recipe for Orwellian-tier super totalitarianism.
>destabilising themselves and their allies would not be logical
They're not doing that, they're shackling them up in blackmail-leverage schemes to increase and maintain cohesiveness internationally. Its systemic-reinforcement of oligarchic interests, which as already mentioned, is flirting with totalitarianism. Its preventing dissent within the highest ranks of society from forming and countering the abomination globalist power.

>> No.21992137

>being anti-pedo is r*ddit
go back retard

>> No.21992148

let's see his teeth

>> No.21992152

Yes. Now fuck off moralfag

>> No.21992154


>> No.21992167
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It is

>> No.21992171
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>> No.21992202

Kill moralfags, behead moralfags, roundhouse kick a moralfag into the concrete

>> No.21992265

Not the anon you're talking to, since Epstein was obviously an asset and high profile sex trafficking/blackmail rings are a well documented phenomenon.

But accepting all of that to be true, Epstein was a cunny James Bond, and that's based.

>> No.21992299

I think the reality is far less charming than whatever you're imagining. Just a bunch of dirty old men and confused, likely frightened and coerced girls. Hes no james bond, hes just some unpleasant jew.

Either way it doesnt matter, the blackmail ring is the important part

>> No.21992394

>Either way it doesnt matter, the blackmail ring is the important part
What stands out to me is the extent that it's being outed in popular culture. Epstein, for all the cover-up, was an extremely public phenomenon, and the Prince Andrew scandal as well as Bill Gates divorce were also extremely public and well broadcasted. Then you've obviously got popular media trends, the True Detective series for example, which was directly based on the blackmail rings going on in Nebraska and makes some pretty direct nods to the involvement of, well, everyone surrounding the Bushes and Clintons. We know that this stuff doesn't necessarily need to see the light of day, so why the massive public attention and limited hangouts? Was it some sort of factional power struggle? Cleaning house of the degenerates post cold-war? Keeping the right people in line during COVID? I'd guess it's the last one, but again, why? What I've heard on fairly good authority is that the vaccinationa were a massive beta testing of MRNA technology by allocating different lots of different populations to study the effects... But to what end? Probably not global genocide or whatever shit coat was used to smear criticism, and it clearly hasn't created any human-monster hybrids (although there has been an uptick in heart related fatalities). Maybe to induce.increased levels of PARP1 and Ku70 in certain sections of the population, among other things, in an attempt to test age extension?

Population control has been already masterfully dealt with by simply prioritizing women in education, so there's no need to burn through that much social capital for any reason short of global genocide.

It's weird in any case. Plus it all happened around the pandemic, which has had the effect of burning through a substantial amount of social trust among the population. Add this with censorious moves by social media, World Economic Forum fuckery, weird social engineering efforts directed largely at private schools teaching the elite of the elite, and seemingly backed by ex-nazi financiers like Soros.

If I had to guess it's laying the groundwork for a coup. Once boomer population levels drop below a certain level there will be enough popular support for a fairly radical restructuring of systems of power, and then what? The Rockefeller foundation rides in on a white horse promising gay luxury space communism and total spiritual liberation in the form of applied Crowley-ism? Wouldn't be surprised if we get another Hitler or Lenin in the coming years, and wouldn't be surprised if he's being financed and controlled by the same people he claims to oppose.

But why? On one hand you've got Race Riots keeping the boomers in check and Me Too keeping young men out of positions of power, on the other you've got weirdos like the Moonies and Zionist backed psudo Islamists with Hollywood equipment and postmodern media techniques operating on the fringes. Is there a point beyond controlling all sides? Idk.

>> No.21992403

His most famous work was stolen from Parenti except with all the anti-imperialism stripped out of it and now he'll just be discredited for associating with nonces.

>> No.21992408

Taking a neutral position on this. While young women are best for reproduction, this is more of an early life thing.

>> No.21992412

Really? Proof?

>> No.21992413

Political hipsterism

>> No.21992415


>> No.21992428

Hebrew and Greek are distinct languages with demonstrably distinct origins. You've been spouting this schizophrenia for eons, often referencing that schizophrenic book. Give up the autism, my guy

>> No.21992443

Let's just face it, it is just pesky goyim seething and thinking we live in a democracy. Seriously, they need to be put in their fucking place, I am sick and tired of putting up with all the pretenses.

>> No.21992450

Lot of stuff to address here but my general take is "I dont know".

>Was it some sort of factional power struggle?
That seems like the most logical answer. Epstein pissed someone off or he was just a liability for some reason, idk.

As for Corona, bro I have absolutely no fucking clue what that was about. I mean there are a number of possible explanations that seem sort of credible, sort of but not really. It was genuinely the strangest thing to happen in living memory, just honestly surreal in every way. All the possible answers are basically way out in tinfoil land.

The problem is that we dont actually know who they are or what their ideology is so we are just fumbling around in the dark here. If they just want some kind of gay neocommunism well they're already heading that way, why the corona shenanigans. They already control the money printer and can just shoot anyone who fucks with them so what is their motive even? Was it all just about trying to create a biometric ID? I really have no clue

>> No.21992466

Humans do not live by the same rules and standards as gentile hominids.

>> No.21992473

Bold of you to assume you’re human

>> No.21992474

Racial narcissism is rather tedious you know

>> No.21992602

Imagine going through 2-3 years at the academy, being the son of an influential politician/bureaucrat, finally getting your job at the FBI *swoons* and spending all day shitposting on a Portuguese hiking enthusiast forum.

>> No.21992633

Living the fucking dream.

>> No.21992647

i think there should be a little 6 pointed star next to your post if you're jewish

>> No.21992654


>> No.21992667

literally who the fuck defends neoliberal government anymore apart from shills?

>> No.21992681


Please let me know what exactly is supposed to be wrong with governments and corporations tightly coordinating together for the purposes of economic growth. Happily, your indignation is along the lines of the sort of attitude that I was criticizing.

>> No.21992688

how will leftoids recover now that internet reddit socialism jesus is fucking kids just like the badman and elong

>> No.21992693
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hey francis, how's the acceleration of history treating your hairline?

>> No.21992829

Do people that say this sort of shit forget that we live in a democracy, where we have to be on our best behavior or else we're gonna end up with corrupt leaders?

>> No.21992844 [DELETED] 

>9/11, Tower 7 and Urban Moving Systems
You forgot JFK assassination.

>> No.21992846 [DELETED] 

Filthy kike being a filthy kike. Nothing new here. Fuck Chomskike.

>> No.21992848

Are you telling me that the guy who tried to ruin the careers of the journalists exposing the khmer rouge's atrocities has no morals and raped children? What a shock.

>> No.21992852

Right. They dont will fully integrate into the society where they live, then cry about racism..
>if you live in the states you are first American before you’re Christian / ki*e / muslim etc
It does make sense to me , although i dont like patriotism / nationalism (tribalism).

>> No.21993091

>It's objectively not pedophilia. It was also the global norm until the late 19th century.
Teenagers it's not but pre-puberty has always been a fierce debate. That being said, for Catholics, it's pedophilia and thus for everyone it really is but they just choose heresy over salvation, truth, and goodness.

>> No.21993094

>The trouble that random public figures find themselves in has nothing to do with me. Foucault fucked little boys in Tunisia and Arthur C Clarke fucked little boys in Sri Lanka, were those foreign subversions as well?
Weirdly - sin corrupts your mind and makes you less intelligent. Foucault and Clarke and any pedophile, fornicator, or masturbator will be less intellectually coherent than their pure hearted counterpart. St. Thomas Aquinas being the best example of this.

>> No.21993097

>This premise seems pretty implausible.
No it's basic facts. Mossad uses women aged 15-18 because the actualy sex act with them is not egregious in a talmudic lens but the situation is satanic. I don't think these men should feel ashamed of their actions as 15-18 is not really a crime but the crime is participating in human trafficking at all.