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21989455 No.21989455 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best novels of the 2010s? I want to read some more contemporary stuff and am interested in your picks

>> No.21989531 [DELETED] 
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i saw the wake in a bookstore and the language kinda threw me off, but i assume you get used to it pretty quickly so maybe ill pick it up
and picrel is great

>> No.21989542

It's english but without the frenchy bits, right? -- Anglish?
Or is it constructed differently?

>> No.21989548
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>> No.21989555
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The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothus. When literature meets fantasy.

>> No.21989556
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wiki says its a hybrid between old english and modern english, but it was pretty jarring to me

>> No.21989559

for >>21989542 i am intoxicated

>> No.21989584
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Number 27. For that anon the other day who asked for books about rape.

>> No.21989828
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End of the 2000s, but Agustin Fernandez Mallo's Nocilla trilogy is fucking amazing, it's basically a series of short stories, but cut apart and interspersed with quotes and interviews. At least the first two books follow this formula, the third is kind of an afterword (hard to tell if it's real or fictional) and a more traditional story, but has elements of mixed media. It's just really fun if you want something to mess with your brain.

>> No.21989910

how brutal is the scene?

>> No.21990087

This sounds really interesting I'm gonna check it out cheers