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21983840 No.21983840 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t know the name for this “genre” but what are some books that fall in this category of internet weirdo /lit/ that’s actually engaging and fun to read?

>> No.21983843

Behead All Satans

>> No.21983846

Only one book in that entire list is worth reading in thousands of lives: Mishima.

>> No.21983851

it's the "20-30-ish conservative year old white single male who's chronicallly on 4chan" core

>> No.21983858

4chan is an ouroboros that consumes its past, it's impossible to discuss these things, but BAM and sun&steel really were great books.

>> No.21983878

One of these things is not like the others

>> No.21984312

Bronze Age Mindset was written by a jew.

>> No.21984322


>> No.21984362

Da j00z!

>> No.21984380

He even acknowledges being a Jewish Yalie fag

>> No.21984397

There is a list on Goodreads "Authors of the /lit/ renaissance" i'd suggest starting there if you're into this sort of thing.

>> No.21984539
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Kabbalah of the Crocodile needs to be added to the list. It out edgelords all of these books and came from 4chan.

>> No.21984713

Mike Ma’s books are not going to age well

>> No.21984810
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>putting Mike Ma and Bronze Age Pervert om the same category as Mishima

>> No.21984991

yeah only sun and steel is worth reading

>> No.21984996

Yeah and only after reading most of his other stuff.

>> No.21985417

Omg no way!

>> No.21985431

I own the bottom two and wish I never bought one of them.

>> No.21985453
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I wouldn't even put Mike Ma and BAP in the same category.

t. read Sun and Steel many years before BAM came out and liked both

>> No.21985538

Redpill me on BAM

>> No.21985540


>> No.21985543
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Why do these types like Sun and steel so much? There's better mishima books that talk about being strong and hard working/masculine
Like the sound of waves for instance

>> No.21985637

Only Mike's books are worth reading here
throw rest in the trash

>> No.21985638

It’s like the only thing to come out of the 2016-2018 “alt right” sphere that’s actually interesting and I think it’s mainly because the guy who wrote it is clearly very well educated compared to the sort of trashy YouTubers that make up most of that internet political world.

>> No.21985662

its shit

>> No.21986321

BAP is a genuine scholar and like Mishima, he sees the problems of an over intellectualized right. He's trying to tell smarter right wingers to stop circle jerking with philosophical arguments and go to the gym. His big goal is to stop the mass migration of third worlders into first world countries and he thinks that western societies need to re-masculinize themselves to get there. BAP is also Jewish and subtly tries to imply that Israel is suffering the same problem and the far right shouldn't demonize them so much. From a /pol/ perspective it's like he's realized the golem went to far and he's trying to stop it.

>> No.21986386

>His big goal is to stop the mass migration of third worlders into first world countries and he thinks that western societies
Will he deport himself since he is a kike

>> No.21986477

No, he's not a nationalist. He's a white supremacist. Funny enough he's mentioned several times on his podcast that akshually the DNA evidence shows that European jews are basically Italian.

>> No.21986608

>he’s a kike
I don’t care. Pathological jew hatred has sucked all the fun out of the far right and now it’s basically just a rehash of boring 90s skinhead hick retards.

One thing BAP hammers home is a promotion of elitism for the right that makes sense.

>> No.21986634
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What ever happened with Kantbot? He wasn’t really alt right at all, but was in that circle and was in videos with Sam Hyde and that no gf movie and was also on Red Scare, then he randomly chimped out and tried to doxx BAP unprompted and started defending BLM riots and kind of alienated himself.

Iirc BAP implied that he was a pseudo intellectual and challenged him to write his own book which triggered him.

>> No.21986684
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>> No.21986690

wydna00 on twitter i think, hes boring as fuck now

>> No.21987002

subhuman trash literature

>> No.21987054

post physique

>> No.21987060

Sam and MDE has collaborated with a bunch of leftists long before the 2016 election and World Peace so it doesn't surprise me. Sam isn't as hardcore right wing as most people think he is.

>> No.21987064

pretty good, it's a summary of current popular online RW rhetoric mixed with ancient Greek philosophy written like Borat talks. It's funny at parts as well, BAP is a cringe rugged individualist but the book is good

>> No.21987094

BAP promotes elitism with a vision of a new Caesar, but I'd guess he actually means people like Peter Thiel or his coethnics in finance.

>> No.21987125

He’s spoken before of favoring Ancient Greek democracy, or popular rule of the elite. He says that the military dictatorship is the closest modern day version of this and always fantasizes about some colonel staging a coup.

>> No.21987131
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Imagine even being political when the establishment won many turns ago

>> No.21987140

Harassment Architecture will be in future museums. Good or bad..

>> No.21987174
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>tfw he will be the first to get purged

>> No.21987207

Yeah, that's the thing. He gives you an aesthetic of the ancient world and claims he wants a military order to cleanse the west or whatever. I don't claim to know what he really wants, but like a year and a half ago he was one of multiple right wing podcasters who just independently decided to interview Moldbug all at the same time. Moldbug is almost certainly getting pumped up by Thiel money. When it comes to economics, BAP always falls back to the basically the same post-ancap vision as moldbug, racist libertarianism with big corporations running everything. It seems like BAP and moldbug are two points where the online far right is being corralled back into a position that aligns easily with kosher conservativism while still seeming like edgy outsiders.

>> No.21987223

How is Mishima "internet weirdo /lit/"?

>> No.21987292

You are coming across as a dirtbag leftist complaining about Peter theil so much (the new boogeyman of that crowd) when it has really nothing to do with BAP. Him interviewing Moldbug, a pretty famous guy in the online fringe political scene, isn’t really suspicious and it’s insane to take from that this grand capitalist chud conspiracy.

>> No.21987294

Way of Men, Barking at The Herd, Masculinity Amidst Madness (This one is BAP-endorsed)

I expect we'll see more of this kinda shit in the coming years.

>> No.21987331

Tbh i like BAP more than most right wing personalities, he is funny and recommends a lot of interesting books and other culture, but after spending a lot of time reading about classical antiquity per his recommendation I realized a lot of ‘dissident right wing’ shit is retarded infantile larping not at all different from communism and came out committed to the enlightenment and classical liberalism/republicanism.

>> No.21987635

The only thing the "dissident right" has any kind of hard opinion on is wanting to maintain a white majority in the West. Everything else is just LARP and memes, and people having fun in intellectual playpens.

>> No.21987860

The trick is to not throw out the bucket with the dirty water. Don't spend your life basing your views on negative reactions to the stupidity of the average person. One can have a healthy respect/yearning for their european heritage and not engage in twitter larp.

>> No.21987975

That’s exactly the problem with this subculture though. People take the benefits of liberalism and abstract individual rights for granted, they’re willing to throw things like free speech, rule of law, and the right to not have your property arbitrarily seized out the window because of some outrage porn of trannies and race baiting shit on social media, as if that’s the inevitable result of granting people personal liberty and the right to make their own decisions. Most of this ‘degeneracy’ only exists in the first place because it’s subsidized by the state. And even then, people who complain about degeneracy end up splitting hairs and making a bunch of exceptions- there’s probably some transgressive art or music you like made by a leftist or jew or whatever that doesn’t jibe with your ideology and you’re forced to make some kind of convoluted justification or reinterpretation if you admit to liking it- it’s the same shit leftists do with right wing media, and it’s so tiresome.

The internet and the world at large was a better place during the tech bro libertarian era and you know it.

>> No.21987988

he's still around. he does a podcast that had some good episodes

>> No.21988072

He's into that whole Yale thing too, still like the book. Nice light reading.