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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 255x395, And_Then_There_Were_None_First_Edition_Cover_1939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21981462 No.21981462 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21981478

I've been to /pol/. The extend of the humor is someone saying nigger, kike or tranny.
Are you all 14 year olds there?

>> No.21981482
File: 556 KB, 500x501, 1681517391704886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21981564

Saying nigger is pretty funny.

>> No.21981566

It's funny how lefties and hollywood jews still nerd out over Lovecraft, who actually hated blacks and literally thought they weren't human, very publicly and writing about it extensively. But then they bitch about shit like Friends or How I Met Your Mother

>> No.21981613
File: 606 KB, 680x472, 1680007932609641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't think calling someone a nigger is funny, then the problem is with you buddy

>> No.21981615
File: 258 KB, 463x750, 1678766617010519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the meme comes to life

>> No.21982147
File: 2.00 MB, 324x282, 1588002433507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21982167


>> No.21982190

it's a funny word, nigger

>> No.21982207
File: 46 KB, 340x565, 1669466905214077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny

>> No.21982225

I have one real question about this.
Can't post the word because I live somewhere you can't, but I keep hearing this book gets renamed all around the world yet whenever you open any american book from the last century, let's say Kerouac for example, it is on full display, used derogatively, pol tier shitposting even.
Why don't they rewrite everything if they couldn't keep this book title as is ?

>> No.21982228
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>> No.21982241

>Can't post the word because I live somewhere you can't

>> No.21982246


>> No.21982271

damn bro why'd you say that

>> No.21982301

wtf i look like this AND say this?????

>> No.21982320

you are basically orange niggers

>> No.21982321

My dude that's like all of EUthough
I can proudly call Ursula a bitch without a VPN but other words are big nono

>> No.21982329

what kind of weird larp is this, with SSL not even your ISP knows what you post

>> No.21982345

How can that be true when that one /pol/ basement dweller recently got pinned down in court with his 4chan posts?

>> No.21982350

The fuck are you talking about, idiot?

>> No.21982354

well the 4chan staff knows, the only option is they provide it to police

>> No.21982437

bro don't be retarded. The guy posted the most lukewarm 'death' threat I've ever seen. 100 people posted a more intense one on twitter in the last 24 hours under their real fucking name. That incident was literally just a terminally online corrupt boomer sheriff abusing his power to make his cock hard.

>> No.21982483

My point is that his posts got traced back to him.

>> No.21982490

>with SSL not even your ISP knows what you post
bro, don't be a nigger. SSL encrypts your traffic against interception, but once the text is posted ten little glowniggers will instantly get access to your current IP, post history (via browser fingerprinting), and all your previous IPs with timestamps. Depending on the ISP (country / their desire) it might take them some time to deanonymize you.
4chin is such an obvious honeypot that anyone within the reach of glowing hands should exercise some caution. They probably won't look for Shitwood scapegoats on /lit/, but them monitoring Irish IPs for posts containing "nigger" is rather plausible.

>> No.21982493
File: 55 KB, 337x500, narcissus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior work.

>> No.21982532

i did not like the ending. felt like a really lame gotcha

>> No.21982842

Extent, brainlet

>> No.21982865

but it means the police, internet provider and 4chan staff have to all cooperate, in some countries that's unimaginable
and in the end I am sitting behind a fat NAT anyway