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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2197747 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me the best books you've ever read. ONLY literature please. If I see a stupid fucking Sci fi book I'm going to kill myself. If you aren't sure what qualifies as literature then leave the thread.

>> No.2197756
File: 22 KB, 211x300, Hemingwaysun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to pick a favorite book but this would definitely be up there.

>> No.2197757


Moon & Sixpence

Somerset Maugham

>> No.2197759

And then everyone left the thread

>> No.2197765
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If you never read any other African American Lit novel, you have yo read this one.

>> No.2197767

Literature refers to the art of written words,anything written down is literature

>> No.2197770
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>> No.2197775
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Actually read it. Actually enjoyed it.

>> No.2197776



This book is fucking amazing.

>> No.2197780

disregarding the dumbassery of your last sentence

Sirens of Titan/Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carrol

>> No.2197781

Yeah is it? Well I didn't ask for your goddam opinion did I?

>> No.2197782

I have also read this and can confirm it fucking rules

>> No.2197783

girl, interrupted

>> No.2197787

Inhale my sweaty ball sack you colossal fuckwit, any collection of words on a page that forms some semblance of a story is literature. I don't care what your elderly hipster Engprof told you, he's wrong.

>> No.2197796
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Ubik by Phillydick

>> No.2197797
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>> No.2197806

Don't tell me Neuromancer isn't Literature.

It's beautiful and poetic and explores what it means to be human. It also holds up today, some 30 years later.

>> No.2197809

I read Neuromancer, enjoyed it thoroughly, and that's a load of shit.

>> No.2197811

I don't know dude, maybe The Idiot from Dostoievski or 2666 by Bolaño or Sexus by Henry Miller or fuck you! I don't know.

>> No.2197816

It isn't, it's not beautiful or poetic, and exploring what it means to be human isn't the sole criteria to enter the canon.

>> No.2197821
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regardless of what /literature actually is/, that's not the kind of thing OP is looking for. he set the parameters and even said " If you aren't sure what qualifies as literature then leave the thread." which is abundantly clear unless you're a fucking retard. I suggest for future posting you little divas attempt to be less anal and more helpful.

>> No.2197828


spoken like a true tripfag.

>> No.2197831

im 100% in the right here and you know it.

>> No.2197835

Literature: lit·er·a·ture [lit-er-uh-cher, -choor, li-truh-]; noun, the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically.

>> No.2197837

That's just, like, your opinion man.
People generate their own meaning. I've read Neuromancer going on 28 times now, and I love it more each time. There are parts of it that just move me to tears.

And I graduated with a degree in english lit. I've read most of the classics, modern classics and recent greats. Gibson just moves my soul in a unique way.

>> No.2197840

Am I supposed to give a shit? We've both expressed our just, like, opinions, anything further is extraneous.

Congrats on your degree. No one gives a shit about your credentials[/spoilers]

>> No.2197841

Darkness at Noon, by Arthur Koestler
Confessions of a Mask, by Yukio Mishima.
Lolita, by Nabokov.
The House of the Dead, by Dostoevsky (and Brothers Karamazov, and Demons)
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, by Murakami

>> No.2197842

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.2197843

yeah, congrats on my degree
it's useless, bro
i work construction with my fancy ivy league english degree.

Good point, though.

>> No.2197845
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>> No.2197850
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O-ok... if that's how you really feel...I guess I can understand that...

>> No.2197863

I'm trying to remember a japanese novel about a man who gets addicted to drugs, goes clean and falls in love and, then gets married, and then begins hanging out with the lady who made him addicted to drugs. He then relapses and commits suicide in the end I think, or just dies.

The author actually committed suicide. This was his last novel and is apparently rather depressing. I think Human was in the title?

>> No.2197871

no longer human?

>> No.2197872

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai.

>> No.2197886

Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Book of the New Sun - Gene Wolfe

>ONLY literature please
Implying that literature and genre fiction don't overlap.
>If I see a stupid fucking Sci fi book I'm going to kill myself
Do it faggot, nobody likes you.

>> No.2197891

If atwood and vonnegut is the best you've read then read more.

>> No.2197907

>Implying that I didn't select them for trolling purposes

>> No.2197915

if that's true then you're the shittiest troll in /lit/

but I'd rather think you're a butthurt entry-level sci-fi fan.

>> No.2197918

I'd vote for that annoyingly overbearing skinhead guy or that guy who keeps reminding everyone to use polite language on the internet, please and thankyou.

>> No.2197919
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If you're going to read Joyce, then go Ulysses then Finnegans Wake.
Also understand that JJ has mad boners for Ireland, seeing as he's from there.

Try some Kafka too if you want. Hell, I don't even know what you're looking for in particular OP.

>> No.2197920

Yeah man, I'm so butthurt that I'm positively buttmad!

>> No.2197929

best how?
most enjoyable - almost anything by peter devries.
i kept thinking about - brothers k

>> No.2197949

GOAT novels I can think of off the top of my head...

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Cry, The Beloved Country

/lit/ slobbers over Ulysses more than any other novel probably, I couldn't get into it...

>> No.2197950


Also forgot Breakfast of Champions. GOAT Vonnegut in my opinion. Better than Slaughterhouse.

>> No.2197958

can you people be any more entry level?

did i stumble on to reddit or some shit?

>> No.2197962


thread sucks so it's probably not attracting the /lit/ cognoscenti

>> No.2197971
File: 447 KB, 800x791, thisisyournoseondrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean cognoscendi?

>> No.2197977

Sure is attracting the condescendi, though.

>> No.2197990
File: 7 KB, 259x194, jokeyjokeyjokey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the portmanteau.