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/lit/ - Literature

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21977344 No.21977344 [Reply] [Original]

> Question: Who is the most well written villian in literature?
> Answer: The God of the old testament.

>> No.21977345

YHWH is kind of evil.

>> No.21977349

Gnostic propaganda

>> No.21977357

Behead all Gods

>> No.21977358

>Nukes the fuck outta ancient equivalents to san francisco and any southern american major city
>Floods the world when he sees most people are genuinely evil
>Kills arabs and egyptians
Idk anon....
That being said, the most well written villain in literature is Captain Pete in the disneyfied three musketeers.

>> No.21977360

>Captain Pete in the disneyfied three musketeers.
kek I saw that movie as a kid. early 2000s.

>> No.21977362

He just wanted to make his mom proud :(

>> No.21977365

Very realistic motivator, actually.

>> No.21977388

Open The Robbers by Schiller to see for yourself.
If Shiller were never to be born, the answer would be found in works of other romanticists. Never in literature has the question of evil being the dominant force in the world, which one can never defeat entirely, was this prevalent, as in romanticism. Looking there, youll find every possible lyrical embodiment of evil, spoken usually by dissapointed in the world character, who inevitably falls into, or comes from the evil himself.

>> No.21977534

>God of old testament
Do what I want or you will die.
>Every government in human history ever
Do what I want or you will die. The horror.

>> No.21978317

the god of the old testament is consciousness you fucking idiot

>> No.21978324

>most well written
>The God of the old testament

>> No.21979641

Go back to reading 12 Rules for Life faggot

>> No.21979662
