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[ERROR] No.2197726 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realize that the catcher in the rye takes place in a mental hospital in california where holden's talking to a psychoanalist because of ptsd and a mental breakdown due to the death of his brother with themes relating innocence with madness.
>yfw the only other character in the book (the dr) is a symbol for a silent and faceless God and works in the same way
>yfw 'phonies' is a play on the word phonemes as opposed to mythemes with holden playing the part of the latter
>yfw people claim to have read this book

>> No.2197728

.yfw I can interpret the book however I want

>> No.2197730

god fucking damnit twat

>> No.2197735

why california

>> No.2197737

>mfw overanalyzing isn't cool anymore
>mfw 'the protagonist is insane and it was all in his head' is almost the lamest, most hackneyed overused twist ever, second only to 'they're all Jesus in pergatory'
>mfw I read the book and didn't like it at all
>mfw I hnf

>> No.2197739

you can't argue with facts mister

hello friend

it explicitly says. something like my brother works in hollywood, not too far from this place

>> No.2197740

looks like we got a case of 2deep4u going on here folks

>> No.2197749
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It was so deep it reached right around and initiated a grand rusty trombone of phoniness.

>> No.2197753


well fuck, so it does

mabes though your "silent and faceless god" is just the narratee and the implied reader coinciding to an unusual extent


>> No.2197754

you gonna say something?

>> No.2197762
File: 40 KB, 341x365, seesomethingsaysomething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I don't really care.