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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 250x345, 250px-Francis_Fukuyama_2015_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21976615 No.21976615 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he so hellbent on destroying the west by importing hordes of africans while we guzzle our coke and eat the goyslop? Was he bullied as a kid? Did a blonde jock give him a wedgie and call him nip and now he's made it his lives mission to impose multiculturalism on us and to weaken the social fabric?

>> No.21976646

Francis Fukyomama

>> No.21976666

Francis Fuck you obama

>> No.21976731

Verdict? Butthurt by liberalism.

>> No.21976945

Get help

>> No.21977041

Francis Famalama

>> No.21977044

>importing hordes of africans
Americans did that on their own.
>inb4 muh jews
/pol/ meme

>> No.21977047

It's the American Protestant fiction of individuality and independence which led to the atomization and destruction of the West, not this jap.

>> No.21977054

Liberalism true believer. It is a suicide cult, look up a guy called Gunther Fehlinger, he is the stereotype, he has a youtube channel which is actually quite accidentaly funny

>> No.21977270

Francis Futurama

>> No.21977287

>Francis Fukuyama invented liberalism and sets policy for the west

>> No.21977346

Based TRS enjoyer.

>> No.21977422

Mogged by Dugin.

>> No.21977923

Ever implied this, but it’s no denying that Fukuyama is the Dugin of the West.

>> No.21977937

The difference between Fukuyama and all these other basic bitch liberals is that he understands the Rights concerns. He has read Nietzsche, Dugin, Hegel and others and instead of trying to circumvent them he embraces their criticism of Liberalism. “The last man is good”, “capitalism redirects strong men towards making a career in finance and business instead of exploring more system dangerous avenues like Politics and the Military”, “multiculturalism leads to atomization which in turn makes things safer for minorities”. He had said all of these things.

>> No.21978115

This, he isn't a brainlet.

>> No.21978185

I agree that he’s intelligent but then why does he still support Liberalism with all of this in mind? I’m positive that he’s fuel by some resentment, maybe something happened in his childhood as a child to an immigrant jap.

You can’t blame most people to assume Liberalism as true because they simply don’t know better. These are the same people who say things like “all systems are bad but liberalism is the best of the worst and no other social arrangement could ever replace it” and genuine believe this hogwash. Fukuyama is not like this.

>> No.21978363

The Hart-Cellar act was the cause of what you wrote. Leave the jap out of this

>> No.21978402

Why don't you vote with your fucking feet and move to Moscow, Beijing, Abu Dhabi, or Khartoum? I'll wait.

>> No.21978432

>what if le liberalism was le bad

>> No.21978501

Because I’m neither Russian, Chinese or Arab. Why would I move to a country that I have no ties with? I’m not a rootless cosmopolitan like yourself, fatherland and heritage actually means something to me.

>> No.21978589

>you can't use the nono argument

>> No.21978687

I tend to think that Evola was right and there are spiritual types. Since the 19th century at least, the bourgeois type has confused its own socio-professional class concerns for political concerns.

>> No.21978693

This is why

>> No.21978704

That politics has been transformed into a series of discussions by lawyers, businessmen, academics, and various other sorts of professionals and technocrats is why it seems to him perfectly natural, being one of these people, that this is the image the world should be shaped in.

>> No.21978706

He believes in the western enlightenment project, as do the rest of the people in power, as do I.
You don't, because you're not really western, not erudite, just a shit-kicking loser about to get his shit kicked in the by the weltgeist.

>> No.21978708

It really isn't tho. Muh jews is literally just the incel equivalent of roasties going muh zodiac sign, muh energies. It's caveman epistemology for cavemen.

>> No.21978720

Why do you fags ask questions that already have clear answers? Have you ever read him or listened to him speak? He explains his reasoning for supporting Liberalism in every book and article he’s written. It makes life easier. It reduces violence by making people complacent. There are obvious drawbacks to having a docile, ineffectual populace of mediocre consumers but it also undoubtedly creates more peace, and that’s what he wants. Being the Last Men is a better alternative to him than having a world of chaos, violence and adventure. And most people who actually live in liberal countries would agree. They love McDonald’s and Netflix and gay pride parades. They don’t want dictatorship, military conscription or hard labor.

>> No.21978726

Damn. I just watched some of his videos. This is so depressing precisely because this is what the people who run the show are like. We’re living in the ideal world of people exactly like this.

>> No.21978866

It can literally be proven empirically. How about I present my empirical evidence for it and you do the same, let the evidence speak for itself.

>> No.21978880

This. It's the jews unironically

>> No.21978894

He's not the one responsible, he just theorized about it

>> No.21978896

I love Japanese people but this particular jap strikes me as different from the rest and yes, the Jews did it but Fukuyama is their biggest cheerleader. He’s the Dugin of the West.

>> No.21978904

He has worked tirelessly for most of his life to advocate for Liberalism and to be its biggest cheerleader and I consider him public enemy number 1 for it.

>> No.21978919

Because of a subjective preference for peace and mellowenss. It's a valid worldview. There's also a psychological type/ennagram theory that is really good at explaining individual factors. He is the "carebear type".

>> No.21978961

I believe strongly in the relation between psychology, temperament, attitude and ideological disposition but in this case, Fukuyama is too honest about the reality of liberalism and it’s endgame especially as it concerns his writings on the Last Man, for him to be a Liberal in the normie sense. It’s like be took the redpill, realized that art and greatness could only be achieved through the means of fascism but then said “to hell with human greatness” and gave it up in exchange for complacency, safety, peace and comfort.

>> No.21978984

The western wealthiest is for savage niggers to run the streets and our boys to have their balls cut off. Damn, it’s almost like Europe was invented in 1989 or something according to you. Did you forget thousands of years of European history that was not these things? You know, for most of its history Europe was pretty fascist and autocratic.

>> No.21979039

Because our countries would die without immigrants because natives don't procreate.

>> No.21979094

>fatherland and heritage actually means something to me
You have a family home, a local religious institution, know who your neighbors are? Or is this some disassociated urbanite larp where you are trying to assemble a mass-political identity for demotic purposes, i.e. for participation in a liberal democracy where you and your fellows can vote as a bloc? China and Russia are both illiberal multi-ethnic empires, while Arabs are an aristocratic minority ruling imported helotry in the UAE, and Sudan is tribal. So you have lots of options for someone who hates liberalism and wants to experience a different system. The Russians and Arabs would in all likelihood be happy to have you if you adopt their language and religion and are not an African.

>> No.21979106

>“capitalism redirects strong men towards making a career in finance and business instead of exploring more system dangerous avenues like Politics and the Military”

>> No.21979123

>It makes life easier. It reduces violence by making people complacent.
Literally doesn't happen

>> No.21979129

>realized that art and greatness could only be achieved through the means of fascism

>> No.21979154

Scratch a liberal and you find a fascist.

>> No.21979158

Is that not the case?

>> No.21979163

I wish.

>> No.21979178

>capitalism redirects strong men towards making a career in finance and business instead of exploring more system dangerous avenues like Politics and the Military
Why get killed in a third world country for low pay while protecting the geopolitical interests of rich people? Why run for office if you need "donations" from those same rich people to get elected? Wouldn't a sensible and ambitious person want to join that club rather than do their landscaping? Look if you're one of these retards who takes "Traditionalism" seriously, you ought to accept the fact that you are worthless cannon fodder and not be giving career advice to successful people, who are your innate betters. For anyone else, if you live in a capitalist society what will get you the most out of life is your ability to steward capital, not being good at manual labor or wearing a suit.

>> No.21979191

No? People can't even agree on what fascism is.

>> No.21979200
File: 2.07 MB, 1536x2048, ADE2DA77-5719-4843-8794-F2831629BDB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that mass migration is designed to introduce Americanization
>introduction of a handout dependent reliable voter bloc
>reduction or subversion of every legitimate issue through focus on race
>introduction of draconian surveillance measures once they commit crime
>ensuring the fragmented populace never form a cohesive front against the government
>wage depression
>reduction of nations to amorphous cultureless blobs that are pure financial vessels

>> No.21979215

Adjust the cope and seethe sliders a bit and you're describing the illiberal Chinese surveillance state. So what are you really mad about here, liberalism or is it policies wholly agnostic to the form of government? The United States was run by liberal white supremacists for most of its history.

>> No.21979247

why don't you ever say this when people bring up things white people do?

>> No.21979254

It quite obviously is the case.

>> No.21979261

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.21979262

You deserve Muslims raping your women

>> No.21979272

Because you’re ideologically aligned with them. For someone so intent on repeating Schmittian theory you sure don’t know much about it

>> No.21979275

People just find any reason to bitch about us on an internet that has English as its default language. It’s pretty tiresome

>> No.21979279
File: 73 KB, 1024x819, Chart_NaziPartyRise_ENG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Schittian theory say that I have to lose all hope in my own country and yield it to the enemy and run away like a coward? Why do you act like the West is lost forever and change can never come? Change, when it comes, will happen very quickly in a short burst and I'm positive that we are only a few decades away from seeing it happen here

>> No.21979280

I don’t think you’re understanding some of the critiques being thrown at you. If America saw “whiteness”, but never really acted on it, Whiteness was connected to that person having enlightenment values, which at that time was slowly a European thing. If they were white supermcists, why invite Blacks? why invite the Ellis Islanders? why was America ever opened to Ellis Islanders in the first place? America has never been able to hold back immigration and in fact usually supports importing foreigners in various ways because it is simply good for economic growth and subversion. America wasn’t ever really a self-conscious ethnostate, because economic growth is manifestly more important to America than maintaining ethnic homogeneity. Don’t forget also that America had social justice crusaders in it since the 1600s with the Puritans demanding democracy and chopping off the heads of kings and the Quakers demanding civil rights for foreigners while also being mostly non-anglo themselves

>> No.21979284

Exactly. If he stays put in a liberal society he will be pathologized and treated like radioactive waste should he advocate for his views loudly enough. He would be much better off going to another country where he can be one of those MEMRI TV memes on a daily basis and nobody bats an eyelash. And we will be better off with his emigration since it will reduce the costs of monitoring a hostile member of society

>> No.21979299

When I said America was white supremacist for most of its history that is no way incompatible with running the country like the UAE in the sense of importing alien helotry to work your estates. And these American white supremacists were liberals, they had a republican form of government where property qualifications allowed you to vote. Later this was broaded so that de facto all white men could vote even if de jure all men regardless of race were supposed to be able to vote. And later still we have de jure all women and men, and eventually the present universal franchise. You are so used to talking to the buzzword-driven intellectual descendents of stormfags that you think I am talking about an "ethnostate?" Homogeneity would render ethnic or racial supremacy a moot point. It's in most cases an ideology that only comes up when you are in contact with other groups.

>> No.21979323

It doesn't happen? Liberal democracies are more violent than African shitholes and Latin American dictatorships?

>> No.21979325

Why not just admit Fuckyomama is (almost) right?
Liberalism is the end point of human society. Any layers of structural repression are bound to be subverted and toppled over, as history has proven time and time again. Human beings, when given reason to resist, will flock together and do so in the name of a greater notion of perceived freedom: any attempts at managing these mobs to give them ideology are bloody and short-lived. The last man is selfish and atomized, the roof and floor and walls protecting him from nature and the countless pleasures he indulges in are born from millennia of suffering all leading towards this conclusion. First Man smile at Last Man as both find comfort in their gooncaves.
He's not destroying the West, he's acknowledging what the West has always wanted to be (do you read?), and what any human society will eventually transform into when given enough time and liberty.
At the end lies the pleasure principle of nothingness. Any attempts to stop its spread are foolish.
The point of contention is that he constantly treats the current status quo as the ultimate form of liberalism, maybe because he himself wants to feel part of something, and this is a funny paradox. But at best we've barely started. Old war money needs to die, and with it their ideological hubris.

>> No.21979326

fukuyama's books are official propaganda used by liberalism to legitimize itself so yes he's /lit/ and a very important writer

>> No.21979343

He also has a vblog titled Frankly Fukuyama and that's super cute.

>> No.21979368

I think the idea that we’re still living under liberalism is ridiculous.

>> No.21979390

Clearly it was incompatible, since the they had civil war about that kind of slavery, lol. Comparing America to the UAE is silly, because Whatever “White supremacy” you’re talking about is not there what you thought it was, and was actively fought against that as time went on in civil wars or future policies. Whatever “Racist” liberals that existed in the past we’re slowly eaten away, because these values in the end are: materialistic, capitalist, internationalist, and totalitarian. This “Liberalism” fights against the old European philosophies indiscriminately. As times goes on, this deep state leviathan starts to have no center, unlike in the old days where even international finance at least picked one or several centers like London and New York, now it can easily relocate because its essence is "mobility," the entire oligarch class associated with it prides itself on being "liquid”, and so seeks to “educate” the masses on this by mixing them into economic slaves. The leviathan is still residually white and Jewish, but it is increasingly replacing these legacy components with interchangeable ethnics from other continents. This mixture of races is actually better from the Americas standpoint, because it further severs the new elites from their traditional, patriarchal elite origins. There it simply nothing “pro-White” about the US, not in even in the past.

>> No.21979414

You have such a particular set of values that it necessitates declaring a white supremacist slave-holding republic to have been neither white nor supremacist, so you do you. That a system faces opposition and loses to the opposition does not mean it never existed as part of the historical record, not sure why we have to hold to standard of only extant political systems or ideologies as having reality to them—is this related to the other mystical horseshit you cretins believe is superior as a framework to the power of capital to purchase whatever opposition it cannot dispose of?

>> No.21979437

Don’t bother with these people. I had an AnCap guy at a bar (had a speech impediment and was 5’5”) tell me that we don’t need police because they don’t solve ANY crimes and that laws don’t make us safer. I asked if he had been down to Mexico before, of course he said no.

>> No.21979578

You know there are police in Mexico right?

>> No.21979586

It appears many in the US, especially young men, are doing exactly that in order to align themselves with a lesser evil

Like I know we’re in deep shit but there’s a clear line in the sand here. I don’t like Ayn Rand but she had a point