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21974495 No.21974495 [Reply] [Original]

And I’d include Nietzsche in this number to honestly; with Heidegger being the only one worth reading in the SLIGHTEST.
Things are what they are regardless what we think or feel about them; they come about regardless of their
relation to one and other but rather as reality unmoored from our understanding which our understanding must shape itself in order to persist.
We are not Gods.
And it no surprise that the generation that saw themselves as gods gave birth to an ideology that comminuted suicide in an orgy of faggot idealism; an ideology which gave rise to the atomic weapon and thus drove western civilization to a neo-bronze age collapse.
Thank fucking God at LEAST their fucking faggot ideals will die with the last idealistic faggots the world can create as it lies drained of all resources drowning in a sea irradiated cobalt.
Fucking Jesus dudes.
These fucking homos SUCKED

>> No.21974507

Nietzsche is anything but a dullard.

>> No.21974527
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Dude he literally spends the whole of his works insulting people he
He’s just as much a sterile unthinking fucking hack as the wrest of them.
NONE of them understand how it is human life persists as ALL of them are so far removed from the struggle for existence they find the sugggestion itself alien to them.
They’re products of a rotting civilization
No different then soft handed idealistic retards like Chomsky or Rand

>> No.21974539

you are wrong, serious thinking starts with them. Its with Nietzsche and Stirner that "hurr durr irrationalism I am a God starts"

>> No.21974545

germanic autism. french prose is far more engaging

>> No.21974549
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>> No.21974551

Insulting people is not dull. Quite the contrary.

>> No.21974705

Kant is the mantle-bearer of Aristotle, a true great who refuted the reddit paradigm of early modern philosophy, the rest are pseudbait, it's true

>> No.21974717

Descartes was a disaster.

>> No.21975328
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>gave rise to the atomic weapon and thus drove western civilization to a neo-bronze age collapse.
Can you elaborate more on this truth bomb?
At least tell me which philosophical tradition made up of uninstitutionalized schizophrenics produces thoughts like this.

>> No.21976101

Fucking how?
It’s literally saying nothing.
You could communicate the same idea by reeeing at the top of your lungs

>> No.21976104

>Can you elaborate more on this truth bomb?
Hegel causes Marx
Marx caused Oppenheimer
Simple as

>> No.21976136

>It’s literally saying nothing.
Uh, no? You have a weird definition of dull. It's vulgar, confrontative, caustic, but not dull.

>> No.21976143

Filtered hard.

>> No.21976238

pseuds absolutely adore them and so much of modern philosophy is based on them that pseuds take solace in numbers. i don't think it's going to go away so easily.