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21973748 No.21973748 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it to pick up the habit of reading? What are the benefits? What books would you recommend for beginners?
t. Zoomer that consumes games and movies all the time, hasn't read a book in 1-2 years

>> No.21973758

You never had a chance, kid. Stick to your video games until the sweet embrace of death.

>> No.21973765
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I read a few books when I was younger and in school. The plandemic is where things stopped drastically.

>> No.21973767

no, literature has always been a female entertainment, even before the atheist revolutions.
With the british, american, french revolutions the bourgeois took power and they developed the entertainment industry to the max. So now literature is the slop of sex and crime stories and fake introspection targeted to women, written by jews and bourgeois and now women.
You have to understand that bourgeois, jews and women share the same intellect, ie being deeply addicted to sex, being deeply hysterical, and being deeply addicted to virtue signaling during the day to fill their empty daily life full of boredom before going to orgies at night.

This is why all the books have been about sex for the last 2 centuries. Think of atheist like stepehn kings and houellebecq

>> No.21973773

I have found it beneficial. Not only has my vocabulary increased, but I use words correctly more often than not. I recommend starting with ebooks because of the simplicity of looking up definitions (just highlight the word).
What I didn't expect is how it has affected my ability to think. Being illiterate or barely literate is basically a handicap.

>> No.21973772

So not only a zoomer and a frogposter, but also a chud?

>> No.21975111

How is your very long and large covid going?

>> No.21975156

How is that long virginity going?

>> No.21975188

You should start with Greek classics and a collection of English poetry. You should also try writing your own stories and poems.

>> No.21975480

increases your vocabulary, and is often a kino experience.

i recc the complete Holmes novels, all of Leblanc's Lupin stuff, and some simpler classics.

for the simpler, i can recc some of the russians:
Tolstoy's novellas, especially Kreutzer Sonata and Father Sergius, along with Family Happiness; The Gambler, White Night, and Notes From Underground by Dostoevsky.
also give a look at Lermontov, Chekhov, and when Turgenev (especially Sketches From a Hunter's Diary, this is a primary rec of a kino book).
then jump onto heavier works.
i also recommend stuff like Le Carré for the starting reads, they're pretty comfy.

>> No.21977086


>> No.21977089
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Wake up, pawn.

>> No.21977533

sir i can see your nose put that mask properly

>> No.21978266


>> No.21978270

Literature is the highest art form

>> No.21979003

Yes. My advice: pick up something that interests you. Doesn't matter if it's a young adult novel or a scifi short story collection. You probably aren't gonna be interested in alot of the classics yet and that's fine. Those are for when your tastes grow and you are able to read heavier stuff, and that comes with time and reading

If you aren't interested in what you are reading you will quit and return to vidya/tv. So pick what you want. I started with starship troopers years ago and have started reading shakespeare this year

I still watch TV but I hardly play games anymore. Keep at it. If you find books you like, you may find you enjoy it more than movies or games

>> No.21979022

I would do anything to be a zoomer and reading voraciously.

>> No.21979048

Nah, reading is for fags.

>> No.21979095

You've probably seen some movie adaptations of books, look up the author of whichever adaption you like and pick a book from that author, that easy. You'll eventually start branching off.