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21972891 No.21972891 [Reply] [Original]

Is reading books better compared to watching anime?

>> No.21972894

no go back

>> No.21972896

>Is LITERALLY ANYTHING better compared to watching anime?

>> No.21972898

No, you must go back to your containment board

>> No.21972904

No, the Anime of Das Kapital is clearly superior, like when fixed capital dominates circulating capital causing the rate of profit to decline.

>> No.21972906

Yes. There's less light flashes and cringe jokes.

>> No.21972912

I used to watch way more anime before switching to Chinese light novels...then I drowned in them...for last 6 years or so... Now I try to read "normal" books. It's hard, but I am trying.

>> No.21972964

Not even giving a (You). Stop watching underage girls doing questionable things and pick up a book. At least people will think you're normal.

>> No.21973047

This is an animal board. What are you guys doing here?

>> No.21973062

Depends on the book and the anime in question. I rather watch a great anime than read a book that's simply good and vice versa. Reading definitely has more cognitive benefits, though.

>> No.21973068

Of course. But Chinese cartoons can be fun sometimes, too.

>> No.21973069
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>> No.21973072

This is the literature board meant for discussing literature. Go back to /a/ for discussing chinese cartoons.

>> No.21973076


>> No.21973096


>> No.21973111


>> No.21973114

Go back to plebbit, neeb.

>> No.21973122
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in some cases, yes

>> No.21973130

Go back to /a/ tranny. You will never belong here.

>> No.21973133

Currently reading about Aryan feminism. What have you achieved, pleb?

>> No.21973135

Trips of truth. Anime trannies btfo.

>> No.21973139


>> No.21973143

Says the faggot who calls other people troons for no reason.

>> No.21973153
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just do what's fun for you

>> No.21973432

Reading my first book was like an epiphany. I discovered that no good anime ever existed, it's fast food and should never be taken too seriously.

>> No.21973780
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There are garbage and gems to be found in every medium, but generally I'd say that the luster of diamonds in literature outshines that of the quartz found in anime.
VNs are MUCH better than anime too, if you have a hard time switching straight over to real books. Some VNs even btfo some well-regarded novels for me.

>> No.21973781


>> No.21973857

Anime website

>> No.21973917

>some VNs even btfo some well regarded novels
Which ones? Also preferably from 90's to mid 00's because I prefer that character design style

>> No.21973925
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>Which ones? Also preferably from 90's to mid 00's because I prefer that character design style
I hope that anon doesn't respond because of your bad taste.

>> No.21973936

Watching undermines your attention span. So whether it's better or not, the answer lies on how exposed to anime you've been so far.

>> No.21973950


>> No.21974038
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I recommend Fate/Stay Night, and highly recommend Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, though you must read the former prior to the latter.
They are 2004 and 2005 releases respectively, and the artstyle is certainly reflective of that. I find the style charming in a way, but I can see why some people might dislike it.
Try not to let any connotations of the way Fate grew as a franchise and exists today obscure the value in the original visual novel and its sequel. I have much disdain for most media that falls under the Fate name at this point, but the VNs I found to be enjoyable and highly engaging reads in a literary way.
Hollow Ataraxia especially has a fascinating story and structure. The characters have good depth and the themes do not beat you over the head, but are instead presented carefully and even the meta elements it has are handled with subtle grace.
Neither are perfect all the way through though, I can admit that, but what is?
Each does have its own flaws, but I found that the majority of them both was well worth it and brightly outshined the parts that I felt nothing for or disliked.

>> No.21974373
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Thanks, I'll definitely check it out.
>noooo you can't like what I don't like

>> No.21975170


>> No.21975738
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You're very welcome, hope you enjoy it.
There is a pre-patched English translated version of Fate/Stay Night on Nyaa.si with lots of different settings for content that people ported over from different releases, if you download that the default settings for it seem fine to me.
The only option I'd recommend touching at all is the one that lets you remove the sex scenes or not depending on how you feel about that. They aren't really necessary for the first two routes and feel pretty shoehorned in, but are relevant to the story in the third route.

>> No.21975859

LOTR is more historically legitimate than anything describing aryan race as anything more than a lie...

>> No.21976230

Genuinely go die in a hole, I would take a shitty bigot to transgenders over a subhuman like you

>> No.21976531

Imo no.
Don't get me wrong, I love books, but animation is the superior medium of story telling and artistic expression.

>> No.21976565


>> No.21977708

This is either amazing bait or the biggest pseud post in existence

>> No.21977731

> aryan race
It is more accurate to Persian people than Germans. Hitler was either retarded or a propagandist ki*e. Read the zend-avesta.

>> No.21977758
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>>21972891 If you watched "Ergo Proxy" and "Texhnolyze" and understood all the philosophical concepts in each episode, then you don't have to touch the books.

>> No.21977761

I think the big anime films/production companies make something worth watching and of a different feel to other culture's animated media output. Anything put out by Studio Ghibli, CoMix (your name, weathering with you) or films like Perfect Blue, Akira, Paprika are worth watching. Avoid anything seasonal, most of those shows seem to only exist to take up time and sell merch or product placements.

I'd also personally avoid manga too, maybe unless a run is completely finished, because storylines serve a commercial aspect of wanting to maxx out reader retention and number of volumes sold.

>> No.21977962

If it was trying to be pseudo intellectual it would have used bigger and more obnoxious words and probably been a longer post to give more room to show off how (not)smart they are.

>> No.21977987
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It goes something like this
Books>Manga=Visual novels>>>>>>>>Anime

Something to do with the narrative focus and how too many cooks spoils the broth. Books are written by (hopefully) one person. Mangas are written and drawn by usually one person. Games are made by sometimes a hundred people with different views and opinions and lives, and that speaks for itself really

>> No.21978289

Why does she have an adam's apple. The series should have ended with her killing herself

>> No.21978316

It's silly to compare these things. Anime has produced some of the greatest pieces of art (Evangelion, Texhnolyze, etc), but nobody really watches it because its stories are high in literary merit. It's simple to watch, offers immersion, and has a quality that no other visual medium can match. Slice-of-life stories, for instance, work well in this format. How are you going to write an iyashikei novel?"They just drove the car for 10 minutes. They're still driving the car.." isn't it. That said if you have no interpretation skills but consider yourself smart you'll most likely like books better and shit on anime. It's the reason why everybody says Gravity's Rainbow is the best novel they read. If you're dim, better just stop consuming art altogether.

>> No.21978326

If you think visual novels are better than anime you have no taste. They're usually meant to bluntly evoke feelings. I'm not saying it's a horrible medium but there aren't many visual novels that can match anime's best.

>> No.21978905

Yes for movies, also manga

No for shows

TV shows of any kind are time wasting trash

Now go read freesia and onani master kurosawa

>> No.21979076

Why not? That's just your opinion

>> No.21979082

What about anime?