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21972144 No.21972144 [Reply] [Original]

Will book trends finally make people sit down and read a book for once?

>> No.21972153

The next step is getting them to read a good one.

>> No.21972724

No. In fact, why would they need to read books at all now? They watched the video and know the memes. It'll be like another tier of hyper reality where you'll have whole forums dedicated to making fan content for a book that none of the fans have even read.

>> No.21972729

Or as /jp/ used to call them: secondary and tertiary fans.

>> No.21972735


>> No.21972736


>> No.21972777

Zoomer boys have grown up with modern media 100% geared toward telling them women and minorities are smarter and nobler and stronger than them. On some DNA level even the most onions can't reconcile this with "but then how did we subjugate all y'all?". When exposed to older (i.e. pre-2010) media that portrays reality more accurately, it clicks for many of them. Some are too deeply brainwashed.

>> No.21972834

Wendigoon has done something for that 2 weeks ago

>> No.21972855

>secondary and tertiary fans.
Interesting concept. Could you elaborate?

>> No.21972863

I have never been able to finish this book, now I am just going to wait for the Judge Holden sigma male edits to turn up on youtube shorts

>> No.21972866

>women and minorities are smarter and nobler and stronger than them.
They are.

>> No.21972868

I said good book, not shitty book.

>> No.21972870
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>Interesting concept. Could you elaborate?
Primary fans play the video game, so in relation to cormac mccarthy primary fans would live in the southern western appalachia and trap and run whiskey.
Secondary fans consume products that exegese the primary experience. Secondary fans would read Colin McCarthy.
Tertiary fans consume products that exegese the secondary experience. Tertiary fans would post about Cormac McCarthy on an imageboard.

I fucked your touhou, go jump in the lake.

>> No.21972914

A huge amount will buy the book but never even open it. Many will read the first 10-15 pages then give up. A few percent will read the entire book… which is more than was before.

>> No.21972922

I hope none, there's already enough well-read narcisists in this world. Who the fuck wants more smartass people?

>> No.21972923

The world needs more smart people and fewer niggers.

>> No.21972942


>> No.21972992

Why are you guys pretending to be above this shit when you cant escape posting and commenting on it? The people who watch these videos wont read the book. Now im part of the problem.

>> No.21973007

All I hear is, "the world needs me as the boss and everyone else should suck my cock on command"

>> No.21973019

All I see in that is projection.

>> No.21973142



>> No.21973152

Being the anti-trend I am, if everyone reads books, I'm spending my paycheck for a PS5.

Let's see how you like THAT book-reading bitches

>> No.21973214

Maybe some of you will read Warlock and realise Mccarthy wasnt the first to write brutal westerns

>> No.21973218

Read The Son and Lonesome Dove. Real human Westerns, not this satanic reddit shit for edgelords called Blood Meridian.

>> No.21973231

I'm >>21973152
Agree with you.

>> No.21973243

My guy, you used "niggers" in your argument, you don't have any ground to stand on polite society to have any of your opinions seriously heard, you accusing me of projection might be as well true but I don't need subterfuges to say the world would be better if I'm in charge and you're sucking my cock

>> No.21973301

Contrarianism doesn't make you interesting.

>> No.21973317

>Contrarianism doesn't make you interesting.
then why are people contrarian?

>> No.21973332

Barely noticeable, just fishing for booktuber type trash consoomer types that will read anything.

>> No.21973344
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I thought it was a moderately funny video, didn't laugh but it was entertaining enough to almost smile. You know what I mean

>> No.21973588

>interesting concept
Are you retarded? I an genuinely asking

>> No.21973606

>You know what I mean
No, anyone who is not a screen-adddictef, e-celeb worshipping dullard does not know what you mean

>> No.21974113

You're retarded

>> No.21974124

If you think normalfags don't have the same dead expression while watching reruns of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia or The Office for the 4th time then you don't know many normalfags.

The fact is most people don't actually like the media they consume that much and are just filling time until their next distraction.

>> No.21974144

>My guy
Shut your mouth, you Reddit faggot. Here's something you're projecting ass can't understand, non-faggot White people like living in societies made up of people of equal or greater worth than themselves, they like being able to learn from others and to hold great conversation, they don't want to look down on others. But a society full of niggers can only ever be looked down on by even the most mediocre of Whites.

>> No.21974208

>no u

>> No.21974318

Hardly contrarianism. You just live in a reddit echo chamber.

>> No.21974407

Kys contrarian fag

>> No.21974418

Go back to your discord, tranny.

>> No.21974440

You seem to know a lot about reddit. Fuck off back there will you

>> No.21974442
File: 76 KB, 1462x797, Screenshot (400).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these soulless, braindead, ironic, self-depricating, low IQ, low attention span, unoriginal fucking faggots that manifest on every level of the internet and populate so much of the world, that destroy everything good in their path, mindlessly consuming upon demand. I want shove a butter knife into this algorithm-optimized minute-length memer faggots eye all the way to its butt.

>> No.21974452

lol three taggots in a row. I must've hit a nerve.

>> No.21974454

The insecure, buttblasted trannies have also worked themselves into a seethe because of how much attention the book is getting. Some mentally ill nigel or alberto barbosa was at it the whole day today. Mental fucking illness.

>> No.21974462

You definitely hit a nerve chopping your dick off tranny. Enough with your pretend bullshit. Kill yourself.

>> No.21974465
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Down the hall and to the left

>> No.21974475

Regular visual media being repetitive and ugly might. Plus there’s too much to choose from that people end up watching old stuff. Best case scenario the new writers’ strike destroys streaming content for awhile and leads people back to literature, even Oprah book club trash.

>> No.21974492

My dick is intact. Yours must be circumcised like all the goyim who worship McCarthy's cornslop.

>> No.21974521

Kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.21974528


>> No.21974537

Book trends are only popping up on social media aggregate devices that lower your ability to concentrate on one thing, which is kinda important for reading something to the end.

>> No.21974540

Put a gun in the trap and shoot while you are at it.

>> No.21974754

>brutal western

Nigger, half the book is a woman's (blaisdell's whore) interiority. Fuck off with this garbage.

>> No.21974820

No, lol. It's gonna be like video games. People will buy the book and keep it in a stand while parroting the same opinions as the youtube man without arriving to their own conclusions.

>> No.21974825

Edgy. No wonder reddit goyim like you love Corncob.

>> No.21974829

The evidence of western history, culture, and art do not seem to support your claim.

>> No.21974841

what do zoomers have to do with any of that? they're a bunch of niggerized retards who watch tiktok all day

>> No.21974857

Kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.21974875

> tranny
But I don't read edgy shit like a Redditor.

>> No.21974877
File: 94 KB, 491x567, 1636165652318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If yoy like that place that much just go back there, redditranny.

>> No.21974883

Typical tranny behaviour. Kill yourself, tranny. You are not funny.

>> No.21974899

You'll fit right in with the Redditors:

>> No.21974906

Nice try, but a primary fan would scalp Mexicans and natives. The secondary fan would merely live around the areas like the author did. Tertiary would read the book, and quaternary fans would finally post about the author on the imageboard.

>> No.21974920

>don't say the nword that's heckin mean!
>my guy!
I like imagining what this creature looks like, but the truth is always stranger than my fiction.

>> No.21974921

This. That's why I've signed up on a Jap ship to go kill dolphins and whales. Close enough, I'd say, to be considered a true Moby-Dick fan.

>> No.21974928

>when the edge levels are off the charts

>> No.21974929
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>> No.21975149

Youre just proving the other guys point

>> No.21975177

no cap fr fr

>> No.21975282
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 1630002334339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fit right in with the redditors
So much self hate lol.

>> No.21976311

>White people like living in societies made up of people of equal or greater worth than themselves
And alll you had to do to make them do the opposite was to pay them

> they like being able to learn from others and to hold great conversation
It would never happen with you around

>But a society full of niggers can
Never forget, you voted for it

>> No.21976319

>>don't say the nword that's heckin mean!
lol you hadn't said it, I did tho

>imagining what this creature looks like
Better than you twinkie eating pepsi suger ass. And that's not much either

>> No.21976465

Youre a faggot kek you suck the penises of dudes

>> No.21976511


>> No.21976524

Holy projection, Redditor.

>> No.21976542

in the original context
>primary: actually played 2hu games
>secondary: played 2hu fan games based off the property
>tertiary: no actual connection to any games, just fanart and memes relating to it
Doesn't really apply to literature since the secondary fan doesn't really exist, other than in the context of reading secondary sources.

>> No.21976977

Projection smhecksun you are fully legit fag

>> No.21976991

Nigger moment

>> No.21977066

Tranny moment

>> No.21977068

Trannies don't say nigger, retard.

>> No.21977095

It was interesting because I wanted a good summary (I will read it someday) I don’t know why he kept laughing and getting so excitable and saying ‘this book so FunNy’. Ruined the mood a little.

>> No.21977111

The fact that wendigoon found it funny means that he is nowhere near the pleb that he is made out to be.

>> No.21977115

It's a funny book. It's a radical satire.

>> No.21977155

who read moby dick and didn't consider this just once?

>> No.21977562
File: 209 KB, 1500x1010, Zachary-Taylor-1890-3x2gty-56a4896b5f9b58b7d0d77061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"were they Mexicans??"

>> No.21978898

>McCarthy book
>not funny

>> No.21978910


>> No.21978929

Do you have a ambiguously austronesian husband yet?