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21971753 No.21971753 [Reply] [Original]

>It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer.
How can anyone disagree with this?

>> No.21971773

1. Ecclesiastes did it first and better.
2. Nature is beautiful and is not as ruthless as this G*rman thought.

>> No.21971774

I don't give a shit about animals desu

>> No.21971777

You are one and, indeed, you will be devoured.

>> No.21971780

I don't give a shit either

>> No.21971788

my bitch devoured my nut last night

>> No.21971801


>> No.21971802

the pleasure of the devoured animal is sometimes far greater than the agony of the devourer.

>> No.21971816

not my problem

>> No.21971826

I don't give a shit. Your having a "bitch" does nothing for your argument. Celibacy is the only true honor in life.

>> No.21971839

>be pessimist
>be "celibate" because no one will fuck you like schope
>write book after book bitching about how life sucks
>only remembered and read by other "celibates"
some subscribe to onlyfans, some subscribe to pessimism

>> No.21971853

I don't think you get it. I know several people in my immediate circle alone who would fuck me. I simply don't subscribe to sex because anyone with half a brain would intuit the base animal-like irrationality of it. It's a moment of total overcoming of all the things that separate you from other animals, namely your ability to reason and to think, and nothing more. You don't know why you're thrusting your penis and pelvis into another human being, it just feels good--and don't be an idiot and bring up love.

>> No.21971863

By stating the Opposite:
>It is better that there is something. Since there is more pleasure than pain on earth, every distress is only transitory, creating new desires and new pleasures at every turn. The devourer always has new pleasure to seek in the devoured.

>> No.21971869

I'm gonna kill your pet and send you the video of me eating it :^)

>> No.21971881

But we are the devoured. And certainly the majority of us do not want to be devoured, for we invent an afterlife so we can keep being not devoured. Clearly devouring is not only horrific but evil: yet it's a necessary precondition for anything to survive, to devour the other.

What say you, Mr. Opposite?

>> No.21971893

unironically have kids. your forebears stretch back into immemoriam and beyond that, their will is inside you, each demands for this as of yet unceasing chain to be stretched continually and toward infinity; mountains were climbed, oceans crossed, man and beast alike were defeated by their hands so you could sit here today on your worthless ass and post on 4chan not even having the courtesy to grant them heirs to potentially make every ache and pain worth it all. no, instead it's bitch and moan in vanity about all the "suffering" of dumb beasts killed by dumb beasts, hating life but "living" it, deriving meaning from coaxing others to loathe it as you do. holy vanity of vanities, their is no vanity greater than pessimist posting on the internet. go make something of yourself for someone else for once. and please, PLEASE, have sex.

>> No.21971898

The difference is people agree with the original and not what you wrote. The experience of the majority of humanity is overwhelmingly negative. Right now you have some pain, however small or minute when you grow old you may be living in constant physical pain. This is not even factoring in emotional pain which is far worse

>> No.21971904

This is something I needed to hear. Thank you.

>> No.21971942

i'm glad

>> No.21971945

i'm glad to help*

>> No.21971953

The devoured animal lived a long time and experienced many joys and pleasures throughout its life, whereas the moment of its demise is a single moment.

>> No.21971957

kill yourself

>> No.21971958

lol my forebears were retards who couldn't manage to amass even the slightest bit of wealth or prestige to pass down and now it's on me to keep the procession of failure going? fuck off.

>> No.21972042

Good statement. I think most people want to be led and do not wish to lead. In that way, they are devoured, and willingly.
That is different from devouring lower creatures in order to survive, and since that is the natural state, the devourer that takes pleasure in it is not evil, but reinforcing the good in devouring to survive that is natural.
That the majority agrees with the original is irrelevant to its truth. The amount of pain in the world cannot be assessed by any known metric nor even the total pain of the individual. It can’t be quantified. And this ignores both the hope that one will feel pleasure again, which gives pleasure, just as imaging what you’d do after winning the lottery even though you have not won and are broke, as well as the pleasures itself, which cannot be proven to be more or less frequent than pain. And you mention mental pain, but what about mental pleasure?

>> No.21972045

I do agree, but things weren't meant to be this way. The current things are passing away, God is making all things new.

>> No.21972046

>the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer
this nigga has never read william blake

>> No.21972050

all i'm hearing from you is "i hate my dad". you value materialism it sounds like, is that really why you drag yourself out of bed?

>> No.21972072
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The devouring cannot be called good if it causes pain to another creature. No creature willingly submits to be devoured. The necessity of devouring does not entail its goodness. Something must die to fuel us; this fact cannot be allowed to so easily slip away from us under the notion of goodness.

It is not good. It is not good that we require signals of pleasure in order to feel good about consuming another sentient creature. Think logically about this: a lion or a hyena in the desert eating us is a horrific thought. Can we argue that it's good for the lion or the hyena to eat us? It is abhorrent to us to think about being eaten and yet we eat other things every day. Imagine if some more sentient being than us developed and decided we'd be good food and we were entirely helpless to do anything about it. Is that not evil? Is that not horror, good sir?

>> No.21972184

Is this a subtle vore thread or what? You fags sure do talk alot about being eaten. Human pain is a solved problem in the first world that you all live and breathe in. Your natural endorphin system is so efficient if you had a limb blown off you would not immediately notice it and NDEs prove ""evolution"" has been extremely kind to us in our final moments by allowing our pain to recede into joy and contentment; these alone could make human pain seem exaggerated but the lasting pains that aren't as easily resolved: back pain, knee pain, organ damage etc., can all be remedied with pain medicine and the wild beasts you all seem so enchanted by have all been driven off the lands in which you live comfortably.
>but those heckin animalerinos...they still get hurt!!
If they didn't have to get hurt, would you quit bitching? I really doubt it.

>> No.21972193

I'm glad evolution and nature have been so kind to us as to compensate us with, let's see, "pain medicine, "an endorphin system," and death-hour happy chemicals to make up for the horrifying fact of being alive. Thanks, Darwin!

>> No.21972202

Don't forget the gaming PC/smartphone you use to distract yourself from the horrors of, I don't know, getting a job? Making friends? Not being an annoying faggot on 4chan?

>> No.21972209

>gaming PC/smartphone
I don't have a gaming PC. I use my "smartphone" to call my mother and nothing else.
>getting a job
I have one, thanks.
>Making friends?
People are fake.
>Not being an annoying faggot on 4chan?
Why do you insist on being so kind?

>> No.21972249

>People are fake.
Your mother is an exception for you to call her I hope. If that's so you believe at least in some inkling of worth in people. Maybe you've closed yourself off too much. It can be good to open yourself up a little and knowing you could be hurt can mitigate the potential suffering beforehand if you only prepare yourself. Of course people are "fake", everyone is playing any number of roles and who they are is often in conflict with themselves but that doesn't mean you should starve yourself of interaction. All misanthropes are miserable anon, it's no way to live.

>> No.21972306

Man, I get this. The problem is I feel that crime of being part hard in me and it's much riskier to be a husband and father in ways unforseen by my ancestors. Mainly due to the unprecedented instability lead by female liberalism. The family courts are now a matriarchy, women have much more power despite being unable to handle it properly, even for themselves. I could bring a life in this world only to see it taken from me corrupted. They could be taught to hate me and themselves and I'd be powerless to save them. I knew a dude who's only choice really was to kill himself because of that shit. I want to have kids and be a good husband but there's no system in place that rewards being a proper wife and mother and there's a very small pool of candidates even if the legal situation was to resolve overnight. I'd beget that piece of original sin if I honestly thought it was possible to do it well. I morally can't bring pure innocence into this damned-more-than-it-should-be reality.

>> No.21972362

Like, I'm cool with a war or famine. Getting blown up, disease/plague (actual pandemics). Having me and/or my child killed. I can take those risks. What I can't take is the slow demonic corruption. Like what if my kid became a tranny and I tried to stop it?

>> No.21972374
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>antinatalism threads start getting deleted/moves to /pol/
>doesn't take the hint and camouflages with Schopenhaur
Fuck just give it up, autist.

>> No.21972433


>> No.21972457

Our pain would not negate their pleasure; what is evil for us would not negate what an inferior or superior being considers good for them, by nature. The cat is not evil for eating the bird whatever the bird’s opinion on the matter.

>> No.21972544

The statements presuppose a complete knowledge of the totality of the universe and of both humanity's origins and its destiny. Nobody has any rational evidentiary basis from which to unequivocally conclude that pain outweighs pleasure in the grand scheme of things.
His argument of pleasure being transitory ignores the common sense understanding that not only is pain transitory as well, but pleasure is of a more powerful quality than pain. A little bit of pleasure to a man is subjectively of greater value than a proportionally much larger quantity of pain. People prove this every day of their lives when they labour for something they want, or when they delay pleasure (read: in favour of pain) to achieve an end by which a greater pleasure is had.
Moreover, while there are pains that are so brutal as to be traumatic and permanently damaging, such as sadistic torture or crippling disfigurement, a shockingly small number of human beings experience these things. In the typical course of things, humans who suffer horrible pains die very soon after (and are then in among the allegedly enviable nothingness Schopenhauer so desperately extols). Comparatively, near to every single human being gets to experience the things which are considered the greatest joys of life.

>> No.21972573
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he didn't mean that. Schopy enjoyed flirtation and the procreative act, lamenting his own failure to marry later in life.


chumpGPT post

>> No.21972576

Source? Genuinely interested in ole Schoppy’s thoughts

>> No.21972582

mostly wikipedia, also the Cambridge biography

>> No.21972588

>1. Ecclesiastes did it first and better.
Egyptian lamentation fragments did it first and better

>> No.21972636

yeah it's risky man. it's probably the scariest time to be a dad but you gotta be the lovingest tyrant you can be. the important part is getting your wife on board, and spending lots of 1 on 1 time with each child. that last one sticks with them their entire lives.

>> No.21972720

Where I can read these lamentations?

>> No.21972871

the issue with reducing everything to nothing is you can't make any sort of claims to truth without something existing

>> No.21972999

I'm just thinking about how these past decades are going to play out in 50 years, will we look back and go "never again" or will it be too far gone and the endtimes will come within a century after I'm dead. Like everyone thought the second coming was coming throughout history a bunch of times and it obviously didn't happen but we are legitimately facing permanent tyranny of a centralised antichrist. The tech has progressed much faster than I speculated it would as a teen to the point pod people being mindcontrolled isn't that far off (far off enough I'll be dead, but where does that leave my children or theirs?)
On one hand I've woken up from an unexamined life and can see myself attaining a moral personhood but on the other I also see the nightmare to come.

>> No.21973026

>How can anyone disagree with this?
>Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth,
This is not true. I am a very constipated man. I take very large shits, extremely weighty. The pain during is immense, as my asshole distends, develops instantaneous hemorrhoids, fissures and bleeds, but the joy after taking that shit, the pure nirvanic bliss of having expelled 20 pounds of waste that has massaged my vagus nerve on the way out, it outclasses every pain you and all of your ilk have ever felt. Speaking to the philosophically learned and erudite, it is the Nozickean dookie monster - i.e., the monster is the very large behemoth I press out of my asshole - that refutes your entire position, worldview and even, in the case of Schopenhauer, metaphysics.

I am not even being facetious. My reasoning about the pleasures of shitting outranking your pain is 100% analogous to your reasoning about your linkin park lyrics tier angst outranking my and everyone elses joy with the world.

>> No.21973029

>dis nigga think rejecting jouissance is what makes him human instead of the constantly shifting dynamicity of base animality and reason
Do you also feel indignified when you eat?
On a scale of 1-10, how anemic would you say you are?

>> No.21973033

Indescribably based.

>> No.21973036

Desert religion cope.

>> No.21973039


>> No.21973060

>A little bit of pleasure to a man is subjectively of greater value than a proportionally much larger quantity of pain. People prove this every day of their lives when they labour for something they want, or when they delay pleasure (read: in favour of pain) to achieve an end by which a greater pleasure is had.
yeah at first then after a few years of doing this, they change their minds, weird huh

>> No.21973067

>animal-like irrationality
my brother, you realise that you are also an animal?

>> No.21973150

Disagree. Like that.

>> No.21973184

It can't. It's a perfect analogy for life itself, pain and suffering.
Schopenhauer exceeds at analogies, and it shows. I think even Socrates once said that someone who uses well-thought out analogies has the signs of intelligence and wisdom, if I remember right.

>> No.21973188

Since you haven't blown your brains out seems you don't agree with him.

>> No.21973253

>he didn't mean that. Schopy enjoyed flirtation
Not mutually exclusive. Retard post, overall.
I have no idea what in the good god damn you are bitter about, you loser, but this is not an argument.

I literally refuted Schopenhauer on the point of antinatalism today, and this is the best /lit/ has to offer me. The barely coherent mutterings of witless faggots.

>> No.21973273

>unironically have kids
>Birth control
>i like fucking but also like my independence as a single person
Yeah.. sure.. Your brain’s stuck in primordial times while living in the 21st-century. Go out of your cave, man.

>> No.21973294

ok enjoy your life amounting to the same significance as the humble cockroach in that case.
trite, base, vain, masturbatory.

>> No.21974466

So, you're a cuck. If the lion eats you or if a black man rapes, tortures and kills your family. Your perspective would not matter at all, because apparently in your definition the superior being is one who murders another, and that superiority would justify anything.

>> No.21974502

As a matter of fact, I do. This is why I said earlier that I wouldn't mind starving myself if I could get over my attachment to this life.
I am an animal who knows it's an animal. That is the difference you seem to be forgetting, my liege.

>> No.21974682

Schopenhauer is totally against suicide.

>> No.21974689

Not philosophically enlightened suicide, like voluntary starvation

>> No.21974701

go back to r*ddit

>> No.21974736

Sounds like a pussy ass faggot

>> No.21974801

Schoppy was so close to simply restating the brilliance of Vedic/Buddhist thought but he decided to rewrite it in the most retarded way sometimes.
His readers always think that the matter at hand is the balance of pleasure to pain, when the more important part of his argument is that impermanence in general is painful, and as one of the fundamental characteristics of human existence, it cannot be avoided and must cause suffering.

>> No.21974916
File: 32 KB, 314x500, Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth
This won't always be the case. David Pearce thinks genetic engineering and neuroscience will eventually lead to the complete abolition of all suffering.


>> No.21974927

nigga, please...

>> No.21974931

The people working towards this are retards

>> No.21974937
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>> No.21974946
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Do you have any actual arguments for why this is a bad thing?

>> No.21974970

>voluntary starvation
Choose one

>> No.21974979

Feels like a crabs in the bucket mentality to me.
>If I cant be happy than nobody should exist.
Sorry old man guess you shouldn't have been such a loser

>> No.21975109

I think the main problem is that it's not a well-defined goal. Everything we know, including happiness, is relative to pain and suffering. What would a world without pain and suffering actually look like? It's naive to think that everyone would be happy all the time.

>> No.21975537

Negative one unit of hedonium would be suffering, retard. Its a sliding scale of valence. How are these people so blind? The hedonistic imperative would never erase want/do not want, it would just shift it.

>> No.21975590

he's an incel so I refuse to believe anything he has to say about the existence of life on this planet

>> No.21975591

Why can't life just be good?

>> No.21975600

you have manufactured pessimism to make giving up the most logical answer, basically your not only a loser, your such a loser that you convinced yourself that your loserness is smart.

>> No.21975617
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>A certain naturalist made the following experiment: A glass jar was divided into two halves by a perfectly transparent glass partition. On the one side of the partition he placed a pike, on the other a number of small fishes such as form the prey of the pike. The pike did not notice the partition, and hurled itself on its prey, with, of course, the result only of a bruised nose. The same happened many times, and always the same result. At last, seeing all its efforts ended so painfully, the pike abandoned the hunt, so that in a few days, when the partition had been removed it continued to swim about among the small fry without daring to attack them.... Does not the same happen with us? Perhaps the limits between "this world" and "the other world" are also essentially of an experimental origin, neither rooted in the nature of things, as was thought before Kant, or in the nature of our reason, as was thought after Kant. Perhaps indeed a partition does exist, and make vain all attempts to cross over.. But perhaps there comes a moment when the partition is removed. In our minds, however, the conviction is firmly rooted that it is impossible to pass certain limits, and painful to try: a conviction founded on experience. But in this case we should recall the old scepticism of Hume, which idealist philosophy has regarded as mere subtle mind-play, valueless after Kant's critique. The most lasting and varied experience cannot lead to any binding and universal conclusion. Nay, all our a priori, which are so useful for a certain time, become sooner or later extremely harmful. A philosopher should not be afraid of scepticism, but should go on bruising his jaw. Perhaps the failure of metaphysics lies in the caution and timidity of metaphysicians, who seem ostensibly so brave. They have sought for rest—which they describe as the highest boon. Whereas they should have valued more than anything restlessness, aimlessness, even purposelessness. How can you tell when the partition will be removed? Perhaps at the very moment when man ceased his painful pursuit, settled all his questions and rested on his laurels, inert, he could with one strong push have swept through the pernicious fence which separated him from the unknowable. There is no need for man to move according to a carefully-considered plan. This is a purely aesthetic demand which need not bind us. Let man senselessly and deliriously knock his head against the wall—if the wall go down at last, will he value his triumph any the less? Unfortunately for us the illusion has been established in us that plan and purpose are the best guarantee of success. What a delusion it is! The opposite is true. The best of all that genius has revealed to us has been revealed as the result of fantastic, erratic, apparently ridiculous and useless, but relentlessly stubborn seeking.

>> No.21975785

Schopenhauer agreed nature is beautiful. But he pointed out that there an abysmal difference between admiring nature and BEING nature.

Being ruthless and beautiful is not contradictory.

>> No.21976076

You are a satanic transsexual. You are not fooling anyone.

>> No.21976103


>> No.21977178

Existence is so disparaging that the real conclusive core is existence is Nothigness taken to it's fullest extent, and plain old nothingness of non-existence is just unelaborated existence. Therefore existence is better than non existence, both because it's the only possible way to exist, and also because it would be better to be nothing - and, by existing, that's exactly what you are.

>> No.21977241

you are still an animal whether you have sex or not

>> No.21977869

>How can anyone disagree with this?
There is no disagreeing with it, the question is, do you intend to live joyfully knowing all of this, or not.

>> No.21977877

yes but none of this is vedic, it's 100% buddhist

>> No.21977879

He is not *against* suicide in a moral sense, he just argues that it's a "foolish act." If you kill yourself because you're depressed, you don't actually hate life itself, you hate the conditions of your own particular life. In other words, if your circumstances had been different, you wouldn't've killed yourself. In this way, suicide out of depression is just another affirmative act of willing ("I want life... just not this one"). He did advocate voluntary starvation as the most beautiful death as it is an act of will-renunciation.
He compared depression-suicide with someone who gets dealt a bad hand in a card game, and indignantly says "I'm not playing anymore, fuck this game." He doesn't hate the game; he hates the hand he's been dealt.

>> No.21978076

Schopenhauer was just a low T fag who should've lifted weights instead of complaining about le pain of le existence

>> No.21978084

Why do you read? Go lift, do drugs, have adventures and fuck. Books aren't necessary for masculine life if you will anyhow deny any point to it by appealing to "just lift".

>> No.21978306

> Nature is beautiful and is not as ruthless as this G*rman thought.
Until you shit out a meter long worm, or get eaten alive by some animal or... well what happens constantly in nature

>> No.21978339

>Why do you read?
It's interesting
>Go lift
Already do
>do drugs
No thanks
>have adventures
>and fuck
>Books aren't necessary for masculine life if you will anyhow deny any point to it by appealing to "just lift".
Schopenhauer's views on life are tainted by his hypogonadism. His endless pessimism is a result of a sedentary lifestyle and this has to taken into account every time you go through his works.

>> No.21978350

>It's interesting
But WHAT is interesting about it, assuming you have no suffering in life?

>> No.21978390

>But WHAT is interesting about it
With fiction, it's mostly the storytelling and the creative use of language. With philosophy and other non-fiction, it's the good ideas some men have had. What's your point?
>assuming you have no suffering in life?
Suffering is such gay word to throw around so carelessly. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross, what you have in your life are challenges.

>> No.21978472

>the storytelling and the creative use of language.
What's "interesting" about that?
>it's the good ideas some men have had.
What makes them interesting? What's the relevance?
>Suffering is such gay word to throw around so carelessly.
Sounds like youre just coping after all and have no right to shit on Schoppy. The fact that someone else suffered more does not erase anyone else's suffering.

>> No.21978922

Based Lacan enjoyer

>> No.21978947

'Schoppy' was a upper-middle class tart who never did a proper days work in his life. The suffering he wrote about was entirely in his own head. He would basically just travel around Europe writing about how shit everything was. Such a miserable fuck.

>> No.21979184

>the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer
Unironically not true in most cases.

>> No.21979587

based, OP eternally btfo

>> No.21979608

>There is no disagreeing with it, the question is, do you intend to live joyfully knowing all of this, or not.
I choose 'or not'.

>> No.21979633

>The suffering he wrote about was entirely in his own head.
true, that's often the case with these types. Most of the misery they experience is entirely self-inflicted, caused by their own unwillingness to stop ruminating on the same thing over and over again. Whenever something good or positive happens to them, they dismiss it as they're distracted by whatever ill things infest their minds. They slowly become incapable of registering anything else and essentially become trapped in their own brains, cut off from the joys of others which they think is mere pretend or illusory when compared to their seemingly concrete pain. The emotional results of death and violence are, to them, "real" while those that come from life and love are "fake" the distinction being entirely arbitrary.

>> No.21979884

>What's "interesting" about that?
>What makes them interesting? What's the relevance?
Why are you asking these irrelevant things? Can't you just address the main issue which is you being mad because I trivialized Schopenhauer's comfortable 1800s yuppie "suffering"
>Sounds like youre just coping after all and have no right to shit on Schoppy
I respect Schopenhauer's intellectual work on everything except the angsty teen garbage about life
>The fact that someone else suffered more does not erase anyone else's suffering
Schopenhauer had challenges, not suffering. Overusing that word devalues it

>> No.21979927

I don’t care about all the pain and pleasure on earth, only that I myself am pleasurable.

>> No.21979932

Why do you read? What is interesting about a story or a thought?

>> No.21979941

>Why are you asking these irrelevant things?
Deflecting as expected since you can't hide behind a non-word like "interested". There's no possible content to it but some problem, displacement or suffering.
>I respect Schopenhauer's intellectual work on everything except the angsty teen garbage about life
Why do you respect it? Why does it need to exist?
>Schopenhauer had challenges, not suffering. Overusing that word devalues it
Trying to deflect from the reality of your own suffering. Go consume some "interesting" content.

>> No.21980102

>Why do you read?
history mostly, bit of fiction too.
>What is interesting about a story or a thought?
well its hard to say what is interesting about them that would apply to them all. usually, the appeal is very dependent from the particular thing. One possible thing that makes them very interesting is the fact that they come from a very different point of view from your own. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who's a carbon-copy of yourself, so just about everything comes from a perspective or experience quite different from your own, which makes it endlessly fascinating. On the other side of that is when you see something that you have always thought being repeated by someone else from another place or another background or even another time. The idea that two different people can come to the same conclusion independently from each other is, in itself, quite interesting and it really makes you think about how it happened. In either case, i suppose that the interest comes from the fact that they originate from outside of yourself and are shared with you. all that said, what does any of that have to do with my post?

>> No.21980113

>One possible thing that makes them very interesting is the fact that they come from a very different point of view from your own.
Why do you need some other perspective? Why is your own perspective so bad?

>The idea that two different people can come to the same conclusion independently from each other is, in itself, quite interesting and it really makes you think about how it happened.
Why is it any more interesting than just thinking the thought? It's literally the repetition of the same thought you already had.

>> No.21980216

>Why do you need some other perspective? Why is your own perspective so bad?
well its no so much that i need one one so much as i simply enjoy hearing another. besides that, it couldn't hurt to hear someone else's view of things in case i had overlooked something.
>Why is it any more interesting than just thinking the thought? It's literally the repetition of the same thought you already had.
it's the realization that someone else had thought that makes it interesting. It's a connection to someone else across unfathomable distances, physical and mental and social, over a singular point of interest. It helps to remind you that you truly aren't alone in the world, and that there's people out there that, while separate from yourself, you can empathize with, and who can likewise empathize with you should they ever know of you. What's more, it gets you to thinking about how this can be, how someone so dissimilar can still be similar, how someone who is different can yet be to a degree the same as you are. I don't think i need to explain to you on how the origins of the brotherhood of mankind can prove to be an interesting topic
but, once more, i must ask, what does any of this has to do with anything?