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[ERROR] No.2197102 [Reply] [Original]

>Taking Colonial and Post-Colonial Lit
>Worried about noxious repetitious white-guilt/gender issues that may plague the class
>Walk with my professor through the halls for a while, and tell him that I worry about white-guilt and victimization becoming a focal point in our discussions and that I think it would be dull not to critique both the colonized and the colonials
>He listens and implements what I said into his lessons


>> No.2197118
File: 100 KB, 617x615, robert farmer capncrunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you seriously feel ashamed to learn how much the western civilizations bullied the rest of the world?
What you so quaintly call "white guilt" is taught to help modern civilization learn from its mistakes.
Why are you so fucking eager to forget it and have future generations forget? Do you have an agenda or are you just that self conscious?

Do you have guilt because you wish to see a return to colonialism or separatism?

>> No.2197129
File: 37 KB, 317x240, Everything_went_better_than_expected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhhhh buddeh, slavery still exists, and the clothes you are wearing is proof of it.

It's a dog eat dog world, deal with it.

>> No.2197136

Not OP, but the definition of white guilt is the self-pity white people feel when they realize what cunts their ancestors were. White guilt is about obsessing over stuff which you didn't do, and pretending that this guilt fixes all the problems.

As an example here is Australia: Our indigenous population lives in atrocious poverty because of the harmful actions and laws of the white demographic since colonization. Many people embrace the white guilt and wallow in self-pity and historical revisionism, but very few actually take action to fix the current problems. As a result the white population feels like it is doing something productive, and many aborigines remain second-class citizens.

tl;dr: White guilt is a coping mechanism, not a system by which a solution is found.

>> No.2197139
File: 527 KB, 1193x850, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successful and healthy societies are not guilty or ashamed.

>> No.2197140

Not once when learning about slavery was I ever told to feel guilt myself for the faults of my ancestors. These matters can be very easily examined with a detached perspective. Those men who lived so long ago are humans motivated by their environment. And yet still everyone rattles on about how it somehow fuels white guilt to study a very critical aspect of our history. I guess any mention of the holocaust should be banned from history books in germany too.

>> No.2197144

Well, I do feel bad about slavery. And the Holocaust, too. But it's not guilt - I'm not even German - I just feel fucking terrible that human beings did this shit. You know? Guilt over my ancestors doesn't enter into it.

>> No.2197145

You are the legacy of your ancestors whether you like it or not. Good and bad.

>> No.2197146

>I guess any mention of the holocaust should be banned from history books in germany too.
I'm not saying that events which might induce guilt shouldn't be studied. I'm saying that guilt is the wrong reaction.

>> No.2197150

Thank you. I agree.

OP is not a healthy member of our society. The "butthurt" picture is for him right?

>> No.2197151

Are you a fucking retard? The arabs were responsible for far more negro slaving then whites, the negros themselves more then either.

You are going from a euro-centric point of view, since only euros have non-biased recorded their history, and of course since you have an anti-white anti-europe bias.
And then you magically think that that is all of history.

And i'm not sure why you refer to the successes and victories of our ancestors as "mistakes".
If anything the mistake is not genociding all of them and forming white civilization all over the world!

>> No.2197158

>Our indigenous population lives in atrocious poverty because of the harmful actions and laws of the white demographic since colonization.
hahahah what?
They live in poverty because they are 60 IQ subhumans, the lowest form of life on this earth is the australian abbo!
You can throw billions of dollars at them(and you do) and they will still be "poor" because they don't understand and are incapable of doing anything else!

holocaust didn't even happen.
The fact you feel "ashamed" for other people shows that you have something wrong with you. Perhaps you should straight your back up and grow a spine?

And the legacy of whites is the finest on this earth.
Should we feel guilty because our ancestors were hard workers and successful? No, obviously not.
It was whites who ended slavery first of all the races, of course you won't hear that told by any liberal.

>> No.2197160

hi utterly futile post here about how any reply to stormbro is a wasted post

additionally its nearly always a bad sign of thread quality when op fails to mention a specific post and/or uses reddit shit as the image

>> No.2197161

stop posting in this dumb thread, arguing with the stormfronter is futile

>> No.2197164


whoops, second "post" should be "book"

>> No.2197167
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Gasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying its not going to get any better? How shallow of you.
Your definition is weak. And what you think my definition is is wrong.
Your points are moot. I was posting a twitter sized post asking the OP some simple questions

>> No.2197175

There is NOTHING wrong with empathizing for the sorrow of others.

>> No.2197184

And there you go making assumptions.
Do you know that african slaves preferred slavery to freedom? There was no independence moments among the blacks, much like the civil rights movement was financed and organized by jews, not negros. That in fact the vast majority of negros did not want their "civil rights", or "freedoms".

There IS something wrong with feeling endless GUILT for fictitious things that someone else of your race may or may not have done.
There IS something wrong when you worship the non-white, the savage, and the "native".

>> No.2197186

There you go again throwing that word around. YOU feeling guilt. If you weren't you wouldn't keep bringing it up

Go back to /pol/ shithead

>> No.2197210

OP here, let's recap what I said and then what reactions I got:

>I think white colonists were pillagers and the colonized were often savages or way behind the times. I think when reading colonial text, we should not automatically assume the colonized in a sympathetic light, but rather, a critical one.


>> No.2197213
File: 65 KB, 960x770, Put out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think white colonists were pillagers an...
You did not.

But I don't even care now. Do us a favor and delete. Thanks.

>> No.2197215

Welcome to the Internet.

>> No.2197216


you're bad at posting don't post here

>> No.2197217

liberals are traitors, you can't really argue with a liberal, part of their religion is that they believe they are completely correct in all things.

>> No.2197218

ITT: WASPs feeling bad about the shit which dead white men did.

>> No.2197230

I doubt this board has many protestants

>> No.2197234

catholic supremacy in every thread