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21967767 No.21967767 [Reply] [Original]

uhhh racist bros?? our response?

>> No.21967771

Discredited facile pop-history

Every single 'the weird secret trick behind human civilization" book is a bunch of casual garbage for selling at airports

>> No.21967775

black people are poor because ... they just are okay???

>> No.21967780

because of racism and colonialism

>> No.21968075

if there are no mean group differences in intelligence, imagine how bad the third world would be if there were.

>> No.21968132
File: 443 KB, 662x5691, guns germs and steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21968502

>'the weird secret trick behind human civilization"
But GGS is basically not this, it's literally saying that the "quick secret tricks of civilization," like racism, are bunk precisely because they don't take into account the complex nuances of geography and resources on a global scale.

>> No.21968541

I can sort of see his claims answers as to why Americas or Australia and friends didn't become super powers, but not as to why Europe did. And not India, China, Egypt, Mesopotamia.

>> No.21968558

And this is all talmudic "muh socioeconomic factors" lies.

>> No.21968564

It's been a while but I remember one of the suggestions he puts forward was a mixture of good coastlines and fractured, competing states.
China could have potentially become the colonial superpower first, but since it was a unified state this was determined by the whims of the reigning dynasty. There was the one famous Chinese admiral who reached the shores of Africa with a treasure fleet, but then the emperor died and the next one considered his explorations to be a waste of money, so he was recalled.
In Europe by contrast, when Columbus sought funding for his voyages in Portugal, he was turned away. So he just went to Spain instead. If they had turned him away as well, he would have went to another court, so and so forth, and one of them would have taken the gamble to give him funding.
And the difference in China's unified state and Europe's many separate states comes down to the historical impacts of geography, where the river valleys of China have allowed for greater centralized government, but Europe's mountains have made wide imperial power impossible to maintain for long.

That's the point I remember, at least.

>> No.21968591

have you niggas not seen the althyp video on this book? he goes autismo maximo on dat shit

>> No.21968615

I love that video
I remember in 10th grade ap world history class they would make us read passages out of it. I would think to myself "this sounds like made up bs" then after not having though about diamond in 10 years I stumble across this video

>> No.21968661

he usually doesn't miss been a fan for years though i don't keep up with his output much anymore. sometimes he is a little too outright racist and not generous enough to i think some positive elements of other races and cultures it is good that he's very racially conscious as a white and white racial consciousness does need to spread so we can stand up for ourselves. my grandfather always said it's never good to be a minority in a place.

>> No.21968693

>the White race isn't superior because the environment made them superior

also it assumes evolution

>> No.21968760


>> No.21968779

Outdated. Get a new book.

>> No.21970061

even if you want to argue environmental conditions made white people smarter... so what? it doesn't matter how this came to be, white people are smarter.

>> No.21970188

Venice, without land even

>> No.21970593
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Smartbros, recommend some good alternatives then. Something on the rise of civilizations, evolution of society, general history etc. Preferably not autistically political and without mentions of da jooz on every other page.

>> No.21970638

Jungle, desert, steppe, forest, tundra.
Tribalism, slavery, serfdom, democracy, republic, socialism.
Africa, Asia, Europe, America.
Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modernity.

>> No.21970691

>why Europe did. And not India, China, Egypt, Mesopotamia

They were all superpowers in their time. You are simply thinking with a very small timeframe. It will turn out in the end that the period of Western dominance will just be another period like any other. The fact hat their scope was the first to be truly "global is just a reflection of the increasingly sophisicated technology, which is inevitable with the passing of time

>> No.21970712

>heh completely socioeconomic factors
>i-its all genetic OKAY???? THATS DIFFERENT
Even if genetics was a factor, itd probably quite small or insignificant. The whole idea of race itself is also flawed since differences in environments and circumstances would still exist between groups. Why is it so hard for people to grasp nuance

>> No.21970715


>> No.21970728

He says that zebras can't be tamed while zebras have been very easily tamed and only the negro was too stupid to do it.

>> No.21970731

Sounds like you object to this book purely on narcissistic grounds — ie you want other races to be biologically, irreformably, and eternally inferior to whites because you want to feel good about yourself. But if this book were true it implies that Africans and other “inferior” races could eventually build up their civilisations and claim equality with the white man. This should be a universally great and positive thing for everybody.

>> No.21970738


>> No.21970739

Ok, but preferably they stay in their continent and keep being ''great'' there.

>> No.21970745

It was Europeans who took them to their countries.

>> No.21970748

>if you just go away everything will just be perfectly fine
Not OP
This has literally never worked otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. Someone inevitably is going to want a piece of someone else eventually. Groups interacting both negatively and positively is just a part of life. The only way to really prevent this would be for groups to be totally ignorant of one another.

>> No.21970753

It was certain Europeans and it takes two to tango.
If it were up to me they would be send back, together with people that let them in.

>> No.21970754

Literally everyone who even thinks about things like this already admits that Nips and Koreans on average are more intelligent than even the most intelligent white populations. It would be fucking amazing if niggers too could finally start living like human beings, then we wouldn't have to send billions there every fucking year.

Unfortunately we now know fully well that intelligence is genetic and niggers are really stupid. At least they can still feel good about being a good standard deviation above gypsies.

>> No.21970779

>Literally everyone who even thinks about things like this already admits that Nips and Koreans on average are more intelligent than even the most intelligent white populations
Genuinely an unusually large amount do not, that or find some other way of saying whites are superior. Very rarely do any of them admit white inferiority to Asians.

>> No.21970784

It's... not... a... discussion... about... the... present....

>> No.21970787


>> No.21970806

Does he talk about geography in this one? I'm on page 200 and it's all about some selective breeding of plants but i think the reason for european domination lies primarly in its geography, abundancy of rivers, natural harbors, non hospitable climate and an inland sea.

>> No.21970815

80% of all inventions were done by the big four: Us, england, france and italy. 80% of what you use, from computational machines to a ballpoint pen. This period of "western dominance" will leave an unprecedented mark on history, whether you, chinese shill, agree or not

>> No.21970828

uhhh so basically there's this giant fag on youtube whatifalthist and he made a list of the shit you're asking about

War and Peace and War by Peter Turchin. The science of why empires rise and fall.

Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin. Tracing the century long patterns by why European nations go through eras of prosperity and collapse.

Ages of Discord by Peter Turchin. Same thing but for America.

Ultrasociety by Peter Turchin. How large human societies formed.

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. A 10,000 up view of human nature and history.

Plagues and Peoples by William McNeil. A disease history of the world.

War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat. really good. A darwinistic biological history of war and human nature in general.

The Lessons of History by Will Durant. One of the greatest historians draws philosophic conclusions from his studies.

The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley. Trying to create a pattern of the rise and fall of civilizations.

History of Manners by Norbert Elias. How European civilization repressed human biology as the state became more powerful.

The Great Wave by David Hackett Fischer. How inflation has been tied to population growth and political instability across Western history.

Foragers Farmers and Fossil Fuels by Ian Morris. How energy systems determine value systems.

War: What is it Good For? By Ian Morris. How war has been ones of the greatest drivers of technological and progress across history.

Forces of Change by Henry Hobhouse. An analysis of the minor ignored variables across history like disease and food production.

Migration and Cultures by Thomas Sowell. How cultures like the Germans, Japanese, Jews etc, dealt with diasporas.

Conquest and Cultures by Thomas Sowell. How Slavic, British, Native American and African cultures dealt with both being rulers and ruled.

War Before Civilization by Lawrence Keeley. Tribal peoples really weren’t peaceful…

Who We Are and How We Got Here by David Reich. A genetic history of the ancient and prehistoric world.

>> No.21970844

Aren't all great civilizations predicated on being able to project power and more importantly, defend against invaders? Why was Africa never able to do this? Obviously colonialism fucked them over, but why were they so easily colonized?

>> No.21970862
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You can "tame" a fucking grizzly bear, but you can't domesticate it, even if it were true, the high iq white europeans in the victorian century would have surely (((tamed))) these noble creatures, wouldn't they?

>> No.21970868

the empire upon which sun never sets is now ruled by an indian, whom surely would be called an invader by you if seen on the streets of london. so was the anglo empire not great?

>> No.21970900

Thanks, will check it out.
I see that the entire list is even bigger https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatifalthist/comments/qlati3/whatifalthist_reading_list_in_its_entirety/

>> No.21970903

Sunak is a British man, born in the United Kingdom. His grandparents were born in British India. I would say another predicate for a great civilization is that its conquered subjects become absorbed into that civilization.

>> No.21970918

I hate these discussions because they are always based on completely questionable premises.

>> No.21970922
File: 102 KB, 1600x852, riding-zebras-photographs-1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem MOVE ASIDE. CHECK MATE jk its a nice general overview and some interesting musings and ponderings but it has its place and isn't meant to be a hard core academic work

>> No.21970926

I mean, the domination of Europe on the globe was brief. What did it last? It started in the 19th Century and ended in the 20th Century.

>> No.21970928

Read >>21968132 you buffoon. There was no need to domesticate bears. What are you going to use them for - bee and salmon extermination? Horses, donkeys and dogs are much more versatile and useful.
What have niggers achieved? Sure, living in a hot humid environment ridden with disease is not fun. But haven't they had billions of years to evolve past the monkey stage?

>> No.21971064

And that's why everybody is riding zebras now right?

People in every period would have said the same thing, because compared to the previous period, it was a lot of development technologically.

>> No.21971093

Colonization of the new world started in the beginnning of the 16th century. the only other great powers then, ottomans, were european too, just with a wrong religion, and the ming dynasty, who although inventing and giving the west the gunpowder, papermaking and the compass, were very isolatinist, so not world domination there

>> No.21971169

You've obviously never seen Wakanda.

>> No.21971201

I really haven't. Had to google that shit a couple of weeks ago when someone memed about black technology. Looks almost as impressive as The Line sandnogs are planning to build.

>> No.21971216

Ottomans weren't European. They were Turks, who came from the East, much like the Mongols.
Europe's role in outer politics throughout the Middle Ages was very small. They didn't get past the walls of Jerusalem and the gorillion attacks that Europeans, chiefly the Frankish Kingdom did on that city have all failed. Then Europe lost Constantinople and the only share on Asia that Europe had had until then with it. Constantinople remains Turkish until this day. Europe shrank.
Then America was discovered. Then the decadent societies of Inca and Aztec fell to rising Europe.
Then Europeans in America were dominated by Europeans in Europe.
Then Europe lost the Americas.
Then Europe discovered Africa.
Then Europe colonized Africa and Asia for a period of the 19th Century and the 20th Century.
Then Europe lost Africa and Asia again.
The true red-pill is that Europe is the story of a big failure and every literate man will agree with this. I say this as a European, as someone proud of being a European.

>> No.21971247
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>> No.21971269

No answer for why Africans were second to reach Madagascar after Malays. Never mind all the tiny islands around the continent that Europeans reached first.

>> No.21971280

Tf does ''Magic dirt'' mean?

>> No.21971531

>Ottomans weren't European. They were Turks, who came from the East,

Actually genetic studies show that there is no real difference between contemporary Greeks and Turks. The mediterranean has been mixing for a long time and the turks that came from the East found a populated Anatolia. They didn't replace or remove the population so it's the same population that's been there since the beginning of time.r

>> No.21971546

fr tho africans are stupid as hell

>> No.21971568

I guess it's referring to the idea Europeans had better soil or geography than Africans. Also picrel is retarded since it implies there's a clear definition for intelligence or, even if there was, that it's only affected by genetics. It also would have to logically smarter that some Europeans are smarter than other Europeans. The statement could technically also be true without disagreeing with muh socioeconomic factors.

>> No.21971655

the guns and the steel come from brains

>> No.21971700

They are actaully outperforming native Brits on standardized test

>> No.21971717

> White British pupils 'lag behind ethnic minority peers'

>> No.21971731


> At the age of five, white British children were narrowly beaten on assessments – known as the Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles – by only two other ethnic groups: Indian and mixed (white and Asian).

> However, they start to fall behind in primaries and by the time they reach Key Stage Four (age 14-16), they have been overtaken by ten other ethnic groups, including Chinese, Bangladeshi and black African pupils.

>> No.21971890

>our response
The N word. It's that simple.

>> No.21971892

nurture taking over nature as kids grow older in action.
Also: at 5 kids aren't in school yet. Later they are in that machine where whitey is evil. meanwhile white parents have no interest in their children whatsoever.

Diversity and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.21971900

mostly I'm just confused by the title.
>Guns, Germs, and Steel
I thought it would about the question of why the conquistadors were able to conquer the Spanish and Inca with such small numbers. And that, you know, the answer is the title. Which I don't really agree with, but at least that would be a coherent. Instead it barely mentions that at all, and tries to argue that the 1st world is richer than the 3rd world because we have more natural resources. Which makes no sense, because the 3rd world has tons of natural resources, while Japan is famously poor in resources.

>> No.21971912

the mental gymnastics to say that Europe "lost" the African colonies is truly stunning.
What worries me is that as time progresses more and more people will frame it that way.

>> No.21971993

>while Japan is famously poor in resources.
THat's just a dumb myth. Japan has no petroleum but they had everything they needed before the industrial era. They went for hundreds of years with practically no trade at all.

>> No.21972004

the idea that just because someone immigrates to a country, the geographical location (i.e. the dirt) will magically turn them into a different person, indistinguishable from citizens of that country.

>> No.21972120

Well the idea msut be that it unleashes their inner genius, allows them to develop fully, becuase they wouldn't have those same opportunities in the home country. I guess it makes sense.

>> No.21972235

guns, germ, steel, timidity

sounds like a title from any random substack quack author, he might as well just post a dab meme instead of coming up with a good title. Clearly they all do this topic dump because doing otherwise risks exposing their delicate opinion.

>> No.21972245

>Well the idea msut be that it unleashes their inner genius, allows them to develop fully, becuase they wouldn't have those same opportunities in the home country.
except that doesn't happen because IQ is genetic

>> No.21972270

>muh boatlessness causes them to nig out
>give them boats then, terraform their land
>no, we need them to invade your evil nothingness country.
>why do you think any of this?
>end of transmission

>> No.21972299
File: 18 KB, 267x400, Which Way Western Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not our problem

>> No.21972309

shit land there, they were food scarce which shaped their spartan culture

>> No.21972312

No my objection is that it sets out looking for arguments to support a lie. Same as any propaganda.
>But if this book were true it implies that Africans and other “inferior” races could eventually build up their civilisations and claim equality with the white man. This should be a universally great and positive thing for everybody.
The book isn't true and your proposition shows no signs of working.

>> No.21972318

Kek, does anyone remember when John Green canceled his "Crash Course: Anthropology" series after the first video because some non-binary teen misinterpreted that book and sperged about it being racist? He went on about how it wasn't her fault but totally threw her under the bus by saying "I should have reviewed it" instead of just taking full responsibility.

>> No.21972346

I think the only people who remember that are you and John Green

>> No.21972348

I do, yeah.
I was and am still confused how anyone thinks the book is racist.

>> No.21972460

I think she interpreted it as eurocentric and confused the strong influence of environmental/climate factors as hard geographical determinism while linking that to the idea of a perceived cultural/racial superiority or something. It was really retarded but if it were released a few years later people would probably have been applauding her for a stunning/brave hot take.

>> No.21972551

>They were Turks, who came from the East, much like the Mongols.

>> No.21972592

This book actually is racist. I read this in high school and the libtard teacher bashed it the whole time and called it what it was.

>> No.21972613

there is no need to ride zebras in the modern era, just as there was no need for blacks to ride zebras in order to barely subsist off of yams waiting for their betters to arrive and tell them to pick up all the shiny rocks for them

>> No.21972657

It's racist enough as it points out race based historical successes and failures and even that is heresy today, yet it suggests that these differences are not immutable.
I remember him talking about how it's easier to migrate East West given the same climate. This is proposed as one of the many reasons Eurasia's shape has had an advantage over Africa's in trade and transmission of culture. One is elongated more EW and the other more NS.

>> No.21973032

Go back to plebbit.
The African colonies have independized.

>> No.21973118

>crazy guy asks the king for money
>the king says no
>crazy guy asks a different king for money
It’s an okay system but I don’t see a theoretical reason it is better than many other systems of venture capital

>> No.21973429
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Boring bullshit, all the book is based in suppositions about everything, in where and when started the agriculture. Then he try to justify all the history without touch part of the world (like India) and several history events that fuck his theory.

>> No.21974083
File: 261 KB, 610x616, why-nations-fail-345884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that boiling the complex and interwoven factors that influence the course of human civilization to IQ is in itself a low-IQ take.

>> No.21974095


>> No.21974131

It's low-IQ to even care about civilization as some grand purpose of humanity that other people "failed to achieve" or whatever. Those people aren't even intelligent enough to realize they're just telling themselves stories.

>> No.21974137

> drunk
> reading
Based, the true spirit of /lit/

>> No.21974178

Jewish pablum. Diamond makes up a string of just-so stories to explain away real history without having to account for the human factor. Since he's not an anthropologist or historian what he came up with doesn't even make sense.

>> No.21974706

The rational thing to do is simply go where things are already built up and take advantage of it. Why should I waste my time in an already disadvantaged place when I could just take what's available? You are not going to do anything about it so I will do that. Times change friend and ethnostates are a thing of the past.

>> No.21974713

You hit the nail on the head. Ego is the only reason this racialist stuff is still alive. No one wants to admit that their ancestors were largely lucky or that their genetics don't mean anything. I imagine for people who based their entire sense of self worth off of their race it is simply unacceptable. Like a faith.

>> No.21974728

It's more complicated than that, but at the end of the day, I just don't care for foreigners in my country, especially non Europeans. I would lose any sense of caring for state and society that is multiracial.

>> No.21974730

Why? As long as the culture is the same the genetics mean nothing.

>> No.21974750

I don't care about culture in vacuum alone, especially not in the state it is right now. It's more about that I'm not willing to share resources and power in my state with other races, at least in large numbers. I mean, it doesn't really matter if you have few percent of immigrants, they will get absorbed easily, but large demographic shifts are not for me.
Even on aesthetic level I despise it. And I don't want to sound like an asshole here, but it's just that I like how white/European/my ethnicity looks and want to stay around them if I can help it.

>> No.21974776

Sorry to tell you this but the Europeans caused this by making their empires. It just made the most logical thing to do for other races in the modern day to be for them to go to America and Europe. Any intelligent guy from a poor nation would just go to a rich one for money and safety. This is the ultimate fate of all empires. You cannot have a mono-ethnic empire for any significant length of time. You were born to the people who made the most international empires thus every one knows of you, you taught them your languages, and you brought a decent amount of them there for different reasons. Tis your fate to be admixed due to the choices your ancestors made. I'm a mixed blood myself due to such choices so at least this future will make me less alone.

>> No.21974792

It's about the past, not about the present.

>> No.21974805

Food scarce? They are an island country surrounded by protein sources. If they were food scarce, their population wouldn't be among the highest in the world. Nor would they have all the historic development of civilization that they did enjoy. You cannot build those places like Osaka castle if you did not have an ample economic surplus. You could not sustain a huge warrior class without a a huge economic/agricultural surplus.

>> No.21974821

>there is no need to ride zebras in the modern era

Somebody who manages to domesticate zebras would make a fortune selling them. It's the same way people buy and sell ponies. Don't tell me you think a little girl wouldn't want a zebra if she could have one.

Even the pet llama industry is huge.

>> No.21974828

I will never debate with pop-history.

>> No.21974834
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>Sorry to tell you this but the Europeans caused this by making their empires.
Not my ethnicity, since I'm from a small country in Eastern Europe and I'm not a fan of imperialism, personally.
But more importantly, while I'm a /his/man, I'm tired of these slave like appeals to history. We must not be slaves to history if we are to move forward.

>> No.21974863

How new are you here that your using this as an argument against HBD? Lmao

No “race realist” thinks whites are the smartest race, that’s Asians. And Indian//Nigerian/whatever immigrants having higher iq also doesn’t disprove that, since the higher iq ones are the ones entering the country

>> No.21974933

The culture will never be the same though, will it? On tv a few nights ago some “british-Indian” talking head was saying the English flag wasn’t inclusive, and she’s right! The english flag is for the English people, which she will never be. She will always be “british-Indian” which is fundamentally different from the people who are just “British” (i.e the actual English, Scottish, etc). Britain is an inherently “white” nation, it’s history is “white,” when lefties screech about how it’s history is all “old white men” and demand statues be taken down and all other changes to make the country more inclusive, they’re just accurately seeing the inherent “whitness” of britain as a country, and they can’t handle it. They want to deconstruct the very idea of britain as a country because Indians and Nigerians and any one of a different race can never truly become part of the actual, historic British nation

>> No.21974967

1.) IQ is highly heritable
2.) distinct populations (obviously) cluster together gentifially


>> No.21975018

Reminder that mixed race peoples have average IQs in between the races they’re products of

>> No.21975168
File: 132 KB, 658x1888, race differences iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its all white supremacy, why are the Maori sooo much more intelligent than the Aborigines of Australia? It was the same people doing the colonizing for both countries. Is one closely related white settler colonial state THAT much worse than another?

>b-but the Maori are more intelligent because they resisted the British better! they even got the colonizers to respect them more than the Aborigines from the beginning, acknowledging them as a people worthy of some respect and allowing them to somewhat preserve their culture

Hmm, yes, I wonder how they managed that!

>> No.21975324

its not an accusation its just a fact that history made europe desirable.

>> No.21975454

It's not about civilization as an "achievement", it's about the pursuit of increased stability and quality of life.

>> No.21975470

>They want to deconstruct the very idea of britain as a country because Indians and Nigerians and any one of a different race can never truly become part of the actual, historic British nation

The definition of Briton will change over time. Just like American no longer implies "Native American." In the future, "Briton" will likely mean a dark-skinned Hindu or Muslim.

>> No.21975479

>since the higher iq ones are the ones entering the country

But those are the ones the racists are whining about. They're not complaining about what Indians or Nigerians do in their own country. If all the ones that go to England are brilliant they should welcome them with open arms.

>> No.21975498

1.) not all the ones who go to Britain are brilliant, just some of the groups that go there

2.) even if they were all brilliant, they still shouldn’t accept them with open arms, as they are incapable of truly assimilating or becoming part of the British nation

>> No.21975509

>"Colonization and Its Discontents: The Re-Invention of Europe's Global Hegemony" by David K. Jordan (2008): "Europeans' ability to colonize other regions of the globe was underpinned by a number of factors, including technological superiority, institutional capacity, and access to resources, which in turn were the product of the unique environmental, geographic, and climatic conditions of the region."
>Rethinking Guns, Germs, and Steel: A Perspective from the Global South,” by Paul L. Hamilton: “Diamond's grand narrative of the West's ascent to power is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the historical relationship between the West and the Global South. Rather than a unidirectional transfer of power from East to West, there have been multiple, complex connections between the two regions, including both flows of power, resources, and knowledge. The idea of the ‘progression of societies’ is too simplistic to account for the complex realities of the modern world and the international power dynamics that have shaped it.”

>> No.21975513

So you admit immigration will eliminate the actual British nation, replacing it with some Neo-“British” thing? How wonderful, what a compelling argument for continuing immigration. I’m sure if the Brits of the 50s had known immigration would relegate their people and culture to the wastebin of history they’d have happily supported it! Maybe that’s why Japan is so reluctant to bring in immigrants…

>> No.21975544

>as long as the culture stays the same genetics means nothing
>the definition of Briton will change over time

Parody. Bait.

>> No.21975573

Nigger the average IQ of blacks and pajeets in britain is still fucking awful, even with the Nigerian and Bangladeshi doctors bringing up the average

>> No.21975602

Finnegans Wake

>> No.21975610
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>> No.21975621

You better be bating with this trash-tier normie take that is simply false. Blacks are not criminal because they are poor, they are poor because they are criminal. Its part of their culture. Its in their genes. They simply sre not capable of creating high-trust societies.
Colonialism had to be stopped because it was not working and cost the host countries to much to try to pull the savages into civilization. It stopped because it was not profitable.
>empire of dust i think the documentary is called
Watch it or forever hold your tung, what are you? A woman?!

Bonus: kids of rich black people do twice more crime than kids of poor white people.
>muh racism
Open your eyes. Truth is bitter in the beginning and sweet in the end..

>> No.21975745

If you are so confident please source your claim.

>> No.21975909
File: 24 KB, 460x336, 73180BC0-3439-4A4E-B0EA-F5AC2E5C9FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but see pic rel

>> No.21976027

Source the article. A screenshot of something means nothing. At the least you must provide the research data.

>> No.21976078

>actual British nation, replacing it

It's not the first time it's happened is it? At least it will be peaceful this time unlike when the Normans did it, or the Anglo-Saxons before them, or the Romans even earlier. This kind of population replacement is a constant of history.

The future of Britain and Europe will be Afro-Indian/Pakistani.

But it's not the end of white people. White people may continue to hang on for a bit longer in Russia.

>> No.21976119

iirc it’s extrapolated from BJ 2006 crime victimization survey and stats on average rates of interracial crime from seomthing else I can’t remember. It’s not a great stat and I don’t use it, mostly wignats, dumbass groypers, and /pol/nogs use it

Yeah, it’s not the first time this happened, so what? I guess at this point you’ve dropped the “well the culture will still be the same!” shit and just agree with me that the actual English, scots, etc are being replaced, like how the Anglo-Saxon replaced the old britons? (Also the Normans only replaced the ruling class). The only difference is that I don’t really think replacement of britain is going to go as far as you think it is, it’s still what, 87 percent white? I’m not sure the nation can become literally hindustan when birth rates are collapsing for everyone, even indians and blacks

If britain really does become new hindustan, at least it won’t have to look forward to enough immigration-replacement event, no one would want to move into a country with an average iq of 83

>> No.21976180

Immigration pressure is always goign to be there until GDP per capita equals out. IQ is not something migrants think about when they choose a place to go to. They are just thinking wages compared to home, standard of living and no matter how bad it gets in England it's still going to be better than a lot of Africa, for a while at least.

>> No.21976183
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Btw, that stat may or may not be accurate, but blacks still do commit more crime, even accounting for income. The poorest white areas of appalachia tend to have a homicide rate of 7-9, while the worst black area (St Louis) has a homicide rate of 83. Both have similar levels of poverty. Hispanics have nearly the same poverty rate as blacks, yet they commit less crime, especially violent crime

Check: color of crime study, Bureau of Justice incarceration stats, Bureau of Justice criminalization surveys

>> No.21976201

Yeah, I was implying that there won’t a high standard of living, or be much wealth to go around if britain becomes new hindustan, because low IQ peoples generally aren’t successful

>> No.21976266

Basketball is not a iq test

>> No.21976331

A few specific groups do, (children of Nigerian doctors and other cream-of-the-crop types) on average black and brown “Brits” substantially underperform compared to whites and East Asians

You would know this if you did even the most base level research

>> No.21976460

>> However, they start to fall behind in primaries and by the time they reach Key Stage Four (age 14-16), they have been overtaken by ten other ethnic groups, including Chinese, Bangladeshi and black African pupils.

Doesn't say anything about doctors there.

>> No.21976486

>chinese, bangladeshi, and black african

Chinese have higher average IQ than whites, this is across the board
and its well known that the bangladeshis and africans and certain indians who move to Britain are often the cream of the crop from those countries

This retarded argument im having with you is easily put to rest by simply LOOKING at the breakdown of the average IQ by race in Britain

or income or incarceration rates etc etc

Blacks and browns on the whole fall behind on literally every metric, the presence of well off communities of recent immigrants doesnt change that, you know we dont think its literally impossible for blacks to be smart right?
Look at the statistics you fool, I can not believe I am arguing with some retarded mixed race retard on this lmao

>> No.21976502

>the breakdown of the average IQ by race in Britain

Thing is there is no test for IQ. All you have are the academic results reported in those newspaper articles. And they do not indicate that "blacks and browns" are trailing whites.

If you are talking IQ, it sounds like you are relying on assumptions about "national IQ" from dubious sources you've found elsewhere rather than actual reported, statistical data in the UK.

>> No.21976580

Whatifalthist sucks dick on the regular.
Nonetheless, his history and sociology content is good but only when it’s not related to contemporary politics

>> No.21976583

>Thing is there is no test for IQ

There are most certainly tests for IQ

>All you have are the academic results reported in those newspaper articles. And they do not indicate that "blacks and browns" are trailing whites.

They most certainly do in the US, where blacks are not higher IQ immigrants but rather more typical examples of their ethnicity. Same with Hispanics, despite their immigrant status. In the UK it is less serious for certain groups, as their immigration policies tend to select for higher IQ immigrants, esp in relation to blacks, but Pakistanis and other south asians still trail far behind in most studies

and btw, Even WITH the selection towards more intelligent blacks, blacks in Britain are 3 percent of the population, but 13 percent of the prison population

I dont know if Britain does a criminalization survey, but considering the results of the American one you can safely through out accusations of racist policing being responsible for that

>> No.21976614

If NYC was all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent

I don’t care why they’re like this, 60 years of affirmative action hasn’t improved them at all, and I’m sure our impending race-equity state won’t improve them either

I just want to live in a safe, high trust place like Japan

>> No.21976735


In 20111, Somalis were 23% less likely than the national average to get 5 passing grades at GSCE while Nigerians were 5% more likely than the national average

Somalis in Britain are primarily refugees, i.e from the general population, while Nigerians are immigrants

Which brings me back to the initial post

Someone noted Africans are less intelligent on average, you replied "they are outperforming natives on standardized tests"

Normal africans arent, the ones that make it through the immigration system to britain, the cream of the very very large african crop (1.216 billion) are, and even then they apparently cant escape the universal disproportionate criminality seen by blacks across the world (presumably the result of Somalis and certain carribeans, not nigerians, but who knows)

>> No.21976827

Theres been a lot of autism in this thread about race IQ differences in Britain, so im going to leave these here:




>> No.21976946

>typical examples of their ethnicity

Not sure about that. American blacks are descendants of slaves with significant admixture of white and native american. If you were an African chief back in the day and somebody came looking for slaves, would you have sold off your best people or even your average people (even among your slaves)?

Hispanics in America are not representative either becuase the ones that are doing ok stay in their countries. Their professional class and elites have zero interest in moving to America. THe ones that come to America are excess labor of the rural population, basically peasant class.

>> No.21976958

>Somalis in Britain are primarily refugees, i.e from the general population, while Nigerians are immigrants

Nigerians are basically native English speakers, while Somalis are not.

If you read literature written by Colonial-era people in Africa they had a very high opinion of the Somalis in fact. You would be surprised. THere is nothing inherently low IQ about them.

>> No.21976998

claims are no substitute for actual experience.

>> No.21976999

Ok, but surely Somalis in the UK could learn english if theyre higher iq? Most of them have been there since the 90s, right?

fair point, cant say im too read up on all the various ways slaves were sold to the whites. Its my understanding that they were primarily captured in raids, right?

Also, I still think US Hispanics can be said to be fairly representative of Hispanics in LatAm (at least, as much as they can be, considering LatAm is mixed, and "hispanic" could mean anything from an indio to a whitexican), the upper crust of LatAm society isnt going to America, nor is the tiny middle class, but everyone else, who comprise the vast majority of the population, is at roughly the same rates, no?

>> No.21977058
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>races develop physical differences due to vastly different environments
>"yes of course just look at innuits vs savannah africans"
>races develop behavioural differences due to vastly different environments

>> No.21977110

There are numerous historical facts about slavery that simply go unmentioned because they upend the agreed-upon dominant narrative. The plight of certain Eastern Europeans and the separation of cinchonine and quinine leading to an early treatment of malaria happening in 1820 (meaning it would've been quite difficult for Whites to go into the heart of Africa and capture their own slaves) are two that immediately come to mind. It doesn't matter where you're from, your skin is White.