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File: 36 KB, 437x513, OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21963875 No.21963875 [Reply] [Original]

>solves women

>> No.21963876

never read anything from him, but I like when he said "whoever thinks highly of women has never thought deeply of them"

>> No.21963898

Unironically reading and embracing Weininger’s philosophy cured me of any misogynistic feelings

>> No.21963903

how so?

>> No.21963904

Only incels believe that garbage get laid.

>> No.21963908

Are you saying no women get beaten by their men or that men who beat women are not garbage?

>> No.21963909

>be young Otto
>son of a wealthy Jewish merchant
>attend university of Vienna
>women on whore mode
>get upset, write 300 page philosophical treatise that is somehow both sexist and antisemetic
>be actually so antisemetic that the philosophical system leading to it precludes racism
>puts a bullet in his head in the same room Mozart died in
Was he the first /lit/izen?

>> No.21963925
File: 29 KB, 574x208, 3dpd question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beethoven but yeah

>> No.21963927

probably most literary life ever

>> No.21963974

Hard to explain, but it just clarified how reality is, removed uncertainty, helped me accept how things are. I always despised the dating “red pill”, pretty much anything related to it, I thought the people who pushed it were dorks and maybe even evil, but I could not deny that there was truth to it (or more accurately I feared it was right).

His distinction between mothers and prostitues (each woman having certain proportion of each), his redefinition of “the prostitute” (which is not exactly synonymous with promiscuity) as the great mystery in the world which has received treatment from all the profoundest artists, this I found true to experience and clarifying, and didn’t make me unhappy like most misogyny I had encountered

Whether you agree with his conclusion or not Weininger is a great “steelman” for misogyny, and all of his conclusions are founded on a highly moral outlook. From what I can tell Weininger does not hate women, he views the feminine as sexual, what is concerned with childbirth and pairing, and what is (truly) masculine as what is moral/intellectual. He basically wanted to free women from their sexuality, as in Ibsen’s The Doll House, and then he believed the kingdom of heaven would come. Note that this is not the same thing as women pretending to act like men

>> No.21963978

Meant to reply to:

>> No.21963991
File: 324 KB, 1444x1441, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves women

>> No.21965726

he was very progressive with his definitions of masculinity and femininity, i think modern trannies would like it

>> No.21965734

holy kek, I'm howling
>any book with this type of humour

>> No.21965735

more like swallows women, amirite

>> No.21965752

Same. I finally understood that you must not see women as "female men". They are a different type of beeing. So its wrong to compare them to male standards.

>> No.21965760
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, weininger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21965785

how do I suicidemaxx as well as this guy?

>> No.21965790
File: 454 KB, 1072x415, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forget: In the eyes of the law and modern social mores, they are "female men," they've invaded every last male space that exists, that's where the male standards and the subsequent hatred come from.

>> No.21966193
File: 145 KB, 980x1474, pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves women

>> No.21966258

>They are a different type of beeing

>> No.21966316
File: 61 KB, 850x400, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this quote the best describing of men's inability to understand women.

>> No.21966324

Yeah, I wish there was a society that could set different standards for both of us to strive/be happy.
The ones who (wrongly) do that are Muslims. Needing to cover women to curb your inner rapist is absolutely pathetic.

>> No.21966342

physiognomy check

>> No.21966531

I agree that it’s not optimal, and I’m not shilling for it, but the Muslim way of doing it is definitely superior to the West currently. The problem with Arab and Arab-influenced Muslim countries is they get too wrapped up in purity spiralling.

Took me quite a while to find this, the algorithm has (successfully) been trying to bury it for a few years.

>> No.21966747

You have to write something half as good as he did at least, then find the most kino location to possibly do it

>> No.21967512

Everybody in that picture (including the kind of people mentioned in the posts) is retarded and you are retarded for saving the picture and tacitly agreeing with the faggot who replied to the other faggot.

>> No.21967516

Le neurotic jew.

>> No.21967873

Post flaps

>> No.21967905

Me too
Im now back into the mysoginystic bullshit of always, but after I read his book I experienced a period of enlightment about female nature, it really feels like he unveiled everything about them, and it felt like hating women would be like getting mad at a dog for barking or at rain for falling

>> No.21967923
File: 28 KB, 640x360, EE42365A-D2C4-479E-9C2C-02DF51F36EC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves women

>> No.21968035

Flaps? Ironic since, seeing as you love tranime so much, I imagine you have your own set of neo-flaps (or gashes as we used to call them).

>> No.21968058
File: 121 KB, 900x750, h-l-mencken-2-3331348395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves women x100

>> No.21968533

I think it was either Swift or Pope who said that there were two secrets to a happy life: never take women seriously, and never allow women to perceive that you do not take them seriously. Both of those men died before women got the vote, however.

>> No.21969327

Does anyone have a link for a good edition of Sex and Character?

>> No.21969362

are things actually this bad in angloworld? i found russian translation in like two clicks. i dont even ask myself "can i pirate it" because i can pirate everything in both russian and original.

>> No.21969433

Piracy is legal in my country too but I couldn't find it in my language online.

>> No.21969485

women love
-public posturing

that's all. Women don't even love their kids. Kids are jsut a tool for them in order to smother them and delude themselves they are not loathsome.

You really have to understand women do only 2 things:
-with men they have sex
-and among women, they talk about the sex they had with men

there that's 100% the life of a woman .

>> No.21969517

Jesus Christ ge in the real world men are 10x more horny than women. And no I'm not a woman I'm a raging misogynist

>> No.21969777

i fell in love at first sight with my waifu at age 10 in elementary school. In the 10 years that I have seen her everyday, she only talked to me once, in middle school, and it was to mock me after i was bullied by a negrette in the middle of the class.

>> No.21969853

Very true. The smart course of action is to get your dick wet while the sluts are young (you only pay for drugs and booze, maybe some cinema tickets) and then ignore the foids for the rest of your life, full focus on your self-realization goals. Buy a whore if 0 pussy gets you depressed, but after few years of voluntary celibacy and minimal socialization with w*men you find out there’s no need at all.
I’m convinced that most of those dudes who dedicate their lives to quietly desperate providing for a used up hole and her brood of ungrateful brats weren’t exposed to women enough.

>> No.21969880

Modern day Humbert.

>> No.21969884

Wow. Chat-GPT?

>> No.21970677

>Another one of those 'the best [x demographic] just HAPPENS to be the one that I belong to!' philosophical treatises

Many such cases

>> No.21970725

He was literally self-hating, lurk moar or kys.

>> No.21970763

She is right about tranime and cartoons.

>> No.21970976

Why suicide? Why not just become Christian?

>> No.21971372

What is moral is what is domesticated. Women are not domesticated because they aren't physically dangerous. Weininger hates them because he's a hyper-moralizing Jew.

>> No.21971907
File: 54 KB, 428x471, 1CE2D5FF-7B1B-49AE-AB7A-AABF551F872D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the highest expression of all morality is: Be!

>> No.21972630

Very few great sinners exist today and you’re not one of them and you never will be one of them. You will never be Osama. And no one can call woman a great sinner, because there has never been a great woman terrorizer of the world, so they can’t truly be immoral. So what is there to hate? Nothing. Exactly. Woman represent sin because it’s like a sick person seeking the suggestion of a doctor or a criminal seeking the suggestion of the judge. They’re all in league together against reality. But she doesn’t actually have the need for morality like a raging criminal or someone bothered by their sickness. She’s just most similar to their lack of reality so she tags along. Thus non-morality instead of absolute negation (terror). And man can only hate what he fears

>> No.21972640
File: 274 KB, 1284x2282, 1655680492166942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men have not found any method to prevent a girl from blossoming into a whore. That because the true self of a woman is really a megaslut.

>Be Mr. Botez.
>Leave a failing communist shit hole with your wife and set across the sea to Freedomland.
>Have two daughters.
>Share with them your great passion for chess.
>They use it to whore themselves out to thousands of men for $5 a pop.
>You left your homeland behind to raise two whores that have corrupted your cherished hobby.

>> No.21972648

Yeah Weininger has a whole thing about that where if you ask a China man how many children he has he will only count the sons

>> No.21972654

Nothing in Islam indicates it has to do with rape, rather modesty. Your brain is stuck on the still not asking for it feminist ideology of the west but Islam actually forbids men to even look at or shake hands with women except family or spouse and when a Muslim man refuses to shake hands with a woman or look at her face out of piety, he is called misogynistic. How is he going to rape a woman if he wouldn't even touch her or look at her?

>> No.21972664



>> No.21972699

no one cares

>> No.21972701

Ew, D&G is making Fashion Nova dresses now?
The fags need to get oppressed again.

>> No.21972733

gayest thing I've read all day

>> No.21972810

This is sad. Damn.

>> No.21972820

It’s even more sad trying to control and get something out of people that are worthless instead of moving on with your life to better things

>> No.21972859

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.21972927

nah man. if you're a real man and a father, your daughter will be in love with you eternally

>> No.21972980

Modern Christianity is the most gynolatric religion to ever exist. This is not even up for debate, it is undisputable.

>> No.21972986

He converted to Protestantism. The suicide is unrelated to his work. Strindberg said "he had permission"

>> No.21973171

that's neo-pagansism faggot, cloely followed by old pagancuckery

>> No.21973233

Great idea. Go to church, meet a Christian girl.
Coin flip: reformed roastie, or wants to adopt Africans.