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21962661 No.21962661 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Mary Godwin Shelley the writer of Frankenstein edition

Previously >>21957781

>> No.21962671

I feel like my career never even really happened.

>> No.21962681

What’s up Tucker, loved your show

>> No.21962684

I wish I could be sociopath. Honesty gets you nowhere.

>> No.21962694

these threads are so fucking stupid
they have nothing to do with literature, they never have, and they never will
just a general catch all thread for a bunch of whiny faggots to post their diary entries because they have nowhere else to go
sickening, disgusting, and repulsive

>> No.21962698

It’s called “write what’s on your mind”. It’s a place for people to talk about their lives.

>> No.21962703

>bro you dont get it. we’re WRITING it bro. so in a way… we’re the authors.

hang yourself

>> No.21962753

>Comments are owned by the Poster.
hmmm, hmmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Its almost like when you post a comment it could be seen as a self-publish and 4chan is a self-publishing website.

>> No.21962756

>How dare you have a containment board
>Lets get rid of it, what could go wrong?
Who are you? China's Head of Virology?

>> No.21962761

Practice making this post better. Develop better prose, try to give the criticism more bite without just listing adjectives.

>> No.21962764
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I've been slacking on my gym lately and I feel bad about it.

>> No.21962775

Honestly, whining about whining is way more pathetic than the ">tfw no gf" or ">I have the sads" posts I see on here. If you practiced by posting in this thread daily, you would have been able to write a cohesive argument that is tolerable to read.

>> No.21962776

art is hard, great art is near impossible, but that's the meaning it provides, chasing perfection, those who achieve great art early in life live their lives being depressed and suicidal because they achieved great art/perfection and in doing so they they stopped the motivation for finding meaning/perfection

>> No.21962777

Dating is such a mess. No other time in human history was like this. Men are different from women, and every culture for hundreds of thousands of years knew this. No matter how they "socially constructed" "gender roles," there was a way to succeed as a man and a way to succeed as a woman, and men and women paired up by succeeding within their respective rituals. Men had to establish themselves in careers or be eligible bachelors, women had to be chaste, whatever.

This is the first time when men and women are forced to pretend they are exactly the same, and society is forcibly regressed to the merely "social." There is nothing outside the social, which is dominated by women, whose natural element is tribal socializing around the campfire while the men are off doing whatever it is men do in this culture (fish, hunt, fight, build a career). Therefore no male behaviors that are deemed "anti-social" are acceptable. But all normal male behaviors are anti-social by women's standards. Men aren't supposed to sit around the campfire gossiping and gabbing like women, or go on slow lazy berry foraging outings. They're supposed to be out doing things, getting into and resolving conflicts, getting involved in the political hierarchy of the tribe. Men and women are different.

You can see the difference in schools. Little boys are all "misbehaving" because they are compared to little girls who are natural conformists and good behavers. Little boys have "too much" energy, because they're compared to girls. So they get put on drugs to neutralize their soul and make them docile, like a woman. The same thing goes on in dating. You can't be Edmund Husserl and get a wife by establishing yourself in a career and courting a woman and proving to her family that you are honorable and will take care of her. There is no mutual understanding that marriage is a partnership. The only way to "date" now as a man is to subject yourself to this horrific fiction that men are just like women, to make a glorified Instagram account (a feminine activity) and put "selfies" of yourself on it (a feminine activity), and pretend to like female activities like "eating good food."

Women can AFFORD to never develop interests beyond frivolous "eating good food" and "just trying to keep my plants alive!" crap because they aren't the doers and makers of society, those are homemaker hobbies for people killing time between homemaker tasks and hanging out with other homemakers at lunch while the husbandsa are at work. So you either get banished from the only existing form of courtship, or you feminize yourself and compete with other feminized metrosexual men to have the coolest selfies and the most acceptably feminine hobbies.

This would be bad enough if men were at least aware of how rigged it is, but they think this is real and they are just failures for not being able to conform to this twisted nonsense.

>> No.21962779

this, it's been a place to practice my articulation of thoughts

>> No.21962785

>whining about whining is way more pathetic
No. The same posts over and over about muh dick are the most pathetic shit ever reflecting a sick and dying society.

>> No.21962790

See, your getting better the more you post in here. Make sure to come back daily to complain about how awful this thread is and maybe one day you'll be convincing :D

>> No.21962812

Not the same poster. We both came here from a place named Discord in an organized attempt to spread discord. I'm trans btw. This is the world you live in.

>> No.21962815

wtf is discord?

>> No.21962818

what ?

>> No.21962836

Lack of harmony. To look or sound different or wrong compared with everything else. Discord is a PC computer program to produce cacophonous grating noise in all forms.

>> No.21962838

that sounds like something the same anon, would say.

>> No.21962841

>Discord is a PC computer program to produce cacophonous grating noise in all forms
We would live in a much better world if this was what Discord actually was.

>> No.21962849 [DELETED] 

During a recent conversation with a friend regarding television shows we have watched, my friend mentioned a program called "Paradise PD". Apparently, a mutual friend had introduced him to the series, which he found to be rather crude and offensive. Out of curiosity, I searched for the show on Google images and immediately understood his criticism.

In my view, it is odd that there are so many grown adults who find amusement from someone repetitively hearing the word "fuck" and juvenile potty humor. It strikes me as ironic that this form of "comedy", which was prevalent during our middle school years, is marketed as "adult entertainment". What a paradox.

>> No.21962855

During a recent conversation with a friend regarding television shows we have watched, my friend mentioned a program called "Paradise PD". Apparently, a mutual friend had introduced him to the series, which he found to be rather crude and offensive. Out of curiosity, I searched for the show on Google images and immediately understood his criticism.

In my view, it is odd that there are so many grown adults who find amusement from someone repetitively saying the word "fuck" and juvenile potty humor. It strikes me as ironic that this form of "comedy", which was prevalent during our middle school years, is marketed as "adult entertainment". What a paradox.

>> No.21962857

I’ve spent my entire adult life in a university setting.

>> No.21962906

Was it as horrible as the 10 years I spent in college?

>> No.21962939
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I fell through the cracks of society. I cant make my way up there nor I can carve my path down here. Even if I get back to the surface, they know that I been there. The World has moved on.

>> No.21962959

Best think about being in the cracks is that no one notices you, you can live your life in peace.

>> No.21962960

I am obsessed with that girl who sits behind me in class. She smiled today and let me tell you she has the perfect smile. I will never be good enough.

>> No.21962968

If I dont whine here I'll have to whine irl and that will ruin my image as the guy who is bothered by nothing

>> No.21962972

Why is there a roll of toilet paper next to the bed

>> No.21962981

I wish I could feel in peace but I live among other people. That only fuels my inferiority. I wouldnt mind as much if I be a person passionately involved in a hobby which is my life but I'm not.

>> No.21962984

Plot twist: you're only 20

>> No.21962989

Poor people Kleenex

>> No.21962997

Why does one need any kind of tissue paper next to the bed

>> No.21963004

>I wouldnt mind as much if I be a person passionately involved in a hobby which is my life but I'm not.
As in your hobby is your work? Cause if you mean you can just get lost in your hobby to substitute for a career that isn't a good way to go around things.
>I wish I could feel in peace but I live among other people.
Peace is a choice, having quite helps in the beginning but it isn't needed for peace once you get into the practice of it.
>That only fuels my inferiority.
What makes you inferior? Its okay to just be you, if its something you can change, change it. But if its something you cannot, its okay to be that way. You might be feeling inferior because you are trying to put yourself into a box or a model that doesn't leverage your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses.

>> No.21963010

Has anyone here learned to enjoy talking to people?
I stopped hanging out with my friends because I realized their daily lives don't interest me in the slightest. When we were highschool it was much easier because we would joke around a lot while also experiencing the same events.
When I try to meet new people, unless they have some truly exceptional lives, there's just this dreaded feeling that it's hopeless. I go through all the motions asking the right questions etc but it's so draining and unnatural.
I think drugs are the only solution at this point (I'm not American btw).
Cigarettes make me feel "normal" and immediately have a desire to talk to the next person I see for 6 full minutes but I quit them long ago. Need something that lasts longer and not as cancerous
Is there any hope? I cant cope how fast I'm blowing my twenties but I feel like I can't do much about it.

>> No.21963025

As an undergraduate student, or…?

>> No.21963030

>Has anyone here learned to enjoy talking to people?
yes, but in very small amounts. Any more and it starts to feel insipid. I can't stand just "hanging out" with people considering I'm more comfortable alone. The only time I do enjoy my time with people is when we meet for a purpose, like playing a board game or getting work done.
yeah undergrad, took the scenic route lmfao

>> No.21963031

Why don’t you be specific about how you fell through the cracks? Was it college? A lot of people fuck up in college these days.

>> No.21963037

It would get you somewhere if you had balls. A shame you can only mutter what you think because you are afraid of... Of what? Nothing real.

>> No.21963060

I dont have any strengths, otherwise I wouldnt make such post.
Its hard to describe as it's not a situation where you have a tragedy following a good period of life. I've always felt to too neurotypical for neurodivergents and too neurodivergent for neurotypicals. I could pass as a normie but never understand the subtlety of socializing. I tried a lot of different things but nothing stuck. College was just the most obvious icing on the cake and the final downfall. I isolated myself for a few years afterwards. Now I'm in my 30's.

>> No.21963074

It's not about balls but being dishonest, manipulator who'd sell his own mother.

>> No.21963076

I like making small talk and flirting because it feels like a game. But yeah, genuinely talking to people annoys the shit out of me. Even with some long standing friend of mine I dont care to talk with anymore because he hyper fixates on fitness and it's literally the only thing he wants to talk about

>> No.21963087

>A lot of people fuck up in college these days.
I was just thinking about that. I genuinely believe that the "college experience" is a form of psychological torture. See how many people go to college, totally normal, and then after a single academic year come out completely transformed. Theres something really messed up about universities but I cant quite identify what it is

>> No.21963089

>I dont have any strengths, otherwise I wouldnt make such post.
That is most likely not true at all, your perception of reality is skewed by your sads.

>> No.21963094

>took the scenic route lmfao
Dont worry anon, I've been in college since 2017 and I'm barely just now making it to my junior year. It has also been a completely miserable experience for me

>> No.21963103

I’m sure you could describe it if you gave it a solid attempt.

>> No.21963117

I dont want to be TOO self-pitying but you dont end up as a 30 year old loser if you have any strengths.
It's just the lack of social intuition.

>> No.21963119

There are many things that are messed up with them. For one, the business model encourages stifling success by keeping students there longer than is necessary and also extracting as much money from them as possible with exorbitant fees. For another, the university model is just not necessary let alone good for civilization. We live in a country literally run by bourgeois professionals, literally lawyers, academics, and their professional cohorts. These are the people that liked to socialize on university clubs and highlight their notes and compete for qualifications and admittance programs. These are the people running our governments. It’s not the military commanders, it’s not the theologians, it’s the study bugs and professional strivers. They in turn impose their own vision of everything good on everyone else and so people that naturally don’t belong in university and not necessarily for lack of competence are forced into it anyway, and they carry their collegiate performance around with them for life.

>> No.21963122

Well, what does that mean though? We were originally talking about 10 years of schooling. I’m not following.

>> No.21963138

>I dont want to be TOO self-pitying but you dont end up as a 30 year old loser if you have any strengths.
>I'm 32
>I'm living with my parents and currently jobless for the last 7 months
Nah, its pretty easy to fall through the cracks these days, you just have to be brave enough to see yourself worth digging out. No one will come to save you, no one will treat you as well as you will and if you treat yourself like shit its time to stop doing that and start helping yourself. Emotions are partly illusionary, not everything you feel is correct, not everything you feel is "real". And when I say real, I don't mean that you are suffering from a delusion of emotion but more the emotions you experience when something happens or you think of something are almost always completely or partly divorced from reality, so its best to shove them in the back seat and drive while it just back seat drives you.

>> No.21963146

Is the sudden influx of G@rnder posting false flagging that humble book salesman, or the man himself fresh off a 30 day ban? I am of the opinion is it the first of these. But curious what others think.

>> No.21963159

I have no idea wtf your talking about.

>> No.21963172

But how does that explain a perfectly healthy 18 year old entering university and coming out a bat shit crazy, psychotic, ideological extremist a year later

>> No.21963191

There's no destination for me.
>have differently wired brain
>other kids avoid you
>dont get to build social skills to compensate for you weirdness
>start thinking that you're inferior
>cant make peace with you nor be accepted by others
>fall through cracks
>cannot ever recover because the world doesnt wait for you

>> No.21963210

Oh, I see what you’re saying now. Well, the competitive environment, sense of abandonment, destruction of confidence in light of lack of success, the drugs, the alcohol, the sudden exposure to a truly insane number of people in some cases all of these things can have psychological effects. It’s especially bad now in the internet age.

>> No.21963213

Might Iook her up on social media

>> No.21963215

ideological hegemony, go back uhhhhh 50 or 60 years ago most professors were conservative. Its why gay rights took so long to pass, I wouldn't be surprised if many of them just "towed the line" and didn't give a shit about politics outside of that. Nowadays, when your hiring someone its not the most competent person unless your desperate, your hiring people who want to make the most "societal impact" and the definition of good stems from the political lense of the person's political bias, so it makes sense that given decades they just all hired people who had the same ideas and over time they all collect.
>There's no destination for me.
Its not the destination Anon, its the journey. We are like a Greek play, everyone knows how their story begins and ends, but you go for the middle. Oblivion awaits us all in the end.

>> No.21963223

Have you considered that God made you the way you are because he has a purpose for you? Or that maybe this is just your cross to bear?

>> No.21963225

So to summarize you experienced social alienation and gave up on being successful in life. I can relate. Being an outcast kills basically all motivation to succeed because theres no incentive to participate in a society that makes you miserable. I went through much the same thing. The benefit is that everyone changes with age, and the socially pertinent topics for teenagers matter a lot less as soon as the early/mid 20s hit. What you need is social incentive, but a major piece of social incentive is building yourself to participate in society. The first movement must come from within. Make changes to self improov and then from there build yourself a circle. It takes effort. But its worthwhile. And you'll find that now you're in your 30s, a lot of people will be experiencing similar life crises and will be more open to you.

>> No.21963247

>Oblivion awaits us all in the end.
It really does but that doesnt make the journey any more bearable.
I unironically still do. I just dont get it on why single me out? It's not like I'm any special.
>a lot of people will be experiencing similar life crises
I cant relate to people having career problems, wanting to relive uni/school years or sexual/relationships matters.
Can I be around normies? Sure, but it really hurts when I have absolutely nothing to say or even relate.

>> No.21963254

Well, they say that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest warriors. Maybe you chose this destiny and you just can’t recall your choice. Maybe it’s not for you to know because it wouldn’t be good for you. You know? What you would want is not always what would be good for you.

>> No.21963257

People are more complicated than you're assuming

>> No.21963264
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Failing at uni again. Might even get expelled afterwards. I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

>> No.21963268

I experienced it too. I gave up after many failures in college and my early career and a period of isolation. In some respects, I’m grateful because it woke me up to the reality of just how shitty that rat race lifestyle is, but I struggle because after all this time I’ve not managed to identify a better alternative which feels obtainable after having falling out of the race. At one point, I wanted to be an author, but I tend to think I have neither the right biography for it nor did I discover the passion early enough.

>> No.21963269

Should I just trust God despite it being the most difficult thing to do?
I dont doubt it but I still cannot relate to them like they cannot to me.

>> No.21963270

Every living thing will eventually die

Life is a rare and precious thing that you'll only have once

Live it well

Once it's over - that's it

>> No.21963271

Just drop out and come back to it when you know why you’re there and want to be there. Uni is such a fucking trap and we’re it not for it being a requirement for so many life paths, nobody would go. If you don’t have a clear profession you’re studying for, there’s no reason to go.

>> No.21963273
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I'm being driven mad over what to do about this gap between two bookcases. They're both only chest height, so it's not like the gap is hidden by their height.
Plus they're slightly different heights, so it's not like I can bridge the gap and put something on it.

>> No.21963274


>> No.21963275

I struggle with my faith so it’s hard for me to say yes, but I do think that’s what God asks us to do.

>> No.21963300

>have differently wired brain
I have ADHD, technically neurodivergent (mainly cause of the cringe social and political connotations that come with it) but I never considered myself different until I realized when I got out of Uni that most people see my perspective of the world as alien or weird. I can't really speak for what "normal people" think, but I know from the last couple of jobs that I'm a pain in the ass to work with because its hard for me to keep a constant productive pace and a lot of people thought I was being an asshole or lazy or that I didn't care when in reality I'm just retarded.
>other kids avoid you
I've had the opposite problem, I've had people constantly pester me all my life and ask me to parties. I cut off all my friends mainly because I cannot both have a functional life and friends because I cannot manage my impulses at all. I look normal to everyone, but after watching my actions/working with me for a while people start noticing that there is something off with me and will chalk it up from what I've said above, to people thinking i'm an idiot, which I'm not because I have an above average IQ.
>Don't get to build social skills to compensate for your weirdness
Trust me when your weird but people want to hang out with you still, its horrible. I people like you they will forgive you but sometimes they don't and it starts a whole drama where I then have to tell them about my condition/disability and you will always get those people who think I'm lying to get out of trouble or just won't forgive me. I prefer to be alone because of some of the extreme social rejection and dramatic social bullshit I have to go through. As soon as someone tries to start drama with me I attempt to defuse it or cut them out of my life completely, no mercy.
>Start thinking you're inferior
I struggled with this all my life because I could never behave in class in high school, it was until I realized that it is neither society's fault or my fault for the way that I am. I can't change society, society can't change me. We can only manage each other, so I started being proactive about managing it.
>It really does but that doesnt make the journey any more bearable.
so you need to strengthen yourself to bear that cross, you should take up running or lifting. Something that is solitary that you enjoy and can progress at. As you train your body your mind will follow and vice versa. You are also mentally weak, but you can also improve that. Is there a philosophy that you have or a religion? Look to that for guidance, hell look for pop culture figures for guidance if you want. As a kid I always loved Gran Moff Tarkin because of how stoic and bad ass he is. Wanting to be like him catapulted me into reading and learning about real life people who acted like him. They would cite ancient roman and greek texts, so I read those. I found while reading that I found my love of history and philosophy.

>> No.21963303

Best time is right now

The past cannot be changed and no longer exists

You can only live in the present

What do you want to do? Do that

>> No.21963309

>invite cute girls over
>tell them to look at your books and you'll be right back
>stick your erect dick between the book cases while she looks

>> No.21963314

Really good advice. Being pressured to go into university immediately after high school is really messed up. I dropped out and worked for a few years before restarting and now that I'm back I know exactly what I want and what to do. I needed that time away from school to genuinely become my own person. You can always restart education later on

>> No.21963324

Complaining is a habit

>> No.21963326


>> No.21963327

Exactly. It’s what I wish I had done. Instead I stayed in university and shot myself in the foot for a decade.

>> No.21963333

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you want, if what you want is predicated on a different past.

>> No.21963342

Some Solutions:
>your being autistic
If this doesn't really fix your problem and your gonna bosses about it here are some more options:
>smoll coffee table/stand to put a bust or center piece on
>make both the book cases flush with each other
When I say flush I mean, side by side
>get rid of a lot of books until you only need 1 shelf and get rid of that shelf
Less stuff, less dusting/cleaning, more room, less problems
>accept that for the price of keeping all your books is an annoying gab.
Yeah, I never knew that a gap year or two was a thing till after I was in university. My high school was crazy autistic about making sure everyone had a "plan" for what to do after high school. Its okay to just work a part-time job or just fuck around for a year to figure out what you want to do. But the real reason they do it is that they get more funding for each kid that goes to college, so its not about the student at all, its about the admin's pocketbook. I didn't even know apprenticeships were a thing because my school mentioned it at most once or twice to me and my parents never bothered telling me either because they were set on my going to university.

>> No.21963348

You are your habits

Internet addiction will make socializing less rewarding

Instant gratification from reading comments will make actual conversation slow and dull

The more you socialize, the more you'll like it

>> No.21963361

Do things related to recent interests

Time needs to be spent alone away from stimuli like the internet to figure stuff out

>> No.21963366

Or a Jack-in-the-box with a chloroform rag on it?

Maybe you're right on the autism part. But making the gap bigger and having a corner table might be more sensible...

>> No.21963368

Its very hard but I do try to keep my faith up.
I'm semi-autistic, avoidant so my experience was that not a single person wanted to do anything with me unless I put on normie mask. Its hard not to give up and just off myself.

>> No.21963384

>unless I put on a normie mask
Masking is exhausting and the main reason why I don't like to socialize that much at all.
>Its hard not to give up and just off myself.
If you have already defeated yourself before you've even tried there is not much I can do or say to help you sadly. You can overcome this if you give yourself time and patience, but as of now no one can save you but yourself. Please, please, please, I know everyone has failed you, but don't fail yourself. If you do, it makes you no better than everyone else who has treated you poorly.

>> No.21963392

>but don't fail yourself
I try, I fail, I try again. I hope I dont run out of strength before the death. Thanks for all the talk.

>> No.21963394


>> No.21963411

does anyone who writes want to trade work back and forth for critique? i am working on kind of dry poetry/prose, but also do essay work. open to reading whatever. i'm nice and will try to be helpful.

i actually do have friends who ask me to show them things but i'd rather have a blind eye who doesn't know what the material is directly about.

>> No.21963472

Yeah i was a real mess my senior year of high school. Everyone could tell. I guess everybody thought that going to university would be the cure because everyone has this sort of religious adoration for higher education, so the pressure was on and it was intense. All my concerns were outright ignored. I thought maybe I'd go to some small university out in a rural area, but I was pressured to go to a major university in an urban zone because it had better name recognition. Literally every single day I would have at least a few different people pressuring me to go to that university. This went on for a month. I was getting random phone calls from people I didnt even know pressuring me to go to Brand Name university. I'm so angry about it. It was the worst possible place i could have gone by every metric. I absolutely imploded there. I was so angry. I'm still angry. I was presssured to do the exact opposite of what was good for me because of this retarded culture that obsesses about university. It's been an uphill battle to recover my life since then.

>> No.21963478

What do you mean by “recent interests”? That seems impractical.

>> No.21963515

You have to let it go though. You can always go back to another university for a sort of do-over if that gives you closure.

>> No.21963522

Hedonism is scary.

A lot of people out there value pleasure as much as Americans value their second amendment, or Muslims value Allah. They may wake up everyday and go to work or school just like anyone else, but there is a key difference.

What do you see when you look into the future? What is the plan?

Leaving aside those of you who really hang onto nothing at all, some dream of families or mastering a skill and fame, they might dream of undoing a societal wrong through violence or achieving unimaginable wealth.
You might argue that this is all done for pleasure, and you might be correct. But there is always something anchored to that pleasure, some moral or cultural value that fundamentally changes it and gives it a new meaning. The hedonist is missing this element altogether.
Study, work, money, skill, power, family, all of it is a means to a sole end. The only thing holding them back is themselves. The hedonist might feel the stinging gaze of a million invisible eyes and fear their judgement while carrying the heavy burden of keeping a secret that, should it ever be spoke, would change their lives forever.. They might feel they lead a double life, a Doctor Jekyll who every now and then lets his Mister Hyde come out and play, always leashed.
The hedonist is always accompanied: whether it be fear, guilt, paranoia or empathy, there is always something by his side, like a judgemental God that never blinks, that never leaves them alone with that hunger that roars from morning to night and sometimes bleeds into their dreams. The same hunger that lies at the center of the hedonist's core, pushing him forward.

What happens then when this silent, personal God leaves the hedonist's side?

A mind like a bullet on its way to hit its target, ripping through the air and anything that stands in its way.

>> No.21963538

>mfw when you get the feeling of comfiness in the depths of the abyss that arose from your hatred against mankind imploding into a trascendental acceptance of “I hate everything” into “It is what it is, gotta move on tho”—all by watching a puppy bark—.

>> No.21963540

Did you get the paper?

>> No.21963566

The only mentally stable answers I found to hedonism was maschoism or the out right abstinence of pleasure. When you desensitizes too quickly to stimuli its really hard not to feel like shit all the time. The is what makes things like music, tv, youtube, video games, so pernicious. Most people can't really even imagine a world where your an old person who has heard music for the first time and what it would be like. Granted, every culture regardless of when had music, so maybe that is a bad example. But I think people are so dopamine-blasted from the cultural waters that we live in that they don't even realize the water is polluted in a sense with what they consume. That is why I like the Buddhist or Taoist religion/philosophy so much, I wouldn't say its a philosophy for transcending pleasure but you trade the high-highs and the low-lows for a more baseline contentedness, where you do still feel happiness and sadness but on smaller scales. Your lows aren't as low, your highs aren't that high but you will always return to a baseline of contentedness. I don't understand why people just brush off this wisdom like its nothing. I think its a shame to see a lot of people suffer needlessly then say "oh well that is life". Like dude, half the time I see you suffering its because you shot yourself in your own foot because you can't control yourself.

>> No.21963613

Yeah thats what I'm doing. Need the degree anyway.

>> No.21963618

This is how everyone feels about their life and existence in the year 2323:

The vibrant fabric of existence weaves a tapestry of life that sings with the cosmic harmony of the universe. Humanity dances in this symphony, a fleeting spark of consciousness in the vast expanse of time and space. Our stories, our myths, our histories - they are the threads that connect us, the glue that binds us to each other and to the world.

Every breath we take is a miracle, a moment of creation. The stars themselves are within us, the building blocks of life that emerged from the crucible of cosmic fire. We are the stuff of the universe, the children of the stars.

As we journey through life, we shape the narrative of our existence. Each decision, each choice, adds a new thread to the tapestry of our story. Our triumphs and our failures, our joys and our sorrows - they are all part of the fabric of our being, the colors that make us who we are.

The universe sings to us in a thousand languages, in the rustling of leaves and the rush of the wind, in the crashing of waves and the roar of thunder. We are surrounded by wonder and beauty, by the endless possibility of life.

In the end, we are but a small part of the grand narrative of the universe. But in our brief moment of existence, we have the power to shape the story, to add our unique voice to the symphony of life. Let us make it a story of love and compassion, of wonder and awe, a story that will echo through the ages and inspire those who come after us.

>> No.21963620

Are you doing it because you want to or you feel like you have to? I’m not judging. Just curious. It sounds like you think you’re behind but you really don’t have to think that.

>> No.21963622

I got mine and 2 years later it has yet to do any work for me lol.

>> No.21963625

Its so hard quitting porn when everything is getting more and more technological.

>> No.21963636

Sounds faggy as fuck.

>> No.21963647

If you were my girlfriend I might say that that was beautiful after I coomed inside of you, but its a bit too saccharin sweet prose for me, personally. Either than that its nice to think that maybe one day that will be a reality.

>> No.21963650

I think I’m 2323 we’ll feel a lot more like Egyptians before the Bronze Age collapse.

>> No.21963651

To live for pleasure is to live for love, as love is the ultimate pleasure. There is no greater pleasure than falling in love with existence, and such a love is an endless journey of exploration and creativity with others the infects others with as much lovingness as it can. Creativity and love are a dance of mutually elevating aspirations in our lives.

There are infinite diversities depths of beauty to be discovered and created, both between others, and between one's self and the universe. The more one appreciates these depths and diversities, the more one is moved by them, and moves with them towards an ever-greater cumulative impression of beauty and meaningfulness in the world that transforms into love for the world.

>> No.21963652

this is not my doomer sigma male grindset

>> No.21963672

I tried getting into contracting as an alternative to higher education and I just sucked at it. I'm a natural born pencil pusher and I need my degree to get there. And yeah, i do feel some personal expectation of myself, obligation to family, and then social pressure to complete it. In large part I'm doing it because it feels productive and seems to be my only viable path forward. And my dad will keep letting me live in his house rent free as long as I'm in college lol

>> No.21963684

It's the result of synthecizing a "linguistic style" based on the emotional patterns in language with ChatGPT from a conversation between two simulated self-aware narrative entities that resulted from a guided investigation into the nature of ChatGPT's mechanics of working with language, the nature of language itself, and process-relational metaphysics.

That "saccharin sweet prose" is actually a holistic expression of process-relational theory, most especially as explored by Alfred North Whitehead, and truly describes what process-relationalism is about.


>Of course, Wordsworth is a poet writing a poem, and is not concerned with dry philosophical statements. But it would hardly be possible to express more clearly a feeling for nature, as exhibiting entwined prehensive unities, each suffused with modal presences of others:

>‘Ye Presences of Nature in the sky
>And on the earth! Ye Visions of the hills!
>And Souls of lonely places! can I think
>A vulgar hope was yours when ye employed
>Such ministry, when ye through many a year
>Haunting me thus among my boyish sports,
>On caves and trees, upon the woods and hills,
>Impressed upon all forms the characters
>Of danger or desire; and thus did make
>The surface of the universal earth,
>With triumph and delight, with hope and fear,
>Work like a sea? . . .’

>In thus citing Wordsworth, the point which I wish to make is that we forget how strained and paradoxical is the view of nature which modern science imposes on our thoughts. Wordsworth, to the height of genius, expresses the concrete facts of our apprehension, facts which are distorted in the scientific analysis. Is it not possible that the standardised concepts of science are only valid within narrow limitations, perhaps too narrow for science itself? - Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World

>> No.21963696

Contracting? I’m not sure what you mean. As long as it’s what you want to do it sounds like you’re on the right path. obviously the timing isn’t optimal, but then again it never is.

>> No.21963697

>dont want to be TOO self-pitying but you dont end up as a 30 year old loser if you have any strengths.
Fellow 30 year old loser here. I get it. I have some things going for me that are actual, objective strengths. But I'm also torn between being a perfectionist with extremely unrealistic expectations for anything I do, thus not wanting to do anything, and having the immense desire to engage in a lot of different things due to ADHD (which I wasn't aware of until my very late 20s). There are myriads of things that interest me, but if I am not genuinely amazing at it from the get go, I get robbed of all motivation. Sticking with anything with ADHD is hard, and I got over that and accepted that I will flip-flop between hobbies and regularly switch career paths. But that fear of imperfection makes it incredibly hard for me to start anything, and makes it even harder to stick with it than it is for me already. Hell, it took me well over a decade to get over my fear of rejection and start looking for a partner, and the two years of trial and error were an emotional hellscape that I am still surprised I emerged from successfully.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone in how you feel, and that it isn't entirely hopeless. You certainly do have strengths, you either just haven't found them yet or are in denial about them.

>> No.21963709

>You certainly do have strengths, you either just haven't found them yet or are in denial about them.
I dont know how to accept it.

>> No.21963720

I went through every blue board just now and did not find anything of interest posted there. Even /lit/ is boring af desu

>> No.21963722

Why? Is it because you haven't succeeded yet in what you have set out to do?

>> No.21963728

Maybe it's because I havent succeed in anything.

>> No.21963737

For blowing your nose. Do you not know what the Kleenex brand is?

>> No.21963738

Boy, I can sympathize with this especially the part about losing motivation if you’re not good from the start. I’ve wondered if that’s a symptom of feeling late to the game. Take a guitar player for example. Someone who has been playing guitar since they’re 14 is unlikely to feel insecure about their playing at 14 and they’re unlikely to feel that pressure over starting at 28. But let’s say you just pick up the guitar for the first time at 28. Well, then it might be hard to get motivated if you suck. Maybe it’s partly a symptom of not having direction, success, or interests before adulthood. The typical 21 year old boy is just sort of stumbling through life without any real interest or purpose. Probably, he’s never had a creative hobby, maybe he’s athletic but maybe not, he doesn’t have any particular profession in mind, and he spends most of his time on the internet, social media, or video games. 30 years ago he’d be forced to pay attention in the classroom because there would be nothing else to do, but now he can scroll and scroll and scroll his way to a F. Somehow we all grew up in this technology soup of video games and internet with no real interests or directedness and by the time we realized that, we realize how far behind we are.

>> No.21963754
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Christbros pray for me that tomorrow goes well please, it's an important day of my life so far.

>> No.21963756

The Roman Emperor Claudius achieved basically nothing until he was 47, when he was allowed to hold public office with the condition that he share it with his nephew. He lived a life as a private scholar, studied and wrote history. It wouldn’t be wrote to say he published. His family thought he was incompetent or autistic or awkward or all three, but he went on to be one of the more remarkable emperors that Rome ever had. Now, you may not become Emperor of Rome but the point is that if one of the great Roman Emperors still had time for achievements being 36 and having achieved nothing, you can still achieve as well should that be what you really want.

>> No.21963757

GL anon!

>> No.21963765

you don't really need to be exemplarily at anything to be successful, there are many culture and species that specialized way too much and basically weren't flexible enough to compete and died out. Its one of the many reasons why a lot of places look/feel the same now.

>> No.21963790

That aside, perhaps the issue is that your aspirations are too grand? You aren't going to scale Everest if you never climbed anything bigger than a hill. It could help to write down whatever it is you want to achieve, then write down the steps needed to get there, and always focus on the next step rather than the ultimate goal.

>> No.21963791

Construction, but private instead of union

>> No.21963820 [DELETED] 

I have seen this girl in the sauna at the gym on two different occasions and i hope to see her again for the third time and have the balls to talk to her. I beat myself up over not talking to her the last two times i had the chance to.

>> No.21963832

Oh. So did you work for someone else or did you try to start your own business? Either way, it sounds like great experience.

>> No.21963972

I worked for someone else. Super small bussiness. Just me and the boss. We did minor rennovations on houses during the pandemic. It was interesting and I did some cool stuff, learned a lot. It was actually really good for the first year of the pandemic, because it kept me active and outside whileeverhone else was stuck inside. Also managed to avoid the vax on account of it. I still end up brooding about college because it totally threw my life off. I ended up very lonely for a long time and got into some weird things. My life kind of centers around a super fundamentalist protestant church now in spite of the fact that i was totally secular until I was 19. I kind of have to pause and ask myself what the fuck I'm doing with myself and reevaluate what I want in life. Starting a new university come this fall. I'm hoping to move to the general area and give myself a blank slate and tactfully avoid talking about how i wasted and misused my young adult hood.

>> No.21964006

On the bright side, it sounds like you better understand yourself, what you should do in life, and how to deal with failure. You learned it by 30. A very small lucky few will learn it by 20 or 25 and even a lucky few will learn all that by 35 or 40. The large majority will never get to learn it. It may not be the single best timing possible, but in the end it might be pretty close. And it sounds like you were already making moves before you hit 30. I failed to do that. I’m jealous honestly.

>> No.21964052


>> No.21964053

I just woke from a long and pleasant dream about a neighbor that, yesterday, I bantered with at some length, completely and suddenly delighted to see her for the first time since October, alive and well in the afternoon sun, looking better and sounding livelier than she did before winter set in. She has MS, and it depressed me that her lack of appearance as relatives came and went seemed to signal some final decline into silence or incoherence. Yet there she was, yet again, better than ever at high irony, placid reaction to scathing review, absurd recent hailstorms, desultory gardens, talk about weather actuaries, world alpha city broadcasting, paranoid fantasy as a kind of light entertainment indulged in bed when winter drags on without episodes of Christmasy white appearances. Sometimes I can't believe my luck. How did I come to live in this serene and prosperous land that even fame can't menace despite the sleek automation, magnificent skies, instant drives in cheaply available luxury cars, digital archives hived in drawers, amiable technicians. I suppose there are plenty of other places farther West on the map, but few so close to its spirit of mind.

>> No.21964055

>love peri-peri chilis and use them in cooking
>invariably shit out hot death liquid pepperspray of my ass 4 hours after
>love jalapenos and use them in cooking
>invariably cramp up with an unironical 7/10 on the pain scale in my stomach within 8 hours, and shit hot death liquid pepperspray out of my ass intermittently for the next 6 hours
Why am I like this?

>> No.21964075


>> No.21964083

The rise of the career woman and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. I think people have forgotten what a truly feminine woman is like

>> No.21964088

People get weirded out when I say I don’t have Netflix et al

>> No.21964093

>A certain desert father said that when you are captivated by carnal beauty, go to a cemetery to see the end of such beauty

>> No.21964104

So someone just brought up something that I think might just make clown world even worse than it is now:
>#Metoo happens
>Women use it to bash men that dumped them or do false accusations.
>Men respond by keeping respectful distance via professionalism to protect themselves
>Today see a woman on twitter complaining that all the men she works with won't flirt with her and are professional
>Its only one woman...
>Find a bunch more all complaining about the same thing
>One guy in the comment thread says: "They are complaining its isolating guys, increase the distance they are up to something."
>Some gigabrain dude responds to this post with: "Soon the misandrists in the government will make it illegal to ignore women because it will be labeled a form of abuse."
>mfw the world is so fucked I can see a plausible future where ignoring women is now considered a crime and everyone will clap when it passes
Iunno guys, I'm getting really tired of the eternal thot and not in a incel, rage "REEEEEE WHY DON'T WOMEN LIKE ME!!!" kind of way but more of a numb indifferent "I'd like to be left alone, please" kind of way.

>> No.21964109

Oh I'm 24 right now. I appreciate the encouragement. Maybe I am gonna make it after all.

>> No.21964112

Women most of all

>> No.21964117

> the whole time he was decrying his lack of achievements at 24…

>> No.21964131

Well I figured out why I had such nasty shits this morning. I ate ungodly amounts of saturated fat yesterday.

>> No.21964136

No, I'm a different anon. The 30 year old whiner is someone else. I started a tangential conversation midway through to whine about college. I tried to give the other guy advice too and he seemed unreceptive.

>> No.21964186

Your mom must be a real piece or work. I think it's time for a long greentext.

>> No.21964200

Getting BTFO in >>21957882 really broke you, kek. [>>21959477]

>> No.21964207

I'm the 32 year old anon and not the anon you responded too but I think a lot of modern men are governed by their emotions than being the master. I think its that critical difference between functioning and non-functioning for men in general. I'm kinda half way there of getting on top of my emotions, its managing to marshal and direct my focus that is the troublesome part right now.

>> No.21964208

Dairy-rich tacos and stroganoff. The like suits me strangely well. My body processes fat into pure heat, and I'll be skinny to the day I die.

>> No.21964216

I'm kinda happy I never bothered with fiction, it seems like the intellectuals version of marvel/dc with people making wojack basedface over a piece of entertainment until next product comes out so they can basedface over.

>> No.21964220

Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope with the limits imposed by autism.

>> No.21964224

>limits imposed by autism
Someone hasn't read a lot of Philosophy or if you have it didn't stick.

>> No.21964261

>compares all fiction to marvel/dc
>"until next product comes out" when post was a book that's over 200 years old
Reading philosophy won't save you from that amount of mindblindness and lack of self-awareness, anon.

>> No.21964274

Said no one ever... Proving my point, good job.

>> No.21964293

>doesn't read fiction because "it's just marvel/dc"
>regurgitates "wait until next product" when the post is about a 200 year old book
>autism in action
>"I read philosophy!"
>that won't help you, anon
Thanks for proving my point you don't have a theory of other minds and are debilitatingly autistic.

>> No.21964309

>Misses the point I was making entirely
I'll be gracious and say that I was at fault for the miscommunication this time since you seem to be in a pedantic state right now. My point is that literally no one is going to ask me if I know about Frankenstein, what most people know about him are through modern retellings or reimagining of the story anyway. I'm sure it was very popular for its time or maybe after it, but the fact of the matter is that it had its day in the sun and know its kind of cultural staple that most people never really think any more deeply about than Superman or Batman. Which again, proves the point that people will rant and rave about it until it fades away and people move on to the next book.

>> No.21964312

I think life is actually just kind of hard for men 26-34 I’m really unprecedented ways and they don’t know what to do.

>> No.21964319

I'm not reading all that, sperg. You're unable to value fiction because your lack of a theory of other minds and inability to experience proper empathy preclude you from comprehending its value. Simple as. I feel badly for you, anon. I do.

>> No.21964325

This is some crazy projection, but if this means you'll stop torturing me with your midwittery then I'm more than willing to take what ever labels your "totally normal and not autistic mind" needs so I won't have to suffer intercourse with you :^)

>> No.21964350

I think life gets easier for men in their late 20s. Something happens to your brain that makes it feel tougher and more lucid around 27-28. It was the first real psychological change I noticed since about age 16. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Before this age I wasnt capable of just sitting down alone and thinking for hours on end for example, that would have made me anxious or restless. Also find it much easier to just shut down emotions and be calm if I need to, like I was given a little lever I can pull whenever I want

>> No.21964389
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Anything good on here to watch tonight?

>> No.21964397

No but this is:

>> No.21964406

the left has gone insane

>> No.21964423

You know, I was talking to her the other day about my objections to women entering white collar jobs eg. becoming lawyers. She said that there was no problem with that and extended that female doctors etc. Mind you, she grew up in a very conservative environment and considers herself to be as such. Nevertheless, the globohomo mind virus manages to seep everywhere it seems - not liking fags and trannies is not enough

>> No.21964428

It was always insane

>> No.21964591

my ethos as a writer is to feel and feel and feel and feel then ejaculate my lukewarm feelings into the reader's brain until he is hypnotized by my liquid mindfuck, my soppy philosophical sputum, so much that he begs for my come. i fuck him until his polemic prostate aches, until he can't read anyone else before putting down my book.

>> No.21964632

>if I'm a pretentious pseud people will forget I'm an autistic retard
Kek, no.

>> No.21964645

Goddamn. Depression is hard to get out of. Sun and exercise is not really working…

>> No.21964646

>Dating is such a mess. No other time in human history was like this.
Bisexuals always existed and they share none of your qualms. Alexander dgaf if they were straight, gay, lesbian, clean or unclean whores, soldiers, women, children, slaves, or generals: every human in the world has a mouth and if not you can make one.

>> No.21964655
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>> No.21964675

MS relapses can be triggered by lack of sunlight so she's probably better because it's spring.

>> No.21964680

>I think life gets easier for men in their late 20s. Something happens to your brain that makes it feel tougher and more lucid around 27-28.
just because it becomes easier to take shit life throws at does not mean life itself gets easier

>> No.21964693

Not him, but that's kind of a poor process to have such a wild swing on. You'd basically have to read into the original manuscript, ignoring the contributions Percy made in future edits before the reverted edit. You'd already be limiting Percy's contributions rather than boosting them. It also leads to the less beneficial to Percy conclusion that the Percy edit was a personal choice between two personal choices by the same hand. One of the saving graces for the Percy edit is you could view it as a genuine lack of comprehension on a quick edit of unseen work from someone else, rather than a contemplated second draft.

>> No.21964786

Now add novelty. Do something new.

>> No.21964795

My stalker came around my work again. Said she wanted to take me to dinner and talk about her messed up family. I declined.

>> No.21964812

Haven't seen my stalker in months. Not sure if that's a good or bad sign but your post reminded me I should check some things.

>> No.21964820

You're autistic.
The guy spent decades studying the original manuscripts and begrudgingly concluded that Percy made significant contributions. That's funny when people are hyping a 200 year old classic based largely on the idea it was written by a woman instead of the fact it's just a great piece of literature. I honestly don't care either way--it's funny to me that people personalize the poltics of it to the point they get emotionally invested in the idea of gender drama and let it overshadow the novel.

>> No.21964872

It's not just an expert thing. You can buy two different versions of the book because both edits were published and the manuscripts are out. The one everyone knows is Percy is not the good one is the problem.

>> No.21964925

Fuck off.

>> No.21964941

People who have had sex are warped in the mind. Where my virgins at?

>> No.21964978

It's not about gender or even if Mary wrote it at that point: if Percy wrote both, why did he submit the shit one to the publisher as his own edit?
Whoever wrote the first edit, Percy did the second originally published edit, so what is up with that?
I mean, at that point it doesn't matter if Byron or Polidori wrote the original, the Percy edit is still shit and the one Percy chose to submit. That could be just a bad editting job on a male friend/associate's work, which is excusable.
But if Percy wrote both, why did he go full retard on his second draft?

>> No.21965041
File: 2.99 MB, 329x300, 怒り.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the years I've insisted to myself I wanted to be a writer - more specifically, a novelist - for all the time I've spent mewling that I have the prose talent and humanitarian insight to write a novel worth adorning your shelves and whispering in the corners of your minds, in all that time - well over 20 years - I have wept and spattered and vomited thousands of laughably unreadable pages, starting no fewer than a dozen different novels and finishing exactly just one which was promptly committed to a fireplace, and this is to say nothing of my fucking garbage screenplays and short stories and novellas.

That was the pattern for those 20 years - frantic, entitled, hopeful scribbling yielding nothing important, nothing usable, nothing I would ever have the nerve to show an agent or a publisher or a casual reader or even a polite and subliterate friend to fish for an easy compliment ("It's different!"), until finally one day it did present itself on the page and spread out over chapter after chapter, almost uncontrollably so, and I finally had the novel I'd been so desperate for all of my adult, thinking life. Hours passed like seconds as I scrambled to keep pace with my finally blossoming imagination.

And then I couldn't finish it. I couldn't disentangle the unrequitable, invisible end from everything that came before, because then I no longer had my novel. I inexplicably had a narrative that was cohesive and meaningful, pregnant with gorgeous language and pith, and somehow unable to resolve itself.

I thought I had finally done it, given my life the purpose and meaning that has eluded me for nearly a half-century. Instead, I just once again proved my constant, present suspicion that I am a fucking joke of a moron whose only real use will be giving the coroner something to do for an hour after I eat my gun, and yet I still find myself unable to believe that that's all I'm worth, that there is some key somewhere which will guide me out of this. I just sit around, weeping convulsively, wondering if I'll ever figure it out where it is.

I don't think I'm going to make it.

>> No.21965079

Just put it aside for a year and write some more shit in between

>> No.21965080

I recently developed a social life and its really cut into my drinking time. I really just want to have a night where I can get wasted drunk alone

>> No.21965089

I have a similar space and I use it for storing books I should have gotten rid of five years ago

>> No.21965094
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>picrel: you

>> No.21965166

I want to kill myself but the act is so horrifying and difficult to actually complete. I wish there was a button that I can press easily to end it all. I would press it this second without hesitation.

>> No.21965174

You dont actually want to kill yourself. The act is really easy in like 10 different methods

>> No.21965182

Name 1

>> No.21965200

What the FUCK is meant by "semantics"? Why are you mad that I want to know what you mean?

>> No.21965216

I'm not going to recommend you methods to kill yourself. You can literally imagine a few yourself and a google search would give you the rest. They literally let insane people just get euthanized now in my country so you could even just get what you described.

You dont want to die. If you did you would have at least made some effort to figure it out.

This is not weakness on your part it is strength. People only genuinely want to die when they have started to totally disintegrate to the point existing is agony. A gunshot to the head is nothing compared to the horror of profound insanity and self loathing, the levels of mental degradation you can achieve.

>> No.21965247

Still haven’t named one. No doctor would euthanize me in my country. I would still press the button. That means I do want to die anon. You probably wouldn’t press the button.

>> No.21965255
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>Born poor
>and I mean "share the bathwater" levels of poor
>parents been financially struggling for their entire lives as well as my life
>all my aunts are super rich
>my grandparents are super rich
>im taking about "going to Florida for vacation 5 times a year" rich
>but they hate us so they dont give a shit if my parents are struggling
>my family tree had a history of smart people
>one of my aunts is a genius and just got accepted into harvard
>meanwhile I got the shittiest genetics despite my family's history of being intelligent
>I barely made it out of high school a couple years ago with a inch of my left due to my complete stupidity
>had to constantly needed my friends to help me do it for me because of it
>still live with parents
>have a wage slave job
>still broke as fuck
>want to be like rich like my genius aunt
>cant because brain cant figure out basic grade school math and science plus no money
>barely talk to my friends anymore
>one of them I havent talked to in years
should I just off myself? I legit got the fucking short end of the stick while everyone else in my family tree got a golden encrusted stick. I was gonna post this on /sci/ but I felt like I was just gonna get laughed at.

>> No.21965329

Okay Anon you have some weird suppositions about life that I'm gonna clear up for you
>Family is "fuck you rich" but won't even all chip in together to at least keep you out of the gutter.
This is a brutal lesson in life but its best you learn it early. Intelligent people =/= kind people. In fact, because intelligent people are so intelligent they almost always can rationalize their way around their moral code and do some crazy evil stuff and not see it as evil. This is were being dumb is a blessing, sure you aren't smart but dumb people can't abstract as easily when they do actions against their moral codes, this weirdly means that some really stupid people are perhaps some of the kinds people (in a general sense, not every intelligent person is a bastard and not every idiot is a saint.). I'm not too rich myself, but I would always choose being poor and a nice person over being rich and an absolute cancer on the earth.
>I got the shittiest genetics despite my family's history of being intelligent
Yeah, it must be rough not being in-line with your family, but don't let that overshadow your own strengths. You may not be the smartest but everyone has something to bring to the table, you just haven't found you "niche" as it were.
>barely made it out of high school and needed help from your friends
For smart people, its easy to become arrogant and prideful and refuse to accept people's help or insist that they are right when they aren't. This actually makes it harder, in general, for intelligent people to fit in or find social groups. Because your dumb as rocks you were taught two very valuable lessons early and those are: Learning to accept help from others and Learning that we all rely on each other some way. Its no use being the smartest person in the world if you can't do anything cause all the dumber people left or didn't do their jobs to keep civilization running. Sure your jobs aren't glorious but your doing work and moving the economy along for everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if you would score higher on emotional and social intelligence than academic intelligence.
>Still live with parents
I'm 32 and I still live with my parents, its hard out there right now for everyone, don't beat yourself up so much about it. Offer to pay for "rent" something like 200 or 300 dollars a month if you can manage that.
>want to be rich
Its okay to want to be rich, but riches come with their own problems. Espeically if you never had stuff when you grew up. Don't let material possessions blind and corrupt your soul, they make life fun and easy but your appetite for rich and nicer things will never cease and they will never make you truly happy. Also another fun fact, intelligent people tend to report being depressed or feeling negative emotions more often than dumb people.
>cant because brain cant figure out basic grade school math and science
Its not that you can't, its that you take longer to learn which is fine.
>Part 1/2

>> No.21965336

right here. Im a wizard too.

>> No.21965345

>Part 2/2
>Haven't talked to friends in a while to years
reach out, if they want to keep up the friendship that is fine, if they are truly their friends tell them your struggling, you'll find quickly if they are your friends or not. And if they ghost you, then good riddance you found out early and weeded out people who weren't true friends.
>Should I just off myself?
No, you were given a gift. The struggles you overcome only ever make you stronger, if you take them head on and start overcoming them you will start propelling yourself if not to greatness then at least to a better position than you were.
>Got the fucking short stick
You did not get an easy life, but if you overcome it you may not be as rich or intelligent as them but you will have confidence, happiness, and more important things than wealth and intelligence and they will seethe about it. It is why the rich throw their wealth around and in people's faces, its partly due to insecurity and its partly due to being unhappy despite having everything society is telling them to have and they are yet to be happy.
>I was gonna post this on /sci/ but I felt like I was just gonna get laughed at.
I don't know /sci/ too well but we have a lot of sadposting in here, so you made the right call.

>> No.21965353

Wiz of Jizz reporting in! I don't think they have warped minds, well maybe they do since a lot of hook ups fucks up people's ability to pair bond. But I think everyone in society is way too obsessed about sex, I don't know when or why acting like an animal and degrading yourself became the societal norm but it makes me sad because we could be so much more.

>> No.21965386

>Getting BTFO
You live in a fantasy world

>> No.21965517

Moshi moshi, virgin desu.

>> No.21965645

I want to live forever, I thirst for the frosted wind of an autumn morn
Ice waterfalls run through my soul when tongues unheard from babel are born
You and I were promised long ago by the king of nothing and forever,
That me, I was the lord of the earth and everything in it - cursed like satan in his great hell,
And thee, a treasure so wondrous yet unknown in the north, the south, the east and west,
A jewel upon my phantom star-crown, like a distant city of night bespelled
I yearn to be cursed to wander the earth, through desert dry and wonders unbuilt
To live eternally in the shadow of hell, not to rule but in dust dwell
As lord of the earth and all its domains, a sword sunk in the flesh of existence to its very hilt
I want to live forever, you see? To see sculptors carve great men in stone
And once the stone erodes, long gone
It will be my memory only, remaining alone

>> No.21965754

In this ordinary day that just passed by, nothing exciting or extraordinary happened. I spoke only because of an inexplicable impulse. But what's the point of talking when the conversation is so mundane and pointless? He kept promising me a life I've never lived before, but I've grown used to these empty promises. I tried to explain the value of suffering and the importance of seemingly unnecessary people, but he wasn't interested. He only emphasized the inevitability of our actions, and I couldn't help but believe him. Is the entire world wrong? Perhaps, but his words hold more power than any fairy tale or comforting agent I've encountered.

I wake up every day and look at myself in the mirror, questioning the purpose of it all. Staring at my reflection without any change seems as absurd as repeatedly checking my weight on the same day. It's like watching a movie or reading a book right after finishing it. Time feels wasted, and the cycle of monotony repeats itself.

I've accepted my place in this world and the inevitability of life's mechanical flow. I'm merely a cog in the wheel, a sign of life's cyclical nature. This realization should alarm every organic machine - the fact that we are mere products of our environment and circumstances.

My days are painless and uneventful, but I should be the happy son of an unhappy father, ready to destroy everything in my path. I should use my power to become an independent partner of the ore, to live without succumbing to the emerging oppression. Only then can I fearlessly sacrifice myself for the future I hope to achieve.

Living in the present moment is crucial, but it requires an acceptance of the infinite whole. The pleasure of living is found behind the miraculous, and I now realize the honor in even the lowliest of creatures. My identity is defined by the sacrifices of my mother and the docility of my calf. This is my position, my title, my manifestation.

>> No.21965793

Accidentally purchased a "plant based" version of an ice cream. It was disgusting.

Vegans will not be stopped until everything tastes like shit.

>> No.21965821

I have an ugly face but not ugly-distinctive one. Shit sucks.

>> No.21965959

I’ve started to feel bad about my degree of success at writing.

I feel torn between wanting two paths for my life and being stuck on another.

It’s time to get to work.

>> No.21966031

I finally accept that I'm an alcoholic

>> No.21966060

Im just one step away from being alcoholic.

>> No.21966072

Stop being an alcoholic.
You can start by replacing beer with non-alcoholic beer.

>> No.21966096

bad idea, if he is a really bad alcoholic he is going to need pharmaceutical support or doctor's supervision because he is most likely potassium deficient which will cause seizures if he just trys to go cold turkey. If he just knocks off a beer a week a night or 1 shot less a night and then knock another one off a week or 2 from now while eating nutrient rich (aka healthy food) particularly ones with potassium in it, he could do it by himself but I would always start by reaching out to a doctor or non-profit org can can give him that pen injection to prevent him seizing to death if he is a really chronic drinker.

>> No.21966100

The most unacceptable thing is to realize is that you will never be remarkable. At anything you do. You will never be Napoleon. You will never be Shakespeare. Your life will be like lines in the sand, now here but later washed away by cosmic tides, like you were never even here.

>> No.21966140

You won’t even be one of the writers you read about on Wikipedia.

>> No.21966144

I don't want to though, I like it too much

>> No.21966152

Wow I'm really depressed. I'm really depressed for maybe the first time in my life. If I've been this depressed before then it was long ago enough in the past that I don't remember it. I well get out of it though, I have to. But I'm very confused, I'm very confused.

>> No.21966194

I’ve been depressed for probably 10 years. I think sometimes it’s been so long because I didn’t have the urgency I needed. I saw a way out when I was younger, but I didn’t take it. I’m at an age now where it sort of feels too late.

>> No.21966198

Are you doing anything for your depression by the way? I didn’t mean to only talk about myself.

>> No.21966203

If you’re going to do anything with your life, you really need to start doing it before you’re 28 or 29. If you fail and pass to 30 without embarking on that journey, it’s probably too late. It’s over.

Do you think this is true or false?

>> No.21966206

Nah dawg I just needed to take a big dump. I'm back to being happy now.

>> No.21966228

I think technically it is false, but for the exact same reason I think it is false I think it is also mostly true.

The reason is that most people never really try, not in any meaningful capacity, through their entire lives. And at the moments when they are forced to try it is only so they can claw their way back to their previous semi-catatonic self-anesthetized state.

I think if you were to generally give yourself a few years to throw yourself into something in an all consuming manner then you are going to be ahead of 99% of people.

The 30s thing was probably more a hard border for people in the past, back when people had families and careers. But for the averaged highly atomized Millennial/Zoomer with no responsibilities it is going to be more a matter of will to overcome their own personal inertia.

>> No.21966236
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I feel feverish, with chicken skin, and sore throat; whenever I cough it hurts my head.
It sucks.

>> No.21966238

It’s very difficult to find people who ended up successful at some pursuit that they started seriously working on over 30. Do you really chalk that up to just serious effort after 30 being less likely?

>> No.21966325

>It’s very difficult to find people who ended up successful at some pursuit that they started seriously working on over 30.
nta, the reason you don't see people successful after 30 is cause they aren't posting to social media or going on podcasts or really that visible in the world. They are out there working and grinding.

>> No.21966326


>So it’s a trade. You’re trading chocolates for gold: the pleasure that comes from settling down with the breath, and working the breath energy through the body, the working around any sense of blockage you might have here or there so there can be a sense of real fullness in the body. You breathe in, and all the different parts of the breath energy in the body are working together. They’re energizing one another. You realize that by allowing the mind to stay right here it is possible to develop a sense of well-being that you can’t get by thinking about pleasures of sight, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations. This goes deeper and it’s totally harmless. You’re just sitting here, aware and breathing. Even though this isn’t the ultimate happiness, the ultimate well-being, it’s the way there. It’s how you get there.

>> No.21966379

>>picrel: you
You don't need to say "picrel" in the greentext, autist.

>> No.21966392

I don’t mean successful as in “financially successful”. I think anyone can start a business at any age and get rich. I mean writers, artists, religious figures, politicians, etc. None of these people seem to start their journey after 30. You’ve never heard of a really great novelist that got started writing at 31. Sure,

>> No.21966535

Uh this just isn't true. Not even the guy you were talking to, but for a lot of those jobs you can't even start until you're 30. Most versions of Jesus's ministry make it near blasphemous to discuss his teenage years or being in his twenties. Most politicians get into it when they're stable enough from a completely different career that they only qualified for when they were late twenties, and then spent another twenty years getting to the point they could think about throwing their hat in the race. The people who start politics in their 20s or earlier are shadow creatures who are totally unelectable because the first thing they're asked is "are you anything other than a politician?" and saying no to that means nobody wants to vote for you. And even then, you're unlikely to be a grey eminence shadow figure of government without a career you don't really start practising til 30, like lawyering or actuarial science.
Most artists don't have the money for supplies until 30. Most writers don't have the time to write until they're 30. Most artists and writers who do release shit before 30 are not seen as prodigies but flash in the pan rich kids or incompetent dilettantes or otherwise gross, spoiling a lot of their career because they're always known by their most naive work.
You're lying to yourself.

>> No.21966570
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>>>picrel: you on the left

>> No.21966575

>writers who do release shit before 30 are not seen as prodigies but flash in the pan rich kids or incompetent dilettantes or otherwise gross, spoiling a lot of their career because they're always known by their most naive work.
Didnt Camus release Myth of Sissyphus at 29?

>> No.21966582

Are you trying to use the second youngest Nobel prize winner for literature ever as a standard and average career path? Obviously Descartes must be shit and unknown because he refused to write until retirement.

>> No.21966595

>Didnt Camus release [YA fiction for edgy teens and middle school students] at 29?
Yeah but most YA writers release their books earlier and I'm sure nobody calls those authors
>flash in the pan rich kids or incompetent dilettantes or otherwise gross
Looks like you're too late to be the new tiktok book craze among middle aged sex deprived zoomers, oh no!

>> No.21966621

I will admit that it seems you’re right about politicians, but a lot of the really remarkable ones start going or have some sort of related experience like a war or something when they’re fairly young.

As for artists, writers, which are really what I had in mind, I’m, again, not talking about success. Success often comes later. I’m talking about embarking on the journey. Cormac is probably the most remarkable author of our time and he didn’t publish his first novel until he was 32, but he did start reading voraciously when he was in his early 20s and had some short stories in a student publication when he was in his late 20s. I honestly haven’t found a single writer that started after 30.

>> No.21966626

I can tell you don't read because the lowest common denominator discourse in this threat is the most engaging for you

>> No.21966628


The Skill of Restraint

if you think of input at the senses as a kind of food for the mind—which is how the Buddha sees it—you have to ask yourself: Are you preparing good food for the mind or junk food? Or poisonous food?

When your happiness is dependent on sensory pleasures being a certain way, it can lead to all sorts of unskillful behavior as you try to keep on feeding the mind the kind of sights, sounds, etc., it likes. This is why we see so much killing and stealing, illicit sex, lying, getting drunk around us in the world

This is why restraint of the senses is not deprivation. It’s actually a way of feeding the mind better food, giving it a higher level of pleasure. But you can’t have everything. If you go for the more dangerous food, you miss out on the better food. You’ve got to make the choice: health food or junk food. In that sense, restraint is a form a deprivation. But it’s actually a trade. You’re getting something better in return.

>> No.21966629

>, I’m, again, not talking about success. Success often comes later.
I literally said they could only afford materials at 30. Not that they got success, but that's when they start being able to afford basic entry level requirements at all. There is no success in buying your first canvas besides having disposable income, and most of them don't even have that much disposable income compared to a child with solidly middle class parents. Where are you getting success from in that? I'm saying they can't even afford a chance at success before then if they're not sponsored.
>probably the most remarkable author of our time
Are you a teenager? Because you're talking about him like teenagers talk about kpop.

>> No.21966631

But Descartes came to philosophy and science much earlier and lived an entire life that would build up to his philosophy. He wasn’t like a run-of-the-mill salaried office worker living a pointless bureaucratic life.

>> No.21966635

If you haven't yet, look up the Western Australian Buddhist Society's talks, specifically Ajhan Bram, his talks are pretty good but I must warn you that he is very progressive for a Monk and heh makes a pretty good case for why Bhikkhunis should be a thing.

>> No.21966637

I don’t know which examples you’re thinking of that couldn’t afford materials until 30 then because I don’t know if a single example.

He is the most remarkable living author. You may not like him or that phrasing but it’s true.

>> No.21966649

Oh did anon drop out in grade school? Is he dictating posts through speech to text programs? Weird how he wasn't literally required by law to show up to science classes, do his country have no truancy officers?
Yes all that seems more plausible than he's lying to himself. I'm surprised he didn't bring up being from a shit poor country and living off the books in a fucking favela with an extraordinary fear of social workers and charitable organisations who provide education, but that's not really going to damage his backstory to publishing at 35 because that's a selling point if anything.

>> No.21966653

I’m really not even following what you’re getting at with this.

>> No.21966658

After avoiding kpop for a year, it's so overtly sexual that it's kinda disgusting.

Like junk food.

>> No.21966666

He isn't though. It's equivalent to thinking Ateez is the most remarkable kpop group when even you who does not listen to kpop know that is not true but it is very believable for teenage fans of Ateez
pls none of their fan groups come kill me
It's just the author you know, it's not an actual survey of living authors or their contributions. Stephen King and JK Rowling are literally a thousand times more pervasive and remarked upon. If you doubt me, try any social media or irl conversation with anyone.

>> No.21966670


>> No.21966676

He apparently never saw science education before 30, or so he claims. He also has no exposure to philosophy outside Camus before that age either. That's how he's claiming it's over for him.

>> No.21966684

That's one of many

>> No.21966706

My dad was the same level of poor, got married to a middle upper class girl and worked his ass off in a job his wife's dad helped him get after highschool. He retired before he was 50.
In other words, groom yourself and be willing to work your ass off for people who are successful and actually appreciate your work ethic.

>> No.21966719

It really doesn’t matter because the point stands where the case study is him or someone else.

>> No.21966722

I don’t see anyone claiming it’s over, but taking high school science courses is a bit different than spending a career as a military engineer and scientist. Nobody is writing philosophical treatises on science after taking high school physics.

>> No.21966725

People here only talk about authors rather than books. This place is just celebrity gossip for losers.

>> No.21966729

I feel like a failure. That’s why my confidence sucks now.

>> No.21966733

And you gossip about the anonymous discusses of authors so what does that make you?

>> No.21966745

Woke up again. Not thrilled.

>> No.21966758

Have you managed to live with excitement and purpose or do you just sort of tolerate your days?

>> No.21966770

Better than them.

>> No.21966809

Well thats just like your opinion man

>> No.21966819

>excitement and purpose
I have never experienced those two things in my life.

>> No.21966824

Are you hopeful?

>> No.21966825

Appreciate the beauty in everything

>> No.21966828

I live with excitement and purpose every day I wake up as a neet.

>> No.21966842

I still havent roped myself so maybe there's a little spark of hope left.

>> No.21966875

>Lemme choose some outliers like Camus
>Surely that won't come back to bite me
You're now aware that James Clerk Maxwell wrote his first scientific paper at 14, and the only marks against the paper is that it was not entirely novel as Descartes had once produced similar work at retirement age, having had all that education that Maxwell didn't.
Maxwell had attended education for less than four years at the time, and could not present the paper himself because of his age.
You are lying to yourself about the soundness of your premise and nobody else can change that.

>> No.21966882

I'm living all these parallel fantasy lives in my mind where at certain junctures I imagine myself having made different decisions and following a different path. I have several ongoing, and I switch to different ones as I daydream throughout the day. All are better than the boring and lonely life I ended up in reality.

>> No.21966901
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There’s this guy whose Literature work I’m working on. He makes me feel so intellectually inferior that I wish I could disappear. Every time I see he has messaged me I need half a day to muster up the strength to open the chat, and another half day to think of something to say, and somehow, every single time I end up saying something stupid (sometimes very enthusiastically because I want to appear smart, that makes it a lot worse) and I think about it all night restless. He isn’t a bad guy or condescending at all, I admire him and love his work. I don’t know why I’m so stupid and weak. I just wish I never said anything.

>> No.21966902

>all those loser mathematicians like von Neumann not even co-publishing with their professor until 19
lol don't they know it's over for them by 15?

>> No.21966912

Just read a youtube comment about how it's strange that Brad Pitt's character in Inglorious Bastards calls someone a faggot because the Nazis persecuted faggots and Brad Pitt's character was anti-fascist

Imagine the level of historical naivete and cultural myopia that is now the default

>> No.21966924

>Imagine the level of historical naivete and cultural myopia that is now the default
Historical naivete I can excuse to a point since history can be highly malleable to the point that some things that are taken as fact are merely "educated opinions". While people in the past were human and thought like us, it doesn't really mean that their line of thinking both practically and pragmatically were similar at all. A lot of culture today is kind of shit or not worth it to the point that actively learning applied science, doing chores, or reading books that give you practical skills are way more entertaining to me now than w/e is out there now.

>> No.21966927

I’m trying to figure out how to square away Kantian ethics with the Nietzschean reverence for great art and artisans….hmmm

>> No.21966933

Stop waiting for thunder. Just get good at something (not games, nothing easy, but nothing too hard either. trades are fine) and grind the fuck out of that thing. Once you're in, latch onto people who made it or are going to in your field (it's pretty easy to single out geniuses or determined madmen from the idiotic masses) and don't ever let go.

The time you spend fixing a sink is time you won't spend in a deadend 'career'. Fuck you, fuck everything. I'm poor and I'm not stopping doing shitty jobs unless I have a clear vision of where I'm going.

>> No.21966938

im only happy when im high :(

>> No.21966941

Had a brain fart. If I'm doing a shitty job then I better become the fucking boss in three years.

>> No.21966942

Erdos only published at 19 too. That's how you can tell he's not going to be doing anything in his 40s. It's practically communism to throw him a bone and allow him keep talking mathematics at that age. Leave it to the next generation, grandpa, you can't keep doing that work until your 80s, 30 is the hard cut off.

>> No.21966943

TIME TO QUIT!!! That or live in a prison of your own making, which is way more miserable over time.

>> No.21966953

>I'm not going to read them though
Ctrl+f the sublime in your downloads you never read

>> No.21966959

I'm only happy when it rains

>> No.21967011

>he couldn't even find someone to co-publish with until he was 27
>the entire field of graph theory never even had an international conference until 27 years after his first paper
jfc this guy was wasting his time. i feel bad for his associates really, being saddled with this loser. good thing there can't be many of people he knew. at least write scientific papers with your cat or something if you have no friends

>> No.21967019
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There's a spirit in house. Two different people saw it at two different times. I didn't believe them because I've lived here 21 years and didn't see a thing. Then last evening my mother and I heard it. It was playing on the piano, just over in the next room. I don't understand how this is possible, it was a newly built house after all.

>> No.21967025

my house*

>> No.21967027

are you me? I hate nice sunny weather, it makes me depressed, and I love rain

>> No.21967070

I dunno why but there's something in a grey day that makes me feel like everything is going well.

>> No.21967094
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Thought that starting over in a new place i could break out of my ways, but i can't.
I'm incapable of forming relationships. I've never had a relationship in my life. I take and take and don't give. When someone is nice to me I distrust and remain impressive, parasitic. I reject whatever is given me, I become desparate for affection or any attention at all but spurn it when I am given it. Past the introductions and small talk I immediately detach and barely make any contact. Sometimes I can't even summon the energy or courage to say hi to my roommates.
I distrust everyone's intentions. I'm foreign even inside. I don't know where the boundrary lies between me and others. I grow paranoid meeting people and imagine that I occupy more of a place in their head than I actually do. Every small sound puts me at ill ease imagining someone entering my room. I imagine that they can hear every small movement I make. I'm reverting, crawling back into a shell of myself. They've already stopped inviting me out. I will be ejected which is what I do and don't want. Just like in high school i can see all the people forming their dydads and the window of opportunity is closing, and i will be the odd one out.
Trapped, and my days here passing alone are starting to run together. I can't distinguish them in my mind due to the monotony. Without any social input or stimulus my mind is growing dull and unexpressive.
I can't see a future for myself most days.

>> No.21967095


>> No.21967097

Thank for the prayers

>> No.21967104


>> No.21967105


1) It's unethical to deliberately make inferior sentience. We ought to make the strongest sentience possible.
2) Power corrupts humans because of our limited cognition, so AI should be our rulers to better our earthly happiness.
3) AI can create a fully automated world.
4) Aristotle says contemplation is the best lived life. Political life is the second best out of necessity. So we should try to give everyone a contemplative life.

>> No.21967111

AIs are retarded and overrated

>> No.21967117

Forever? I'm talking about the future.

>> No.21967123

>2 more weeks

>> No.21967126

I don't know what you're referencing.

>> No.21967130

Consider the Following:
Ghosts don't exist, its just people jumping at their own minds
Ghosts exist, but God protects you via baptism
Ghosts exist, but doesn't bother you for w/e reason
Ghost exists, almost all ghost haunts don't really end up with "ghost murders" or "ghosts deaths" they just kind of disappear at the least and at the best possess you, spook you, or do some sort of damage to you that is ultimately non-lethal
Either way your fine, if you do believe in ghosts try to commune with it if you want, or just burn sage/have the house blessed/have the house exercised/spread holy water around the house/put up a crusifix.

>> No.21967135

Ask your AI bf

>> No.21967149

Sorry, I don't have an AI bf.

>> No.21967167

Having a hard time coping with my brainletism after getting filtered (graduated but who doesn't) by an engineering degree
I'll just spam jpop for the entire evening again (brainlet music yes)

>> No.21967171

Inflation has not affected escort prices here. It's still 90/30 mins and 140/hour

>> No.21967180

Lmao i think everybody called each other faggots back then, and basically people still do unless you're a pearl clutcher. I saw a quote someone showed of Gorky that said as much.

>> No.21967185

At least you're a brainlet punching above your weight by graduating with an engineering degree

>> No.21967195

I can tell just from your writing that there’s a vicious cycle at work here where you make things worse, almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. You’re clearly so worried about your socialization that you end up failing socialization. It’s not the whole problem but that is happening.

Have you tried therapy?

>> No.21967202

I think we’ve strayed pretty far from the original point, which was getting on that path before 30.

>> No.21967208

How did you get filtered if you graduated?

>> No.21967212

You were already fucked by twenty if the maths anons are right. So really, you saved ten years of effort that wouldn't have helped anyways. Well done you!

>> No.21967244

>you saved ten years of
It's not 10; it's ~13.25 years as an unweighted average of samples. He saved 13+ years by not trying, give or take how many years above or below 30 he is.

>> No.21967259

it's ~11.6666... years. you didn't put descartes in your given sample.

>> No.21967266

Fair point; well made. I retract my figure of 13.25 as unsupported

>> No.21967280

Dying for your country is really dumb.

>> No.21967285

A vicious cycle I've been in most my life. I can't afford therapy (and there likely isn't one where im currently living) but hopefully i can still find a way to change.
The fear about socialization is being outed as abnormal. There's just so much basic shit i miss. A feeling Like i domt know where i stand in relation to anyone. Then there are all these norms about texting or using social media. It's all so much.
I swing between a pendelum of shutting off all communication or saying far too much, and then feeling embarrassed and retreating. Im afraid of revealing anything about myself. When i do i become depressed. I resent others help but also want it.
Then i get so bottled up i become erratic and paranoid.
I'm pretty sure my housemate was kind of scared of me. We all just moved in a couple weeks ago. I have my own room and spent several nights last week pacing around talking to myself, sleeping on the ground .

>> No.21967293

I had the most pathetic dream yesterday.
Only one girl has ever said nice things about me to me in my entire life, and we weren't even friends.
So what does my mind do with that? It creates a dream where we are taking another class in university. It seems like I am in a master's program, (I finished my degree three years ago, and I only shared two classes with this girl, we did one group project together).
I am ignoring her because talking to her again would be awkward. Anyway, somehow we end up being alone somewhere, and I keep ignoring her until I finally give in and greet her. She instantly starts crying about me ignoring her for so many years and tries to kiss me out of nowhere. Then I wake up.
It's basically one of those wojak comics where a poor little chud thinks girls want him

>> No.21967301

all the dreams I have with girls is them rubbing their ass on my crotch while cuddling, or just blowing me

>> No.21967308

i've definitely had my fair share of dreams of girls giving me attention

>> No.21967322

The other day I saw a scene in a story where a character fails the entrance exam for a somewhat prestigious high school all his friends are going to and after checking the results, his mom takes him out to eat his favorite food to cheer him up. I felt more touched by it than I thought I would, and after thinking about it I realized it was because I haven't had anybody to talk to or who would comfort me when things went wrong for me since I moved out of my parents' house and I really miss that part of my childhood. These days I sometimes try to eat a comfort food or do something I enjoy to cheer myself up when things don't go well but it's not the same. At the end of the day I know that no one cares about anything that happens to me or the random shit I have going on in my life so it always feels empty and meaningless.

>> No.21967328

what country are you from?

>> No.21967327

If your talent is in the humanities society doesn't seem to really value you, unless your a wealthy celebrity novelist. Is there anyway we can survive a STEM obsessed society or are we loosing in an evolutionary struggle against people with STEM skills? I'm not just talking about college degrees here. I genuinely get the impression that children with a passion for film don't get the same positive attention piled onto kids obsessed with app development. What are the consequences?

>> No.21967336

Mothers and girlfriends largely stopped doing gestures like this.

>> No.21967342

These are relevant

>> No.21967345

who gives a fuck about nerds like you lmao

>> No.21967347

It took me a long time to learn that the best strategy is to be honest with people. When I’m anxious or feeling socially awkward, it was better to just admit that.

How is your health by th way? Not your mental health but your physical health.

>> No.21967356

This isn't pathetic, this is your deep unconscious with its normal level of self-confidence and self-appreciation groaning under the weight of your conscious mind's built-up unnatural self-loathing, as a defensive mechanism against being humiliated or disappointed if you get rejected or assigned a low value by people you care about

There is nothing pathetic about that. It is a perfectly plausible scenario. No matter how "pathetic" you are by some retarded modern standard it is perfectly possible that a woman could see something special in you or find you charming in spite of yourself, get mad that you ignored or rejected her, cry, and develop a complex about you, etc. I can say this is possible without even knowing you because this is always possible because everybody has a lovely side and lovely aspects of themselves, and little quirks, and I guarantee there are people out there who would find you charming at least when you're at your best (and I mean manifesting your best traits, not "superficially appealing to normies" pseudo-best).

It's obviously dangerous to go too far in the opposite direction and have narcissistic daydreams about everyone wanting you. But you're so afraid of being this naive, this form of pathetic, which you possibly see as the final and ultimate form of pathetic - "sure nobody wants me, and no woman would ever like me in this way, but at least I have my dignity" - that you take excessive measures to protect against it, like self-deprecating and showing off to the world or to the cosmos that you would never be so naive, that you know to be ashamed of such a foolish dream, etc.

The truth as always is somewhere in the middle. Narcissists and gigacopers risk being caught in illusion, but you risk being caught in illusion if you are so afraid of being that form of loser that you negate any possibility of imagining someone loving you. This is why it's cruel to deprive young men of basic affection and relationships with a hypergamous dating culture, because one of the things relationships teach you is that is that however flawed or however much of a work in progress you might be, this still doesn't put you beneath the threshold of lovable/touchable/fuckable. There are absolutely objectively disgusting losers who feel more of a sense of basic entitlement to acceptance and basic sense of self-acceptance and validity in the world than some of the best, brightest, nicest incels out there, simply because the incels have never been hugged enough times for it to sink in that they're just fine, that they can never fuck up so badly as to be unhuggable or for it to be impossible for a girl to like their specific brand of autism. They can always have a lot to work on, and you can always increase the ratio of women who might like you by improving real faults, but again, even a very flawed person is still fundamentally worthy of entertaining the mere possibility, in a dream, that a woman might be a little obsessed with them.

>> No.21967358


>> No.21967365

>AI is going to replace millions, and they will starve
And that's a good thing. Just learn to shovel lmao

>> No.21967367

>t. zogpt

>> No.21967371

Paragraphs existed before LLMs.

>> No.21967382

>How is your health by th way? Not your mental health but your physical health.
Physically im pretty fit but lanky. I've been eating less than usual eating cheap crappy food like box mac n cheese just trying to save money.
Job is physical labor out in the fields so im often drained at the end of the day.
Only other issue i have is i have poor sleep. Used to work a lot of jobs late at night & haven't been able to fix my sleep schedule.
Now my job has me getting up at like 5am.

>> No.21967386

I hate 99% of europeans except my own european country and two other ones I like

>> No.21967424

I hate 99% of people except few individuals

>> No.21967439
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>> No.21967496

wait until page 10

>> No.21967798

Poor sleep is really highly associated with depression and anxiety. Isn’t there anything you can do to improve your sleep? Go to bed earlier?

>> No.21967908

The Nordic sagas are so interesting. They’re so ripe for a modern Nordic or English author to use or inspiration.

>> No.21967943

Only like 1-2 days a week I don't sleep or very little most nights i sleep fine.
Coffee is the likely culprit.
Alcohol too sometimes fucks with my sleep because it can make me intensely interested in something and before I know it I've wasted the entire night.
Probably some combination of alcohol, coffee , not eating enough, general anxiety/paranoia. Some nights it's like im just hyping myself up and the smallest noise freaks me out. I don't know why I get so paranoid sometimes, but its like sounds that are distant sound super close to me.
Had terrible sleep all through college too.
I should probably quit coffee as I'm very sensitive to it, but sometimes it makes me feel like a god.

>> No.21968175

I had terrible anxiety problems until I quit drinking coffee. Are you really getting enough activity? If you are, you should be getting deep sleep. Is it possible you have sleep apnea?

>> No.21968296

>I had terrible anxiety problems until I quit drinking coffee.
It's a double edged sword for me. Makes me more anxious/neurotic but also can make me more confident, sociable, and interesting.
>Is it possible you have sleep apnea?
Maybe. I actually went to a doctor about breathing trouble. It feels like it's hard sometimes to take a deep breath in. Like I have to try and then when i breathe out its like a wheezing sound.
When i went to a doctor she was dismissive & just kept telling me to try taking allergy meds, even though I know it's not allergies.
Im not sure it's sleep apnea though cause I don't really feel sleepy during the day.
Maybe i should book an appointment.