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21961605 No.21961605 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on this?

>> No.21961626

What’s the point of washing my dick cheese if it just comes back? Idk maybe it’s nice not being covered in dick cheese all the time.

>> No.21961642
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But we can't help but being morally inconsistent. It's not something we fix when we find it. It's just how we are.

>> No.21961644

What's the point of flushing the toilet when it's just going to end up full the next time I use it?
What's the point in talking to people when there's always the risk of misinterpretation?

>> No.21961649
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See >>21961642
You can't fix being morally inconsistent, ever. Inconsistency implies everything goes, by the principle of explosion.

>> No.21961656

>Inconsistency implies everything goes, by the principle of explosion.
I don't follow. How does our inconsistency undermine the validity of moral principles?

>> No.21961657

Idk but if this was the tribal era I would kill you and take your sisters as sex slaves.

>> No.21961660
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Google "principle of explosion".

>> No.21961674

I don't see how that's relevant. If it's wrong to murder, then it's wrong to murder independent of our actual conduct.

>> No.21961676
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Okay so if we hold views X and not X, i.e. we hold inconsistent positions, then by the principle of explosion, all propositions are true.
=> It's true that murder is good.
=> It's true that murder is bad.
=> It's true that raping you and your family is good

>> No.21961683

Avatarfagging is a rule violation and by the principle of explosion => Dilate.

>> No.21961686

People can hold positions for wrong reasons.

>> No.21961696

How can we go to work if we don’t go to work always? How can we tell the truth if we don’t always? How can we diet if we don’t always keep our diet? How can use the toilet if we’re Hindu? How can we not be a faggot if we’re OP?

>> No.21961713

Who is we? Are you talking about hypocrisy or disagreement?

>> No.21961720
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See >>21961676
We is all humans, and neither.

>> No.21961739

I don't see how this isn't a problem for everything besides morality. People have inconsistent positions about the answer to 2+2. What happens to mathematics?

>> No.21961758
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If you firmly believe 2+2=5 then math does fall apart, yes, in your framework. It's the same for morality.

>> No.21961776

All it takes for the framework to collapse is for someone to hold a sincere belief that contradicts someone else's sincere belief?

>> No.21961785
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All frameworks are subjective mental constructs. If your framework has inconsistencies then it falls apart. I'm saying everyone's moral framework is unfixably inconsistent, or at least almost everyone's.

>> No.21961790

>All frameworks are subjective mental constructs.
This is trivially true insofar as all of our beliefs are filtered through our minds.
>If your framework has inconsistencies then it falls apart.
Internal or external inconsistencies?

>> No.21961793

>If you firmly believe 2+2=5 then math does fall apart,
All that happens is a symbolic rearrangement. Maths remains the same. 5 becomes the symbol that represents the same as what 4 previously represented. The only question then is not a matter of belief, but of whether you understand what each is referring to.

>> No.21961800
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I mean your beliefs have bearing on my framework and vice versa.
>Internal or external inconsistencies?
What's the difference?
Bad example then. I mean if you believe 2+2=4 and 2+2=5 at the same time.

>> No.21961807

>I mean if you believe 2+2=4 and 2+2=5 at the same time.
All this would mean is that 4 and 5 are two equivalent symbols, in the same way that one and 1 are equivalent symbols. What you're attempting to do is violate the principle of identity, not mathematics as such (mathematics is of course predicated upon that principle). It's not very highbrow, and all mathematicians already acknowledge the principle of identity as a necessary presupposition for the validity of mathematical truths.

>> No.21961813

Not every inconsistency is a justified inconsistency. People can be sincerely wrong in holding a belief.
>What's the difference?
Who believes that murder is wrong and murder is right at the same time?

>> No.21961815
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You're talking about ways to square consistencies by relabeling symbols, but that's not what I'm talking about. 4 is 4 in that example, not just a relabel of 5. I'm talking about an actual inconsistency.
>Who believes that murder is wrong and murder is right at the same time?
Almost everyone would press a button to kill 10+ people instead of themselves if they were forced to choose.

>> No.21961833

We would have to ask those people why they think that murder is wrong and why they made that choice. I would likely disagree with their reasons, but this doesn't necessarily indicate an internal inconsistency.

>> No.21961839
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If there's no internal inconsistency then there most likely will be something horrifically wrong with their moral framework that leads to think their life is more valuable than almost everyone else's.

>> No.21961845

I agree, but this sort of deranged ethics doesn't undermine morality as such. The point of being moral and asking questions of morality is so that we can explain and eliminate these inconsistencies as much as possible.

>> No.21961850
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Maybe the problem is different then. Almost everyone would behave immorally when it's most convenient and they would feel justified, even given lots of time to think it over. I think this undermines why we should care about morality if ultimately we'd all act immorally if it's too inconvenient.

>> No.21961863

>Almost everyone would behave immorally when it's most convenient and they would feel justified, even given lots of time to think it over.
I disagree. I don't think it takes much to recognize that there are greater goods than personal convenience, such as truth.
Your argument, in my eyes, is precisely why we should care about morality. We need to think about morality so that we recognize greater goods than personal convenience.

>> No.21961872
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Definitely it's just about convenience in certain cases, e.g. killing others to save yourself like in the button scenario I gave. That's not really morally justifiable unless you just value yourself over others or believe something similar. If so, then you might as well just have a moral framework that's maximally convenient to yourself.

>> No.21961873

Yes, and the point of being moral and asking questions of morality is to make people recognize why valuing personal convenience above human life like that is wrong.
Far from undermining moral frameworks, your scenario demonstrates why we need to think in moral frameworks and challenge each other's frameworks.

>> No.21961886

How can people be convinced that being moral is good when it doesn't benefit them?

>> No.21961888

By having them recognize that the world doesn't revolve around them and that other people exist.

>> No.21961961

How would you convince someone to not press the button to have others killed over themself being killed?

>> No.21961970

By telling them that the most moral choice is to refrain from pressing the button, because this is the only option that does not implicate them in choosing one life over another.

>> No.21962961

Totally ethical.