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/lit/ - Literature

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21958733 No.21958733 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to humbly request you to not shit up the board with another blood meridian thread please.
if you see any new thread on BM, please link this thread to them. thank you.

>> No.21958744

Blood Meridian is now officially a reddit book. Redditard normies love it because it's heckin edgy and grimdark. It has long been overrated here and I think it's time we abandon it to the midwits.

Suttree is also McCarthy's best by far.

>> No.21958755

yes but there are still threads being made about it, so It would be best if we can contain it

>> No.21958913

This post was made by a redditor.

>> No.21958929

Obvious from the way he writes.

>> No.21958952

Its endemic, just hide the threads and keep scrolling

>> No.21958973
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is he...the devil?

>> No.21959005
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The Judge is a Pederast

>> No.21959087

what is it with this book and pseuds?

>> No.21959195
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>finally decide to read the book after having it on my bookshelf for years
>same week some youtube fag makes a very popular video about it
>now I can't even make a thread without someone accusing me of being a pleb who only reads it because of youtube
The moral of the story is - kids, read your books on time, don't postpone.

>> No.21959238

kek, I knew this was gonna happen. BM was becoming more and more popular, it was inevitable. but we still have many books at arsenal

>> No.21959243

I don't know, that's why this thread exists. it's a good way to keep a certain group of people close together

>> No.21959303

reading for vanity

>> No.21959310

what do you mean anon? elaborate please

>> No.21959324

Bro, work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.21959340

>thinking about how others will perceive you based on reading a book
>acknowledging a YouTuber as a reason to do or not do something
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.21959343

>bruh, I was into reading Blood Meridian before Pewdie Pie made it mainstream.

>> No.21959392

Jesus fucking Christ. I didn't think my post would be so complicated for you morons, it was very simple.
Let me try again: I am complaining that I can't start a thread about it now because people will rant about me reading it because it's (more) popular now.

>> No.21959741

>Calling the antagonist "The Judge"
Was it lazy writing? Seems a bit on the nose

>> No.21959758
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I finished it two weeks before the video. I guess that makes me an original enjoyer :)

(I didn't enjoy Blood Meridian)

>> No.21960173
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>> No.21960919

yes, you're one of us now

>> No.21960923 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.21960924


>> No.21960927


>> No.21961162

Hes a djinn, its why he's always everywhere

>> No.21961172

and where does he come from? the magical fucking lantern, kek

>> No.21961180
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Blood Meridian is a solid novel worth talking about. I haven't read it in a few years and I don't give a fuck what reddit or some faggot Youtuber says about it. More Blood Meridian discussion is welcome regardless of the source; this is a literature board. If an anon wants to peddle some retarded shit as an interpretation of the novel hopefully some anon more familiar with it than is willing to have a discussion about it.
Which brings me to my next point, who is one of Cormac McCarthy's major influences and one of the best writers to ever pick up a pen. Read William Faulkner.

>> No.21961184

I liked his prose in Light of August very much but nowhere else. His voice is too emotional and tragic which I find a bit melodramatic.

>> No.21961190

I couldn't understand "as I lay dying"

>> No.21961677


>> No.21961702
File: 62 KB, 362x500, 51dfAXNdszL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I dislike is reddit
no, he's allegory for god.
It plays out less like a traditionall 3 act or hero's journey story and more like a bunch of episodes of the main characters doing fucked up shit. It is style over substance ironically similar to Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. In fact I would say that Blood Meridian is the inverse of Dandelion Wine.
Would "The almighty", "Father of all", "Big pale one" or "Yahweh" work better for you?

>> No.21961729

>Would "The almighty", "Father of all", "Big pale one" or "Yahweh" work better for you?
"yep, that'll do. thanks partner" he cleared his throat, and spat.

>> No.21961752

He's an allegory for Western Man. It's beyond obvious. It's so on the nose that any other take is for pseuds.

>> No.21961761

He's pretty good for an American but he's got nothing on Joyce.

>> No.21961762

>Western Man
would you care to elaborate on that please

>> No.21961770

sorry but I'm genuinely curious, cuz I'm not a western man I would like some explanation thanks

>> No.21961777
File: 322 KB, 781x791, 6349034678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that no one can agree on what the themes of the book are other than
should tell you that this is a book for psueds and is just torture porn. I will give >>21961702
one thing, he is right that it is like Dandelion Wine. Both books have no meaning and are just a collection of prose but instead of how summer feels/tastes/sounds it is just gore.

>> No.21961803

Read the book retard. What you posted is not a theme even in the broadest sense.

>> No.21961806


>> No.21961814

good job you figured it out. I was mocking the fact that the book actually has no themes at all and is just a bunch of senseless violence and fancy prose.

>> No.21961864

Read the book retard

>> No.21961871
File: 44 KB, 496x400, jud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit? Talk about the book. Would you or would you not let the Judge fuck your ass?

>> No.21961878

it depends anon, it depends on my sexuality, now... if I'm flexible sexually, then maybe yes, but I'm not so flexible so, no for me

>> No.21961897

I don't think he'd give me a choice

>> No.21961900


>> No.21961901

>The fact that no one can agree on what the themes of the book
That's what makes it good

>> No.21963174

He better than Joyce nuks lol

>> No.21963185

eh shipe

>> No.21963229

>white /fit/ chads > bbc > /lit/ nerds
What did they mean by this

>> No.21963281

Imagine a vast, alien desert, now imagine a small band of men going around killing people. The alien desert waste and the death wrought upon it charges these events with a deeper life. Nobody knows what it is but everyone (reader included) can feel it. The book is about this deeper meaning behind appearances. If it's not directly visible or apparent, it is because it is not so in the real world too (there would be no ideological warfare if the ontological world coincided so tellingly with the physical one). Gnostics will call this gnosis. And because the book is about "trying to interpret the world", all interpretations are valid and visible depending upon the reader's inclination and base of knowledge. It's difficult to get people to appreciate this aesthetic but read the book with this in mind and it will yield its delicacies.

>> No.21964660


>> No.21964666

>stop liking X because Y likes it
I wholeheartedly advise suicide

>> No.21964794

The craziest thing about this guy is that he was real

>> No.21965065
File: 61 KB, 499x679, 1581560018873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just listen to a couple hours of that Youtuber do a highschool book review .
He gets so many thing wrong.
not in a "i felt like this meant this"
I mean hes saying the kid killed two people before joining the gang and the judge is albino even though they mention him having a tan under his hat line, mis remembering conversations.and who said what.
just sitting there recaping the entire book for a video, can't get it right.

>> No.21965075

>well akshually...
war is god, and god is the judge

>> No.21965093

Was the kid raped/molested by the hermit at the beginning of the story? The hermit was standing over him in the middle of the night while the kid was sleeping then disappeared by morning

>> No.21965101

i don't think so, the kid's ass would've been in shambles by the morning

>> No.21965107

It felt like a weird, i'm a hermit, and had no company for so long i'm just gonna stare at this kid move.
Or thought about killing him in the night after he talked about his dead slave heart too much.

>> No.21965115

The judge is based off a real guy that was in the Glanton gang, most of the major events in the book actually happened.

>> No.21965132

dont care also didnt ask fag

>> No.21965140

that's fair goddamnit why must i have such a degenerate coomer brain. tbf though it's pretty well known that the judge was a child rapist so it wouldn't surprise me for mccarthy to include more rape elsewhere

>> No.21965151

it was just a weird incident faggots

>> No.21965153

Is this actually a story about aliens disguised as a story about scalping indians? the kid came down on a meteorite and was taken up by a meteorite (idk how the mechanics of that would work), there's multiple discussions of aliens by different emcees throughout the book. the coming whites were kind of like an alien invasion from the perspective of many natives. the judge is basically an annunaki. i mean it's kinda all right there for you

>> No.21965159

that is an interesting perspective.

>> No.21965162

it's kinda half joking but honestly half of me can kinda see it partly, but then again that'd be really fucking bold of mccarthy. i'm not articulating well i know, forgive me. one other thing i'm thinking about. do you think the traveller story is sorta about the death of god? particularly what nietzsche talks about and also just man being separated from god (if you have faith in scripture) through material existence

>> No.21965171

I don't really understand the travellers story, but you can refer to this

>> No.21965180

based sugrue enjoyer, idk if i did watch this video in particular but i do remember him talking about the book once. Wendigoons recent video goes pretty in depth into the story and i guess his interpretation. I'm rereading right now, goddamn i love this book. I really should stop because i should be finishing more of suttree

>> No.21965181

I think McCarthy frequently uses alien for anything hints at existence or intelligence beyond human cognition, not literal aliens. The idiot is interesting to the Judge because his perception of the world is entirely different from other humans because of his mental state.

>> No.21965186

in that regard
>the judge is literally me

>> No.21965188

and thats why i'm half joking and bold was the right word but i agree it just doesn't seem like something he'd actually do, atleast not in some humanoid form and literally the kid lmao. still though it just seemed funny to me and i do like those parts of the book gives some depth and playground for the more schizophrenic children of mind. That's a cool perspective on his relationship with the idiot, i feel like i kinda felt the same way but more so just saw it almost as just a joke by the judge who i honestly see as a humorous figure. I don't see where people find him scary i find him absolutely fucking hilarious in a black comedy way

>> No.21965198

>i honestly see as a humorous figure. I don't see where people find him scary i find him absolutely fucking hilarious in a black comedy way

same here, I don't know why people call this novel so terrifying, it's tame

>> No.21965209

Outer Dark is one of the funniest "serious" books I have read. I only got its humor on the 2nd or 3rd read. McCarthy's humor is of the most distinct sort. No other writer has that type of black humor. Not even Beckett.

>> No.21965211

He's more of a Loki with control issues.

>> No.21965219

Exactly. I'm excited to read outer dark. so far i've only read blood meridian, the passenger & stella marris, and i've been reading suttree. So far suttree is pretty goddamn hilarious (i'm 140 pages in rn so only a bit through) but yeah mccarthy is great for it, who doesn't love watermelon fuckers. Jesus there's alotta nigger this and nigger that there though. like i get it but goddamn man

>> No.21965266

>Jesus there's alotta nigger this and nigger that there though. like i get it but goddamn man

kek, that's the best part

>> No.21965473

I don't mind that popular youtubers make videos on popular books, especially if it makes more people read.
What I do mind is their way of talking about said books, making them like some esoteric hidden gems, even though they are pretty well-known. I also mind the way they love to sensationalize everything and be oh-so-melodramatic when discussing anything remotely "offbeat". And what I really mind is that when their audiences start reading said books, and end up just parroting their favorite youtuber's views instead of forming genuine opinion.