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21957882 No.21957882 [Reply] [Original]

>writes the best example of gothic/sci-fi at the age of 20
How did she do it?

>> No.21957885

>How did she do it?
With the help of her brilliant boyfriend Percy Shelley.

>> No.21957887

>happens to be married to one of the leading literary men of the era

>> No.21957890

The premise was written by Byron and it's unclear how much her husband was involved with the book (of course it's <0.01% according to current academia).

>> No.21957895
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god damn why is this bitch so annoying?

>> No.21957907

Women are interesting only if they’re attractive or completely deranged. This 5/10 is popular because similarly unattractive and dull college hoes want to be as popular as her.

>> No.21959120

By being the daughter of two brilliant people of the revolutionary age.

Spelling corrections, I guess.
No no. They were all to come up with their own spooky stories. His didn’t win, hers was declared winner.
Must be your autism

>> No.21959133

>Mary Shelly
Step on me

>> No.21959146

She looks like she has down syndrome

>> No.21959157

Percy wrote it
Dasha is so fucking ugly

>> No.21959173

And yet, you write like you do

>pretty woman ugly
>misogynist take on classic lit
Drown yourself in the toilet, kid. It’s not getting better for you

>> No.21959183

>And yet, you write like you do
>and yet
We have a downie here, everyone

>> No.21959189
File: 1.82 MB, 981x1782, dasha tiktok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite video of Dasha

>> No.21959201

>Why, this phrasing is positively archaic!
>NO U!

You don’t even read books.
What was it, Harry Potter?

>> No.21959226

Imagine if you grew up in a world that actually cared about literature, with parents that cared about literature, and where life itself was conducive to writing great literature. Now imagine a world where you have books rammed down your throat with progressive points, where single mothers don't care what happens to you, and where the only thing anyone cares about is how you look and how much money you make.

>> No.21959357

She never wrote anything as remarkable in her life so I suspect Percy had a much larger role in writing it than academics claim

>> No.21959363
File: 64 KB, 523x653, Matthew_Gregory_Lewis_by_George_Lethbridge_Saunders,_after_Unknown_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankenstein is not the greatest gothick novel
In fact it's pretty middle of the road
The Monk and Melmoth the Wanderer are up there with the greatest gothick novels ever written

>> No.21959377

>How did she do it?
By putting her name on it after Percy did.

>> No.21959391

I agree with >>21959183. You're retarded. Also, Percy wrote Frankenstein (just like Capote wrote To Kill a Mockingbird) and Dasha's looks are the same as her intellect: well-polished but mid.

>> No.21959424

Unsubstantiated bullshit. You all seem to suffer that early twentieth century illness. Die in obscurity.

Awww, you like something else. Isn’t that neat. Start a thread about it sometime. Maybe it’ll catch on someday.

>> No.21959425

You have never read a Gothick Novel in your life

>> No.21959426

Why are RSP simps insufferable retards? Is it a necessary condition to be exactly like the hosts of the podcast you listen to?

>> No.21959451

You do not understand what the phrase means.
Much less that it’s mostly subjective what’s best.

>> No.21959455

You clearly know fuck all about Gothick literature if you've never read the Monk you fucking retard
Frankenstein is not a Gothick novel. It uses Gothick trappings but it is not Gothick

>> No.21959461

The pod is bad, but their sub is one of the few cool places left on the internet (and better than lit desu)

>> No.21959477
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>expert examines the manuscript...
>"uh, he only seems to have written about 7% of it so it's not a big deal"
>examines it more...
>"oh wait, his contributions are actually quite substantial"
>"I have to admit it's an open question...we can't prove Mary was the main contributer and despite our best effort and motivations we see evidence that it was Percy"

>> No.21959481

>Frankenstein is not a Gothick novel. It uses Gothick trappings but it is not Gothick
It's good to know I'm not the only one who thought 'WTF' when that faggot described Frankenstein was a Gothic novel. It really isn't one.

>> No.21959485

Because she’s a prime example of the modern day grifter.

>> No.21959490

Kill yourself

>> No.21959822

Because everything about her is performative and not genuine. She invokes cool shit but makes it all about her own overly manufactured persona and ruins it in the process. In short, she's what millenials referred to as a hipster.

>> No.21959837 [DELETED] 

Percy wrote it

>> No.21961149

Her husband wrote it. /thread

>> No.21961156

I think it's important that we all take a step back now and then on /lit/ from our normal posting and remind any visitors from reddit, be they posting or lurking, that they really MUST kill themselves immediately.

>> No.21961302

No one who has read that book would think a man wrote it, much less a man with age under his belt. It has the monster learning English by listening at a cottage for a long time and even learning to read by overhearing and what’s more that is a random rant in what he hears about the rights of women and Native Americans. The book also random goes on long praises of Paradise Lost and Sorrows of Young Wurther, for some reason the first books the monster reads, which goes beyond mere allusion and forces us to see the plot as connected with them. The novel has all the marks both in style and content of being written by a very gifted and precious teen or young woman.

>> No.21961361
File: 128 KB, 434x434, 1502130411555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that fucking powerposter, he's such a fag.
rs is nice as a /lit/ retirement home but it's still reddit and has gay-ass power users, boo!

>> No.21962176

Neither did numerous authors heralded as greats or that are a part of a literary canon, yet academia had a tendency to scrutinize females, in this case Mary Shelly, and to discredit them for their rightful contribution to the literary world and artistic achievement.

>> No.21962235

I have no gf and I must COOM.

>> No.21962257

Why are all the Ss Fs in those old books? Is it a pdf translation error? Ruins the whole thing

>> No.21962377

I forgot who Mary Shelley is and thought she's the curly-haired lady from the pic.
>Turns out she's the statue

In relation to your question, maybe because back then there's no phones and internet so people there write to pass the time. So their imaginations are vivid.

>> No.21962384

What's wrong with these people??

>> No.21962403

In case you're serious:

>> No.21962406

Take motherhood and family away from a woman and she stays permanently a 14 year old cutter whose only way of getting attention is her depreciating sexuality

They aren't like men where they grow into adults and can do anything they want, they either grow into mothers or they stay teenage partygoers but increasingly miserable and with increasingly depreciated desirability to sustain it

>> No.21962709

It’s a film. Never saw it, but it’s probably about how messed up autoerotic asphyxiation is.

So, you lost your mother at 13 anon? She’s a minor actress

>> No.21962719

The Last Man is pretty good.

>> No.21962876

One word.


>> No.21963020

Ann Radcliffe is the real queen of gothic fiction

>> No.21963302

Roastoid apologists seething over a women having a ghostwriter: the thread

>> No.21963475

Lord Byron wrote it to her privately and she stole it and published it under her name. Shits a sham.

>> No.21963717

it's not like she had much to do back then

>> No.21963871

Men are like that too. If they never settle down and have kids, it's very rare that they don't stay lifelong teens

>> No.21964187

It's about Epstein and it's as bad as you think it is

>> No.21964369
File: 116 KB, 900x600, Sleepy Kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflate women's egos all through their lives
>give them shit because they are pretty or a woman or both
>shocked that the output of telling a human that they are perfect and can do no wrong produces a mentally ill and anti-social person
I could have never seen this coming... What a shock...

>> No.21964422 [DELETED] 

It was so good until last year or so

>> No.21964431

The sub was so good until last year or so

>> No.21964488

Man, have you read the edited versions he and Byron influenced? He only made it worse

>> No.21964553

Just not true is it. But whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.21965420

What an idiot
how can you be so un-self-aware

>> No.21965424

its boring when I'm talking to the same person jumping from thread to thread that is desperate for attention.

>> No.21965429

You've guessed wrong

>> No.21965472

Thanks I had no idea wtf it was honestly. I still think its fucking stupid and wildly distracting.

>> No.21965531

Why are you women so pathetic?

>> No.21966055

I some how doubt that considering you never posted proof.

>> No.21966075

They’re hard-coded for for sex, childcare, gossip. Reason is the domain of men.

>> No.21966076

Fuck off, McCuckers troon

>> No.21966210

is this sosie bacon?

>> No.21966782


You must be over the age of 18 to post here

>> No.21966786

Post med shelf, McCuckers. It’s pretty much obvious you’re the seething little git whenever anyone makes fun of Dasha

>> No.21966830

>Never posted proof
This guy is just trolling around /lit/ trying to engage in the lowest of iq debates because he can't tolerate that people have other opinions or are smarter than him.

>> No.21966850

I agree with the latter, but my not providing him with a time stamped picture of where my toothpaste and deodorant are doesn’t confirm his accusation as valid

>> No.21966910

She makes me extremely hard bros. There are better looking girls that don't have this effect on me. Books about women with extreme sex appeal that make you crazy?