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21956962 No.21956962 [Reply] [Original]

>As a student one of Dostoevsky’s favorite pastimes was to loiter near infamous suicide spots along the Neva River and attempt to dissuade the despondent from drowning themselves. He focused his efforts largely on prostitutes and other street women.

>In the 1860s and early 1870s Dostoevsky frequently visited the women's wing of Obukhov Hospital in Saint Petersburg. Obukhov was what Russians then called a "locked hospital" and would be called a psychiatric hospital today. In a totally unofficial capacity he tended to the inmates, which ran the gamut from fallen noblewomen suffering from mental disorders to prostitutes ravaged by syphilis. He would bring them food and medicine, read to them and in one instance even arranged for a piano to be lent to the hospital for the benefit of a young woman who longed to play music again after five years in the institution.

>> No.21956970 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21956985

sounds like someone who would write interesting novels desu

>> No.21956996

woah, this explains a bit of crime and punishment.

>> No.21956999

Which bit?

>> No.21957021

the bit in which the criminal tell the suicidal not to punish himself

>> No.21957043

>prostitutes are.. le good?

>> No.21957048

contrast this with tolstoy, who pretended to befriend a terminally ill man so that he could watch him die, giving him material for his stories.

>> No.21957104
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>> No.21957142

They're both based in their own unique way.

>> No.21957197

Maybe he had the "I can fix her" mentality.

>> No.21957357

This >>21957021 and the bit where he falls in love with a prostitute

>> No.21957369

soap opera
more like
simp opera

>> No.21957391

He was getting pussy

>> No.21957398
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Indeed. Kindred spirit with DFW

>> No.21957470

seeing someone beaten down recover and find their hope in life restored is one of the most rewarding things to witness in this life

>> No.21957554

Tolstoy confessed to...just straight up murdering people for trivial reasons, right? Commoners cuz he was an aristocrat? IIRC it was more like hit man stuff, he had a servant do the deed

>> No.21957656

Isn't this fake?

>> No.21957695

Oh is that how he wrote that book then

>> No.21957712

uhhh... based?!

>> No.21957718

What a coincidence. My favorite pasttime is going to suicide spots and telling hookers no one will ever love them, especially their unborn children.

>> No.21958005


>> No.21958170

Based and christpilled.

>> No.21958176

Damn, even Jesus was chasing crazy pussy?

>> No.21958191

Stop projecting coomerbrain fren.

>> No.21958217 [DELETED] 
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So when he realized he can't actually save anyone, because they are in fact Russian, he also midwitedly decided to do the Russian thing and just pretend he did by writing some make believe fiction where his characters actually complete some sort of redemption arc.

It's probably what some white leftoid would go through after deciding to live amongst some eternally poor, oppressed minority. When that inevitable realization that it's no coincidence they live the way they do hits, being a midwit he'll have no chance but to assume it's because of some socio-economic factors or ingrained racism traumas or whatever and decide he must make stuff up to compensate. Suddenly, you have scholars who rang the wrong doorbell in the middle of the night, joggers out for a run, real assets to their community doing charity work, so on. So heckin' wholesome seeing the good in people, very Christian-pilled.

>> No.21958231

His biography explains a lot of things from his novels. For example, there is a quote in Crime and Punishment who goes like this: Where is it I've read that someone condemned to death says or thinks, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he'd only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once. Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!

This is explained because Dostoyevsky was condemned to death. He was saved at the last minute, when the guard was already pointing his gun at him.

>> No.21958247
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What did Dostoevsky mean by this?

>> No.21958344

Dosto confirmed patrician.

>> No.21958390

This. He was essentially tending to "orphans and widows" which is one of the highest callings for the faithful. He was merciful to people who were abandoned and despised. Dosto sounds like a great man.

>> No.21958440

bro literally thought he could fix her

>> No.21958793

He very probably could. The milk of human kindness is all a lot of people need.

>> No.21958794

feet really are the thinking mans fetish, arent they

>> No.21958811
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I knew he was a Chad, but not on this level... Whst a chad...

>> No.21960375
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What is sex with a suicidal woman like? Is it passionate and full of desperate abandon? Or do they just lie there?

>> No.21960438

Literary captain save a hoes are a majority of (erotica) writers, actually.

>> No.21960445

>What is sex with a suicidal woman like? Is it passionate and full of desperate abandon? Or do they just lie there?
I mean, it does heavily depend on whether you find them before it's too late.

>> No.21960519

>be man
>put whores on pedestal
every time

i wonder why men utterly despise other men and cant stop idolizing vagoos

>> No.21960794

Assume they’re still alive.

>> No.21960835

he fixed me. if anyone could do it, its dostoyevsky

>> No.21960858

Not even God can unstretch a rubber band.

>> No.21960908

Paradox. Can God create a pussy so loose he can't cum from fucking it?

>> No.21960913
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you guys do realize vaginas dont actually get stretched out from having sex, right?

>> No.21960941

Then how come all the prostitutes i've fucked have mostly loose pussies?

>> No.21960967

>i wonder why men utterly despise other men
they don't. sounds like a you problem

>> No.21960974
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>> No.21960980

I’m suicidal and nothing would put me over the edge faster than a moralizing pseud like dosto trying to talk me out of it.

>> No.21960986

sounds like your life is exactly where you want it to be

>> No.21961175

thing is, would he be throwing pseud shit or would it be actually deep?
how would you react if it was the latter?

>> No.21961189

Not him, but what could Fyodor possible say to, for example, a semiliterate prostitute that she would be able to understand and also be “deep”

>> No.21961198

you can often get someone thinking with some psychological insight.
we're assuming it's a pseud like anon, and not a prostitute, also.

>> No.21961200

He literally has multiple such characters in his books in a fleshed out empathic manner

>> No.21961210
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That doesn’t mean he could come up with something life altering on the spot.
>despondent 19 year old prostitute ravaged by consumption mounts the bridge rail, ready to jump to her death
>dosto emerges from the crowd
What does he say? What could he say?

>> No.21961215

>"нe пpыгaй!"

>> No.21961342

You really don't have to say something profound. Just strike up a regular conversation, make them laugh, "manipulate" them out of the imminent danger. After that you could share a meal with them or just sit down until the initial rush passes by, and they'd open up by themselves. I'd imagine that Dosto was intelligent and charismatic enough to know how to deal with people through indirect communication.

>> No.21961344
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What is it with Russian femoids and suicide by drowning?
>Yelizaveta had spent her entire adult life pining for the artist Konstantin Somov. Somov was gay and never reciprocated her romantic interest him but did string her along as his friend and muse. When Yelizaveta contracted TB Somov told her that he wanted to paint her showing the ravages of the disease, as a work of social realism. She agreed, on the condition the painting never be sold or exhibited to the wider public. Believing the image would be kept within the tight knit art circle of Russia at the time, she agreed to pose bearing both shoulders and considerable décolletage. Somov finished the work and immediately submitted it to a massive public exhibition where the suggestive nature of the image coupled with Yelizaveta's enigmatic gaze caused a sensation. Somov then sold it to the Tretyakov Gallery for a king's ransom and retired to a life of leisure. Aghast and publicly shamed as a whore (many believed the picture depicted a high class prostitute) Yelizaveta suffered a nervous breakdown and attempted to drown herself in the Neva River. She survived, barely, but it hastened the TB and she died a broken, inconsolable wreck, choking on her own blood between heaving sobs. Moscow legend holds that her spirit haunts the Tretyakov Gallery to this day and since 1905 the night watchman has left a cup of milky tea near her painting as an offering, a practice continued even during the anti-superstitious times of the Soviet Union.

>> No.21961354

where are you quoting this from?

>> No.21961373

That is a pretty lewd image for the day. Amazing how women today will post themselves wearing things 100x skimpier willingly to public platforms for anyone to gawk at

>> No.21961382

I wonder if it will ever evolve to outright nudity, or if our grandkids will be appalled to see what women are willing to display of themselves. Or maybe we're approaching the end of history for publicly acceptable nudity.

>> No.21962647

It probably won’t. Hygiene becomes a limitation at a certain point.

>> No.21962651

Say what? Female nudes have been painted/sculpted throughout history.

>> No.21962663

But Svidrigaïlov shot himself in the head with his ex dead wife’s revolver he took from Dounia (Raskolnikov’s sister, by the Neva river infront of a stranger.

>> No.21963036

Wow, how dare he.

>> No.21963106

The look in her eyes is something else.
This guy surely could paint. He was a "faggot" though for betraying her trust.
But maybe this work could only be made with trust, surrender and betrayal...

>> No.21963111

-La Dame en bleu-

Blue dress
Blue veins
White feathers

Almost transparent skin
Milk-covered flesh

(What will he think about it?
Will he like it or feel disgust?)

She was thinking while hurt
By the ultimate arrow

Silver coins for your sadness
was the only thing he cared

little frightened dove
you deserved it better

>> No.21963120

>literally and figuratively a faggot
should've been lynched instead of the poor woman.

>> No.21963455

>the guard was already pointing his gun at him
fucker should have pulled the trigger and saved us all some grief.

>> No.21963463

Oh............. dunno.
Anyone else what to chime in?

>> No.21963469

they def get stretched out from having babies.

>> No.21963473

have you considered writing?

>> No.21963824

this but for you (I'm holding the gun)

>> No.21964349

I wish I could have saved her bros.

>> No.21964361


>> No.21964367

Кaпитaн cпacти шлюхy

>> No.21964372

Here I was thinking he had the greatest imagination of all time by perfectly capturing (seemingly) a dying man's thoughts. I didn't consider that he just have just asked somebody lol

>> No.21964408

Doesn't Dmitry kiss Grushenka's feet as well in that bedroom chapter right before the police arrive?

>> No.21964418

It's a warning for those taking the bad end

>> No.21964455

have you considered jacking off?

>> No.21964475

unironically a good idea. Sometimes I start to feel like life is meaningless, and then I realize I haven't jerked off in a week or two because I've been busy or tired or something, and then after blowing a load, the feeling dissipates. one's physical state has such a strong influence over one's mental state. that's why exercise is so important, even if you don't like athletic type things like me (and probably a good portion of this website).

>> No.21964477

This poem sucks kill yourself inspirationfag

>> No.21964711

There’s some good elements. Take the rope, cynical faggot.

>> No.21964722

There's unironically nothing wrong with this.

>> No.21964737
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Bruh Somov looked like this. Imagine simping to the point of suicidal despondency for pic rel.

>> No.21964997

If you ever had a prostitute you're a subhuman.

>> No.21965021

what's Russian for 'mup da doo didda po me bidda be dat tum bix nood muhfugga'

>> No.21965509

are people on this website at all capable of thinking of human intimacy and relationships beyond superficial terms?

>> No.21965712

The point of paying a prostitute is so they leave, imagine falling for the gf meme. Prostitutes are based

>> No.21966001

That’s not actually true. You are inventing this. There’s no evidence for this claim.

By the way, back then people used to die at home, not in hospitals. The dying were usually surrounded by family members, and not medical staff. So the physiology of death and the evolution of the effects of gradual dissolution of the mind were to exposed to familiars in a much closer and brutal way.

>> No.21967081


>> No.21967645

Have you seen society lately? Pretty much nobody is.

>> No.21967670


>> No.21967683

The prophet is a man of the people, but he is also a man.

>> No.21968292

Read the Kama Sutra. Some women are elephants, and naturally crave sex and sex with larger cocks. Stands to reason that an elephant would become a hooker.