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21956810 No.21956810 [Reply] [Original]

I'm ashamed that I drunk drove last night. I'm trying out sobriety. Any novels involving alcoholism that would keep me on the wagon?

>> No.21956837

Bukowski makes me want to never drink again.

>> No.21956843

There is a big book that they pass around at AA. I bet it's on libgen.

>> No.21956849

Sherwood Anderson’s biography is right up your alley. He led a miserable life, partly due to alcoholism. As for fiction, Nelson Algren is perfect for you, especially A Walk on the Wild Side. Also, Graham Greene’s The Power and The Glory

>> No.21956859

Infinite Jest.

>Power and the Glory

Has it gotten any better since I read it? Because I remember it being pretty underwhelming.

>> No.21956866

Read it at 18 then late last year at 30 and found it remarkably better than my first reading.

>> No.21956876

i think i might read under the volcano next. idk much about it other than the protagonist is a major dipsomaniac, it takes place in 1950s mexico city, and it's hella dense.

>> No.21956878

I didn’t get it. I mean, I understood the message of the book, but the writing was average and there wasn’t much to the whole thing. I was interested in reading Greene because he was a contemporary of Evelyn Waugh and used similar themes. But if Power and the Glory represents Greene’s ability generally, I’d have to say it’s not impressive. Have you read any of his other books that were better?

>> No.21956888

wait, no. apparently it takes place in cuauhnahuac in 1939. like i said i didn't read it yet.

>> No.21956889
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>literally never driven a car when I wasn't stoned

>> No.21956892

I have read everything by Greene. Power and Glory is different in style than his other works. P&G is also stylistically simple compared to his other books. What makes P&G powerful is the story, similar to The Road: in the face of overwhelming terror, death, and despair, you continue to move forward even if you know deep down where the road ends.

>> No.21956916

I could never. But for some reason driving with my brother, I trust him more, driving stoned.

>> No.21956936
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what books are you selling at gun shows, anon?

>> No.21956945

Fuck off, wendy, you ugly cunt.
Advertising is against the rules

>> No.21956951

I get scared even driving sober how do people drunk drive and not freak out from the fact one slurred moment could get them killed

>> No.21957029

>not freak out
liquid courage

>> No.21957109


Carr - easy way to quit drinking

I did it after 10+ years of heavy drinking. You just stop wanting alcohol. You don't have to convince yourself not to eat shit or rat poison do you? Why not? Because you don't want it. Stop wanting alcohol.

You exist as pure will. All you control is your action in the present moment. Everything else, every thought, is just a red herring or an excuse generated by your egoic mind. Your egoic mind wants alcohol. You don't.

Read the power of now, too.

>> No.21957255
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The Lost Weekend


>> No.21958614

I drink all day and I drink all night. I enjoy drinking. I remember hitting my mom because she stood in front of the fridge. I live alone now and I'm glad I'm a high functioning alcoholic, I wouldn't know how to live without it. You're a little on the dumb side of you think alcohol is the problem.

>> No.21958644

its no big deal man, its seems to me like you just have to loosen up

>> No.21958654

I have actually been getting into drunk driving all of a sudden at the prime age of 30, right at the dawn of a new well-paying relatively enjoyable career. I had to swerve into a Walgreens last weekend to puke and rally for the drive home. The next afternoon when I woke up I very mechanically went to my parking garage equipped with paper towels and Lemon Pledge to clean some of the shrapnel that had hit my door as I pushed it open at the moment of crisis, just in the nick of time. It also doesn't help that the main street to my apartment is always under construction and different every time I drive on it. Try driving straight when there are already eight crisscrossed lanes painted on a four lane road. It was my drunk driving Magnum Opus.

>> No.21958659

>You exist as pure will. All you control is your action in the present moment. Everything else, every thought, is just a red herring or an excuse generated by your egoic mind
I really like the sound of this. It makes me feel powerful.

>> No.21958702


>> No.21958731

In a weird way it's probably the first and last thing the true addict understands

>> No.21959621

Big Sur
Most shit by Bukowski
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas for substance abuse I suppose.

>> No.21959625
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>I'm ashamed that I drunk drove last night

>> No.21959632

Read 10 pages and couldn't get into it.
May w it just starts boring.
I remember Bukowski in that Dutch interview saying it bored him to shit. But I'm trying to keep an open mind. I'll pick it up again at some point.

>> No.21959967

nigga you posted on /tv/ the other day. quit driving drunk

>> No.21959978

Kill yourself loser.

>> No.21960044

based mother abuser, alcohol wins again

>> No.21960048
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>trying to cut down on alcohol
>eating dinner without wine is nearly unbearable
Seriously, eating steak without some red or fish without white feels so bad.

>> No.21960059

I want to get hammered but the last time I drank heavily I had really bad shakes and pins and needles the next day. I think my nerves are getting shredded by the booze. Sad.

>> No.21960071
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Does drinking actually making you dumber in the longer term?

>> No.21960077

I suspect that you would see no change.

>> No.21960115
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oh har har, well aren't you clevah

>> No.21960487

suicide aint my stallion

>> No.21960526

I lost everything to alcohol, in fact I am drinking right now. All my life I studied to get into a good school, I was dedicated to being a good son and after achieving all of that and landing a good job I decided to reward myself by having a drink which made me feel really good. Soon afterwards I lost my job, my gf and my parents. I don't talk to anyone these days, I just idle away my time reading and doing porn commissions for Patreonbux. The worst part about my predicament is that I am starting to enjoy it. I am 28 now, things aren't looking good for me.

>> No.21961625

No, I don't post there.