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21953691 No.21953691 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you first attained your pen license?

>> No.21953716

Unironically the last in the entire year.

My handwriting still looks like shit desu.

>> No.21953727

w-what happens if coppers catch you writing without license?

>> No.21953746

I never got one. Been using a pen illegally for 20 years.

>> No.21953750

School should be abolished

>> No.21953751

I never got my pen license. During my writing test I poked a hole through the paper and accidentally stabbed the instructor, I'm destined to be a pencel forever

>> No.21953756

America moment

>> No.21953863

t. Taoist

>> No.21953867

Teach me thy wisdom O wise sage

>> No.21953871


>> No.21953885

The ideal society, according to the Tao Te Ching, is one where you have a philosopher shadow emperor sage guy that secretly rules over a bunch of uneducated farmers who don't know how to write or do math without the use of physical objects. Shadow sage man should rule with such subtlety that the people don't even know he exists, and the people should be so content in their lives that they seek nothing outside of their village.
>In a little state with a small population, I would so order it, that, though there were individuals with the abilities of ten or a hundred men, there should be no employment of them; I would make the people, while looking on death as a grievous thing, yet not remove elsewhere (to avoid it).
>Though they had boats and carriages, they should have no occasion to ride in them; though they had buff coats and sharp weapons, they should have no occasion to don or use them.
>I would make the people return to the use of knotted cords (instead of the written characters).
>They should think their (coarse) food sweet; their (plain) clothes beautiful; their (poor) dwellings places of rest; and their common (simple) ways sources of enjoyment.
>There should be a neighbouring state within sight, and the voices of the fowls and dogs should be heard all the way from it to us, but I would make the people to old age, even to death, not have any intercourse with it.
(Tao Te Ching, chapter 80)

>> No.21954143

I never got mine lol

>> No.21954269

Why would I want to write in pen?
I moved directly from pencil to typewriter then on to computers, with each being faster and cleaner for writing.
Going down to pen is a downgrade from computer typing. Got a fancy mechanical keyboard with satisfying clicky switches and everything.

>> No.21954279

Wtf is wrong with bongs. Licence this, licence that. I'll feel really. bad when shitposting licences become a thing.

>> No.21954296

Any resources to improve handwriting? I'm tired of feeling like a retard child when I'm filling administrative documents..

>> No.21954316

>pen inspection day
>school calligrapher says my handwriting has deteriorated
>revokes my pen priviliges

>> No.21954342

>never attain licensure due to inability for standard grip
>even given pencils pens with finger drip placement that feel like a different controller, whatever the snes is larger roomier more comfy can adjust but default mode is what I would later use to perfectly hold rollies
>develop style, bloodline style is smooth rounded curves, I have the swoops but my shapes are inconsistant and halting
It was a different time
and ow I must die

>> No.21954366

Write fastly and carelessly

>> No.21954424


>> No.21954448

>Thinks this is an American thing
Found the low iq shut-in, this is more of a UK, Australia, and New Zealand thing.

>> No.21954453

so basically what the WEF wants?
>"You'll be happy and you will know nothing."

>> No.21954643

I gave your mother a pen license

>> No.21954646

What's harder, the bar or the pen license exam?

>> No.21954650

>I'll feel really. bad when shitposting licences become a thing.
It's already a thing, what do you mean?
See >>21953871

>> No.21954806
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Can't get into pen island without a license

>> No.21954814


>> No.21955768

Palmer method

>> No.21957226

I managed to stab myself with a pencil when I was younger... Am I doomed to type forever, anons?