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File: 23 KB, 262x394, Thomas Ligotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21952236 No.21952236 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21952245

Yes, but rightoid retards will claim that because he is ugly he can be disregarded. Not realizing that the pessimism of the ugly is in fact pure honesty about the state of the world. To be born into a body that will be scorned by others no matter what you do, physiognomy does not tell you about the character of those you look at, but the character of those who looked at them.

>> No.21952248

>The only value of this world lay in its power - at certain times - to suggest another world

>> No.21952296

Not when your chin looks like that

>> No.21952306


>> No.21952313

Strictly speaking that means life sucks for ugly people but is fine for attractive for people. The solution? Eugenics of course

>> No.21952314

Uglycel cope topkek keep kvetching

>> No.21952344
File: 31 KB, 736x530, gross monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think physiognomy chuds can be reasoned with, unironically. Most of them are themselves ugly, but not self-aware enough to recognize that being ugly doesn't mean they are inherently evil, and instead of accepting that they too are ugly and it's okay because morality does not come from bone structure, they descend into pure denial and imagine themselves as gigachads so they can maintain the evolutionary parasite that is raping their brain and telling them they need bigger bones, bigger muscles, and more symmetrical features. Right Wing people (and this includes any self-described leftists who engage in right wing ideology like physiognomy) are actually non-sapient, they can't escape the control of the demiurgic evolutionary spirit which seeks to create massive monsters of flesh and bone and then ejaculate these creatures out into beyond the Earth's gravitational pull in order to spread forever across the cosmos. This is why they go into fight-or-flight mode when the encounter anti-natalist or pessimistic philosophy, the parasite in their brain starts to freak out because anti-natalism is the only thing which can stop its evil conquest.

>> No.21952349

>are actually non-sapient, they can't escape the control of the demiurgic evolutionary spirit
No they just think thats how reality is and you have to cope with it. Even the ones who believe in God think our world is like that because its fallen, so it amounts to the same thing. Frankly it's a pretty understandable position to have based on how everything works. It applies to inanimate matter too, it's not like there is any strict cutoff between the two. It is pure necessity.

>> No.21952355

Ugliness exists on a scale dummy, the better looking the population gets, the taller the population gets, the bigger the dick of the population gets, it will never eliminate the social group of the ugly, because what is beautiful today, will be considered sickly and pathetic tomorrow. You're on an infinite treadmill, you idiot. For example, bald people, what makes their lives bad? People treating them poorly, that's it. Being bald does not give you cancer or cause you to get the flu more often, what it does is make other human beings hate you. This is the future for people with hair too, in the future, no one will ever go bald, instead, they'll mock and belittle the hairy for some other imagined imperfection.

>> No.21952362

I don't think so, the effect you mention does exist, but I dont think beauty and ugliness are entirely subjective like that

>> No.21952365

>It is pure necessity.
Why? You say they believe the world is fallen, but they want to perpetuate this fallen world? Why not attempt to recreate the garden of eden? A post-scarcity situation in which lions, humans, tigers, and all manner of animals were vegan and ate a frugivore diet without war or conflict or strife. But you don't want to create that, you don't want to fix the world, you want to revel in its depraved fall, you don't serve God, you serve the false god. Your bible is a book lies written by the devil.

>> No.21952373

>hy not attempt to recreate the garden of eden
Because it not only doesn't work, it makes things worse.

This is not even a Christian thing, it's more associated with Nietzsche than anything. But this sort of "accepting grim reality and fighting anyway" kind of ethos is very widespread with rightists

>> No.21952413

>Because it not only doesn't work, it makes things worse.
One of the funniest deceptions of the devil. "No, don't stop being evil and fix the world, not being evil is actually evil and that will make things worse!" Become a NEET, collect welfare, go vegan. Literally all you need to do.

>> No.21952428

It manifestly doesnt work. Even a cursory understanding of game theory will show you why it doesn't work, but people understood long before game theory was formalized why this was the case. You have to have a mechanism to stop people defecting, because there will always be defectors. It is genuinely delusional to think there could somehow not be

>> No.21952432

It doesn't work as long as people are evil. Simply stop being evil and it works fine.

>> No.21952468

Kek. Well let me know if it ever happens

>> No.21952604

Anyone ever think about how Ligotti looks exactly like that woman anti-natalist on YouTube?

>> No.21952616

Schopenhauer was ugly as hell by all accounts and yet the polcels love him.

>> No.21952640

but usually thats how it goes anyways. most of these people lead miserable lives and you can tell by just looking at them they've practically given up. this is not always the case but those the exceptions to the rule

>> No.21952691

>yet the polcels love him
They don't, they hate him and they hate pessimism.

>> No.21953409

le bump

>> No.21953882

Ligotti doesn't even have a horrific bone structure and he's not balding, he's just fat. He could literally hit the gym and improve his rating by like 3 points.

>> No.21953899
File: 26 KB, 251x280, Thomas Ligotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, Ligotti lived a successful by all means you fucking retard

>He was born in upper middle class family in Detroit which served as a perfect muse for a weird fiction author
>Got a life long literary job in a publishing house.
>Man is one of these most critically acclaimed living author in fiction.
>He is one of 3 living american authors who got published by Penguin Classics alongside Pynchon and Delillo.
>Collaborated with Current93 and even released an album.
>Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement

>> No.21953904

bait: taken

>> No.21953905
File: 139 KB, 663x500, Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21953908

>I was pretending to be retarded


>> No.21953912


>> No.21954007

Ironic that True Detective tried to refute him and the only thing that made the show interesting were his ideas,

>> No.21954480

subjectivity =/= relativity

>> No.21955065

true detective was retarded though. only used ligotti quotes because, per the creator's admission, it made cohle a more hard-boiled character than the typical cynic detective. and he only used robert chamber's yellow king because it sounded cooler than "they're satanists"

>> No.21955150


faggots, shitting up the board

>> No.21955187

No, he was quite handsome and athletic. Probably what made him so narcissistic.

>> No.21955237

His short stories are good, his "philosophy" not so much

>> No.21955291

The only retarded person here is you

>> No.21955343

About what?

>> No.21955474

About his opinions on WW2.

>> No.21955515

Because I know Ligotti's biography rather than pulling bullshit out of my ass? Kys nigger

>> No.21955519

Brutal blackpill

>Madness, mayhem, erotic vandalism, devastation of innumerable souls - while we scream and perish, History licks a finger and turns the page.


>> No.21955939

The first time I read TCATHR I felt it was a tragedy. Now I realise just how goddamn funny it is, I literally howled with laughter!

>> No.21955973


Ligotti has very subtle dark humor

>> No.21956032

There's a section in TCATHR lambasting pessimistic works of fiction for taking the easy way out. True Detective did exactly that.

>> No.21956049

True detective was basically saying that pessimism is the result of a broken mind trying to cope with tragedy. Pizza obviously doesnt agree with Ligotti/early season Rust

>> No.21956073

>saying that pessimism is the result of a broken mind trying to cope with tragedy
It can be. I know you likely understand how this doesn't invalidate the pessimistic viewpoint. If anything, look at the phenomena of PTSD. A man can return from witnessing and experiencing hellish scenarios. Upon his return he may have a good job, a family, and live relatively out of danger. The thing is, he never shakes the sense of "truth" in his experiences. He can leave everything behind but the new viewpoint.

We consider that damage, but it might just be failure of insulating values.

Ligotti covers this best in "This Degenerate Little Town."

There are those among us
Who claim to have seen
This degenerate little town
Although they may be unaware
Of its true nature
There are those who have emerged
From some painful ordeal of the body
Or of the mind
And then begun speaking
Of how they saw in the distance
An outline of crooked houses
Tilting this way and that
Or walked along some twisted street
And felt the ground soft with decay
Beneath their steps
Or even glimpsed those diseased faces
Their skin rough and pale as plaster
Peeking from behind grimy windows
But those who claim to have seen such things
Always seem to tell a somewhat different story
Failing to compose a consistent picture
Of what they may have seen
Or imagine they have seen
And so we stare at them suspiciously

For a moment
And then start to walk away

>> No.21956111

Naturally it depends on whether you think life truly is awful or not. Since both perspectives accuse the other of delusion it's a bit of an impasse

>> No.21956146

The best part about TCATHR is how often he promotes this message.
He makes David Benatar look about as silly as Tony Robbins.

>> No.21956194

It's a very memorable book. The whole tone and atmosphere of it is weirdly comforting to me. I have sympathy for his perspective but I don't quite agree with his conclusion. I think he is right that reality is much worse than most people usually admit to themselves but I dont think this renders it "malignantly useless!" kek. It is still possible to view it in a light of redemption even if sort of tragic