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21952212 No.21952212 [Reply] [Original]

>Truman called Oppenheimer a "cry baby scientist" after their meeting and reportedly said "I don't want to see that son of a bitch in this office ever again." Claiming there was "no time for pretentious melodramatic Indian mysticism"
>"Oppenheimer when he went into Truman's Office with Dean Acheson said to the latter, wringing his hands:"I have blood on my hands". Truman later said to Acheson: "Never bring that fucking cretin in here again. He didn't drop the bomb. I did. That kind of weepiness makes me sick."
>"pretentious melodramatic Indian mysticism"
Fuck, Evola and Guenon sisters, how is the bad man who used nukes and ordered the fire bombing of Tokyo and Germany bagging in us so hard?

Were New Dealers the true Ubermensch all along?

>> No.21952222

Also an over reaction. The nukes were peanuts. No nukes got thrown at the Krauts and 700,000-900,000 got killed from glassing cities with regular ordinance.

>> No.21952307

>Director of Los Almost for 3 straight years, bringing the Manhattan Project to fruition
wtf did Truman do?

>> No.21952335
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>Were New Dealers the true Ubermensch all along?
Logo Daedelan Webster Tarpley posting is a futile excercise in omission of legion Soviet & British spy infiltration of the Manhattan Project and beyond

>> No.21952437

It’s ironic because nuclear weapons and MAD arguably ended large scale military conflict between developed nations, ultimately saving more lives in the first world than any other military effort.

>> No.21952494

White people are demons unironically

>> No.21952667


>> No.21952670


>> No.21952677
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>white people are demons
>but also I really want to live in their countries

>> No.21952687

Dropped nukes in Japan until they accepted terms of unconditional surrender, defeated Hitler, and won a land war with China during a period of unprecedented economic growth.

>> No.21952845

i meant what did he do personally? Openheimer was actively directing research down in Los Almos pulling to fruition the most ambitious science project of all time. Truman sat around all day letting other people run the country.

You'd have to be a huge idiot to not see who the more impressive individual is

>> No.21952861

>"Antinatalistanon when he went into Truman's Office with Dean Acheson said to the latter, wringing his hands:"It's better not to have been born". Truman later said to Acheson: "Never bring that fucking cretin in here again. He didn't go through suffering. I did. That kind of weepiness makes me sick."

uhh, antinatalist bros... our response?

>> No.21953363

Thank you for losing China and allowing the country to be infested with Communist agents, Truman. Great leader.

>> No.21953855
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>> No.21953874

>How could you take my Krautkiller and use it as a Ricecooker!?
Oppenheimer is overrated. Even the other jews at Los Alamos couldn't stand him.

>> No.21953878

sensitive Jewish boy gaslighted into using his remarkable Jewish brain so that gentiles may slaughter each other

>> No.21953916

>Truman sat around all day letting other people run the country

yeah that's what a president does... the truly impressive individual stands above the scientists, bureaucrats and other manual laborers

oppenheimer remains a crybaby

>> No.21953973

Unironically there is no such thing as a demon the way you mean it.

>> No.21954021

>sensitive Jewish boy
Reminder that Oppenheimer had tried to murder three people out of jealousy at this point.
His professor out of intellectual jealousy using poison. Had to have his parents hush it down using favors and contacts at the university.
His friend out of jealousy of him getting married trying to strangle him with a strap.
A random woman he tried and failed to rape, begged on his bare knees for forgiveness and then tried to drop a suitcase on her from up a set of stairs.

He was also arguing with Fermi (who married into jewry) about the viability of poisoning German civvie food supplies using Strontium but rejected it only because they couldn't be sure it would kill at least half a million german civilians and wouldn't be worth the investment and effort.

>> No.21954024

many such cases

>> No.21954059

The nukes were just a bunch of other bombs strapped together. The effect is the same buy nuclear warheads technically don't exist. And the whole post-apoc fearmongering is a psy-op.

>> No.21954087
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Source or meds
Your choice homo

>> No.21954358

>rekt Nazis
>rekt Japs
>rekt mystics desperate to believe in a non physical realm
Truman is /lit/ kryptonite lol

>> No.21954369

Also rekt MacArthur who was a proto-Trump, so he even triggers the Q Boomer migrants from /pol/.

I'm thinking he's based.

>> No.21954392

It's funny, I didn't think Truman would use profanity. Seems so buttoned up.

I guess he did oversee two huge wars, the killing of millions of soldiers and civilians, and throw the US economy into making an armageddon arsenal, even seriously considering wiping out Russia, but I figured he remained mild mannered during all that.

>> No.21954395

Then again, I think the same thing about Eisenhower and he even seriously considered nuking the Moon as a threat to the Soviets to stop fucking around.

>> No.21954509
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>seriously considered nuking the Moon as a threat to the Soviets to stop fucking around
Even the sky cannot limit American justice

>> No.21954723

I understand Truman I hate hypocrites.
He knew what he was working on and it's not like the fact that it would vaporize 80K civilians in a split second and kill the rest with fire, radiation poisoning and horrific incurable wounds was a big surprise. Probably they couldn't predict deformed offspring ok let's concede that.
But then when shit gets real he doesn't want his name associated with the slaughter, what a disgusting asshole.

>> No.21954739

>Were New Dealers the true Ubermensch all along?
Correct. The suburban standard of living is as close to true economic and personal independence as you can get, hence why every politician, pundit, and CEO is working to dismantle it for the lower classes.

>> No.21954769

He also gave China to the Communists by abandoning the nationalists; allowed people like Alger Hiss to infiltrate the highest levels of the USG.

Not to mention how many times he fucked over the Chinese nationalists, even installing obvious Communists to leadership positions.

>> No.21954781

>It's another thread of Twitter pedos trying to reframe one of the worst incidents in history as "based" while linking it to completely unrelated esoteric nobodies
wow, I sure haven't seen this happen before!

>> No.21954816

Why does your post image contain a nigger and a wigger?

>> No.21954851

omfg kek