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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1011 KB, 406x454, bookish girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21949132 No.21949132 [Reply] [Original]

How high does my bench press need to be in order to get a qt soft bookish lit gf?

>> No.21949135

>> No.21949202

Girls don't care how much you lift. Just lift enough to not have little twig arms. Anything past that and you're only impressing other dudes

>> No.21949230

Benchpress isn't as important as squat/deadlift, and you only need to match her weight. So assuming average woman weight, you probably need to deadlift at least 150, probably 170. Then you should be able to run an above average cross country time, try getting your pace to a7:30 mile while also carrying a large sack of potatoes over your shoulder as training

>> No.21949244

It is incredibly uncanny that this young woman looks so much like my first highschool crush. She was also bookish and had that timid smile.

>> No.21949249

>that jaw
Anon she looks like a wrestler

>> No.21949254
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, D8D5F3BA-9630-4D60-AED4-D35C4B6C838E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero, you need to be a frail Timothy Chalamet looking mf. Then go hunting over bait at your local asylum.

>> No.21949272

She looks like she dates skinny secular Jewish guys with mildly receding hairlines who wear big ugly knit sweaters

>> No.21949380

God damn lol

>> No.21949407

>date the mentally feeble
This is correct, don’t tell normal people this though. They’ll try and cut in on my action. Go after the ones with low self esteem, they’ll take anyone as long as you validate their existence. They won’t all be hot, but let’s face it, if you’re making threads about how to get a GF on a literature enthusiast board you probably aren’t hot either.

>> No.21949414

Bench press is overrated. You want boobs or something? Just do pushups and some dumbbell/cable work.

>> No.21949420
File: 36 KB, 500x500, artworks-000496161912-dmfu0x-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exact stats you need are 135 bench press and 6 minute mile

>> No.21949422

Just be in shape.

>> No.21949600

This is true. When I came back to college with a surgery scar on my forearm that looked like a suicide attempt the amount of attention I got from BPD art hoes was immense. I even got invited to participate in a suicide pact.

>> No.21949602


>> No.21949625

>ooh, how did you get the scar, anon?
>i don't like to talk about it
>oooohh, mysterious
You can literally let them write their own story.

>> No.21949627

Wow, by those standards I'm Hercules. I just did 10 reps of 215 lbs.

>> No.21949630

(Bench press, not deadlift)

>> No.21949650

> seek out the mentally ill, feeble and drugged; date them.
Is this nigga fr? Terrible advice. I hope he killed himself :)

>> No.21949652

>How high does my bench press need to be in order to get a qt soft bookish lit gf?
Keep feeding it edibles until you find out.

>> No.21949657

there are so many bookish trans girls but you're a bigot

>> No.21949670

that's a man. if you want a man just download a gay app, all fags are huge degenerates I think, you can find one by tomorrow

>> No.21949671

Post one that’s passable and lives in the Boston metro area and I’ll consider

>> No.21949848

However much she weighs.

>> No.21949861

What a cute hapa

>> No.21949873

they're cute

>> No.21949891

i hope she has a huge hairy bush

>> No.21950780

I see no evidence that she’s Asian to any extent.

>> No.21950877

The footnote kills me.

>> No.21950891

150? Fat women don't deserve love

>> No.21950932

Why lol?

>> No.21950987

>and a woman in [MFA programs] is more likely to accept a man who is her antithesis, a counterweight
He's right. The kind of guy that 99% of educated women want is one who is simple and happy, not one who is constantly intellectually challenging / emotionally draining them. Between a guy who can lecture her about Kafka for 45 minutes and a guy who can make her laugh at stupid jokes consistently, a /lit/ girl will go for the latter almost every single time.
This is why you should only reveal your power level on occasion.

>> No.21951251

I have a nerdy girlfriend. My bench PR is 315, but when I got her it was more around 200. My success with women probably has more to do with being handsome and tall though, but of course being fit helps.

Imagine wanting muscles. The sour grapes mentality of weak men knows no bounds.

>> No.21951257


>> No.21951269 [DELETED] 

Is she cute? Do you stick her penis in her vagina? What are her bust-waist-hip measurements? Do you over come on her face? Do you ever bite her nipples?

Pls respond

>> No.21951273

Just a thought I had: maybe taking life advice from DFW isn't the greatest idea.

>> No.21951274

is she cute? What are her bust-waist-hip measurements? Do you ever stick your penis in her vagina (or does she have a penis herself)? Have you ever came on her face?

Pls respond

>> No.21951292

no wonder the mf ended up killing himself

>> No.21951313
File: 146 KB, 298x223, buttercupnothavingit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In contemporary society, if one's aim is to not confuse the coding of normoids with one's autism,.one needs to add at least a soft flare of "niceness" to virtually all of one's expressions.

>> No.21951355

She's biting her lips a lot. Wonder what she's thinking

>> No.21951358

Bench press deez nuts in yo mouth

>> No.21951387

Jock meat head look is more for the bleach blonde instagram influencer types.

>> No.21951467

this honestly
I'd never be transphobic if trannies were attractive and not irritating, the same goes for racism in fact

>> No.21952055

Don't overdevelop your boobs is all I'm saying. It's weird.

>> No.21952389

She unironically has aspergers
