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21948069 No.21948069 [Reply] [Original]

>Just makes up shit as he writes, no storyboarding.
>Somehow has incredibly engaging plots with great pacing.

Sure, his endings tend to suck, but it's still a remarkable achievement. How does he do it? And don't say cocaine.

>> No.21948076


>> No.21948079

Bumping. Please lit, how do you write entertaining stories. I don't give a shit about literary value and universal themes, I need to accomplish the engaging part first.

>> No.21948081

He’s lying.

>> No.21948084

It's just genre fiction trash. It's not that impressive.

>> No.21948141

I like how he makes people seethe

>> No.21948225

Understand that he is fully in control of his own myth

>> No.21948268

Same with Murakami. Says he starts a novel with a strong first scene in mind and then just goes from there without plan, continuing the story by daily improvisation.

>> No.21948287

>incredibly engaging plots
maybe for the first half which he's been storyboarding in his head for a month. later when he's really writing off the cuff it's trash.

>> No.21948421

Probably very high spatio-visualizationa and living-in the story and characters themselves. With the genre fiction form you have distinct channels to guide the creative juices and play with tropes.

>> No.21948482

idk but he wrote a book about his writing method so something tells me he might say how there

>> No.21948491

if it's boring to write will be boring to read

>> No.21948498

>everything I don't like is genre fiction

>> No.21948503

not him but you’re a special breed of dumbfuck if that’s what you inferred from it

>> No.21948516

that's how it works. storytelling is an intuitive skill and it involves pulling things out of your ass. you just need to be good at it, nobody can explain it because they're not sure themselves how they do it. even tolkien was making shit up as he went along and conceptualized it as events "being revealed to him." the whole "follow my 97 rules of story construction and you too can craft the next harry potter" thing is just a self-help scam.

>> No.21948522


>> No.21948624

I couldn’t agree more.

>> No.21948782

Hes a massive faggot and I assume anyone who spends their time reading his books is also faggot. Only a narcissist writes thousands and thousands of pages of fiction.

>> No.21949122

I can tell you're a Trumpanzee

>> No.21949205

He knows how to properly edit his work. That’s the very boring secret.

>> No.21949318

Read Misery and look at what Paul’s writing process is like. I assume that’s what King does.

>> No.21949555

>And don't say cocaine
The man himself has fully admitted that drugs and booze fueled a lot of his early career, to the point where he has no memory whatsoever of writing Cujo because he did it during a massive bender. He's even called The Tommyknockers his subconscious crying out for help.

Otherwise, he wrote a whole book about his writing process and you'll learn a lot about how King writes a story by reading that book. But I suspect his real secret is that the man is a writing machine -- according to him, every single day, no matter what, he locks himself in his office and writes SOMETHING for about six hours, then spends a lot of time editing his drafts.

>> No.21949573 [DELETED] 
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>I can tell you're a Trumpanzee

>> No.21950796

He's the same: incredibly engaging with a shit ending

>> No.21950801

>How does he do it? And don't say cocaine.
Literally cocaine. All his best books come from the cocaine era.

>> No.21950811

Guys like him always have one thing in common and that's that they started real young and just stuck with it. Writing for him is second nature, a compulsion, something he will never really need to force himself to do. Imagine the one thing in the world that you just love to do and would do every day if you could. For him that's writing.

>> No.21951510
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Stephen Kingford looks like a gorilla with Down syndromeford. Popular today, thus a prime candidate for history's rubbish bin.

>> No.21951522

>incredibly engaging plots
>dude nuke lmao
>and then the kids fucked in a sewer
>the cars are alive and taking over the planet
Lol. Lmao, even. Roflmao, you could even say.
King's writing is fine when he's dealing with big obvious traumas and fears, but those stories write themselves once you get the initial setup.

>> No.21951615

>for a book
Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.21951628

I think OP meant outlining kek