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/lit/ - Literature

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21945060 No.21945060 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you read in a year?

>> No.21945066

One or two

>> No.21945067

If you read more than two books a week you are retaining nothing. It just becomes junk food for your brain at that point.
I read <50.

>> No.21945080

t. retard
I don't count them, but it must be in the billions.

>> No.21945081

a dozen. average page length is around 500. i read an hour a day. i don't get people that can read a book per week

>> No.21945085

70 to 100 but there are picture books among them.

>> No.21945086

Probably six or seven thousand

>> No.21945089

>i don't get people that can read a book per week
At my old security gig I could (and sometimes did) read around 14 hours a day, with some short distractions once an hour.

>> No.21945122

Didn't ask.

>> No.21945159

these threads always remind me just how subpar, subnormal, inferior, crippled and retarded average 4chan shitposter is
barely literate school children read 30 pages an hour
short stories (~200 pages) are supposed to be read in one sitting

meanwhile average crippled 4chan retard with mental aids can only discuss baby's first novel (10% of the threads) while remaining 90% of the board is bait/seethe/pol/x/adv/r9k/incel/coom unmoderated worthless garbage

basically all you retards and faggots who dont even read need to be banned

>> No.21945204

Like 2 or 3. Last year i read Infinite Jest, Against the Day and The Recognitions.

>> No.21945212

~50 pages
Short story
Also, check your reddit spacing.

>> No.21945362

> these threads always remind me just how subpar, subnormal, inferior, crippled and retarded average 4chan shitposter is
So true!
> barely literate school children read 30 pages an hour
At a 9th grade level. 30 pages an hour is absolutely ridiculous for even grade 9 lit too IMO
> short stories (~200 pages) are supposed to be read in one sitting
Either superb bait or actually retarded

>> No.21945378

I’m self employed and work like 20 hours a week and have no social life I’ll read like 12 hours some days

>> No.21945400

Your emotions run dry and that makes it more difficult to retain information, still very possible with discipline but won't be enjoyable probably (unless the person is a reddit consoomer goodreads statmaxxer)

>> No.21945405

It's pasta. It's retarded. It's overcompensation.

>> No.21945670

Around 70.

>> No.21945674
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Try going to /tv/ where they will explain to you watching more than 1-2 movies a week is just too much.

>> No.21945675

I've read about 4-5 books this year. Granted they were pretty sure - only about 150-300 pages each and one that was only 89 pages- but I actually haven't gotten through this many books before in a years, so I'm pretty proud of myself.

>> No.21945677

Watching a movie per month is a bit too much.

>> No.21945682

I don't read that much, maybe 10 books each year, but I've been doing it consistently my whole life. I'm trying to cut off Internet time to make more time for reading and so far it's not going bad (I read 5 books in the last month alone).

>> No.21945698

>People who run more than 10 miles a week aren't getting fitter.

>> No.21945701

What's the odds he uses one of those summary services and calls it reading?

>> No.21945709

It's a bait thumbnail, he said he only read 72 books.

>> No.21945711

about 45

>> No.21945714

Reading literature is to seek the sublime and explore something of the human condition. The best way that's achieved is by spending quality time with the material. Speed-reading, reading hundreds of books in a year, that is for brainlets who have been ruined by video games and TV; they think they're "leveling up" based on how much they consume. It's pathetic.

>> No.21945716

t. reads at 1 grade level

>> No.21945766

It unironically is; it's like smoking a cigarette. It's fine to smoke one every once in a while, but everyday would harm your health and kill you.
Movies are the equivalent of junk food.

>> No.21945768

Running destroys your body in the long term
T. Runner

>> No.21945774

I only finish books I like so in a year I'll read 12 but only finish like 4 maybe.

>> No.21945775

>food reference

>> No.21945777


>> No.21945783

one more than the highest total claimed anywhere on the internet at any given time save for the total claimed in my posts

>> No.21945799

true. I had that problem early one because I though reading a million books in a year would make me seem smart, so I would try to skim through them and wouldn't retain any of the information from the book itself. There are people that just so happen to be much faster readers than others, but I think actually enjoying the book is more important that just getting through it.

>> No.21945829

30-40? I think? Some books I can read in one weekend, others take two weeks.

>> No.21945843

NTA, Shut up.

>> No.21945845

You mentioned movies in a thread about books.

>> No.21945920

Because it was related to the topic. Both are hobby-related boards where the majority of the posters don't engage with the hobby beyond a very very very casual level.

>> No.21945936

so he's commiting fraud but it's okay because he's already a millionaire so can get away with it

>> No.21945939

Yeah, we should call the YouTube police.

>> No.21945944

keep defending the rich criminals my man, dont forget to pay your taxes

>> No.21946011

It isn't.

>> No.21946019

Zero so far, but I've watched a lot of porn.

>> No.21946024
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I read a few. Among them are
being and time
How to read heidegger
Hegel's Philosophy of right and reader's guide
Phenomenology of spirit
Structure of scientific revolution
A bunch of essays on heidegger
Hegel lectures on the history of philosophy volume 1
Queer phenomenology
Rorty philosophy as poetry
Buddhist philosophy essential readings

I'm mentally retarded so I can't read like 50 books a year, sadly. I feel ashamed and uneducated. I also read a few plays but I don't remember which ones last year.

>> No.21946035

We need a goodreads, but for porn.

>You have fapped 145 times out of 500.
>65 faps behind schedule
>There's still 252 days left, you can do it!

>> No.21946039

150 with decent retention is achievable natty with snuff and tts

>> No.21946043

Forgot slaughterhouse 5 and ubu roi

>> No.21946145

This year.... one book and one play. Last year around this time I had read like 7

>> No.21946148

>Anyone who does something in a way that isn't exactly like me means they are doing it wrong because I say so

>> No.21946161

Most of the books I read are non fiction and 500+ pages so probably like 10 a year. Right now I’m reading St John of the Cross’s collected works which is about 800 pages but it’s like 4 books and some poems so idk if I would count that as one book or many since it’s all contained in one binding

>> No.21946170

I literally don't keep track.

I also don't keep track of what I watch or how many games I beat.

I ain't in grade school where I get a reward pizza for keeping track of what books I read or some shit. I just read recreationally and enjoy the ride.
If it's 10 books or 100 books, as long as I am satisfied in how I spend my limited time on this planet then I am happy.

>> No.21946465

Depends on what I read. If I read Chinese Light Novels, I can read 100 000 vhspters a year...well, thats a low estimste... Classics, though....slow....I guess my mind craves fast satisfaction do book where its dlow or where it never happends just ughh... Started reafing "My life as the Emperor"....seems opposite from what I wanted...I doubt I will even finish it....I just cant bare these no reward stories...and yes, I read as a passtime. I am in STEM. I can perfectly fine go trough life without reading fiction at all... I started reading because it was fun....yet most of these classics arent fun....but that's sll I can buy ehere I live.... no light novels anywhere. I want eucia, cianxia or, ghe best, good old chinese drams where mc is a Cinderella who gights back....I can't rake anything sad anymore... I can watch the news if I want tragedy...