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21944914 No.21944914 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Jewish mother but she converted to Christianity to marry my father so I’m not a Jew
>have manuscript that is good but can’t find a publisher
>could convert fairly easily, have Jewish grandparents who are active in the community
Is Jewish control of publishing just a meme or would this improve my odds?

>> No.21944938

That's not how it works. You have to be in the club. Not every Jew is well-connected, there are lots of Jewish nobodies.

>> No.21944956

The true jews became Christian.

>> No.21944984

itis exactly how it works. do it OP. Doesnr mean you wont have setbacks or a long road ahead however it means in the big picture you will land above goyim. It is coded in.

>> No.21944989

It's not worth the circumcision

>> No.21944991

>itis exactly how it works
>t. clearly doesn't know the industry

>> No.21944992

I’m an American I’ve already been cut.

>> No.21945003

it's a meme and they only want afro-latinks ftmtftnbtmtf free verse second person war refugee memoirs. it's run by the type of schizo crank that thinks even swarthed up sephardis are white by virtue of israel existing. if you look jewish or have a jewish sounding name you'll recieve the obliged special treatment anyway no one apart from israeli immigration cares enough to check. unless you feel strongly compelled by the religion for some reason formal conversion is kind of pointless

>> No.21945005

LOL every agent manager and publisher is jewish to a ridiculous degree.

guys im jewish too will it help me?

hmm I wonder

>> No.21945006
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>Jewish mother but she converted to Christianity to marry my father so I’m not a Jew

>> No.21945008
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>Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

>> No.21945010
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Use it wisely.

>> No.21945011

>mother converted to Roman Catholicism to marry my father
>went to catholic school for K-12 and to a Jesuit university
I’m not Jewish bro

>> No.21945013

no idea but you should do it just for the experience. even if it doesn't work, that's something to write about your comedic life.
his mother is jewish, he's in the club.
t. i have a jewish mother

>> No.21945017

did you get a birthright offer? if you have jewish grandparents you can easily get a free vacation to a warzone. I hear the hummus is delicious.

>> No.21945276

Can confirm. Knew a Sephardic guy that drove for a living.

>> No.21945288

Don't convert, just tell them your mother is Jewish.

>> No.21945293

lmao, the absolute state of burgerplanet

>> No.21945313

>Jewish mother but she converted
If she was born to a Jewish mother, then so were you. Congratulations, you're Jewish. I don't know about publishing, but you should definitely find an Orthodox Rabbi to ask about your heritage.

>> No.21945327

>If she was born to a Jewish mother, then so were you. Congratulations, you're Jewish.
That only works in Judaism. It is not a fact of life.

>> No.21945335

im proudly jewish and i say only seriously consider taking the jewish faith onboard if the identity is personally significant to you

>> No.21945341

>even if it doesn't work
> he's in the club.
so it doesn't matter being in the club because there's a chance it won't work

>> No.21945357

>he doesn't know

>> No.21945358

Uh pretty sure you're eternally trapped as a Jew my friend
Very soon you will get your Jewish space laser passes as well as your invitation to secret human sacrifice festivals
Though they will make you swear an oath of silence, please come back and report to us all that you have seen

>> No.21945371


>> No.21945402

Don’t convert. Invert. Your penis, I mean.

>> No.21945404

He's already mutilated. Why not go all the way? He should complete the mutilation and cut off his cock entirely.

>> No.21945470


>> No.21945484

>mfw tranny shit is just terminal stage Americanism

>> No.21945494

Judaism doesn't recognize conversion of Jews to other religions. If your mother is Jewish and "converted" to Christianity, she is still a Jew in the eyes of the Rabbis and therefore you are considered a Jew as you were born to a Jewish mother.
Judaism isn't a world religion like Christianity, it's a tribe in the truest sense.
A Cherokee can never "convert" and become Saxon, he is forever a Cherokee regardless of what he holds himself to be.

>> No.21945512

Jews and Americans are half trannies already.

>> No.21945541

Ashkenazis hate Sephardics and the other way around. Actually, the former are actively trying to ethnically cleanse the latter, while the latter regard the former as racist POS. If you have an elitist Jew, he's very likely to be an Ashkenazi, Sephardics are like a lower caste of Jews.

>> No.21945550
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American moment

>> No.21945587

>Actually, the former are actively trying to ethnically cleanse the latter
how are they doing that?

>> No.21945650

Unless you're serious about practicing Judaism, no, I don't recommend converting. Judaism takes conversion extremely seriously and will put you through a lot of classes and study if you wish to convert, essentially playing catchup for missing out on learning it while growing up. Also, you have to convince a beit din, a court of at least three people who know a hell of a lot more about Judaism than you probably ever will, that you're 100% sincere about converting. If you're doing it just because you think it'll help you get published, you're not moving forward.
HOWEVER, since your mother was born to Jews from a long line of Jews, she is considered, by all but reform groups, still a Jew no matter what. And since you are her child, this also makes you a Jew by birth. But you should ask a Rabbi just to be sure.

>> No.21945713
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Americans are slaves of the Jews.
That is why they bare the mark of their slavery

>> No.21945718

>Sephardics are like a lower caste of Jews.
Only in an ashkeNAZI's mind.

>> No.21945719
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>> No.21945723

>African American Jews
lmao i spilled my coffee

>> No.21945735
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problem, goy cracka?

>> No.21945744
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>> No.21945755

lol gross!

>> No.21945776

>a male convert must undergo circumcision - if they are already circumcised, a single drop of blood is drawn as a symbolic circumcision.

You have to prick your penis with a sharp instrument in front of a mohel

>> No.21946160

>Ashkenazis hate Sephardis and the other way around
No we don't. I grew up around plenty of Sephardim. There's some occasional ribbing about our different foods and customs, but we're chill.
>Elitist Jew
Many of the "elite" Jews have historically been Sephardi. In fact, on average, Ashkenazi American Jews are pretty middle class, but go to Sephardi and Mizrachi areas - they live like kings.
>Lower caste
Completely false.

>> No.21946166

you're objectively jewish. it's not something you can opt out of

>> No.21946169
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>Jewish mother
>I'm not a jew
most jewish thing I've read all day

>> No.21946178

He is talking about the ones in Jewish slave ships.

>> No.21946189

The germanic nobles who conquered Western Rome let da j00z have slaves? Bizarre

>> No.21946202

what chance is there that it wouldn't work? my mom is an atheist now and my dad is a catholic from italy but II'm still considered jewish by jewish rules. 99.9% of the time, if your mom was born jewish, then you are jewish. even if your mom was a shiksa and then converted, you can still probably get it from your dad if he's a jew.

>> No.21946236

>Jewish mother but she converted to Christianity to marry my father so I’m not a Jew

This is your in. Time to write semi-autobiographical novel of navel gazing ethno-confusion and identity seeking #485485453409. Doesn't matter if you don't want to, this your foot in the door so take it. Get your other shit published once you have some clout from following my advice.

>> No.21946448

I'm talking about the situation in Israel, perhaps things are different in the US.

>> No.21947057

but do you actually believe in any of the stuff you would have to LARP?
that's the simple, basic question. you'll probably be happier not having to pander to people you care nothing for. unless you're afraid you'll die alone and in poverty if you don't sell your soul, in which case maybe it'll be worth the price.

>> No.21947806

I explained my situation to Reddit and they are unanimous I’m not a Jew unless I convert.

>> No.21947843

Aren’t you still Jewish though technically?

>> No.21948086

I would say no because I'm an antisemite and the thought of, if I had Jewish blood, working with them, still rubs me the wrong way. I like to think I'd still oppose them, I've known mischlings like that. But maybe being in the club is worth taking advantage of for you. Just down to how you feel about them and how you feel about Gentiles, I guess.

By Israeli immigration rules yes, by Nuremberg rules no unless he takes up the offer. Not sure about the Jewish religious perspective but they'll probably be willing to let him convert since he's racially suitable.

>> No.21948095

I would think about returning if it waant for the whole foreskin thing

>> No.21948111

OP if your mom is Jewish that means you are as well. It doesn't matter if she converted to another religion, it's completely irrelevant. Jews are a people.

Your mother is a Jew. Judaism passes down from the mother. That means you are a Jew. That's it.

>> No.21948142

>Jewish mother
there's nothing to convert to because you're already a jew

>> No.21948164

The emphasis on the mother is irrelevant for the purposes of Gentiles. The son of a Jewish father is as much a mischling as of a Jewish mother. Frankly, it's increasingly irrelevant for Jews. If OP doesn't involve himself with the Jewish community ("convert") then he's a mischling and not a Jew in the strict sense. The Nuremberg laws took the correct racial approach and didn't bother with halakhic shit.

>> No.21948231

What do gentiles have to do with this? OP was not born a gentile. If you want to start a very, very interesting topic on Jewish deconversion, I'd encourage you to it because it's so highly conflicted and controversial in Jewish communities right now with how much criticism is coming from Jewish zoomers.

>> No.21949806

reddit is overrun by troons and any honest posts are instabanned. judaism is a genetic affliction and you are a jew by any measure.

>> No.21949941

Objectively judaism is a religion. There are factually jews of all races. It's only subjectively that jews are a race, for people believing in judaism, that jewishness is inherited by the the mother's blood.

>> No.21949942
