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/lit/ - Literature

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21941718 No.21941718 [Reply] [Original]

>me and the haters after my short story got accepted
We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.21941720

Gay little elves are running through the forest, and they're chanting, "Heil Anon! Heil our victory!" as a large Ent walks through giving the Roman salute.

>> No.21941791

What sites are there to submit to these days?

>> No.21941807

Depends. Big names in Sci Fi and Fantasy are Clarkesworld, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Asimov's, etc.

>> No.21941821

What did you get accepted to? And if you don't want to be too specific, just name a few places with one being the one you were accepted to.

And if you don't want to do that, what are some smaller names than the ones you just listed?

>> No.21941910

I've been accepted by small literary magazines which you can find via Duotrope or Submittable. Others include those published by Hippocampus Press. It's up to you what you want to write, so you need to find stuff that aligns with your aesthetics.

>> No.21941915

Were you paid?

>> No.21941919

No. Only the top magazines pay and I'm not good enough to be a professional writer. I've sent to paying markets and they seem to nitpick enough that I'd never get in. If you want to make money writing, be prepared to be miserable and dread the process. You can really only get paid through Patreon by getting a following on Royal Road, but that's still small pay for how much you work.

>> No.21941931

Same, I've gotten stories in smaller websites and magazines, but never paid. Can't really market, though as banned from facebook, twitter, reddit, and discord.

>> No.21942003

Can you really say that you got accepted if they won't allow you to publish a story where racism is viewed positively?

>> No.21942009

That's all of my stories and they were accepted.

>> No.21942246

My story is about a private military contractor caught up in all the stupidity, incompetence, corruption and immorality you get when dealing with third worldies. Sort of Graham Greene crossed with Empire of Dust, I suspect it would actually pass a sniff test on /pol/ if any of them could be induced to read

>> No.21942260

One of the genreslop places rather than the more prestigious New Yorker type things. I ain't got no MFA or contacts to get in somewhere like that.
Still counts. Though obviously in my mind I'm more in the Hemmingway/McCarthy/Greene type of genre writing

>> No.21942865

Basado. Should've linked Tomhet instead though if you are going to depict a scene with gay little elves (Tomhet means an nordic elf)

>> No.21942872

Imagine willfully writing genreslop kek

>> No.21943736

What do you write?

>> No.21943773

Basado desu and I'm one of those third worlders.

>> No.21943802

idc if your story is racist. Skin color is something so small to argue about.

Even if your story is racist, I congrajulate you for at least getting a foot into the writing industy. I hope your endeavours take you further dude.

Where have you been submitting your work and how may I start trying to get my work published?

Kinda like how japanese light novel writers submit their work.

>> No.21943828

sick photo nan keep it up

>> No.21943835

What's the title?

>> No.21944586

He doesn't write at all. That's why he's on 4chan sneering at "genreslop".
No "literary" magazines, which pay, publish anything except agitprop from trannies and beaners, so he's forced into this little domicile on a blue board.

>> No.21944594

Now this is cope posting. I have a story published in AGNI

>> No.21944596

>Imagine becoming a sellout

>> No.21944601

>Sending through our online portal costs $3 per submission.
>$20 per page of prose
That's not even on the level of the smaller sci fi/fantasy magazines, and they don't charge submission fees. So, you're basically just publishing in semi-pro or lower markets. Clarkesworld is 12 c per word, as a comparison.

>> No.21944602

AGNI does not accept genreslop.

>> No.21944606
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Yeah, they accept trannies and beaners. I'm glad you're being snobby about a woke publication from a college.

>> No.21944615

Most literary fiction magazines are based out of Universities, anon. If you read anything outside genreslop, you would know that

>> No.21944621

No they're not. You need to read independent magazines and indie lit publishers. But you're obviously some baby who hasn't held a job, and only studied, so you think the world is a college. Enjoy your tranny studies, though.

>> No.21944624

> No they're not
Topkek based Retard

>> No.21944633

Here is a list of magazines, many of which aren't based at a college. You could at least try to venture outside your safe space microcosm.

>> No.21944640

Second one on the list, agenda, is based out of a Uni kek

>> No.21944643

>many of which aren't based at a college.
Not very good reading comprehension there. Post your story. I'm sure it's about transitioning and dilating your gaping axe wound.

>> No.21944648

Love how angry genreslop writers get when confronted with their mediocrity

>> No.21944654

I didn't say I was more than mediocre, as evidenced by my replies ITT. I just think your unwarranted snobbery needs to be revolted against, and all your tranny-enabling professors put on pikes. Heil Hitler.

>> No.21944656

Genreslop will never be published on this list https://thejohnfox.com/2021/08/ranking-of-the-100-best-literary-magazines/

>> No.21944664

It forgot the Israel Times and the Jewish Quarterly.

>> No.21944670

I will concede only if you post a photo of your chin with a timestamp

>> No.21944679
File: 3.78 MB, 2494x1514, timestamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't even post your story. Ashamed of being here?

>> No.21944690

I’m not sure I’m gonna make it, man.

>> No.21945395

We're all going to make it, brother.

>> No.21945912

>implying I said 'some'
I said 'all', which means you. I've only studied literature at high school level, you are probably much smarter and better qualified than me