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/lit/ - Literature

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21940993 No.21940993 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw no lit bf

>> No.21940999
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I'll be your king

>> No.21941003

OP here I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.21941009


>> No.21941013

I wish I had a partner to create a library together
We could buy expensive hardback editions but it'd be ok because we'd both read them and therefore they'd cost half the price
Maybe a break up would make this a problem

>> No.21941015

Why do women always look for attention in men dominated places? Like, why? What do you have to offer?

>> No.21941019

I am not looking for attention, I am looking for a lit bf.

That is so cute

>> No.21941021

I am an MtF and sometimes I pretend to do it so that I could imagine that I'm a desirable person
In the context of say, literature, it allows me to pretend that there's something specific about me that someone somewhere finds attractive or interesting

>> No.21941025

It's 4chan, we are mostly anonymous. Bad idea for a boyfriend material? Safe to say?

>> No.21941026

are you an actual woman ?

>> No.21941030

I say this as a lit bf, most lit guys are not actually good bf material. Just date a nice himbo and go to a book club, all the nerds there will probably idolize you anyway.

>> No.21941034

Oh... Ok. That's so weird.

>> No.21941038

It doesn’t matter so much for me. Safety means nothing.


There’s no way I’m going to a book club. I don’t even go out if It’s not necessary.

>> No.21941040

Nothing, I'm just hoping to find a guy who will love me for who I am :(

>> No.21941064

Can you afford therapy? Go to your local psychoanalytic institute.

>> No.21941069

>Safety means nothing.
Safety means everything.

>> No.21941073
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Well well well.

>> No.21941147

You don’t want to have a family, therefore you are an unaware jewslave and thus in need of SEVERE GENOCIDE. There is nothing more useless or wasteful than an educated white women. I hope you get raped to death by a pack of retarded nigger-donkeys

>> No.21941182

Don't say that to her, it'll make her think she's desirable than anyone else.

>> No.21941209

Why are you complaining to a board of lesbians and gay men?

>> No.21941214

Not sure about bf but I could always use someone to help review my writing.

>> No.21941336

We are not gay men. We are fascists.

>> No.21941342

Clearly this is bait.
>OP is a man
That’s a clear one.
>OP is really a woman here claiming “I want a lit bf”
Huge red flag. Anyone publicly stating something along the lines “I am” or “I want” is being insincere. Not necessarily with the listener, mind you, but with themselves.
In this case, whore OP is convincing herself that she wants a lit bf when in reality she just wants to get dicked. Nothing wrong with that. She’s a whore.
My objection is purely with associating a lit bf with goodness based purely off her desire to be dicked.
>to;dr OP is still a faggot and quite possibly a whore

>> No.21941347

>>OP is a man
>That’s a clear one.
>She’s a whore.

>> No.21941368

I really don't like either but whatever. The best /lit/ posters are people with idiosyncratic beliefs based on personal experience.

>> No.21941401

Uh, yeah, that explains the naked oil wrestling as totally not gay, Mr Lawrence.

>> No.21941405

They don't use oil. It would get on the carpet.

>> No.21941407

Literally me (I'm 6'10 and ripped bb)

>> No.21941648
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>skin color
>cock size
first and then we can talk

>> No.21941681
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send discord

>> No.21941702

Literally the same thing.

>> No.21941711

You around Portland?

>> No.21941842




>> No.21941843

I’m in europe

>> No.21941858

I'm /lit/, fairly built, and ready to meet but only if you have a dick, so are you a chick with one or not? I call shotgun for the bottom position

>> No.21941864

Let’s split the difference and say we’re Mishima fans

>> No.21941917

Too bad, I would offer to fly you out but you're overweight, so for that reason, I'm out. If you are going to be a lit girl you need to be heroin chic.

>> No.21941921

>Safety means nothing.
you are not gf material

>> No.21941923

I’m 54 kg, almost underweight

>> No.21941943

Apologies, that's perfect. I thought you were 170lbs. Ok, I'll fly you to Portland and we can get drinks and go to Powell's and get married.

>> No.21941945

Breasts OP, show the Breasts.

>> No.21941966

why does it matter if he's lit? you don't need a lit one to make them shut up or go away during reading time.

>> No.21941973

Also me, but I'm actually 6'3 Despite training still a bit chubby, but I can benchpress 240 lbs.

>> No.21942000
File: 105 KB, 720x778, lit btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on earth would anyone want a partner from this shithole, go back to your containment image board >>>crystal dot cafe

>> No.21942004


>> No.21942017
File: 422 KB, 3024x4032, 97BEE0B9-C98B-4833-984B-A8794E9ED1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a picture of me.

>> No.21942021
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>> No.21942120
