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/lit/ - Literature

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21938245 No.21938245 [Reply] [Original]

Russia is known for literary classics
Germany is known for modern philosophy
France is known for smut and pomo shit
what about USA?

>> No.21938251

This is a retarded and reductive view.

>> No.21938254

I agree with the first anon but to answer your question. Hamburger prose.

>> No.21938259

>the transcendental poets
>hemingway, stein, wolfe,
>a couple of autistic 1000 page books from the 80s that only /lit/ reads
>a lot of things written by black people or about black people that the jews make us read in school
I think thats about it, plus some minor figures like philip roth, raymond carver, zane grey that kind of thing

>> No.21938260

>hamburger prose

>> No.21938262

no one gives a shit about him

>> No.21938264

thomas wolfe or gene wolfe?

>> No.21938269

Freedom and decay.

>> No.21938271

Hemingway is like an expensive hamburger. Still a hamburger but just a bit better for you.

>> No.21938276

Look Homeward, Angel is a very good novel, though

>> No.21938286

>what about USA?
It is known for giving us this godforsaken place where we shitpost about the other three.

>> No.21938302

Faulkner and Poe are the USA's two most important literary exports

>> No.21938335

MFA family drama novels

>> No.21938347

unironically sci-fi, i like american sci-fi

>> No.21938350

Anything the french are known for outside fiction, the germans cover and build upon. Would anyone disagree with this sentiment?

>> No.21938351

Every country is known for something that's what makes cultures distinct faggot

>> No.21938354

Yeah that and Russian. No one else seems to have it down like they did.

>> No.21938359

Okay, twist my arm, I agree France has the best literature.

>> No.21938361

I heard a russoanon say that sci-fi was basically the only readable lit of the soviet era due to censors and policies.

>> No.21938364

What stuff is there besides Hugo and Dumas? Is it more of the same?

>> No.21938406

Faulkner has to be the most overrated author of all. It’s Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, and perhaps James.

>> No.21938408

Rustic gothic novels about puritans, fishermen, and western scalp hunters. You forgot Spain and Britain though.

>> No.21938426

Known for mcdonald's and interracial porn

>> No.21938440

All the surrealists and symbolists

>> No.21938446
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Pynchonsisters...our response?

>> No.21938447

Some specific names? I don't read paintings.

>> No.21938451

I intentionally neglected to provide specific names

>> No.21938456

Looking through wikipedia for these movements. Getting a whole lot of artsy fartsy I could just get from the Germans.

>> No.21938548

Isn't K.D. Walter American?

>> No.21938555

Id say probably press with the whole Hemingway influence on reporting. Add Hunter Thompsons influence on the content of reporting as well.

>> No.21938597

Pragmatism, Free Verse and a few great prose authors.

>> No.21938614

BNWO literature

>> No.21938695

Horror and Gothic stories. We invented Cosmic horror and basically the entire pulp genre.

>> No.21938763

I gave a lecture about American literature to Russians in Russia (the lecture was in English) and the were all fans of Twain, Poe, Hemingway and Philip K Dick. Before the lecture started several members of the audience actually asked me if I was going to talk about PKD, and that made me really surprised and happy because he's my favorite modern author, I expected that they had never heard about him, and he was the last author featured in my presentation.

>> No.21938792

Poe has mass appeal and is probably the best poet America has ever produced. But the gothicism of Poe is almost unrecognizable in modern America.

>> No.21938793

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.21938827

Also, I didn't mention Faulkner, Fitzgerald or Steinbeck and none of them gave a shit.

>> No.21938834

Capitalist cold war era literature is actually pretty good, before negrofication. Very methodical and easy to understand.

>> No.21938879

modern philosophy started with a french guy named rene descartes in case you didnt know
And the USA is know for their retarded interpretations of contemporary french philosophy. The USA is the actual smut and pomo shit mostly.
XX century french is known for further elaborating the culmination of german modern philosophy (Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche, Kant being obviously always present) going throught Heidegger and everything that was influenced by russian formalism. This is why their works are so hard to get throught at first without good secondary texts, but they are just a mirror of how chaotic and complex our historic situation. There are unironical genius thinkers there.
For some reason the anglo world just had a big hatred towards this which resulted on some of the germans and frenchs taking a deffensive edgy attitude too at the time but now (since the last 30 years or so?) both "teams" seem to be growing out of that childish phase.
But the USA just never got the french stuff right, they just turned it in some sort of general "let's just say whatever we want about anything!" pathos. My guess is that, for example, everyone must have been reading Anti-Oedipus and A Thousend Plateaus by D&G and thinking rhizome just means doing dumb and irrelevant free asociations, because no one must have been reading Deleuze's solo work before, just because it doesnt sound as "cool" and edgy.

>> No.21939209

>what about USA?
I drive

>> No.21939215

ah I thought you meant the meme writer

>> No.21939216

God no. He's awful.

>> No.21939227 [DELETED] 
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first time playing this region
did this area always have this name?

>> No.21939619

>France is known for smut and pomo shit
If you only know what Twitter retards tell you, sure. There's more to France than Foucault and Bataille.

>> No.21939741

The true American style was at some point considered to be Jazz. So I think the US is known for it's beatniks.

>> No.21939752
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as a greek, I found this kinographic. very visceral and true.

>> No.21939753

pynchon is a silver spoon sissy

>> No.21939757

That's because you're a retard who needs to read more than 20 books. Thank you for outing yourself as a fucking pseud, dimwit.

>> No.21939764

I forgot Thomas Wolfe even existed (as did most of the world). Relax, faggot.

>> No.21939773

>t. pleb
Sounds about right. Stick to genre schlock

>> No.21939774

As a non-American, when I think of American literature I think of three things first :

>the Melvilles and the Thoreaus of the tradition
>the intellectually and physically inbred jewish NYC new left types who can spend decades jerking each other off without ever getting bored with it
>those weird novels you see on amazon and goodreads that are written by latinos, negroes, self-hating whites, asian immigrants, etc. that are all about how much they hate living in america and nothing else

>> No.21939780

>Stick to genre schlock
I read literary works. Do you think 20th century burger literature is all that exists? Obnoxious nigger.

>> No.21939787
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uh....pynchon sempais...our response?

>> No.21939799

>gets called out for not even knowing Wolfe
>collapses into damage control
>I-i-i read literary works
Kek imagine not even knowing wolfe yet you consider yourself reading “literary works.” Pretty pathetic frankly

>> No.21939833

>not even knowing Wolfe
That never happened. I thought you meant the other amerinigger writer of the same name that your ilk memes here all the time. I knew what you were talking about the moment you mentioned Look Homeward, Angel.
>Kek imagine not even knowing wolfe yet you consider yourself reading “literary works.”
I do know him but Amerinigger literature is not all I read. Are you even aware that literary works exist outside your country? In any case, both Wolfes are not well-known outside the US. Most people into literature outside burgerland have never read either of them.

>> No.21939859

Well, Russians read all kinds of literature, it’s one of the most literate and well read nations on earth. Should be expected of them to know at least European and american literature.
I don’t understand why burgers are surprised by that

>> No.21939870

the western novel and film.

>> No.21939876

>Russia is known for literary classics
Russia's average iq is lower than America, let alone the actual smart cultures.

>> No.21939888

IQ literally doesn’t matter past 100.
>ooohhhh so you like uhhhhhh good at math and stuff if you’re above 100!!!! And uh…. The higher the better!!!

>> No.21939895

> I knew what you were talking about the moment you mentioned Look Homeward, Angel
Hahahah nice cope, retard

>> No.21939904

Russia doesn't hit 100 thoughever

>> No.21940034

at about 100 people are still incapable of being thinking about more than shallow conceptst

>> No.21940180

Marvel movies, Rights without responsibilities, and warehouse stores with SUV-sized shopping carts where you ring up your groceries yourself and they don't let you leave until you allow them to inspect your cart and ensure you are not stealing.

In b4 "stay mad, Europoor"; I'm Floridian

>> No.21940239

Cope for what? Can you even understand subtext? See: >>21939215

>> No.21940513

I let this slip my mind, yeah, America has soul after all.

>> No.21940591

transcendentalism and pragmatism

>> No.21940646
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First day here?

>> No.21940770

known for ingesting as many jews as it could get from Europe

>> No.21940775

not him, but Pascal and Descartes are pretty good

>> No.21940779

USA is the first country that comes to mind when I think about pomo

>> No.21940816
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>> No.21940901


>> No.21940931

That average iq list is proven to be fake

>> No.21941056

honestly pretty true. A lot of americans derided soviet scifi since they thought it would be super pro-USSR but that couldn't have been further from the truth. Currently reading Hard to be a God, good stuff so far. The Strugatsky Bros were genuinely some of the best scifi writers of the 20th century.