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/lit/ - Literature

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21937498 No.21937498 [Reply] [Original]

>I don’t read books bc I have adhd
>*spends hours on end scrolling through 7 second videos of people screaming with sped up music*
Are these niggas serious?

>> No.21937512

I think that a lot of young people are simply incapable of committing themselves to a task which does not have either 1. immediate sensory or emotional gratification, or 2. cannot be incorporated into their self-image in some way. Reading literature will not do either of these things unless you sit in public spaces and pretend to read or post videos of yourself reading for a trend, neither of which necessarily implicate actually finishing a book.

>> No.21938485

i didn't read your post but im drinking tea right now, and its really, really good. do zoomers drink tea these days?

>> No.21938539

it's called fried dopamine receptors, and an addiction to instant gratification. Reading books to some degree does require some level of self discipline, as reading itself is a more conscious process - you can blankly stare at a paragraph but not really read and comprehend the words you see. 7 second videos require no work for the dopamine you receive and therefore is addictive to so many. Video slot machine.

>> No.21938815

I never bought the whole fried dopamine thing, is there any evidence to support this or do people just make this up

>> No.21938825
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One of those things doesn't require sustained effort.

>> No.21938860

Seems like very basic psychology that you can experience first hand.

>> No.21938912

even if it is all bullshit, why would you want a secondhand account of your own psychology? Don't you understand the nature of private experience?

>> No.21938915

M8, their social media algorithms were designed for that intended purpose…

>> No.21938919

“Fried dopamine” might be a misnomer, but there are studies about increasing lack of attention span.

>> No.21938922

I have ADHD and I've never used it as an excuse for not doing something, you just have to do things differently to give yourself enough stimulation. I read out loud and pace, take short breaks to ramble my thoughts, and resume.

>> No.21939629

>7 second videos of people screaming with sped up music

>> No.21939665

>writes a paragraph
>inserts arbitrarily line breaks
>look a poem

>> No.21939671
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>no source when called out

>> No.21939676

>too retarded to know a basic principle that has been beaten to death in discussions since 2015
Nice selfie, bud

>> No.21939684

>>um source?!

>> No.21939692

it is called vine
im hearing that it is a new app that is popular in the balkans

>> No.21939694

>its true because my other 4chan friends say so!

>> No.21939698

>it's true because my favourite twitch streamer said so!

>> No.21939701

>um just trust me bro

>> No.21939706
File: 3.26 MB, 480x270, 05E6AF9E-4C9D-494E-88F3-8B912887348B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have extreme ADHD but I still read. I’m not good at it, I’m a slow and distracted reader but I still do it because I love it. And I’m getting better at it. I believe in you fellow ADHD bros, I have tons of tips on how to read more with ADHD (no meds needed)

>> No.21939722

It sounds like twitch has fried your brain.

>> No.21939724

Please give me a tip, wholesome adhd bro

>> No.21939733

>tfw z/y line grew up without a phone, watching the mental annihilation of zoomers and thinking about the impacts on my future career path when all my competition are retarding themselves into drooling scroll-addicts

my time has come and so have i.

>> No.21939737

You used the meme wrong, they're actually the ones asking for a source.

I don't know the exact science behind it, just like I don't know the exact science behind how I get a rumbling tummy when I'm hungry. It's just common sense at this point.

>> No.21939771

u misread bud.

>> No.21939852

>gets replaced by ai

>> No.21939972
File: 595 KB, 614x545, dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...when you have a remote control, see when that happens, you got to a different channel
>and if you don't like that channel you go to a different channel
>...and so instead of watching I'm scanning anxiously back and forth for this thing that I think I want that I don't even know what it is

>you don't have to get up now, to change it...
>when it became easy, you just had to move your thumb and change it
>that's when we were screwed

>> No.21940946

Tea chad reporting in

>> No.21941300

I'm more into coffee but I appreciate a nice milky tea on a rainy day, and sweet tea when it's hot out.

>> No.21941398

Yeah it's insanely easy to look competent at work to oldheads tbqh. Just don't look at your phone and try to learn skills.

>> No.21941680

Are you black?

>> No.21941853

Probably a nerdy white kid that listens to rap and wears “streetwear”

>> No.21941980

Sounds like a skill issue lmao
As a NEETmaxxer who's been spending about 16 hours a day reading shit online for the last ten years, I have stronger deliberative and memory skills than ever