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21936427 No.21936427 [Reply] [Original]

600 pages of literal gibberish

>> No.21936437

ok cool
nice thread btway

>> No.21936450

It's actually an incredibly complicated secret code that unlocks an anime tradwife as a reward at the end, but only five or six people have figured it out.

>> No.21936451

Watch your fucking tone

>> No.21936456

>anime tradwife
dry water

>> No.21936474

>i got filtered

>> No.21936505

The only point of this book is to make fun of pseuds like you who pretend to understand it. He’s mocking you and all the academics who parse through it like it’s the rosseta stone

>> No.21936510

>The Gracehoper was always jigging ajog, hoppy on akkant of his joyicity
It's literally child-level wordplay, just figure out the portmanteaus

>> No.21936525

if that was the case that would be even better, because that would mean he spend 17 years writing a shitpost

>> No.21936531

Those are the best shitposts. The ones that took effort.

>> No.21936549

You’re not well-read enough to understand it and need to go back.

>> No.21936560

The Wake takes no prisoners (retards)

>> No.21936575

Yeah dude joyce sucks ass I gave up on ulysses after like 40 pages im not gonna be conned into reading some abstract modernist garbage cause its supposed to be brilliant or whatever. If I want a challenge I’ll read Pynchon, yano someone whose actually good.

>> No.21936583

I will say though Anthony Burgess loves this book and he is a respectable writer and also he’s pretty based. So there’s that. But I think not being british makes it all the more nonsensical

>> No.21936652

This is such a lazy opinion and I hate that it’s somewhat respectable to have this opinion in popular discussion of literature. It’s not complete gibberish because Wake scholars have long been able to talk about the book in relatively similar terms: it would be remiss for any long critical study to mention HCE and ALP, for example, even if it did not necessarily agree with the contention that the book has characters.
This is equally lazy and nonsensical. Joyce spent 17 years of his life on this, 17 years of thought and effort, often, he claims, barely being able to think about brushing his teeth due to how focused he was on it, and this was intense effort from someone who had established himself as the pre-eminent novelist of the modernists. If Joyce had wanted only to pull a massive practical joke he could have very easily spared himself the pain. Yes, satire of obsessive scholarship is part of it (especially in chapter 1.5 about the letter, for example) but it is not the book’s only purpose. The book is much larger than that.
People need to deal with the Wake seriously, which means not trivialising its importance, over-simplifying and generalising, which has been the reaction of a lot of people at first which keeps them from actually engaging with it. We are still learning to be Joyce’s contemporaries, as Ellmann said. The more people who are able to start to come to terms with what the Wake really is the better.

>> No.21936657

Arno Schmidt claims Finnegans Wake consists of endless ranting about Joyce's brother Stanislaus. The wordplays are there to hide the true meaning in plain sight.

>> No.21936662

How do you even approach reading this? Like do you just read sections over and over trying to make sense of them?

>> No.21936663

Drinking while reading helps. Also reading it aloud

>> No.21936732

Maybe no one on lit understand it, but pick up Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake and you’ll see at least some people do

>> No.21936735

What a fucking brainless take.

>> No.21936746

*braps in your post*